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Summary . We present a variety of examples, showing systematic fluctuations as a function of angular order of measured eigenfrequencies for given normal modes of the Earth. The data are single station measurements from the GEOSCOPE network. Such fluctuations are attributed to departures from the lowest order asymptotic expression of the geometrical optics approximation. We derive first-order asymptotic expressions for the location parameter for all three components of the Earth's motion, by a method based on the stationary phase approximation and geometric relations on the unit sphere.
We illustrate the sensitivity of the fluctuations to the different parameters involved (source parameters, epicentral distance, laterally heterogeneous earth model) with synthetic examples corresponding to GEOSCOPE observations. Finally, we show the results of first attempts at inversion, which indicate that, when the fluctuations are taken into account, more accurate estimates of the great circle average eigenfrequencies can be obtained, and additional constraints put on the structure in the neighbourhood of the great circle. 相似文献
We illustrate the sensitivity of the fluctuations to the different parameters involved (source parameters, epicentral distance, laterally heterogeneous earth model) with synthetic examples corresponding to GEOSCOPE observations. Finally, we show the results of first attempts at inversion, which indicate that, when the fluctuations are taken into account, more accurate estimates of the great circle average eigenfrequencies can be obtained, and additional constraints put on the structure in the neighbourhood of the great circle. 相似文献
Stephen Childress 《地球物理与天体物理流体动力学》2013,107(1-4):29-64
Abstract A vortex-tube geometry of the cascade of energy to small-scale eddies, in the inertial range of fully-developed turbulence, is proposed. The model is a special case of the beta model of Frisch, Sulem and Nelkin (1978). We require that the cascade conserve the principal invariants of inviscid, incompressible flow, namely volume, topological knottedness, circulation, and, at discrete times marking the termination of steps in the cascade, energy. The process terminates in a finite time, as in any beta model, leaving behind a self-similar network of “inactive” tubes. We associate a self-similar scaling dimension D with the structure, equal to the Hausdorff dimension of the set of “active” tubes at the termination of the cascade. Because circulation Λ plays a key role in the analysis of the cascade, we refer to these vortex-tube geometries as “gamma models”. The viewpoint throughout is entirely deterministic. We describe two examples of gamma models. In the ring geometry, an eddy is a vortex ring, and the cascade produces “rings upon rings”, so we allow cutting and fusing of tubes while conserving total helicity. In the preferred helical model, no cutting is needed, and the cascade produces an infinite progression of braided “coils upon coils”. We suggest that latter geometry as a candidate for the topology of a singularity of the inviscid limit of a Navier-Stokes flow, when modeled by discrete vortex tubes. A crucial ingredient of a gamma model, not explicitly present in a beta model, is the possibility of “splitting” a vortex tube into sub-tubes carrying smaller circulation. We suggest a dynamical basis for this process, as an instability of tubes whose cores violate the Rayleigh criterion. The parameters describing a gamma model are not uniquely determined by our study, but there is a “simplest” helical gamma model, involving minimal splitting and distortion of tubes. The dimension D of the structure is 13/5, with a scale factor Λ = 2?5/4. This value of D agrees with that suggested by Hentschel and Procaccia (1982), by analogy with established results for certain branched polymers. 相似文献
时域局部人工边界是以行波概念为基础的,原则上不能用于模拟零频分量(消减运动)。Wolf提出了能同时模拟零频分量和行波的双渐近-多向透射边界。本文指出,在这一组合中的双渐近边界的高频渐近项是不合理的,还查能降低模拟精度。据此,本文提出一种概念清楚、简便实用的组合方案-多次射透-静力边界,并通过数值试验对此方案进行检验。 相似文献
In this paper, we derive and study approximate balance models for nearly geostrophic shallow water flow where the Coriolis parameter is permitted to vary across the domain as long as it remains nondegenerate. This situation includes, for example, the β-plane approximation to the shallow water equations at mid-latitudes. Our approach is based on changing configuration space coordinates in the underlying variational principle in such a way that consistent asymptotics in the transformed Lagrangian leads to a degenerate Lagrangian structure. In this paper, we restrict our attention to first-order models. We show that the resulting models can be formulated in terms of an advected potential vorticity with a nonlinear vorticity inversion relation. We study the associated solvability conditions and identify a subfamily of models for which these conditions are satisfied without additional restrictions on the data. Finally, we provide the link between our framework and the theory of constrained Hamiltonian systems. 相似文献
The evolution of single-layer folds under prescribed end-shortening conditions displays folds of varying wavelength. We investigate a simple model of this kind and characterize the long-term behaviour of fold profiles. In particular we determine the evolution of the axial load and the variation of the wavelength, and we show that fold profiles are highly self-similar. 相似文献
Vladimir Priklonsky Anvar Shukurov Dmitry Sokoloff Andrew Soward 《地球物理与天体物理流体动力学》2013,107(1-2):97-114
Abstract We reconsider thin-disc global asymptotics for kinematic, axisymmetric mean-field dynamos with vacuum boundary conditions. Non-local terms arising from a small but finite radial field component at the disc surface are consistently taken into account for quadrupole modes. As in earlier approaches, the solution splits into a local part describing the field distribution along the vertical direction and a radial part describing the radial (global) variation of the eigenfunction. However, the radial part of the eigenfunction is now governed by an integro-differential equation whose kernel has a weak (logarithmic) singularity. The integral term arises from non-local interactions of magnetic fields at different radii through vacuum outside the disc. The non-local interaction can have a stronger effect on the solution than the local radial diffusion in a thin disc, however the effect of the integral term is still qualitatively similar to magnetic diffusion. 相似文献
Jing Yao Alan T. Murray 《International journal of geographical information science》2013,27(5):883-897
Field-based continuous representation in a geographical information system (GIS) has long been important for describing complex spatially distributed phenomena, such as population, precipitation, air pollution, temperature elevation and land cover. Though theoretical knowledge and properties of continuous distributions can be employed, such surfaces are generally approximated or abstracted in practice due to a lack of complete information. That is, such surfaces are based on finite spatial samples, which is a practical necessity with regard to the infinite underlying attribute variability. These approximated surfaces are then used in various spatial analyses, yet impacts are not well understood. This article will examine theoretical properties and errors that result in practice when approximated continuous surfaces are relied on in spatial analysis. 相似文献
A self-contained derivation of the IPESD models [Majda, A.J., Klein, R., 2003. Systematic multi-scale models for the tropics. J. Atmos. Sci. 60, 393–408] governing synoptic and planetary scale tropical flows is provided. This derivation demonstrates the analytic tractability of the model and the effect of zonally and meridionally tilted synoptic scale heating on the forcing of planetary scale flows through upscale momentum and temperature fluxes. Exploiting the analytic tractability of the models, different aspects of the planetary scale forcing are traced to meridional and vertical tilts in the synoptic scale heating profile. Variants of the archetypal IPESD models for the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) presented in Majda and Biello [Majda, A.J., Biello, J.A., 2004. A multi-scale model for tropical intraseasonal oscillations. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 101, 4736–4741; Biello, J.A., Majda, A.J., 2005. A new multi-scale model for the Madden–Julian oscillation. J. Atmos. Sci. 62, 1694–1721] are studied. In addition to vertically tilted synoptic scale heating, the models discussed herein incorporate upscale zonal momentum flux due to meridional flux convergence arising from meridionally tilted heating. The effect of a boundary layer momentum drag at the base of the free troposphere is also systematically incorporated into the IPESD models. Both meridional tilts and lower boundary layer drag are shown to meridionally confine the MJO westerly wind burst and drive a planetary scale barotropic flow. Meridionally tilted heating can also greatly strengthen the wind burst at the base of the troposphere and modify its vertical profile. The competing effects of meridionally tilted, and off-equatorial heating can also significantly weaken the MJO winds. Appendices are provided which discuss generalizations and a solution algorithm for the IPESD models. 相似文献
Asymptotic methods provide an efficient way to compute seismograms in heterogeneous media. However, zeroth-order ray theory, the simplest of the asymptotic methods, often fails because of the presence of caustics. Maslov theory is an extension of zeroth-order ray theory, which gives a uniformly valid expression of the wavefield everywhere, including the caustics. This result is given in terms of an integral of ray data over one or two ray parameters. It is shown in this paper how geometrical arrivals are constructed in the one and two-parameter Maslov integrals.In practice Maslov seismograms have been computed using only one ray parameter. However, in three-dimensional media two parameters are needed to uniquely define a ray. In this paper we present an efficient algorithm to compute two-parameter Maslov integrals. The Maslov integral is evaluated by computing the frequency-to-time Fourier transform prior to integration over the ray parameters. The wavefield is then discretized by smoothing with a boxcar function. The resulting expression, which only requires the results of ordinary kinematic and dynamic ray tracing, cen be computed efficiently and robustly. A numerical example is given that illustrates the use of this algorithm. 相似文献