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Sea Beam and Deep-Tow were used in a tectonic investigation of the fast-spreading (151 mm yr-1) East Pacific Rise (EPR) at 19°30 S. Detailed surveys were conducted at the EPR axis and at the Brunhes/Matuyama magnetic reversal boundary, while four long traverses (the longest 96 km) surveyed the rise flanks. Faulting accounts for the vast majority of the relief. Both inward and outward facing fault scarps appear in almost equal numbers, and they form the horsts and grabens which compose the abyssal hills. This mechanism for abyssal hill formation differs from that observed at slow and intermediate spreading rates where abyssal hills are formed by back-tilted inward facing normal faults or by volcanic bow-forms. At 19°30 S, systematic back tilting of fault blocks is not observed, and volcanic constructional relief is a short wavelength signal (less than a few hundred meters) superimposed upon the dominant faulted structure (wavelength 2–8 km). Active faulting is confined to within approximately 5–8 km of the rise axis. In terms of frequency, more faulting occurs at fast spreading rates than at slow. The half extension rate due to faulting is 4.1 mm yr-1 at 19°30 S versus 1.6 mm yr-1 in the FAMOUS area on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Both spreading and horizontal extension are asymmetric at 19°30 S, and both are greater on the east flank of the rise axis. The fault density observed at 19°30 S is not constant, and zones with very high fault density follow zones with very little faulting. Three mechanisms are proposed which might account for these observations. In the first, faults are buried episodically by massive eruptions which flow more than 5–8 km from the spreading axis, beyond the outer boundary of the active fault zone. This is the least favored mechanism as there is no evidence that lavas which flow that far off axis are sufficiently thick to bury 50–150 m high fault scarps. In the second mechanism, the rate of faulting is reduced during major episodes of volcanism due to changes in the near axis thermal structure associated with swelling of the axial magma chamber. Thus the variation in fault spacing is caused by alternate episodes of faulting and volcanism. In the third mechanism, the rate of faulting may be constant (down to a time scale of decades), but the locus of faulting shifts relative to the axis. A master fault forms near the axis and takes up most of the strain release until the fault or fault set is transported into lithosphere which is sufficiently thick so that the faults become locked. At this point, the locus of faulting shifts to the thinnest, weakest lithosphere near the axis, and the cycle repeats.  相似文献   
Multiple stages of large-scale shelf sand ridges, including the shoreface-attached and the offshore types, have developed in the Miocene successions on the mid-shelf region of the Pear River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea. Utilizing a high-quality 3D seismic data set, accompanying 2D seismic profiles and well logs, the morphology, architecture and genesis of these shelf sand ridges have been systematically investigated in this study. The ridges are of very large scale, with the largest one having a maximum height of 64 m, a width of more than 20 km and a length of 37 km within the 3D survey area. Being mound-shaped, they also display obvious asymmetry character, with the ridge crest preferentially located on the SE side. Three main internal components, including the ridge front, central ridge and the ridge tail, have been recognized through careful anatomy analysis of the two most well-imaged ridges, each displaying distinct expressions on seismic amplitudes and geometries. In the plan view, most of the shelf sand ridges are generally NE–SW oriented and widening to the SW direction. Scouring features can also be clearly observed along the SW direction, including scour depressions and linear sandy remnants. On well logs, the shelf sand ridges are represented by an overall coarsening-upward pattern. Intervals with blocky sandstones are preferentially present on higher locations due to a differential winnowing process controlled by shelf topography.Plenty of evidence indicates that these ridges were primarily formed by the reworking of forced regressive or lowstand deltaic deposits under a persistent southwesterly flowing current during the subsequent transgression. This very current is a composite one, which is speculated to consist of winter oceanic current, SCSBK (South China Sea Branch of Kuroshio) intrusion onto the shelf and internal waves propagating from the Luzon Strait. Tidal currents might have contributed to the SE growth of the ridge. In response to the reglaciation of Antarctic ice-sheet and the closure of Pacific-Indian ocean seaway in the middle Miocene, the intensification of the North Pacific western boundary current was considered to have potential links to the initiation of the shelf sand ridges at ∼12 Ma. The development of shelf ridges was terminated and replaced by rapid deltaic progradation at ∼5.5 Ma.  相似文献   
由于缺少有效钻孔资料,对于南海扩张的时间一直存在较大的疑问.在南海三大海盆中,西北次海盆面积最小、磁条带特征不明显,因此对其扩张年代的争议最大.最新采集的高密度(小于10 km测线间距)船测地磁资料清晰地显示了西北次海盆磁条带的存在.在OBS和多道地震资料的约束下,利用船测地磁资料,本文对西北次海盆的地壳年龄进行了重追踪.根据定量的比较,西北次海盆的主体扩张始于35.8 Ma(C16n,2n),在34.7 Ma(C15)时其西南部开始扩张,扩张最终同时终止于33.2 Ma(C13n),整体的全扩张速率在40~50 mm/a之间.这表明南海的扩张可能首先起源于西北次海盆,在其结束扩张后,东部次海盆才开始打开(约30 Ma).得益于数据精度和密度的提高,利用化极后的磁力异常以及反演的磁化强度可以对西北次海盆进行二级中脊段的划分.我们共划分出六个中脊段和一个明确的转换断层.中脊的分段性与OBS反演的地壳厚度的变化相一致.转换断层东侧,中脊主体分为四个中脊段,每个中脊段长度均在30 km左右.转换断层西侧,存在一个长约50 km的中脊段和一个不确切的中脊段.中脊段上磁化强度的变化幅值和中脊段长度在整体上成正比.每个中脊段中央的磁化强度弱于中脊段两端的磁化强度,这与扩张速率相近的大西洋中脊的磁化强度特征一致.  相似文献   
通过对汶川地震中170个调查点的震害指数进行统计分析,得到了从Ⅵ度到Ⅺ度中各个烈度区内的平均震害指数值和方差,结果表明在Ⅶ到X度区平均震害指数与烈度表基本相符,分析了Ⅵ度区和Ⅺ区内平均震害指数偏高和偏低的原因,指出前者主要因为调查点分布的原因,而后者则可能还受到该烈度区大小划分的影响.在断层距50 km内震害指数高、离...  相似文献   
The South China fold belt has experienced a complex series of tectonic events that span 1.0 billion years of earth history. Longhushan (龙虎山) World Geopark is located on the Proterozoic suture between the Yangtze craton and Cathyasia block and highlights the long history of this belt. Collision of the Cathyasia and Yangtze cratons 1.0 billion years ago was associated with the formation of the Rodinian supercontinent where most of the planet's landmasses were amalgamated into one block. Jurassic through Early...  相似文献   
The Agulhas Ridge is a prominent topographic feature that parallels the Agulhas-Falkland Fracture Zone (AFFZ). Seismic reflection and wide angle/refraction data have led to the classification of this feature as a transverse ridge. Changes in spreading rate and direction associated with ridge jumps, combined with asymmetric spreading within the Agulhas Basin, modified the stress field across the fracture zone. Moreover, passing the Agulhas Ridge’s location between 80 and 69 Ma, the Bouvet and Shona Hotspots may have supplied excess material to this part of the AFFZ thus altering the ridge’s structure. The low crustal velocities and overthickened crust of the northern Agulhas Ridge segment indicate a possible continental affinity that suggests it may be formed by a small continental sliver, which was severed off the Maurice Ewing Bank during the opening of the South Atlantic. In early Oligocene times the Agulhas Ridge was tectono-magmatically reactivated, as documented by the presence of basement highs disturbing and disrupting the sedimentary column in the Cape Basin. We consider the Discovery Hotspot, which distributes plume material southwards across the AAFZ, as a source for the magmatic material.  相似文献   
Geological comparative studies of Japan Arc System and Kyushu-Palau Arc   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Based on the published data of structure geology,geochronology,petrology and isotope geochemistry,the authors of this paper have conducted studies on the tectonic evolution history of Japan arc system and Kyushu-Palau ridge(KPR) . The studies show that the initial Japan arc system was resulted from the subduction of ancient Pacific plate beneath Eurasian Plate in Permian. It was part of an Andean-type continental volcanic arc which occurred in the offshore in the east of Asian during late Mesozoic era. The formation of tertiary back-arc basin(Japan Sea) resulted in the fundamental tectonic framework of the present arc system. Since Quaternary the system has been lying at E-W compression tectonic setting due to the eastward subduction of Amur Plate. It is expected that Japan arc system will be juxtaposed with Asian continent,which is similar to the present Taiwan arc system. The origin of Philippine Sea Plate(PSP) is still in debate. Some studies argued that it is a trapped oceanic crust segment,while the others insisted that it is a back-arc basin accompanied with ancient IBM arc. However,it is all agreed that the tectonic evolution of PSP started since 50 Ma,i.e.,PSP has drifted from the site around equator at 50 Ma to the present site,and the subduction of PSP along Nankai trough-Ryukyu Trench beneath the Japan arc system during 6-2 Ma led to the formation of the present Ryukyu arc system. Of the PSP,the KPR has been found with the oldest rocks formed at 38 Ma. Combining with its geochemical characteristics of oceanic arc tholeiite,it is suggested that KPR is an intraoceanic volcanic arc,more specifically,a relic arc(i.e.,rear arc of the ancient IBM) after rifting of ancient IBM. In addition,Amami-Daito province is of arc tectonic affinity,but has been affected by mantle plume. Therefore,based on their respective tectonic evolution history and geochemical characteristics of rock samples,it is inferred that there is no genetic relationship between Japan arc system and KPR. It is noted that rocks reflecting continental crust basement feature have been collected on the northern tip of KPR,which may be related to the process of KPR accreting on Japan arc,but the arc-continent accretion process are still at initial stage of modern continental crust accretion model. However,due to the scarcity of data of the northern tip of KPR,crustal structure of this location and its adjacent Nankai trough need to be further constrained by geophysical studies in the future.  相似文献   
The passive Eastern Continental Margin of India (ECMI) evolved during the break up of India and East Antarctica in the Early Cretaceous. The 85°E ridge is a prominent linear aseismic feature extending from the Afanasy Nikitin Seamounts northward to the Mahanadi basin along the ECMI. Earlier workers have interpreted the ridge to be a prominent hot spot trail. In the absence of conclusive data, the extension of the ridge towards its northern extremity below the thick Bengal Fan sediments was a matter of postulation. In the present study, interpretation of high resolution 2-D reflection data from the Mahanadi Offshore Basin, located in the northern part of the ridge, unequivocally indicates continuation of the ridge across the continent–ocean boundary into the slope and shelf tracts of the ECMI. Its morphology and internal architecture suggest a volcanic plume related origin that can be correlated with the activity of the Kerguelen hot spot in the nascent Indian Ocean. In the continental region, the plume related volcanic activity appears to have obliterated all seismic features typical of continental crust. The deeper oceanic crust, over which the hot spot plume erupted, shows the presence of linear NS aligned basement highs, corresponding with the ridge, underlain by a depressed Moho discontinuity. In the deep oceanic basin, the ridge influences the sediment dispersal pattern from the Early Cretaceous (?)/early part of Late Cretaceous times till the end of Oligocene, which is an important aspect for understanding the hydrocarbon potential of the basin.  相似文献   
Transverse ridges are elongate reliefs running parallel and adjacent to transform/fracture zones offsetting mid-ocean ridges. A major transverse ridge runs adjacent to the Vema transform (Central Atlantic), that offsets the Mid-Atlantic Ridge by 320 km. Multibeam morphobathymetric coverage of the entire Vema Transverse ridge shows it is an elongated (300 km), narrow (<30 km at the base) relief that constitutes a topographic anomaly rising up to 4 km above the predicted thermal contraction level. Morphology and lithology suggest that the Vema Transverse ridge is an uplifted sliver of oceanic lithosphere. Topographic and lithological asymmetry indicate that the transverse ridge was formed by flexure of a lithospheric sliver, uncoupled on its northern side by the transform fault. The transverse ridge can be subdivided in segments bound by topographic discontinuities that are probably fault-controlled, suggesting some differential uplift and/or tilting of the different segments. Two of the segments are capped by shallow water carbonate platforms, that formed about 3–4 m.y. ago, at which time the crust of the transverse ridge was close to sea level. Sampling by submersible and dredging indicates that a relatively undisturbed section of oceanic lithosphere is exposed on the northern slope of the transverse ridge. Preliminary studies of mantle-derived ultramafic rocks from this section suggest temporal variations in mantle composition. An inactive fracture zone scarp (Lema fracture zone) was mapped south of the Vema Transverse ridge. Based on morphology, a fossil RTI was identified about 80 km west of the presently active RTI, suggesting that a ridge jump might have occurred about 2.2 m.a. Most probable causes for the formation of the Vema Transverse ridge are vertical motions of lithospheric slivers due to small changes in the direction of spreading of the plates bordering the Vema Fracture Zone.  相似文献   
针对庙西南凸起馆陶组主要成藏砂体类型与油气富集程度的差异,分析油气运聚条件及其对油气成藏的影响,总结差异成藏规律。研究表明,油田区为多断阶“脊—断”接力式油气运聚模式,油气先沿馆陶组底部区域砂岩输导脊向高部位断阶区横向运移,再由“通脊”断裂将油气分配至浅层聚集成藏。增压应力的分布与强度是影响油气运移与保存的关键,控制主要成藏砂体类型与油气富集程度。增压区利于油气保存而不利于油气运移,以厚砂体成藏为主;弱增压区、亚增压区利于油气运移但不利于油气保存,主要为薄砂体成藏。构造低部位弱增压与高部位增压型断块运移与保存条件最优,油气最为富集。同一断块内部,“脊—断”条件控制不同井区的油气丰度,“通脊”断裂切至输导脊的构造位置越高、在输导脊上累计错动面积越大,该区域的油气丰度也越高。这种油气差异成藏规律有效指导了庙西南凸起馆陶组的高效评价,同时为类似地区的油气勘探提供了重要参考价值。  相似文献   
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