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秦直道旅游开发问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦直道是古代连接中原地区和北方少数民族地区的一条重要纽带,它是秦帝国传递中央政令和传播中原文化的重要通讯带,也是秦始皇为抵御匈奴、调动兵力和物资的一条战略要道,在历史上起到了极其重要的作用.通过对秦直道及其现阶段旅游资源开发现状的介绍和在对秦直道旅游资源开发的可行性综合评价与分析的基础上,提出秦直道旅游资源开发的初步构想.  相似文献   
黄普基  吴俊范 《热带地理》2022,42(5):834-842
韩国济州岛的柑橘园景观具有重要的文化遗产价值,是当地人利用济州岛特殊的气候、水文、植被环境所塑造的独特农业景观。16世纪朝鲜王朝建立柑橘进贡制度,济州官府设置柑橘园,此后至今,济州岛柑橘园区域分布与地理景观都呈现较大变迁。文章结合气候、水资源等自然因素与韩国柑橘产业政策、市场、社会变化与技术进步等人文因素,分析16世纪以来济州岛柑橘园景观与空间分布变化,探讨济州岛柑橘生产空间变迁原因与驱动力。结果显示:16世纪至2019年,济州岛柑橘生产经历了发展、没落、强力复兴的大起大落发展历史,呈现从北到南的生产空间大迁移,柑橘生产空间逐渐扩大。济州岛的柑橘园生产经历从朝鲜时期的官府果园到现代观光体验农场的转变。柑橘生产空间变迁与地理景观变化的原因与驱动力较复杂,水资源是影响朝鲜时期柑橘园分布的主要自然因素。社会制度、交通与市场是16世纪以来影响柑橘园生产空间扩展的主要人文因素,在近500年的柑橘生产空间发展变迁的过程中,人文因素不断加强,影响柑橘空间与地理景观的优化调整。20世纪70年代以来,水资源开发技术的进步改变了现代柑橘园生产空间分布格局。对济州岛柑橘园长时段的生产空间与地理景观变化及其作用机制的研究,可以为中国传统柑橘栽培地区打造具有地方特色柑橘园文化景观与民俗、文化产品,以及中国柑橘产业的升级发展提供参考。  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONTheIGBP-IHDP(InternationalGeosphere-BiosphereProgramme,andInternationalHumanDimensionPro-gramme)jointproject—LUCC(landuse/coverchange)isaninterdisciplinaryprogramdesignedtoimprovetheunderstandingofthedynamicsofland-useandland-coverchangeasinputstoandconsequencesofglobalenvironmentalchangeandsustainabledevelopment(CHARLOTTE,2002).Inparticularthedifferentbio-geochemicalmodeling(e.g.theglobalcarboncycle)ac-tivitiesandcomparativestudies,suchasthoseconduct-edbyIGBP-G…  相似文献   
How land-cover has been changed by human use over the last 300 years is one of the five overarching questions guiding the Land-use/Cover Change (LUCC) Science/Research Plan. China has variety of historical docu-ments providing unique data superiority. So the characteristics of farmland area in Shandong Province during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) are summarized firstly: 1) the rising trend of farmland area was striking; 2) farmland area had re-markable fluctuation; 3) farmland area per capita decreased dramatically; 4) wasteland reclamation index increased rapidly. Then, the driving forces of farmland area change are analyzed. It is concluded that natural and human factors are jointly influential. Among the driving forces, human dimensions are the main factors of farmland area change,which direct the general tendency of the changes mentioned above. And the natural factors influence the stability of farmland area as well. Variation of the natural factors would act as the major contributory factor to farmland area change during years or periods of abrupt climatic changes, or during the intensive occurring periods of natural hazards.Besides, the passive aspects of human factors, such as war chaos also influenced the fluctuation of the farmland area.This research indicates that it is feasible to study the land-use/cover change by Chinese historical literatures, which has huge potential to provide a comprehensive picture of the growing dominance of human land-use and land-cover pat-terns that can be used in many global change research oroiects.  相似文献   
清末耕地空间分布格局重建方法比较   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
揭示历史时期土地利用/覆盖变化是认识人类活动对气候和环境影响的基础。本文在耕地面积、人口数量、土地利用及森林分布等多源数据基础上,分别以近代耕地空间分布格局和历史时期耕地潜在分布区为边界条件,通过构建耕地垦殖倾向指数模型分配耕地面积,在1 km×1 km象元尺度上重建了清末(1908年)松嫩平原耕地空间格局,并对重建结果进行分析比较。结果表明:1两种方法重建的耕地空间分布范围格局基本一致,耕地空间定位吻合率约为68%。清末(1908年)耕地集中分布在松嫩平原东部和南部地区;2以历史时期耕地潜在分布为边界条件的重建结果,较以近代耕地空间分布格局为限制范围的重建结果更准确,更符合历史事实。  相似文献   
南京梁代石刻微侵蚀的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张捷  陈舒泛 《地理学报》1994,49(5):418-428,T001
从地貌学角度较系统地分析了梁代石灰岩石刻表面自然毁损的微侵蚀机制,本文指出,雨水沿缝合线渗流,经多种地衣及兰藻、绿藻等生物作用而大大加强了溶蚀作用,导致石刻的崩解,并讨论此种特殊微侵蚀形态的形成机制在地貌学理论研究中的意义。  相似文献   
唐代人喜欢写鹏,《全唐文》与《全唐诗》中留下了大量与“鹏”有关记载。鹏的形象内涵在唐代的不同阶段是不尽相同的,它与国运联系紧密。初唐,鹏的形象反映了这一时期熙熙攘攘、奋发向上的社会风尚;盛唐,鹏的形象反映了意气昂扬、绚烂多彩;中唐,则回归到对《逍遥游》主旨的阐发,反映出遁世的态度;晚唐,出现了以《庄子》中“蝴蝶”“螳螂”等朝不保夕的小虫为描写中心的文章,表现出文人对社会现实的失望与对李唐王朝的离心。  相似文献   


不定数是称数法的一个重要组成部分,秦汉时期又是称数法剧烈发展变化的时期,出土材料的发掘整理又为这一研究提供了新的语料来源。对秦汉简帛中不定数的表示形式进行系统考察,发现秦汉时期表不定数的词增多,数词连用表不定数的形式更为丰富,出现了不定数表示的羡余形式。  相似文献   
More than 240 items of historical records containing climatic information were retrieved from official historical books, local chronicles, annals and regional meteorological disaster yearbooks. By using moisture index and flood/drought (F/D) index obtained from the above information, the historical climate change, namely wet-dry conditions in borderland of Shaanxi Province, Gansu Province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (BSGN, mainly included Ningxialu, Hezhoulu, Gongchanglu, Fengyuanlu and Yan’anlu in the Yuan Dynasty) was studied. The results showed that the climate of the region was generally dry and the ratio between drought and flood disasters was 85/38 during the period of 1208–1369. According to the frequencies of drought-flood disasters, the whole period could be divided into three phases. (1) 1208–1240: drought dominated the phase with occasional flood disasters. (2) 1240–1320: long-time drought disasters and extreme drought events happened frequently. (3) 1320–1369: drought disasters were less severe when flood and drought disasters happened alternately. Besides, the reconstructed wet-dry change curve revealed obvious transition and periodicity in the Mongol-Yuan Period. The transitions occurred in 1230 and 1325. The wet-dry change revealed 10- and 23-year quasi-periods which were consistent with solar cycles, indicating that solar activity had affected the wet-dry conditions of the study region in the Mongol-Yuan Period. The reconstructed results were consistent with two other study results reconstructed from natural evidences, and were similar to another study results from historical documents. All the above results showed that the climate in BSGN was characterized by long-time dry condition with frequent severe drought disasters during 1258 to 1308. Thus, these aspects of climatic changes might have profound impacts on local vegetation and socio-economic system.  相似文献   
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