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利用CODE GIM数据分析了2008年5月12日汶川地震和2010年4月14日青海玉树地震震前电离层TEC变化。以震前10天TEC中位数为基准,1.5倍标准差为误差限值,并考虑相应时期的太阳和地磁活动水平(Dst指数和Kp指数),对震前电离层异常的分布进行了分析。结果表明,两次地震震前几天内都有TEC异常出现。  相似文献   
分析了华北北部20世纪70年代初以来的断层形变资料。结果表明:震前断层活动存在明显的阶段性特征;短临阶段断层形变异常主要形态有两种:一种是在α、β相后的γ相短临异常,这种异常一般在近源区出现;另一种是较大幅度的突跳型短临异常,这种异常一般在远源区出现,这些都是断层形变前兆由中期过渡到短期的明显标志;断层形变短临异常有从外围向震中迁移的特征;唐山地震前出现γ相短临异常的比例高于大同和张北地震,主要表现为在中期趋势积累背景上的反向;3次强震前α、β、γ相异常场地的分布具构造控制特征;强震前场地断层异常活动存在象限性分布特征,且与震源机制解的结果基本一致。  相似文献   
基于青藏高原东北缘地区最新的跨断层资料,利用时序曲线分析、断层速率合成分析和垂直形变累积率分析等多种方法进行计算,从不同角度和范围提取2016年门源Ms6.4地震震前异常特征,揭示断层活动。结果显示:1)震中距150 km以内多个场地出现了典型的以加速张性变化为主的短期异常,150~300 km内的异常以趋势变化为主;2)祁连山-海原断裂带上异常场地的空间分布表现出由祁连山断裂带中部集中向东迁移至中东部集中的特征,海原断裂上异常有所增多,此类现象与2003年民乐6.1级地震前的现象极其相似;3)祁连山断裂自2014年以来合成速率偏离正常动态值较远,容易积累应变。垂直形变趋势累积率的计算结果显示,地震震中位于形变积累的高值区。  相似文献   
????IGS???????GIM???????????????TEC??Total Electron Content?????????2007-2011???????й??????????17???M??≥6.0????????????????????PCA??Principal Component Analysis?? ???????????TEC??????????????????????????б???????????PCA??????????????????????????????????????????£???????????????TEC????????????????????????????0~5??  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION In southern high latitudes, recent observations have shown a standing mode of ACW (Antarctic Circumpolar Wave) with eastward propagation across the Southern Ocean of the Antarctic in co- varying SST (sea surface temperature) and SLP (sea le…  相似文献   
印度洋dipole事件的年际变化与ENSO事件的联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对nino3指数和DMI序列的分析,发现两种物理现象都有4a左右的主要周期,而且印度洋偶极子事件还存在有2a左右的振荡周期,而厄尔尼诺事件在2a时间尺度上周期性不明显;对nino3指数和DMI进行年际时间尺度滤波,结果表明,在年际时间尺度上,两者的相关性比未滤波时有了一定的提高;对年际滤波之后的偶极子事件和ELNINO事件的相关分析可以发现,ELNINO对于印度洋偶极子事件的影响要大于IOD对于太平洋ENSO事件,显示了两者物理现象的影响不对称。  相似文献   
利用鄂尔多斯西南缘的重力观测数据对长短期记忆循环神经网络(long short-term memory,LSTM)进行训练,结果表明,该神经网络可基于有限的数据获取较好的推估结果.基于自由空气重力异常数据,对比分析长短期记忆循环神经网络和传统克里金方法的推估结果发现,神经网络的推估能力优于传统克里金方法,但运算效率低于...  相似文献   
The Tropical Pacific–Indian Ocean Associated Mode Simulated by LICOM2.0   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xin LI  Chongyin LI 《大气科学进展》2017,34(12):1426-1436
Oceanic general circulation models have become an important tool for the study of marine status and change. This paper reports a numerical simulation carried out using LICOM2.0 and the forcing field from CORE. When compared with SODA reanalysis data and ERSST.v3 b data, the patterns and variability of the tropical Pacific–Indian Ocean associated mode(PIOAM) are reproduced very well in this experiment. This indicates that, when the tropical central–western Indian Ocean and central–eastern Pacific are abnormally warmer/colder, the tropical eastern Indian Ocean and western Pacific are correspondingly colder/warmer. This further confirms that the tropical PIOAM is an important mode that is not only significant in the SST anomaly field, but also more obviously in the subsurface ocean temperature anomaly field. The surface associated mode index(SAMI) and the thermocline(i.e., subsurface) associated mode index(TAMI) calculated using the model output data are both consistent with the values of these indices derived from observation and reanalysis data. However, the model SAMI and TAMI are more closely and synchronously related to each other.  相似文献   
The Pelotas Basin is the classical example of a volcanic passive margin displaying large wedges of seaward-dipping reflectors (SDR). The SDR fill entirely its rifts throughout the basin, characterizing the abundant syn-rift magmatism (133–113 Ma). The Paraná–Etendeka Large Igneous Province (LIP), adjacent to west, constituted the pre-rift magmatism (134–132 Ma). The interpretation of ultra-deep seismic lines showed a very different geology from the adjacent Santos, Campos and Espírito Santo Basins, which constitute examples of magma-poor passive margins. Besides displaying rifts totally filled by volcanic rocks, diverse continental crustal domains were defined in the Pelotas Basin, such as an outer domain, probably constituted by highly stretched and permeated continental igneous crust, and a highly reflective lower crust probably reflecting underplating.The analysis of rifting in this portion of the South Atlantic is based on seismic interpretation and on the distribution of regional linear magnetic anomalies. The lateral accretion of SDR to the east towards the future site of the breakup and the temporal relationship between their rift and sag geometries allows the reconstitution of the evolution of rifting in the basin. Breakup propagated from south to north in three stages (130–127.5; 127.5–125; 125–113 Ma) physically separated by oceanic fracture zones (FZ). The width of the stretched, thinned and heavily intruded continental crust also showed a three-stage increase in the same direction and at the same FZ. Consequently, the Continental-Oceanic Boundary (COB) shows three marked shifts, from west to east, from south to north, resulting into rift to margin segmentation. Rifting also propagated from west to east, in the direction of the final breakup, in each of the three segments defined. The importance of the Paraná–Etendeka LIP upon the overall history of rupturing and breakup of Western Gondwanaland seems to have been restricted in time and in space only to the Pelotas Basin.  相似文献   
黔东南重磁异常与金异常特征及找矿意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了深入挖掘黔东南地区的找矿潜力,对黔东南地区区域重磁异常进行解释,研究东部地区的天锦黎金矿密集区及西部地区的金化探异常分布特征,发现金矿床(点)和金化探(元素、块体)异常的产出,同重、磁异常平面分布和推断的岩浆岩侵入体(基性岩类、酸性岩、构造蚀变岩)及区域性深大断裂构造(东西向、南北向)的分布,存在着空间、时间和成因上的联系,由此拓开了黔东南天锦黎金矿密集区及外围金矿地质找矿的新思路,不要只限于在相关地质层位里和北东向构造及伴生断裂(即“背斜加一刀”)交会处及其附近,来寻找变质碎屑岩中的脉型金矿。  相似文献   
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