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Excessive biomass development of benthic algae is often considered undesirable, but understanding the causes is confounded by complex interactions among driving factors. Pristine rivers allow a benchmark where human interference should be limited to climate change. In this study a time series comprising >20 years of annual benthic algae surveys from two pristine, soft water, boreal stream sites is used to determine whether year-to-year variations in benthic algal assemblages and cover were related to climate (temperature, precipitation, North Atlantic Oscillation) or hydrological regime. Total benthic algal cover ranged from 6 to 100% at Atna (the outflow of the Atna River from Lake Atnasjø), and from 3 to 50% at the headwater stream Li. Climate and hydrological regime explained 18 - 74% of the variability in benthic algal assemblages and cover. Generally, more variance was explained at Li than at Atna, possibly because (i) aquatic bryophytes blurred nutrient-mediated effects of climate and hydrology at Atna, and (ii) the upstream lake buffered hydrological variation. Temperature was more important for explaining benthic algal assemblages and cover at Atna, while hydrology was more important at Li. Climate and hydrological regime had no major impact on benthic algal taxon richness. High temperatures were associated with high benthic algal cover, particularly at Atna, while high suspended particle concentrations were associated with reduced benthic algal cover at Li, possibly due to scouring. Cover of the cyanobacterium Phormidium sp. increased at Li with increasing temperature, and decreased with prolonged periods of high discharge. Current predictions of climate change would lead to a “greener” Atna (increased cover of benthic algae), while Li would become more “bluegreen” (more Phormidium sp. but less filamentous green algae). It would also lead to a slightly more “eutrophic” algal assemblage at Atna (as indicated by the PIT-index for ecological status assessment), while a possible drift of the PIT-index is less clear at Li. The differences between Atna and Li likely reflect differences among river types, and it seems possible to make some generalizations: climate will likely affect benthic algae in lake outlets primarily via temperature, while headwater streams will primarily be affected via altered hydrology and particle concentrations.  相似文献   
A thick sequence of late Dinantian (Asbian–Brigantian) carbonates crop out in the Buttevant area, North Co. Cork, Ireland. A mud-mound unit of early Asbian age (the Hazelwood Formation) is the oldest unit described in this work. This formation is partly laterally equivalent to, and is overlain by, over 500 m of bedded platform carbonates which belong to the Ballyclogh and Liscarroll Limestone Formations. Four new lithostratigraphic units are described within the platform carbonates: (i) the early Asbian Cecilstown Member and (ii) the late Asbian Dromdowney Member in the Ballyclogh Limestone Formation; (iii) the Brigantian Templemary Member and (iv) the Coolbane Member in the Liscarroll Limestone Formation. The Cecilstown Member consists of cherty packstones and wackestones that are inferred to have been deposited below fair-weather wavebase. This unit overlies and is laterally equivalent to the mud-mound build-up facies of the Hazelwood Formation. The Dromdowney Member is typified by cyclic-bedded kamaenid-rich limestones possessing shell bands, capped by palaeokarst surfaces, with alveolar textures below and shales above these surfaces. The carbonates of this unit were deposited at or just below fair-weather wavebase, the top of each cycle culminated in subaerial emergence. The Templemary Member consists of cyclic alternations of subtidal crinoidal limestones capped by subtidal lagoonal crinoid-poor, peloidal limestones possessing coral thickets. Intraclastic cherty packstones and wackestones characterize the Coolbane Member, which is inferred to have been deposited below fair-weather wavebase but above storm wavebase. The early Asbian Cecilstown Member has a relatively sparse micro- and macrofauna, typified by scattered Siphonodendron thickets, archaediscids at angulatus stage and common Vissariotaxis. Conversely, macro- and microfauna is abundant in the late Asbian Dromdowney Member. Typical late Asbian macrofossils include the coral Dibunophyllum bipartitum and the brachiopod Davidsonina septosa. The base of the late Asbian (Cf6γ Subzone) is recognized by the first appearance of the foraminifers Cribrostomum lecompteii, Koskinobigenerina and the alga Ungdarella. The Cf6γ Subzone can be subdivided into two biostratigraphic divisions, Cf6γ1 and Cf6γ2, that can be correlated throughout Ireland. Relatively common gigantoproductid brachiopods and the coral Lonsdaleia duplicata occur in the Brigantian units. The base of the Brigantian stage (Cf6δ Subzone) is marked by an increase in the abundance of stellate archaediscids, the presence of Saccamminopsis-rich horizons, Loeblichia paraammonoides, Howchinia bradyana and the rarity of Koninckopora species. Changes in facies at the Cecilstown/Dromdowney Member and the Ballyclogh/Liscarroll Formation boundaries coincide closely with the changes in fossil assemblages that correspond to the early/late Asbian and the Asbian/Brigantian boundaries. These facies changes are believed to reflect major changes in relative sea-level on the Irish platforms. The sea-level variations that are inferred to have caused the facies changes at lithostratigraphic boundaries also brought in the new taxa that define biostratigraphic boundaries. Moreover, many of the Dinantian stage boundaries that are defined biostratigraphically in Great Britain, Belgium and the Russian Platform also coincide with major facies boundaries caused by regressive and transgressive episodes. The integration of detailed biostratigraphic analyses with facies studies will lead to better stratigraphic correlations of Dinantian rocks in northwest Europe. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
浅水水体存在着强烈的底栖—浮游生境耦合作用,耦合的结果决定着水生态系统关键特征.在缺少大型水生植物的浅水系统中,底栖藻类和浮游藻类对光照和营养盐的竞争是底栖—浮游生境耦合最为重要的生态过程之一,但该过程受到杂食性鱼类的影响.本文以浅水水体的底栖—浮游生境耦合作用为切入点,综述了杂食性鱼类对浅水水体底栖—浮游生境耦合作用...  相似文献   
In 1983 the regional authority in Schleswig-Holstein (North Germany) started their long term monitoring programme in 29 lakes. During the following years the number increased to 68 lakes in 1993. The monitoring programme includes the parameter carbon (DOC, TOC), nitrogen (NH4-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, TDN) phosphorus (PO4-P, TDP), conductivity and temperature. Water samples are taken only once a year during late winter overturn in the main outflow of every lake. In this study TOC, TDN and TDP are chosen as most independent variables by correlation tests. Average concentrations of the years 1983 to 1985 and 1992 to 1993 as well as the concentration difference between 1992/93 and 1983/85 are clustered using the Average Linkage Method. It is necessary to use averages of a few years to reduce effects of interannual variability.Between 1983/85 and 1992/93 the average TDP-concentration in all 29 lakes was reduced by 40% from 0.68 to 0.041 mg/l. TDN-concentrations declined by 13% from 2.6 to 2.3 mg/l. The strong reduction of phosphorus concentrations clearly reflect the success of local sewage purification during the last two decades. The high importance of diffuse input sources for lakes is the reason for the less pronounced decline in TDN concentrations.The increase in TOC-concentrations by 14% (from 9.3 to 10.6 mg/l) between 1983/85 and 1992/93 is no indicator for an increased average annual algae biomass in the lakes. It is a result of unusual algae blooms during the warm winters between 1989 and 1993.Beside some similarities, the dendrogram on the basis of 1983/85 data and the one using 1992/93 values show that a lot of lakes are located to different clusters. The classification on the basis of concentration differences (1992/93–1983/85) yield three larger groups of lakes with a similar development and 5 groups containing only one or two lakes with extraordinary changes in their properties during the decade. To a certain degree, TOC, TDN and TDP can be seen as trophic state indicators. During the decade most lakes have been subject to significant changes and some main cluster with different directions of the trophic development become obvious. On the other hand a considerable number of lakes show a very special behaviour.The results underline that cluster methods are a useful tool to discover and analyse different developments in lakes. The calculation of T-values on the basis of classification results permit the identification of most representative individuals for every group of lakes. Representatives are valuable for a detailed discussion of driving forces and future investigations. They allow to handle a reduced number of lakes with minimal information loss about the entity.Lake Belau is the best representative for the average TOC-, TDN- and TDP-changes in all lakes. Its changes in water qualtity during the decade is discussed in detail. The high interannual variability of Chlorophyll a-, TDP- and TDN-concentrations in this lake clearly reflect the problems of long term analysis on the basis of this very limited monitoring programme.  相似文献   
I.INTRODUCTIONMOrphologicalprocessesinlotvlandriversaredond~actransportphenomenaoffineandcohesivesediments.AsthismaterialtendstobindtoxicagentsandthuSrepresentsapotentialdangerfortheaqUaticenvironmentitisofspotalinterestintennsOfwaterqualityinvestigations.BesidesthisapeOfenvironmentalprotectionfinesedimentsoftendepositinnavigationchannelsandimpedeshipping.implyingextensiveandexpensitredredging.Thesereasonsprot,e,thatthetranSPortbehal'iorOffinesedimentsshouldbeinvestigatedcarefullytogiv…  相似文献   
基于小型无人机可见光遥感的蓝藻识别研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以无人机航拍获取的可见光影像为数据源,研究小面积水域中蓝藻的提取方法。首先采用无人机获取可见光影像,运用4种可见光植被指数对图像进行运算,提出了用于蓝藻识别的可见光归一化差异植被指数与增强型红绿差值植被指数,以人工目视解译统计得到的蓝藻面积作为判别依据。结果表明:利用增强型红绿差值植被指数对湖泊中蓝藻的分类及提取,精度可达95.89%,Kappa系数为97.03,质量稳定,精度较高。  相似文献   
Analysis of eight outcrops from Rarău Massif (Eastern Carpathians, Romania) revealed a rich assemblage of encrusting organisms mostly of problematic biological affiliation within platform-margin facies – Crescentiella morronensis, Radiomura cautica, Koskinobullina socialis, Pseudorothpletzella schmidi, Lithocodium aggregatum and bacinellid structures, encrusting calcified sponges (Calcistella jachenhausenensis, Neuropora lusitanica) and foraminifera (Coscinophragma cribrosa). Orbitolinids, calcareous green algae and rudists assign an early Aptian age (Bedoulian) for the studied limestones. In terms of species variety, abundance and structural microfabrics the studied microencruster association show similarity with the Upper Jurassic communities from reef and peri-reefal sedimentary settings. Comparisons with such assemblages are emphasized here. The presence of the sporolithacean and peyssonneliacean red algae (Sporolithon rude and Polystrata alba) contributes also to the construction of superimposed crusts. Even if the known stratigraphic range of the microencrusters is not strictly limited to the late Jurassic, reports of comparable associations in Urgonian-type facies is poorly documented. Therefore, it exemplifies the resistance and flourishing events of many encrusters throughout the Mesozoic.  相似文献   
藻类生物化学成分差异对其热解生烃产率和特征的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
藻类生物化学成分差异对其热解生烃产率和特征的影响吴庆余,章冰,盛国英,傅家谟(南京大学生物科学与技术系.南京210093)(中国科学院广州地球化学研究所.广州510640)关键词藻类热模拟成烃,生物化学降解,有机地球化学浮游藻类生物的热降解模拟实验和...  相似文献   
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