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孙一铭  陈丽 《山东地质》2008,(7):114-115
土地整理过程是对现有土地利用格局的改变,必然影响到土地生态系统的稳定性,若整理不当将破坏生物多样性,降低土地的生产能力,影响土地资源的可持续利用。因此,重视土地整理生态化设计,不仅可以改善生态,也有助于保持生物多样性。  相似文献   
针对目前农用地定级成果数据共享开放、更新维护及实时互动等方面存在的问题,利用NET技术和ArcIMS平台,设计并实现了湖北省农用地定级信息发布系统,详细介绍了系统开发环境、体系结构、数据库设计以及主要功能模块。  相似文献   
中国农业地域分异与现代农业区划方案   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:23  
农业是自然再生产与经济再生产过程的统一,农业地域格局取决于自然、经济、社会和技术等要素的综合影响,而且伴随着这些要素的长期变化而产生时空演化和区域分异,由此奠定了综合农业区划的科学基础。本文探讨了中国工业化、城镇化、信息化和农业现代化协调发展新战略,剖析了现代农业发展环境的时空转变及其动态特征,建立了农业自然要素与农业地域功能耦合测度指标体系,应用聚类分析和定性评判综合手段提出了新时期中国现代农业区划原则和方法,制定了全国现代农业区划方案。该方案包括15个农业一级区、53个农业二级区,并与1981年农业综合区划方案进行比较分析,深入揭示了快速工业化、城镇化、信息化进程中中国农业生产结构、地域功能、格局动态和发展趋向,为新时期加快各地区现代农业战略性结构调整,促进农业现代化发展奠定了重要基础,为创新发展现代农业与乡村地理学,促进地理学综合研究服务国家战略需求提供了重要参考。  相似文献   
黑龙江垦区农业现代化水平评价   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
以黑龙江垦区为例,在对其农业现代化水平进行国际比较基础之上,从农业生产现代化、物质装备现代化、经营管理现代化、农业生活现代化、农业环境保护5个方面,构建了黑龙江垦区农业现代化水平的综合评价指标体系。基于熵值法,对2000年以来的黑龙江垦区农业现代化水平进行了综合测度。结果表明,垦区在作物单产、农机装备水平、单位耕地化肥施用量和有机作物种植占比等方面已达到发达国家水平,但在经营规模、农业产业化、农产品加工业等方面差距较大。黑龙江垦区的农业现代化综合水平稳步提高,以农业生产现代化和农业生活现代化的快速演进为主,其次是物质装备现代化和经营管理现代化,农业环境保护水平有所下降,其中各子系统有不同演变特点。因此提出黑龙江垦区尚处于初步实现农业现代化阶段,未来需要进一步加强体制机制改革,攻克现代农业发展中的各种问题,全面实现农业现代化。  相似文献   
基于地理探测器的黑龙江垦区农场粮食产量影响因素分析   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
中国粮食生产格局已由南粮北运转变为北粮南运,东北黑龙江垦区已成为最重要的商品粮基地,稳定该区域的粮食产量、可持续发展该区域粮食种植,对促进农业可持续发展、保证国家粮食安全具有重大的意义。为有针对性地制定农业政策,需研究黑龙江垦区粮食产量影响因素,以黑龙江垦区内113个农场为研究对象,选取23个与农业生产关系最密切的影响因子,利用地理探测器方法分析不同因子对农场粮食产量影响的差异。结果显示:除了播种面积和耕地面积外,农业机械化水平是最显著的影响因子,进一步分析表明大型农机对农场粮食产量影响较大。应进一步加强农业科技、农业机械化投入,鼓励精准农业种植模式发展,以保证黑龙江垦区的粮食可持续生产。  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the problem of quantifying real world catchment response using a distributed model and discusses the ability of the model to capture that response. The rainfall–runoff responses of seven small agricultural catchments in the eastern wheatbelt region of south-western Australia are examined. The variability in runoff generation and the factors that contribute to that variability (i.e. rainfall intensity, soil properties and topography) are investigated to determine if their influence can be captured in a mathematical model. The spatially distributed rainfall–runoff model used in this study is based on the TOPMODEL concepts of Beven and Kirkby (1979), and simulates runoff generation by both the infiltration excess and saturation excess mechanisms. Simulations with the model revealed the highly complex nature of catchment response to rainfall events. Runoff generation was highly heterogeneous in both space and time, with the runoff response being governed by the spatial variability of soil properties and topography, and by the temporal variation in rainfall intensity. Although the model proved capable of simulating catchment response for many events, the investigation has demonstrated that not all aspects of the variability associated with agricultural catchments (particularly the effects of land management) can be captured using this relatively simple model. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   
主要利用卫星数据MODIS Aqua研究在北极格陵兰海(10°W-10°E,70°N-85°N)2003-2009年间叶绿素a(Chl a)与气溶胶厚度(AOD)的分布以及它们之间的耦合关系.研究发现,Chl a和AOD在一定的区域里有着带有滞后期的耦合关系.同时通过统计软件EVieWS的滞后回归分析发现,Chl a滞...  相似文献   
Gao  Jiangbo  Zuo  Liyuan 《地理学报(英文版)》2021,31(1):111-129
A clear understanding of the relationships among multiple ecosystem services(ESs) is the foundation for sustainable urban ecosystem management. Quantitatively identifying the factors that influence ES trade-offs and synergies can contribute to deepening ES research, from knowledge building to decision making. This study simulated soil conservation, water yield and carbon sequestration in Beijing, China, from 2015–2018. The spatial trade-offs and synergies of these three ESs within the five major river basins in Beijing were explored using geographically weighted regression. Furthermore, geographical detector was applied to quantitatively identify the driving mechanism of the environmental factors for the ES trade-offs and synergies. The results show the following:(1) the spatial relationships between soil conservation and water yield, as well as between water yield and carbon sequestration, were mainly trade-offs. There was a spatial synergy between soil conservation and carbon sequestration.(2) Regarding the spatial trade-off/synergy between soil conservation and water yield in Beijing, the dominant influencing factor was temperature/elevation, and the dominant interactions of the spatial trade-off and synergy between these two ESs in Beijing and the Chaobai River Basin are all manifested in the superposition of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, temperature, and elevation.(3) Topographic factors were the dominant factors influencing the spatial relationship between soil conservation and carbon sequestration in Beijing and its five major river basins. As a result of the distribution of water systems and hydrological characteristics of the basins, differences were observed in the effects of different combinations of interaction factors on the spatial relationship between these two ESs in different basins.(4) Temperature had the strongest explanatory power in terms of the spatial trade-offs and synergies between water yield and carbon sequestration. The interactions between precipitation and temperature and between precipitation and elevation were the dominant interactions affecting the spatial relationship between water yield and carbon sequestration in Beijing. Overall, the explanatory power of influencing factors on the trade-offs and synergies and the degree of interaction between factors coexist in different basins with consistency and differences. Therefore, understanding the quantitative characteristics of basin-scale spatial trade-offs and synergies between ESs is important for ecosystem management and the promotion of synergy in different basins.  相似文献   
文章探讨了对农业遗产进行旅游开发的特殊性,确定了在保护遗产的使命之下进行旅游开发的方式。文章认为:青田农业遗产旅游是一种综合型的生态旅游,而且以社区旅游的模式来组织旅游活动较合理。最后还提出了具体的开发思路和建议:通过典型生态旅游社区的构建,展示一个世外山村和谐的生产生活方式,让游客在村民生活和自然环境的充分接触中感受生活,营造现代人精神回归的心灵家园。在人与自然和谐系统之下,梳理出景区的旅游产品体系,包括研修教育、山村风情体验、乡土娱乐、山水休闲和文艺部落休闲等5个主要部分.  相似文献   
1 Introduction Because of modifying land-cover (Turner et al., 1991) and management measures of soil (Dalal, 1986), land use changes can cause significant modifications in soil properties (Islam, 2000; Mcalister, 1998; Braimoh, 2004; Lal, 1996; Shepherd, …  相似文献   
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