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天体化学:地球起源与演化的几个关键问题   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以近几年天体化学研究取得的一些重要成果,论述了对于认识地球的起源和演化进程的重要意义。地球主要由一套具有独立化学成分组成的硅酸盐质星子群随机碰撞吸积而成。地球的星子堆积形成方式和初始化学成分的不均一性制约着地球后期的非均一、非均变演化过程。以1800Ma为转折点,地球的演化具明显的两阶段演化特征:早期以初生壳体———星子源地体的形成和发展为特点,后期以岩石圈板块运动为特点。地球演化史中的地外撞击事件,是太阳系形成机制———碰撞吸积作用的继续,是地质历史生物、沉积、岩浆、构造等演化的重要营力之一。  相似文献   
研究了质量为148.88 g±17.29 g和16.32 g±2.23g两种规格的条纹锯(Centropristis striata)鱼种对高温的耐受性及高温胁迫后恢复方式的适应.结果表明:大规格鱼种的高温半致死温度为26.80℃,最适温度上限为20.38℃.小规格鱼种的高温半致死温度为29.26℃,最适温度上限为25.11℃.依据实验鱼种耗氧率的恢复情况可以断定:在暴露于高温半致死温度48 h或72 h条件下,直接恢复方式略优于梯度恢复方式;而暴露24 h 条件下,两种恢复方式的作用无明显差异.高温半致死温度暴露下,要避免条纹锯达到半数死亡则积温不能超过(1064.67±72.01)℃?h.  相似文献   
近50a来华北地区负积温变化特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用华北地区62个气象站1961-2008年冬季日平均气温资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,运用经验正交函数分解(empirical orthogonal function,EOF)、旋转经验正交函数分解(rotated em—pirical orthogonal function,REOF)、Morlet小波和合成分析等方法,分析了华北地区负积温变化特征及同期环流背景场的变化特征。结果表明,1)华北负积温具有全区一致性增加的特点,其中山西北部增加明显。2)由于华北地区东部和西部负积温增长幅度不同,可将华北地区分为2个区域。两区负积温均有突变,其中Ⅰ区负积温的突变年份为1988年,Ⅱ区负积温的突变年份为1986年,Ⅰ区负积温存在3~6a周期振荡,Ⅱ区负积温存在2~4a周期振荡。3)北半球冬季环流场的变化与华北负积温异常有一定相关关系。合成分析的结果表明,在近地面层,偏冷年西伯利亚高压偏强,华北冬季偏冷,负积温绝对值偏大;在对流层中层,东亚大槽及乌拉尔山高压脊为主要影响系统,东亚大槽较深、乌拉尔山脊偏强,冷空气活动偏强;偏暖年则反之。  相似文献   
西北太平洋台风累积动能气候异常特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄丽娜  高建芸  孙健  武锦霖 《气象》2013,39(8):995-1003
应用美国联合台风警报中心(JTWC)提供的热带气旋数据、NCEP再分析资料和英国Hadly中心海表温度资料,分析了年台风累积动能(ACE)异常年气候特征及气候背景.结果表明:年台风累积动能有明显的年际和年代际变化;ACE异常年份由于季风槽东伸的经度、越赤道气流通道和强度以及副热带高压位置的显著差异,造成台风频数、强度和生命史的差异;当5-8月赤道中东太平洋海温为正距平、西南太平洋海温负距平时,通过异常沃克环流和局部哈得来环流的下沉支向西北太平洋输送跨赤道南风,导致该年西北太平洋ACE增多,反之该年ACE减少.  相似文献   
提高数值预报产品的释用水平是提高预报准确率的有效措施。针对当前数值预报产品释用中通常存在的预报因子的瞬时量与预报降水的累积量这样一个时间尺度不相匹配的问题,本文提出了用相应时段内预报因子的累积量预报累积降水的预报方案。经检验,用此方法处理的累积因子与降水量之间的相关系数比瞬时因子有明显提高。以此为依据,以HLAFS数值预报产品为资料,用累积因子建立了忻州市汛期降水分县预报方程,取得了较好的使用效果。  相似文献   
基于线性趋势、累积距平、M-K突变检验和小波变换方法,统计昆明太华山近66年气温和降水的气候特征,归纳气候变化规律,结果表明:昆明太华山近66年年平均气温呈上升趋势,1999~2004年之间发生了突变。年平均气温显著偏冷的年份集中在1980年前,显著偏暖的年份集中在2010年后。分析出年平均气温有16年左右的周期,还有7~8年和3~4年的小尺度准周期变化。年降水量线性倾向率为-3.1349 mm/年,呈递减趋势。1954~2019年年降水量累计距平曲线总体呈双峰波动状态。年降水量存在14年的周期最显著,还存在6~7年和3年的小尺度准周期变化。2017~2019年的年降水量震荡周期等值线在6~7年和3年为负值,而且均未闭合,因此,可大概预测未来2年内昆明年降水量持续偏小。  相似文献   
The increased popularity of standards for geospatial interoperability has led to an increasing number of geospatial Web services (GWSs), such as Web Map Services (WMSs), becoming publicly available on the Internet. However, finding the services in a quick and precise fashion is still a challenge. Traditional methods collect the services through centralized registries, where services can be manually registered. But the metadata of the registered services cannot be updated timely. This paper addresses the above challenges by developing an effective crawler to discover and update the services in (1) proposing an accumulated term frequency (ATF)–based conditional probability model for prioritized crawling, (2) utilizing concurrent multi-threading technique, and (3) adopting an automatic mechanism to update the metadata of identified services. Experiments show that the proposed crawler achieves good performance in both crawling efficiency and results' coverage/liveliness. In addition, an interesting finding regarding the distribution pattern of WMSs is discussed. We expect this research to contribute to automatic GWS discovery over the large-scale and dynamic World Wide Web and the promotion of operational interoperable distributed geospatial services.  相似文献   
Fault slip rate is one of the most important subjects in active tectonics research, which reveals the activity and seismic potential of a fault. Due to the improvement of dating precision with the development of dating methods, Holocene geological markers, even the young markers of thousands or hundreds of years old, are widely used in fault slip rate calculation. Usually, uncertainties from a single event and erosion of the accumulated offsets are involved in fault slip rate determination. Two types of uncertainties are related to a single event; the first is the time elapsed since the latest (the most recent) event; the second is the period since the formation of the geological marker to the occurrence of the first event. High‐slip‐rate faults are more sensitive to these uncertainties than low‐slip‐rate faults. In this study, we studied quantitatively the effects of a single event on fault slip rate following the three classic earthquake models: the characteristic earthquake, uniform slip and variable slip models. We suggest that the erosion of the accumulated offset–lateral erosion on a strike‐slip fault, should also be considered in fault slip estimation. Therefore, we propose a differential method to obtain a reliable fault slip rate. In the differential method, the slip rate is the ratio of offset differentials and corresponding age differentials between the older and younger terraces along strike‐slip faults. This kind of differential method could avoid the uncertainties from the first and latest events, as well as that from the lateral erosion. By applying the differential method, we got the revised slip rates of ∼5–10 mm/year on the Altyn Tagh and Kunlun faults. These low slip rates could fit previous geodetic and geological fault slip rates and shortening rates as well as the millennial recurrence intervals of strong earthquakes along the major segments of these faults.  相似文献   
为了解河北省作物生长发育和产量形成的热量条件,利用1961~2009年河北省139个观测站的逐日气温资料,应用线性趋势分析、样条函数插值等方法分析河北省≥0℃、≥10℃活动积温的时空分布特征。结果表明:(1)49年来河北省大部分地区≥0℃(≥10℃)活动积温的最小值出现在20世纪70年代,≥0℃(≥10℃)活动积温的最大值出现在1991年之后。从整体看,河北省≥0℃(≥10℃)活动积温在增加。(2)1961~2009年的河北省≥0℃(≥10℃)活动积温空间差异较大,大部分地区介于2700~5016℃·d(2185~4526℃·d),其中冀南平原地区活动积温最大,沿海地区活动积温居中,冀北高原地区活动积温最小。(3)1961~2009年的河北省≥0℃(≥10℃)活动积温的相对变率南北差异较大,冀北高原活动积温相对变率明显大于冀南平原;≥0℃活动积温比≥10℃活动积温稳定。  相似文献   
依据温宿县34a的气象资料,着重分析了温宿县水稻春播期间的气象条件,并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   
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