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非洲世界遗产的分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以世界文化和自然遗产为主要类型, 通过图表分析和计算密度, 分全洲、地区和国家3 个尺度, 研究非洲世界遗产的分布特征。从全洲看, 非洲大陆沿海和海岛地区、中等河流流域与非洲东部局部区域世界遗产分布相对集中。不同地区中, 东部、北部和西部非洲比较稠密, 其中东部非洲密度最高。各国中, 塞内加尔、突尼斯、冈比亚、佛得角、毛里求斯和塞舌尔密度最高, 其次为科特迪瓦、摩洛哥、多哥、肯尼亚、乌干达、马拉维和津巴布韦等国。世界文化遗产在东部、北部和西部非洲同样密集, 密度较高的有埃及、摩洛哥、突尼斯、贝宁、加纳、塞内加尔、多哥、冈比亚、佛得角、埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、马拉维、毛里求斯和津巴布韦等国。世界自然遗产以东部非洲密度最高, 主要分布在突尼斯、尼日尔、几内亚、科特迪瓦、塞内加尔、喀麦隆、中非、民主刚果、坦桑尼亚、肯尼亚、塞舌尔、乌干达、马达加斯加、南非、津巴布韦和马拉维等国。  相似文献   
入境游客视角下中国旅游形象的景区代言   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从入境游客视角出发,选取10大世界遗产类景区为研究对象,根据问卷调查资料,通过多元对应分析和方差分析,考察了此类景区代言中国旅游形象的市场认可度,并探讨了景区代言目的地形象的可行性、影响因素和具体策略,最后提出了旅游目的地形象代言互动传播模型。研究结果显示:①入境游客对长城、兵马俑和故宫的代言认同度最高,颐和园、天坛次之,苏州园林、黄山、丽江古城、布达拉宫与莫高窟的代言认同度最低。②10大世界遗产类景区代言中国旅游形象的认同度基本与其知名度呈正相关关系。③代言认同度的文化类别分异特征较为明显,而各人口统计学特征变量仅对少数景区代言认同度具有显著影响。④在中国旅游形象的景区代言配适度考察方面,市场群体的文化类别是比人口统计学特征更为有效的鉴别因素。  相似文献   
广州城市水文化遗产及保护利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自广州建城2000多年来,对水的开发、建设、利用、审美、娱乐等活动为广州水文化的衍生提供了丰厚而独特的温床,使广州产生了独具特色、种类繁多的城市水文化遗产。伴随着广州城市的转型,城市水文化的功能也将发生重大变化,但其遭受破坏现象十分严重。为便于广州水文化遗产的保护和利用,通过对广州水文化、水遗产进行的全面梳理,发现广州城市水文化遗产可划分为聚落文化遗产、水利文化遗产、园林文化遗产、宗教文化遗产、民俗文化遗产和语言文化遗产六大类,并且具有类型多样、品质高、分布集中,连接了广州历史的文脉,对广州城市发展影响重大等特点。广州应加大对水文化遗产的挖掘和保护,要格外注重水文化遗产廊道的开发,营造多样性的水景观,丰富广州水文化遗产内涵。  相似文献   
世界遗产视野中的京杭运河北端通惠河   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通惠河是元明清时期京杭运河北端的漕运河道,但列入UNESCO世界遗产预备名录的京杭运河项目中并未包括通惠河.为了在正式申报时弥补这一缺憾,笔者于2007年底对通惠河的历史地理与遗产资源做了文献梳理、社会调研与实地勘察,结果显示:通惠河的运河遗产资源价值较高,但运河遗产资源的环境现状不容乐观,原住居民对运河遗产资源的认知程度不高,运河遗产资源的保护管理力度不够.有鉴于此,建议从三个方面加强通惠河遗产资源的保护与管理:重点保护符合申遗标准的遗产资源;综合整治遗产资源本体及其环境;传承发扬运河历史文脉与非物质遗产.  相似文献   
尹国蔚 《热带地理》2014,34(5):712-718
根据联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心网提供的资料和其他以关于印度史地为主的文献,按类型归纳印度世界遗产的地域与分布特征。截止2013年,印度入选的世界遗产包括24项文化遗产和6项自然遗产,无属于混合类型的双重遗产。世界自然遗产具有自然地理的整体性和差异性特征,而文化遗产的宗教特征比较普遍。自然遗产主要分布于印度次大陆的边缘地区;而文化遗产主要以历史上比较强大的国家政权和外来势力的统治中心、海陆交通枢纽和环境适宜为分布取向;其中,各类宗教性遗产呈南北向地域分异。这些特征是在印度地缘环境的相对独立性、地形和炎热多雨的气候,以及悠久但发展极不平衡且以分裂为主的历史、外来势力、经济发展和本土文化基底的共同影响下形成的。  相似文献   
<正>1 Characteristics of Kunisaki GIAS and aims of this research Kunisaki GIAHS in the Kunisaki peninsula and Usa area,Oita,Japan,is a system where forestry,agricultural production,and fisheries are sustained by the strong connection between Sawtooth Oak forest,multiple interlinked irriga tion ponds,and Seto Inland Sea(Vafadari 2013a;2013b;Hayashi 2013).This area receive around 1,500 mm of annual precipitation with a  相似文献   
饭店是旅游业的重要组成,不同区位的饭店存在着巨大差异。文章以黄山风景区的旅游饭店为实证,针对饭店的功能项目、产品价格、员工状况等方面进行分析,并通过与所在地区的城市饭店进行比较,探讨山岳型景区旅游饭店与城市饭店的差异表现及形成机制,旨在为山岳型风景区饭店的发展和建设提供有益参考。  相似文献   
South Australia has the greatest utilisation of heritage or building stone in Australia because of its lack of timber resources. Consequently, natural stone was intensively used from the beginning of European colonisation. Building stones in South Australia, notable for their variety given the State’s diverse geology, can be challenging to designate as to their international importance. However, dimension stone in South Australia can also be designated as having national, regional, local or prospective importance. Commonly, stone in South Australia is restricted in use to a specific town, or even a single construction, and has only local significance except where use involves special stone characteristics, unusual stone masonry or use in a building with significant heritage. For instance, the town of Second Valley has a localised use of marble, likely the earliest use (1849) of this rock type in the State. Another example, ‘Adelaide Black Granite’, quarried since 1958, should probably be recognised internationally as a ‘Global Heritage Stone Resource’, as it has had intensive monumental use around Australia, utilisation as cladding in modern buildings, as well as paving and walling in Australia’s National Parliament in Canberra. It has also been exported, notably used for the Australian Embassy in Japan and for a major War Memorial at Le Hamel, France. South Australian slate quarries also provide significant heritage stone. For example, the Willunga Slate quarry south of Adelaide has been sourced for roofing slate and walling since 1840 and is arguably the longest continuous mining operation in Australia; this resource has obvious national significance given a period of quarrying extending to the present, coupled with national distribution of its products. Probably the most widespread stone sourced in South Australia is the surface limestone or calcrete, quarried in the Adelaide area until the 1850s and used for general construction. The stone continues to be used in rural areas. While arguably only of local significance, it could be considered to have national importance because of its extensive use in churches, public building, hotels, houses and simple walling across a vast area of South Australia. Additional research is needed to clarify the heritage status of many building stones used in South Australia.  相似文献   
The seabed in areas beyond national jurisdiction is the common heritage of mankind (CHM), as declared in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The CHM principle requires not only the sharing of benefits (the subject of a parallel article by the authors) but also the conservation and preservation of natural and biological resources for both present and future generations. The International Seabed Authority, tasked with operationalising the CHM principle in the context of deep-seabed mining, has not yet defined which measures it will take to give effect to environmental aspects of the CHM principle. This article seeks to contribute to the discussion about the operationalization of the CHM principle by specifically examining the environmental dimension of the CHM principle. To this end, the article interprets the CHM principle in the context of sustainable development and discusses a number of potential options the Authority could consider to support the application of the CHM principle. These include: funding scientific research to increase knowledge about the deep ocean for humankind; ensuring public participation in the decision-making process; debating the need for and alternatives to deep-seabed mining; determining conservation targets and levels of harm deemed acceptable; limiting environmental impacts; preserving mineable sites for future generations; compensating humankind for environmental harm; and ensuring enforcement.  相似文献   
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