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基于遥感信息的华北冬小麦区域生长模型及模拟研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
卫星遥感估产和作物生长模拟在作物监测和产量预测方面有各自不可替代的优势。但是,遥感估产难以揭示作物生长发育和产量形成的内在机理,作物模拟在区域应用时初始值的获取和参数的区域化遇到很多困难。如何利用二者的互补性使其相互结合受到人们关注。该文在Wofost模型本地化和区域化的基础上,首次利用同化法的思路探讨了MODIS遥感信息与华北冬小麦生长模拟模型结合的可行性和方法,初步建立了潜在生产水平(水分适宜条件)下区域遥感-作物模拟框架模型(WSPFRS模型)。模拟结果显示:WSPFRS模型对区域尺度的出苗期重新初始化后,模拟的开花期、成熟期空间分布的准确性比Wofost模拟结果有所改进;利用遥感信息对区域尺度上返青期生物量重新初始化后,模拟贮存器官干重的空间分布更接近实际单产的分布,贮存器官干重的高值区与实际高产区基本相符。该研究将为下一步实际水分供应条件下基于遥感信息的冬小麦区域生长模拟研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
近百年中国东部夏季降水的时空变率   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用中国东部25°N以北28个站1880-1999年夏季季降水序列,用旋转复经验正交函数(RCEOF)方法,研究了中国东部地区百年干湿的时空演变规律。结果表明,夏季降水空间变率大值区依次为:长江中下游地区、淮河流域、江南、华北、西南及东北。除西南外的5个关键区大体上反映了从6月到8月夏季雨带自南向北椎进所滞留的地区。旋转空间位相分布揭示了长江中下游地区、江南、东北的旱涝异常主要表现为驻波振动特征;而淮河流域、华北、西南地区显示出降水异常信号具有部分的行波特征。尤其第4空间模显示出旱涝异常信号从东北南部可沿着黄淮下游传到长江下游地区。对于近百年中国东部地区夏季于湿变化,长江中下游地区、淮河流域、华北及东北四个地区都存在20-25年时间尺度的周期振荡;长江中下游地区及华北地区都存在准60年时间尺度的振荡周期;东北地区主要表现出36年时间尺度的振荡周期;淮河流域存在明显的70-80年时间尺度的振荡周期;华北地区存在的11年时间尺度的振荡周期恰好与太阳黑子活动的11年周期相一致。在年代际时间尺度(包括次年代际时间尺度)上,长江中下游、淮河流域及华北地区的夏季降水的变化与太阳活动有显著的正相关。  相似文献   
原油在储层介质中的加水裂解生气模拟实验   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
采用高温高压热模拟实验方法,开展了原油在砂岩和火成岩储层介质中的加水裂解生气模拟实验研究.结果表明,原油开始大量裂解的温度是400℃,随模拟温度增加,甲烷相对含量增大,乙烷以上重烃气尤其是丙烷相对含量减小.其中砂岩的油水混合物裂解生气主要发生在450~500℃之间,生气窗范围小,对应的烃气产率高,火成岩的油水混合物裂解生气主要发生在450~600℃之间,生气窗范围大,对应的烃气产率小.模拟烃气的组分碳同位素分馏显著,随模拟温度增加呈变重趋势.在裂解生气过程中,水解加氢和催化作用对烃气的组成、产率和碳同位素分布有重要影响。  相似文献   
This paper describes an extension to the Combined Hydrology And Stability Model (CHASM) to fully include the effects of vegetation and slope plan topography on slope stability. The resultant physically based numerical model is designed to be applied to site‐specific slopes in which a detailed assessment of unsaturated and saturated hydrology is required in relation to vegetation, topography and slope stability. Applications are made to the Hawke's Bay region in New Zealand where shallow‐seated instability is strongly associated with spatial and temporal trends in vegetation cover types, and the Mid‐Levels region in Hong Kong, an area subject to a variety of landslide mechanisms, some of which may be subject to strong topographic control. An improved understanding of process mechanism, afforded by the model, is critical for reliable and appropriate design of slope stabilization and remedial measures. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
地下水数值计算中断层处理的"切割-导通法"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从对断层导水性能的分析出发 ,提出了地下水数值计算中断层处理的“切割—导通法” ,既考虑断层侧向导水性 ,又考虑了其垂向导水性 ,更符合断层导水的实际情况 ,也易于描述较大断裂在走向上的导水性差异。  相似文献   
Analysis of monthly momentum transport of zonal waves at 850 hPa for the period 1979 to 1993, between ‡S and ‡N for January to April, using zonal (u) and meridional (v) components of wind taken from the ECMWF reanalysis field, shows a positive correlation (.1% level of significance) between the Indian summer monsoon rainfall (June through September) and the momentum transport of wave zero TM(0) over latitudinal belt between 25‡S and 5‡N (LB) during March. Northward (Southward) TM(0) observed in March over LB subsequently leads to a good (drought) monsoon season over India which is found to be true even when the year is marked with the El-Nino event. Similarly a strong westerly zone in the Indian Ocean during March, indicates a good monsoon season for the country, even if the year is marked with El-Nino. The study thus suggests two predictors, TM(0) over LB and the strength of westerly zone in the Indian Ocean during March.  相似文献   
The isotopic content of rainfall was measured in Niamey (Niger) over a period of eight years (1992–1999). Seasonal distribution of rainy events depends on the monsoon movement over the region. At the beginning and at the end of the rainy season, low rainfall, high temperatures and low relative humidity favour isotopic enrichment. In the middle of the rainy season, heavy rainfall, low temperatures and relative humidity close to saturation lead to isotopically depleted contents because of the mass effect; moreover, in the case of low rainfall, marked vertical convective development favours high altitude condensation. How far the Intertropical Front moves north, determines the quality of the rainy season and influences the isotopic contents. Thus the isotopic contents of rainfall are good climatic indicators. To cite this article: J.-D. Taupin et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 43–50  相似文献   
Introduction It is found that there are some relationships between the thermal structures of subduction zones and the deep seismicity, while the mechanism relates the thermal structure and the deep seismicity is still unsure (Helffrich, Brodholt, 1991; Furukawa, 1994; Kirby, et al, 1996). From 1980s, geoscientists have constituted a series of numerical simulations on the stress states of subduction slabs. Based on the kinetic computation of Sung and Burns (1976a, b), Goto, et al (1983, 1987…  相似文献   
含预制软弱带的岩石破裂过程的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
考虑到岩石脆性破坏过程中介质的不均匀性之特点,对岩石样品中含预制弱介质条带的岩石样品破坏过程进行二维有限元数值模拟,并对弱介质带的破坏贯通过程、新的断层的产生和有关的地震活动进行了研究.数值模型展示了岩石从变形、微观破坏到整体破坏的全过程以及微震活动的时空分布特征.应力、应变和微震活动的时空分布形象地描绘了岩石变形的局部化和时空迁移等现象,这与实际地壳中所观测到的现象是一致的.此外,模拟结果与实验观测结果也是一致或相似的.   相似文献   
现代地裂缝在世界许多国家普遍存在 ,已成为当今世界范围内的主要地质灾害之一。本文在详尽分析了山西榆次地裂缝的各个致灾因子的基础上 ,利用GIS技术建立了地质学意义上的专题层 ;然后采用人工神经网络技术构建出了地裂缝灾害活动性的评价模型 ,并建立了地裂缝活动性的评价系统 ,对榆次地裂缝进行了灾害活动性评价 ,为榆次市城建和国土规划等部门的正确决策提供了重要的科学依据  相似文献   
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