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We present a detailed study of the distribution of key deuterated species (viz., atomic D and HD) and the associated deuterium Lyman-α airglow in the jovian thermosphere. The reactions that appear to govern the abundances of these deuterated species are used in conjunction with C2-chemistry in a 1-D photochemical-diffusion model. While the D abundance is mainly sensitive to H densities and the vibrational temperature profile, the D vertical distribution also depends on other parameters such as eddy mixing and the uncertain values of some of the reaction rate constants. We consider different scenarios by varying several parameters controlling the D distribution in the thermosphere. A radiative transfer model with coupling of the H and D Lyman-α lines is employed to obtain line profiles and total intensities at disk center for these scenarios. This allows a comparison of the impact of various parameters on the jovian D Lyman-α emission. A consequence of these chemical processes in the jovian thermosphere is the formation of CH2D, CH3D, and C2H5D, and other deuterated species. We also discuss the source of these deuterated hydrocarbons and their abundance. We find that HD vibrational chemistry impacts D in the thermosphere, CH3D and C2H5D are vibrationally enhanced in the thermosphere, and variations in abundance of CH3D and C2H5D in the thermosphere may reflect dynamical activity (i.e., Kh) in the jovian upper atmosphere. An observing program dedicated to providing such measurements of these testable phenomena would provide further insight into the synergistic coupling between chemistry, energetics and airglow in the jovian upper atmosphere.  相似文献   
Darrell F. Strobel 《Icarus》2006,182(1):251-258
Tidal waves driven by Titan's orbital eccentricity through the time-dependent component of Saturn's gravitational potential attain nonlinear, saturation amplitudes (|T|>10 K, , and ) in the upper atmosphere (?500 km) due to the approximate exponential growth as the inverse square root of pressure. The gravitational tides, with vertical wavelengths of ∼100-150 km above 500 km altitude, carry energy fluxes sufficient in magnitude to affect the energy balance of the upper atmosphere with heating rates in the altitude range of 500-900 km.  相似文献   
We report the first detection of propane, C3H8, in Saturn's stratosphere. Observations taken on September 8, 2002 UT at NASA's IRTF using TEXES, show multiple emission lines due to the 748 cm−1ν21 band of C3H8. Using a line-by-line radiative transfer code, we are able to fit the data by scaling the propane vertical mixing ratio profile from the photochemical model of Moses et al. [2000. Icarus 143, 244-298]. Multiplicative factors of 0.7 and 0.65 are required to fit the −20° and −80° planetocentric latitude spectra. The resultant profiles are characterized by a 5 mbar mixing ratio of 2.7±0.8×10−8 at −20° and at −80° latitude. These results suggest that the time scale for meridional circulation lies between the net photochemical lifetimes of C2H2 and C3H8, ≈30-600 years.  相似文献   
Amit Levi 《Icarus》2009,202(2):681-693
We show that for low temperatures (T∼30 K) and small, but non-negligible, gravitational fields the hydrodynamic escape of gas can be treated by Parker's theory of coronal expansion [Parker, E.N., 1963. Interplanetary Dynamical Processes. Interscience Publishers, New York]. We apply this theory to gas escape from Kuiper belt objects. We derive limits on the density and radius of the bodies for which this theory is applicable, and show how the flow depends on the mean molecular weight and internal degrees of freedom of the gas molecules. We use these results to explain the CH4 dichotomy seen on KBOs [Schaller, E.L., Brown, M.E., 2007. Astrophys. J., 659, L61-L64].  相似文献   
A fast method is presented for deriving the tropospheric CO concentrations in the Venus atmosphere from near-infrared spectra using the night side 2.3 μm window. This is validated using the spectral fitting techniques of Tsang et al. [Tsang, C.C.C., Irwin, P.G.J., Taylor, F.W., Wilson, C.F., Drossart, P., Piccioni, G., de Kok, R., Lee, C., Calcutt, S.B., and the Venus Express/VIRTIS Team, 2008a. Tropospheric carbon monoxide concentrations and variability on Venus with Venus Express/VIRTIS-M observations. J. Geophys. Res. 113, doi: 10.1029/2008JE003089. E00B08] to show that monitoring CO in the deep atmosphere can be done quickly using large numbers of observations, with minimal effect from cloud and temperature variations. The new method is applied to produce some 1450 zonal mean CO profiles using data from the first eighteen months of operation from the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer infrared mapping subsystem (VIRTIS-M-IR) on Venus Express. These results show many significant long- and short-term variations from the mean equator-to-pole increasing trend previously found from earlier Earth- and space-based observations, including a possible North-South dichotomy, with interesting implications for the dynamics and chemistry of the lower atmosphere of Venus.  相似文献   
The gravity due to a multiple-mass system has a remarkable gravitational effect: the extreme magnification of background light sources along extended so-called caustic lines. This property has been the channel for some remarkable astrophysical discoveries over the past decade, including the detection and characterization of extrasolar planets, the routine analysis of limb darkening, and, in one case, limits set on the apparent shape of a star several kiloparsec distant. In this paper, we investigate the properties of the microlensing of close binary star systems. We show that in some cases it is possible to detect flux from the Roche lobes of close binary stars. Such observations could constrain models of close binary stellar systems.  相似文献   
We present a multi-epoch quantitative spectroscopic analysis of the Type IIn supernova (Type IIn SN) 1994W, an event interpreted by Chugai et al. as stemming from the interaction between the ejecta of a SN and a  0.4 M  circumstellar shell ejected 1.5 yr before core collapse. During the brightening phase, our models suggest that the source of optical radiation is not unique, perhaps associated with an inner optically thick cold dense shell and outer optically thin shocked material. During the fading phase, our models support a single source of radiation, an hydrogen-rich optically thick layer with a near-constant temperature of ∼7000 K that recedes from a radius of  4.3 × 1015  at a peak to  2.3 × 1015 cm  40 d later. We reproduce the hybrid narrow-core broad-wing line profile shapes of SN 1994W at all times, invoking an optically thick photosphere exclusively (i.e. without any external optically thick shell). In SN 1994W, slow expansion makes scattering with thermal electrons a key escape mechanism for photons trapped in optically thick line cores, and allows the resulting broad incoherent electron-scattering wings to be seen around narrow-line cores. In SNe with larger expansion velocities, the thermal broadening due to incoherent scattering is masked by the broad profile and the dominant frequency redshift occasioned by bulk motions. Given the absence of broad lines at all times and the very low 56Ni yields, we speculate whether SN 1994W could have resulted from an interaction between two ejected shells without core collapse. The high conversion efficiency of kinetic to thermal energy may not require a SN-like energy budget for SN1994W.  相似文献   
The main aim of this work is to estimate the total contribution of the processes of     molecular ion photodissociation and     collisional absorption charge exchange to the opacity of DB white dwarf atmospheres, and compare this with the contribution of     and other relevant radiative absorption processes included in standard models.
The method for the calculations of the molecular ion     photodissociation cross-sections is based on the dipole approximation and quantum-mechanical treatment of the internuclear motion, while the quasi-classical method for describing absorption processes in     collisions is based on the quasi-static approximation.
Absorption coefficients are calculated in the region  50 nm ≤λ≤ 850 nm  and compared with the corresponding coefficients of other relevant absorption processes; the calculations of the optical depth of the atmosphere layers considered are performed in the far-UV and VUV regions; the contribution of the relevant absorption processes to the opacity of DB white dwarf atmospheres is examined.
We examined the spectral ranges in which the total     and     absorption processes dominate in particular layers of DB white dwarf atmospheres. In addition, we show that in the region of  λ≲ 70 nm  the process of     atom photoionization is also important, in spite of the fact that the ratio of hydrogen and helium abundances in the DB white dwarf atmosphere considered is  1:105  .  相似文献   
Emission spectra from magnetars in the soft X-ray band likely contain a thermal component emerging directly from the neutron star (NS) surface. However, the lack of observed absorption-like features in quiescent spectra makes it difficult to directly constrain physical properties of the atmosphere. We argue that future X-ray polarization measurements represent a promising technique for directly constraining the magnetar magnetic field strength and geometry. We construct models of the observed polarization signal from a finite surface hotspot, using the latest NS atmosphere models for magnetic fields   B = 4 × 1013–5 × 1014 G  . Our calculations are strongly dependent on the NS magnetic field strength and geometry, and are more weakly dependent on the NS equation of state and atmosphere composition. We discuss how the complementary dependencies of phase-resolved spectroscopy and polarimetry might resolve degeneracies that currently hamper the determination of magnetar physical parameters using thermal models.  相似文献   
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