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随着啁啾脉冲放大技术(Chirped Pulse Amplification,CPA)的飞速发展,激光功率密度实现了飞跃式的提升,利用短脉冲激光开展实验室天体物理研究的条件日趋成熟.短脉冲激光与靶相互作用可以产生相对论粒子(正负电子、质子、中子等)和高能电磁辐射(X射线、γ射线),这些粒子和辐射的产生过程与天体中的某些...  相似文献   
Within the framework of recent research projects, basic tools for GIS-based seismic risk assessment technologies were developed and applied to the building stock and regional particularities of German earthquake regions. Two study areas are investigated, being comparable by the level of seismic hazard and the hazard-consistent scenario events (related to mean return periods of 475, 2475 and 10000 years). Significant differences exist with respect to the number of inhabitants, the grade and extent of urbanisation, the quality and quantity of building inventory: the case study of Schmölln in Eastern Thuringia seems to be representative for the majority of smaller towns in Germany, the case study of Cologne (Köln) stands for larger cities. Due to the similarities of hazard and scenario intensities, the considerable differences do not only require proper decisions concerning the appropriate methods and acceptable efforts, they enable conclusions about future research strategies and needs for disaster reduction management. Not least important, results can sharpen the focus of public interest. Seismic risk maps are prepared for different scenario intensities recognising the scatter and uncertainties of site-dependent ground motion and also of the applied vulnerability functions. The paper illustrates the impact of model assumptions and the step-wise refinements of input variables like site conditions, building stock or vulnerability functions on the distribution of expected building damage within the study areas. Furthermore, and in contrast to common research strategies, results support the conclusion that in the case of stronger earthquakes the damage will be of higher concentration within smaller cities like Schmölln due to the site-amplification potential and/or the increased vulnerability of the building stock. The extent of damage will be pronounced by the large number of masonry buildings for which lower vulnerability classes have to be assigned. Due to the effect of deep sedimentary layers and the composition of building types, the urban centre of Cologne will be less affected by an earthquake of comparable intensity.  相似文献   
中科院地理科学与资源研究所建所70年来,世界地理研究由于坚持了紧密为国家政治斗争和社会经济建设服务的正确方针,在地缘政治与地缘经济、国家与区域地理的综合研究、部门地理与专题研究、中外对比研究、世界地理知识普及等方面取得了一系列重要研究成果.研究工作中存在的问题为:超前性不够、系统性不强、研究手段落后、资料来源单一、成果...  相似文献   
ATEM-Ⅱ型瞬变电磁系统的实际应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了ATEM-II型瞬变电磁系统在矿产普查、大型矿山潜力资源探查、地下水勘察、城市工程勘察和地下活断层调查、矿井透水预测等领域的应用实例.  相似文献   
Intersections between economy, culture and environment pose exciting future challenges for human geography. Part of Griffith Taylor's pioneering role as a geographer was to investigate relationships between these three aspects of human life, although his agenda was that of environmental determinism. This paper considers these intersections as they relate to contemporary geographical studies of restructuring, in particular the emergence of a genuinely global economic system since about 1980. Recent developments in cultural geography argue that geographical analysis of restructuring has been dominated by an economic determinism which has buried other stories which could be told about industrial change. The paper sketches lines of possible dialogue between economic geography and cultural studies, illustrating the argument with examples from restructuring in the Australian food industry. In opening such a dialogue, economic geography would be better placed to return to interactions between economy, culture and environment. In his day, Taylor was not afraid to upset the conventional wisdom about these relationships and this may be one of his most enduring legacies.  相似文献   
The stability and phase relations of phengitic muscovite in a metapelitic bulk composition containing a mixed H2O+CO2 fluid were investigated at 6.5–11 GPa, 750–1050°C in synthesis experiments performed in a multianvil apparatus. Starting material consisted of a natural calcareous metapelite from the coesite zone of the Dabie Mountains, China, ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic complex that had experienced peak metamorphic pressures greater than 3 GPa. The sample contains a total of 2.1 wt.% H2O and 6.3 wt.% CO2 bound in hydrous and carbonate minerals. No additional fluid was added to the starting material. Phengite is stable in this bulk composition from 6.5 to 9 GPa at 900°C and coexists with an eclogitic phase assemblage consisting of garnet, omphacite, coesite, rutile, and fluid. Phengite dehydrates to produce K-hollandite between 8 and 11 GPa, 750–900°C. Phengite melting/dissolution occurs between 900°C and 975°C at 6.5–8 GPa and is associated with the appearance of kyanite in the phase assemblage. The formation of K-hollandite is accompanied by the appearance of magnesite and topaz-OH in the phase assemblage as well as by significant increases in the grossular content of garnet (average Xgrs=0.52, Xpy=0.19) and the jadeite content of omphacite (Xjd=0.92). Mass balance indicates that the volatile content of the fluid phase changes markedly at the phengite/K-hollandite phase boundary. At P≤8 GPa, fluid coexisting with phengite appears to be relatively CO2-rich (XCO2/XH2O=2.2), whereas fluid coexisting with K-hollandite and magnesite at 11 GPa is rich in H2O (XCO2/XH2O=0.2). Analysis of quench material and mass balance calculations indicate that fluids at all pressures and temperatures examined contain an abundance of dissolved solutes (approximately 40 mol% at 8 GPa, 60 mol% at 11 GPa) that act to dilute the volatile content of the fluid phase. The average phengite content of muscovite is positively correlated with pressure and ranges from 3.62 Si per formula unit (pfu) at 6.5 GPa to 3.80 Si pfu at 9 GPa. The extent of the phengite substitution in muscovite in this bulk composition appears to be limited to a maximum of 3.80–3.85 Si pfu at P=9 GPa. These experiments show that phengite should be stable in metasediments in mature subduction zones to depths of up to 300 km even under conditions in which aH2O1. Other high-pressure hydrous phases such as lawsonite, MgMgAl-pumpellyite, and topaz-OH that may form in subducted sediments do not occur within the phengite stability field in this system, and may require more H2O-rich fluid compositions in order to form. The wide range of conditions under which phengite occurs and its participation in mixed volatile reactions that may buffer the composition of the fluid phase suggest that phengite may significantly influence the nature of metasomatic fluids released from deeply subducted sediments at depths of up to 300 km at convergent plate boundaries.  相似文献   
在大数据、云计算、移动互联网等信息技术的推动下,地质科研范式正由过去的经验范式、理论范式向数据密集型范式转变。基础地质数据是国家基础性、战略性、公益性地质调查工作成果,反映了地质调查的精度和质量,是地质调查工作创新、服务和可持续发展的基点与源泉,决定了地质调查事业发展的战略制高点和竞争力。在以密集数据为基础的科学研究第四范式即将来临之际,基础地质数据的数量、质量和更新时效已成为衡量一个国家地质调查工作水准的基础标准之一。大部分国家按照严格的技术标准实现了基础地质数据库的实时更新和基础地质数据与图件的一体化表达,并面向社会需求研发出类别丰富的地质数据衍生产品。我国虽然建成了地质云平台,实现了一批数据库的汇聚和共享,但基础地质数据更新机制尚不健全,影响了宏观尺度的地质认知水平;基础地质数据更新标准与技术刚刚提上日程,制约了地质调查工作的支撑服务能力;基础地质数据研发服务能力不足,限制了数据更新的外在需求。基于此,本文提出了依托地质云平台构建基础地质数据更新体系的建议:一是建立“地质云节点一盘棋”的数据更新工作机制;二是构建全国统一的基础地质数据更新标准体系;三是构建“大数据、智能化和在线化”三位一体的数据更新技术体系;四是打造多方稳定协同的数据更新队伍体系。  相似文献   
Low frequency electrostatic waves are studied in magnetized plasmas with an electron temperature which varies with position in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. For wave frequencies below the ion cyclotron frequency, the waves need not follow any definite dispersion relation. Instead a band of phase velocities is allowed, with a range of variation depending on the maximum and minimum values of the electron temperature. Simple model equations are obtained for the general case which can be solved to give the spatial variation of a harmonically time varying potential. A simple analytical model for the phenomenon is presented and the results are supported by numerical simulations carried out in a 2.5-dimensional particle-in-cell numerical simulation. We find that when the electron temperature is striated along B0 and low frequency waves (ci) are excited in this environment, then the intensity of these low frequency waves will be striated in a manner following the electron temperature striations. High frequency ion acoustic waves (ci) will on the other hand have a spatially more uniform intensity distribution.  相似文献   
Books reviewed in this article: Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing Aerial photography and image interpretation for Resource Management . DAVID P. PAINE . Analytical Models and Techniques Spatial Processes Models and Applications A. D. CLIFF AND J. K. ORD Quantitative and Statistical Approaches to Geography: A Practical Manual JOHN A. MATTHEWS . Cartography and Maps Map Data Processing . HERBERT FREEMAN AND GOFFREDO G. PIERONI , eds. Computer-assisted Cartography: Principles and Prospects, 1982 . MARK S. MONMONIER . Cultural Navajo Architecture: Forms, History, Distributions . STEPHEN C. JETT AND VIRGINIA E . SPENCER . Rational Landscapes and Humanistic Geography . EDWARD RELPH . Economic The Structure and Control of a State Economy . W. L. L'ESPERANCE . Economic Geography . JAMES O. WHEELER AND PETER O. MULLER . The Myth of the Family Farm: Agribusiness Dominance of U.S. Agriculture . INGOLF VOCELER . Libya: The Experience of Oil . J. A. ALLEN . Geography of Public Finance, Welfare Under Fiscal Federalism and local Government Finance . ROBERT BENNETT . Environmental Management, Resources, and Systems Mountains and Man . LARRY W. PRICE . Environmental Geology . DONALD R. COATES . An Introduction to Environmental Systems . G. H. DURY . The Environment: Chinese and American Views . Edited by LAURENCE J. C. MA AND ALLEN G. NOBLE . Land Use in America . RICHARD H. JACKSON . Medical Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Medical Geography . MELINDA S. MEADE (ed.). Philosophy and Geographic Thought Birds in Egg/Eggs in Bird . GUNNAR OLSSON . PhysicaI Climatology: Selected Applications . J. E. OLIVER . Geomorphological Techniques . ANDREW GOUDIE (ed.). Political Politics, Geography and Behaviour . RICHARD MUIR AND RONAN PADDISON . The State of the World Atlas . MICHAEL KIDRON AND RONALD SECAL . Population The Population of the South . DUDLEY L. POSTON , JR . AND ROBERT H. WELLER , eds. Regional Latin America: Economic Development and Regional Differentiation . ARTHUR MORRIS . Developing the Amazon . EMILIO F. MORAN . Western Europe: A Systematic Human Geography . BRIAN W. ILBERY . Settlement Systems in Sparsely Settled Regions: The United States and Australia . RICHARD E. LONSDALEAND JOHN H. HOLMES , eds. African Perspectives: The Economic Geography of Nine African States . HARM DE BUJ AND ESMOND MARTIN , eds. Rural Nonmetropolitan America in Transition . AMOS H. HAWLEY AND SARA MILLS MAZIE , eds. Social Crime and Environment . R. NORMAN DAVIDSON . The Ghetto: Readings with Interpretations . JOE T. DARDEN , ed. Urban Urban Problems and Planning in the Developed World . MICHAEL PACIONE (ed.) Problems and Planning in Third World Cities . Edited by MICHAEL PACIONE . The City in West Europe . D. BURTENSHAW , M. BATEMAN , AND C. J. ASHWORTH .  相似文献   
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