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长江三角洲城市带扩展对区域温度变化的影响   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
利用DMSP/OLS 夜间灯光数据、土地利用统计数据和气象站常规观测资料, 结合NOAA/AVHRR、MODIS 反演的月地表温度数据, 定量考察了长江三角洲城市群热岛增温效应对区域温度气候趋势的贡献, 结果表明: ① 1992-2003 年长江三角洲城市化经历了一个快速的空间扩展过程, 宁镇扬、苏锡常、上海大城市区、杭州湾4 个城市群构成了一个“之” 字形城市带, 城市群之间出现城市化连片趋势, 城市带区域内1961-2005 年年平均气温增温 速率为0.28~0.44 oC/10a, 显著高于非城市带区域。② 城市热岛效应对区域平均温度的影响以夏秋季最强, 春季次之, 冬季最弱。③ 长江三角洲城市带热岛强度和城市总人口对数呈线性正相关关系。④ 城市带增温效应使得区域的年平均气温在1961-2005 年间增加了0.072 oC, 其中1991-2005 年间增温幅度为0.047 oC; 年最高气温升高了0.162 oC, 其中1991-2005 年间 增温幅度为0.083 oC, 表明1991-2005 年间长江三角洲城市带的空间扩展正在改变区域温度变化趋势, 且这种增温趋势显著。  相似文献   
A link between the inhalation of respirable silicas (SiO2) and respiratory diseases such as silicosis is widely recognized. Ash from dome collapse eruptions on Montserrat has been found to contain high levels (〉20%) of silicas in the form of cristobalite, tridymite, quartz and/or amorphous silica. The toxicity of these silica polymorphs varies widely. Cristobalite and quartz (tridymite less well established) are viewed as carcinogenic to humans whereas amorphous silica generally shows a reduced biological response. In assessing the potential health effects of volcanic ash particulates it is vital to determine the types and concentration of silicas as well as their size (respirable fraction), shape and surface properties. The aim of this study is to develop methods to assess potentially toxic respirable airborne silicas in the dome collapse ash (applicable to a range of ash types) and to develop a model to predict the levels and types of respirable silicas from future eruptions. The model is being developed by comparing dome rock with related ash from a series of previous eruption events. Mineralogical assessment using conventional scanning X-ray diffraction (XRD) was hampered by difficulties in differentiating characteristic peaks for cristobalite and tridymite in complex multi-component ash samples (containing high levels of plagioclase). These difficulties have been largely overcome using an Enraf-Nonius PDS120 diffractometer with curved (120 degrees 20) position sensitive detector (PSD). The determination of size, shape and elemental characteristics of ash particulate and dome rock samples has been carried out using automated analytical scanning electron microscopy. The quantification of mineral proportions using PSD-XRD was highly successful with an accuracy of 1 to 2 wt%. However, the determination of phase proportions using automated analytical SEM was problematic due to scattering effects and the multiphase nature of many of the particles.  相似文献   
利用最新发布的CALIPSO产品,构建了2007-2017年中国沙尘气溶胶的三维分布,并结合HYSPLIT-4模式和再分析数据,探讨了沙尘的三维输送过程。结果表明:中国的沙尘排放源区主要是塔克拉玛干沙漠和巴丹吉林沙漠,沙尘气溶胶出现频率分别为60%和35%。塔克拉玛干沙漠排放的沙尘主要(50%~70%)停留在源地0~6 000 m高度,少部分向东输送至甘肃和内蒙古;巴丹吉林沙漠排放的沙尘则主要向东输送。中国沙尘排放量在春季最大,向东输送最强;夏季,东亚夏季风限制了沙尘向东输送;秋季,沙尘排放减弱,输送强度和夏季相当;沙尘排放量在冬季最小,输送最弱。夏季,沙尘在输送过程中可被抬升至高度5 000 m以上,春季次之,秋、冬季的沙尘主要在低层大气输送。沙尘在向东输送的过程中被抬升并和当地人为污染物混合变为污染性沙尘,华北地区污染性沙尘出现频率高达30%;输送到海洋的沙尘也会与洋面上(0~3 000 m高度)的海盐气溶胶混合,出现频率约为10%。  相似文献   
Based on the NCEP DOE AMIP II daily reanalysis data (1979{2005), the evolution of the East Asia/Pacific(EAP) teleconnection pattern during the pre-rainy period of South China is studied on the medium-range time scale. It is found that positive and negative EAP patterns share a similar generation process. In the middle and upper troposphere, Rossby wave packets emanating from the northeast Atlantic or Europe propagate toward East Asia along the Eurasian continent waveguide and finally give rise to the three anomaly centers of the EAP pattern over East Asia. Among the three anomaly centers, the western Pacific subtropical center appears the latest. Rossby wave packets propagate from the high latitude anomaly center toward the mid-latitude and the subtropical ones. The enhancement and maintenance of the subtropical anomaly center is closely associated with the subtropical jet waveguide and the incoming Rossby wave packets from the upstream. In the lower troposphere, Rossby wave packets emanate from the subtropical Asia toward East Asia. Positive and negative EAP patterns could not be regarded as "mirrors" to each other with simply re- versed phase. For the positive pattern, the positive height anomaly center around the Scandinavia Peninsula keeps its strength and position during the mature period, and the Rossby wave packets thus propagate persistently toward East Asia, facilitating a longer mature time of the positive pattern. As for the formation of the negative EAP pattern, however, the incoming Rossby wave energy from the upstream contributes to both the enhancement and southeastward movement of the negative anomaly belt from the Yenisei River to the Bering Strait and the positive anomaly center around Mongolia. At the peak time, the two anomlous circulations are evolved into the Northeast Asia and the mid-latitude anomaly centers of the negative pattern, respectively. The energy dispersion of Rossby wave packets is relatively fast due to the predominant zonal circulation in the extratropics, causing a shorter mature period of the negative pattern. During the pre-rainy period of South China, the prevalence of the EAP pattern signiˉcantly affects the rainfall over the region south of the Yangtze River. The positive (negative) EAP pattern tends to causepositive (negative) precipitation anomalies in that region. This is di?erent from the earlier research findingsbased on monthly mean data.  相似文献   
文章在回顾世界海洋强国发展历程和分析现阶段发展特点的基础上,构建国家层面的海洋综合实力评价指标体系,并结合层次分析法和加权积决策理论建立了综合实力测评模型。通过选取世界上8个有代表意义的海洋强国,结合其海洋综合实力的现状分析,利用测评模型对其进行测评排序,为我国"海洋强国"战略的科学规划提供参考。  相似文献   
侯江龙  王登红 《地质论评》2016,62(S1):387-388
锂是银白色的、自然界最轻的金属,广泛应用于纺织、陶瓷、冶金、核能、新能源等领域,有“高能金属”、“21世纪的能源金属”之称。锂矿床按成因类型可分为内生和外生两种类型,内生型可具体分为花岗伟晶岩型、花岗岩型、云英岩型和岩浆热液型,外生型则包括盐湖型及地下卤水型(赵一鸣等,2004)。伟晶岩型锂矿主要开采锂辉石、透锂云母、锂云母、磷铝锂石等,是锂矿资源的重要来源。  相似文献   
Deep mantle processes and the dynamic mechanism of magmatism in the Japan Sea Basin are important processes that have not been studied in detail. In this paper, systematic evaluation of basalt samples from the ocean drilling program Site 794 in the Japan Sea was performed, which included petrography, whole-rock major- and trace-element analysis, Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic composition, and electron microprobe analysis of plagioclase and clinopyroxene. These basalts belong to the tholeiitic series with porphyritic texture and massive Ca-rich plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and minor olivine phenocrysts. The basalts are characterized as flat rare earth elements and high-field-strength elements with remarkably low ratios of(La/Yb)N(0.75–2.51), significant positive anomalies of Ba, Sr, and Rb and no Eu anomaly(δEu = 0.99–1.36). The samples showed relatively high 87Sr/86Sr(0.70425–0.70522), 207Pb/204Pb(15.511–15.610), and 208Pb/204Pb(38.064–38.557) values and a low 143Nd/144 Nd ratio(0.51271–0.51295). The basalts from Site 794 can be divided into upper, middle, and lower volcanic rocks(UVR, MVR, and LVR) on the basis of their stratigraphic level. The MVR was geochemically derived from the depleted mantle, whereas the UVR and LVR originated from a nondepleted and relatively enriched mantle source with contributions from subducted Pacific plate fluid and sediments. Use of geothermobarometers indicates that the crystallization pressure for the UVR and LVR(6.25–11.19 kbar) was significantly higher than that of the MVR(3.48–5.84 kbar). The UVR and LVR may have been derived from the low-degree(5%–10%) partial melting of spinel lherzolite, while the MVR originated from a shallower mantle source with a high degree(10%–20%) of partial melting. In addition, the geochemical characteristics of the samples are consistent with a younger age(13–17 Ma) and the depleted composition of the MVR and an older age(17–23 Ma) and slightly enriched composition of the UVR and LVR. Therefore, temporal changes in the mantle source from old and enriched to young and depleted and subsequently to old and nondepleted may have been associated with progressive lithospheric extension and thinning, as well as at least two episodes of diverse asthenospheric upwelling and pull-apart tectonic motion in the Yamato Basin.  相似文献   
对索的准确模拟有时应考虑弯曲刚度的影响.在已有研究基础上,考虑弯曲刚度对悬索静力构形的影响,分别推导了两端固结和两端铰接边界条件下水平悬索面内自由振动的解析解,并修正了已有文献中的不足之处,该解在理论上较已有解析解更为准确,它可看作是已有文献在均匀索情况下的解析解.本文推导的解析解具有一定的理论意义.  相似文献   
陆面过程蒸腾作用的模拟制约着天气,气候降水预测的精确度.近几十年来,为了更好地描述植被蒸腾的水力约束,陆面过程模式发展了基于植物性状的植物水力胁迫方案.然而,我们对于植物性状在蒸腾模拟中的地位仍然缺乏了解,植物性状对蒸腾的重要性仍需进一步量化.本研究利用Morris方法评估植物性状参数在通用陆面模式植物水力胁迫方案(CoLM-P50HS)中的重要性,针对17种植物性状,筛选出最为重要的:耐旱性状(P50),气孔性状,和光合作用性状.在12个FLUXNET站点中,参数的重要性由归一化敏感度来衡量.P50的重要性随着降水的减少而增加,而气孔性状和光合作用性状的重要性则随着降水的减少而减少.在干旱或半干旱地区,P50比气孔性状和光合作用性状更重要,这意味着当植物经常经历干旱时,水力安全策略比植物生长策略更关键.而耐旱性状的巨大变异性进一步暗示了多种植物水力安全策略的共存.忽视P50的变异性可能会对陆面过程模式蒸腾作用的模拟造成严重误差.因此,为了更好地表示植物水力功能的变异性,需要增加对耐旱性状的观测并耦合到陆面模式中.  相似文献   
陈小敏  邹倩  李轲 《气象》2011,37(9):1070-1080
利用国家气象中心GRAPES人工增雨云系模式,选取2008年7月4日重庆地区一次降水过程进行数值模拟,分析了重庆地区降雨天气的水汽分布、云系宏微观分布、云中微物理转化和增雨潜力等特征。结果表明:本次降水大气过程中,重庆地区水汽含量极为丰富,水汽分布与地形分布呈明显的对应关系,低层水汽输送较大,整层水汽通量较高,有明显水汽辐合,云中液态水对地面降水影响很大。西南气流和地形共同作用为重庆地区液态水的形成提供了有利条件,在东北部山区迎风坡处大量水汽累积抬升,易形成丰富的液态水。重庆东北部地区水汽向云水转化较强,过冷液态水含量丰富,冰晶含量少,0℃层附近水汽垂直通量较大,降水效率较低,有较大的增雨潜力。  相似文献   
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