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高分二号卫星影像提供了丰富的图像信息,高分二号影像数据的发布打破了我国高分辨率对地观测数据长期依赖进口的局面。但是图像在传输和保存过程中会有噪声干扰,如果感兴趣区域受到污染,则会导致该区域内的影像信息不能被充分利用。为了解决高分二号遥感影像去噪这一难题,本文采用自适应模糊阈值法去噪方式,该方法根据各个尺度下噪声方差建立的自适应模糊阈值函数非线性处理后,重新构造作为新的小波系数,经小波逆变换后得到去噪图像。通过与均值滤波器滤波、高斯平滑滤波、中值滤波器滤波、小波全局阈值去噪和Birge-Massart策略阈值法去噪比较,结果表明,自适应模糊阈值去噪法充分结合软硬阈值处理方式的优点,既保留图像细节又使图像更加平滑,图像整体信息完好,去噪效果更为理想。  相似文献   
Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) are increasingly being used in advanced applications that require them to operate in tandem with human divers and around underwater infrastructure and other vehicles. These applications require precise control of the UUVs which is challenging due to the non-linear and time varying nature of the hydrodynamic forces, presence of external disturbances, uncertainties and unexpected changes that can occur within the UUV’s operating environment. Adaptive control has been identified as a promising solution to achieve desired control within such dynamic environments. Nevertheless, adaptive control in its basic form, such as Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) has a trade-off between the adaptation rate and transient performance. Even though, higher adaptation rates produce better performance they can lead to instabilities and actuator fatigue due to high frequency oscillations in the control signal. Command Governor Adaptive Control (CGAC) is a possible solution to achieve better transient performance at low adaptation rates. In this study CGAC has been experimentally validated for depth control of a UUV, which is a unique challenge due to the unavailability of full state measurement and a greater thrust requirement. These in turn leads to additional noise from state estimation, time-delays from input noise filters, higher energy expenditure and susceptibility to saturation. Experimental results show that CGAC is more robust against noise and time-delays and has lower energy expenditure and thruster saturation. In addition, CGAC offers better tracking, disturbance rejection and tolerance to partial thruster failure compared to the MRAC.  相似文献   
针对检索词库构建困难、数据请求量受限制等相关问题,该文提出一种基于独立覆盖率排序和空间自适应剖分的深网POI信息搜索方法,通过候选检索词初步构建、贪婪式探测搜索、检索词优化降维、空间自适应剖分爬行等主要流程,利用逐步逼近POI搜索的最大覆盖最优解,实现对深网POI信息的全量获取,大幅度提高深网POI数据的召回率与采集效率,该方法对于丰富地理信息资源、提升空间信息服务与内容管理能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   
卫星导航接收机抗干扰技术是接收机设计的一项关键技术。在研究基于功率反演的空域自适应抗干扰算法基础上,提出了采用基于波束控制的抗干扰算法,并进行了仿真计算,结果表明:该算法明显提高了接收机抗干扰性能。  相似文献   
研究了具有不同到达率的带有启动时间及不耐烦策略的多级适应性休假M^X/G/1排队模型,通过嵌入马尔可夫链方法推导出稳态队长的母函数、等待时间的LST(先到先服务规则),并验证了稳态队长和稳态等待时间具有随机分解性,而且给出了忙期、全忙期及在线期均值。  相似文献   
对当前典型的水下无线通信网进行分析,针对水声、光、射频3种通信模式在水下无线通信中的优缺点,提出基于软件无线电技术的多模式自适应水下无线通信网络的概念及其框架结构,并对其中的自适应调制解调方式展开研究.结合MAC层协议,提出一种跨层的自适应调制解调解决方案,即通过收发双方的握手信息携带当前信道状态,由发射方根据握手信息,判断双方通信距离,预计信道未来状态,结合需要传输的数据量,自适应选择合适的通信模式和调制方式,并利用握手信号通知接收方,从而实现在通信网络范围内数据或指令的快速可靠传输.  相似文献   
针对传统的最小生成树聚类算法存在使用全局不变阈值确定噪声边,聚类需要用户根据经验确定初始化聚类参数,如“边权值倍数容差”,“边长变化因子”等,聚类不能发现局部噪声的问题,本文提出了一种改进的最小生成树自适应空间点聚类算法。该算法在无需用户输入参数的前提下,克服主观因素的影响,根据最小生成树边长的数理统计特征定义裁剪因子。算法首先从宏观层面对最小生成树进行首轮删枝操作,消除全局环境下的噪声边,进而根据各子树的边长统计情况,自适应设定局部裁剪因子,进行第二轮删枝操作,消除局部环境下的噪声边。最后,采用1个模拟数据和1个实际应用验证算法的有效性,结果表明本文提出的改进算法在无需人为提供经验参数的环境下能够发现任意形状、不同密度的簇,能够准确的识别出空间点中的噪声数据,从而能够实现空间点数据背后隐藏信息的自动挖掘。  相似文献   
敏感区诊断是适应性观测的关键问题,集合变换卡尔曼方法(EnsembleTransformKalmanFilter,ETKF)是目前主要的诊断方法之一。将集合变换卡尔曼方法应用于海洋环境适应性观测,根据ROMS海洋模式数据构建海表温度集合预报,以黑潮流域宫古海峡附近海域为验证区进行敏感区诊断计算,分析不同间隔时间条件下敏感区分布情况,结合模拟系统观测试验验证在敏感区进行适应性观测对预报质量的提升效果。结果表明,在诊断所得敏感区内添加观测能够提升预报质量;随时间间隔增大,敏感区向上游区域平移且预报质量提升效果减小;与在验证区整体添加观测相比,敏感区观测对预报质量提升效果基本相同并且观测成本明显减少。  相似文献   
Ecosystem based management takes into account the interconnectedness and interdependent nature of ecosystem components and emphasizes the importance of ecosystem structures and functions which provide a range of services. The concept has now been adopted by many international agreements and national governments and is in the process of being implemented. This paper seeks to review the literature and to analyze the understanding of the subject. The term is defined and its implementation in fisheries and for all marine uses is analyzed. It has been concluded that to understand marine ecosystem based management one must consider ecosystems as complex adaptive systems which can show changes at higher levels from actions and processes occurring at lower levels. Recognizing that humans are part of these complex adaptive systems is vital in that their actions along with other processes can lead to transformations in ecosystem functioning. This recognition is also important to show how society can sustainably exploit these resources and that the inclusion of all stakeholders in the management process is necessary to legitimize the process. The uses of the precautionary principle along with adaptive management are seen to be useful tools in implementing these insights into the management of natural resources. Finally, the need for reducing consumption of fish is considered.  相似文献   
An adaptive substepping explicit integration scheme is developed for a porosity‐dependent hydro‐mechanical model for unsaturated soils. The model is referred to as the modified σ –Θ model in this paper, which features the employment of the subloading surface plasticity and the stress–saturation approach. On numerical aspects, convex/nonconvex subloading surfaces in the σ –Θ space may result in incorrect loading–unloading decisions during the integration. A new loading–unloading decision method is developed here to solve the problem and then embedded into the explicit integration scheme for the modified σ –Θ model. In addition, to enhance the accuracy of the explicit integration, local errors from both hydraulic and mechanical components are included in the error control for each substep. A drift correction method is also developed to ensure the state point lies on the subloading surface in the σ –Θ space within a set error level. The performance of the loading–unloading decision method for the modified σ –Θ model is discussed through comparing it with the conventional loading–unloading decision method. The importance of involving the hydraulic component in the error control is also demonstrated. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed adaptive substepping explicit integration scheme for the modified p–Θ model are also studied via several numerical examples. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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