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乡村类世界遗产地的内涵及旅游利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
作为全人类科研、教育、游览、启智等活动的场所,乡村类世界遗产地如何通过旅游实现遗产保护与利用双赢是遗产地管理的重要问题。乡村类世界遗产地是指凝结了具有世界性突出的普遍价值的民居建筑、乡村聚落、村落布局、土地永续使用方式、产业活动、民间习俗、手工技艺、文化节事等要素的地域综合体。由于各遗产地所体现的主体景观和遗产价值差异,乡村类世界遗产地应包括历史村落型和产业景观型两类。因为兼具世界遗产和乡村地域的共同特征,乡村类世界遗产地旅游资源独特,吸引力强。在梳理乡村类世界遗产地内涵的基础上,分析了此类遗产地作为旅游资源的特点,并提出旅游利用原则及相应途径。  相似文献   
黄河大堤与下游黄河申报世界遗产刍议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄河大堤与下游黄河符合《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》中对世界遗产的定义以及相关的标准,应该可以作为文化与自然双重遗产申报列入《世界遗产名录》。如果申报成功,将能提高我国人民对黄河大堤与下游黄河的认识和自豪感,有利于世界人民对黄河大堤与下游黄河的全面了解和对中国文化的深入理解,从而更能加强对黄河大堤与下游黄河的保护。至今没有人提出这个问题,可能是因为存在一些需要解除的思想束缚。我国一向重视治黄的问题,黄河大堤受到精心的保护,对黄河问题的研究也成绩卓著,这些对申报都十分有利。当前,非常需要有关方面进行认真的讨论,以取得共识,决定是否需要立即开展这一工作。  相似文献   
中国古代风景名胜地图艺术性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古代风景名胜地图脱胎于中国山水画,因此与中国山水画有着千丝万缕的关系。同时,由于受时代条件的限制,古人更多将关注点放在地图的艺术特征层面上。古代风景名胜地图是中国特有艺术与文化的产物,集中国传统思想、文化、书法、绘画等多种艺术于一身,具有重要的文化与艺术价值,值得探寻与传承。本文从地图学的符号设计、制图综合、比例尺、方位与色彩、注记与文字、传统思想等多种角度对中国古代风景名胜地图的艺术特征进行了探讨,并以图的形式对相应特征作了阐述。这些艺术特征是中国传统文化的代表与结晶,有博大精深的思想内涵,尤其是儒家、道家、佛家的思想从根源上无形有形地影响古代风景名胜地图的艺术性的发展。古代风景名胜地图的艺术性能为当代以二维居多、艺术性严重不足的现代地图发展提供重要的借鉴意义,并且对于弘扬中国传统文化的今天,具有重要的文化战略意义与传承价值。  相似文献   
潍坊地质遗迹主要包括古生物化石和地貌景观两大类,古生物化石主要分布在诸城和临朐山旺,地貌景观主要分布在昌乐乔山和潍坊西南山区。通过法律法规培训、地质公园申报建设、加大保护科研力度等措施,潍坊在地质遗迹保护管理方面取得了一定的成绩。该文详细介绍了潍坊市地质遗迹资源概况和保护管理的具体做法,并对下一步的工作进行了探讨。  相似文献   
黄河三角洲国家级地质遗迹保护区总面积15.3万hm2,与国内外其他河流三角洲沉积相比,黄河三角洲的沉积环境和沉积模式有其独特之处,主要是黄河三角洲平原在发展演化过程中形成的各种河流沉积地貌景观、微地貌景观和河口地貌景观。研究和保护这些地质地貌遗迹,对了解黄河三角洲的演化过程、发展趋势以及提出合理的保护措施有重要意义。  相似文献   
加拿大新斯科舍省的大草地是传统土地利用的杰出例子,反映了人类与独特环境相互作用,也因此被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。大草地不但是加拿大最肥沃的农业景观,还是一个标志性历史遗址,承载着1755年的驱逐阿卡迭人的历史悲剧,吸引了无数游客慕名而来。而今面临着农业的转变和旅游业的衰败双重威胁,人们对大草地于2012年成为世界遗产及其所带来的旅游发展充满期待。本文将大草地作为全球重要农业文化遗产,根据以前的研究,对其成为世界遗产地之后该地区未来经济繁荣和可持续发展的情况进行了探讨。  相似文献   
江油国家地质公园地质遗迹景观资源特征及评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
江油国家地质公园特色突出,地质遗迹景观品质高、互补性强,配套性好,具有极高的科研、观赏和旅游开发价值。本文在资料收集和实地考察的基础上,总结了江油国家地质公园地质遗迹景观资源的特征,划分了地质遗迹景观的类型,并对地质公园内主要的地质遗迹景观进行了定性和定量评价。该地质公园地质遗迹景观主要有岩溶洞穴、岩溶漏斗、泥盆纪标准地层剖面和古生物化石,以及山岳、峡谷地貌等,其中属国家级地质遗迹景观的有11处,省级地质遗迹景观的有12处。   相似文献   
Community plays an important role in the preservation of agricultural heritage system (AHS). Recently, many AHS have been valorized as interesting resources for rural tourism. The expectations are that tourism development (TD) can be supportive for the conservation of AHS while creating benefits for local communities. In this study, two mountainous pilot villages (Longxian and Xiaohuang) in a global conservation project for traditional agricutural systems - Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) were selected to identify the relationship between AHS conservation and TD. The study undertook in-depth interviews, and questionnaires of village residents and informal discussions with local villagers. A t-test and a linear regression model were implemented to explore the comparative dimensions of the two communities with different geographical location, economic situation, and stage of TD. The research found some similarities and differences in the two mountainous communities during AHS conservation and TD. Firstly, AHS are preservaed well in both villages unconsiously, while the residents in Xiaohuang value more highly the heritage elements than the respondents in Longxian, and the villagers in Xiaohuang are more worried about their heritage system; Secondly, both villages expect lots of benefits from TD and they clearly perceive more positive than negative impact from tourism and thus approve TD, while the hugedifferent perception on transportation and accessibility in the two villages reflects the bottleneck of TD in Xiaohuang village. At the same time, the respondents from Xiaohuang perceive more positive and fewer negative impact from tourism than the respondents from Longxian. Thirdly, the respondents in the two villages all show positive attitudes towards participation in tourism mostly motivated by the high income expectation. The main factors to determine the community perception in two villages were also analyzed based on the data process. A location-based coneeputal framework of AHS conservation in partnership with TD at community scale is proposed at the end of the paper. The dynamics of tourism development, that could enhance a better understanding of the complex relationship between conservation objectives and tourism development are discussed.  相似文献   
徐敏  阙维民 《地理研究》2014,33(4):735-750
以中国各级文物保护单位中的窑业遗产为研究对象,运用地理学方法,将中国沿海区域分为内、中、外三个地带,分析这一特定地理区域三个地带内的窑业遗产构成、类型及其时空分布;通过与中国内陆区域同类遗产相关特点的异同比较,获知沿海区域窑业遗产的区域整体特色;进而探讨窑业经济发展与区域地理环境之间的深层内在联系。研究认为:该区域内窑业遗产的时空分布特征,折射出历史时期中国沿海区域窑业经济发展进程是一个从北到南、由内而外逐步推进的有序演进过程。  相似文献   
C. Gdaniec 《GeoJournal》2000,50(4):379-387
In a former industrial part of Barcelona, as in the de-industrialising neighbourhoods of many big cities, the ‘new’ economy and the ‘cultural’ economy have started to replace the ‘old’ economy, bringing new life into a declining district but also causing conflicts of land use, housing or the preservation of architectural heritage. The latter is an important part of regeneration and marketing policies of city governments, whereby the ‘new’ economy not only emerges from the old but the physical space of the old industrial quarter becomes the tool and setting in which the city can re-present itself and its success story of transformation and regeneration. Through the increasing use of information and communication technologies, which are at the same time driving this transformation - an industry as such as well as business-aid in various sectors, cultural industries in particular - the city has acquired a second, virtual presence. The city exists and ‘lives’ on numerous websites. Those by city government and city organisations often have the express purpose of marketing and presenting the city, while those by (cultural) businesses and other organisations in the district add to the mosaic of the virtual city. As a result, the old industrial space continues to live and be productive, its economic value having changed largely into a cultural value. This coexistence of the real and the virtual, old and new, also meets with a conflict at certain junctures. There is the positive representation of plans and events on the city's websites on the one hand, and the undercurrent of protest and disenchantment among the local population who find themselves marginalised from the profits and success of development, on the other. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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