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Scientific and effective heritage monitoring can not only realize the conservation of the heritage itself and the maintenance of its values, but it can also realize the sustainable development of the heritage site. In order to promote the conservation and management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), this study proposed a design for the annual report of GIAHS monitoring under the overall framework of the GIAHS monitoring system, and explored the application of the annual report in the first GIAHS site in China: the Qingtian Rice-Fish Culture System. In the design scheme of this study, the GIAHS annual monitoring report is composed of 24 monitoring items, with each of them logically related. It is to be filled in by the bureaus of the heritage site and reported through the GIAHS dynamic monitoring system. The results of an analysis of the annual reports of Qingtian Rice-Fish Culture System for four years showed that Qingtian County has taken a series of conservation and development measures which have reduced the area of abandoned paddy, enhanced the unit benefit of agri-products, and increased the farmers’ income. At the same time, the heritage site is faced with various challenges and threats, such as the weakening of the tourism attraction, the aging of the heritage practitioners, and the limitation of the heritage-themed agri-products and tourism income, which need to be addressed with proper measures. The results can also provide guidance for other GIAHS based on indications that heritage sites should improve the development of cultural products, the construction of social organization and the cultivation of spontaneous publicity, and an exchange and learning mechanism should be established among them in the future. The design and application of the GIAHS annual monitoring reports can not only provide specific guidance for conducting the GIAHS monitoring, but also lay the foundation for evaluating the effectiveness of GIAHS conservation and management. This study is expected to help enrich the theory of GIAHS monitoring, further promote China’s GIAHS monitoring work, and also provide China’s experience for the benefit of international GIAHS monitoring efforts.  相似文献   
“五运六气”与气象医学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将1951~1980年郑州地区的气象要素(气温、风速、降雨量)的距平值与“五运六气”学说所推论气象作对比分析,两者结果比较一致。继之,收集了1953~1983年同一地区传染性肝炎、痢疾、伤寒、流行性感冒、猩红热、流行性乙型脑炎(这6种病在1983年以前均无疫苗或无有效预防)的流行资料进行分析,说明“五运六气”学说中的发病率与气候变化有较好的关系。  相似文献   
通过实地调研、观察、访谈及问卷调查,获取大量关于丰都鬼神文化和文化旅游的信息。通过定性和定量分析,划分出丰都鬼神文化发展的四个阶段,阐明了当前丰都鬼神文化旅游的困境与趋势。在此基础上得出丰都鬼神文化旅游衰落的原因:一是鬼神文化载体的结构性解体;二是政府组织不力。最后探讨了重振丰都鬼神文化旅游的可能性,提出重新构建鬼神文化的物质载体和完善其空间结构、处理好旅游利益相关者之间关系等相应措施。  相似文献   
通过对浙江余姚市田螺山遗址剖面系统采样,在前人研究的基础上,采用地层学的研究方法,通过地层对比、古地磁、孢粉与微古分析、14C测年等手段,认为河姆渡早期文化发展中断可能是由于海啸或风暴潮灾害作用的结果。  相似文献   
殷墟文化发生的环境背景及人类活动的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
不同农业单元122个表土样品花粉分析结果表明,安阳地区表土花粉组合中草本植物花粉含量最高,以禾本科、蒿属、藜科和十字花科为主,乔木植物花粉百分含量较低,以松属、桦属、胡桃属、黄栌属、栎属为主,应为西部太行山区传播而来。汪家店和茶店陂两个全新世地层自然剖面孢粉分析表明,约 10000cal.aB.P.以前,安阳地区分布着以松属、栎属、桦属等为主的落叶阔叶林;  约 10000~8200cal.aB.P.,气候变暖,降水量增加,森林植被中夹杂着常绿栎等亚热带树种;  约 8200~3400cal.aB.P.,安阳地区进入全新世大暖期,森林植被演变为亚热带落叶阔叶和常绿阔叶混交林;  商王朝在安阳地区建都后(3400cal.aB.P.后),乔木植物花粉急剧减少,草本植物花粉和中华卷柏百分含量升高,表明森林被大量砍伐,砍伐后的林地开垦为农田,主要种植禾本科等农作物;  两条剖面上部的冲积层中出现大量中华卷柏孢子,表明森林植被破坏后水土流失加剧。古地貌面孢粉分析也证明殷商时期安阳地区生长有亚热带落叶阔叶和常绿阔叶混交林,气候和植被条件适于野象生存;  殷墟附近为禾本科农作物花粉高含量区,表明殷商时期农业已具一定规模。  相似文献   
胡长江  李英冰 《测绘科学》2014,39(12):33-35
文章从镜面反射点的定义出发,导出了在搜索镜面反射点时应满足的几何条件,分析了目前用于搜索镜面反射点算法的优点及不足;在此基础上,提出了一种二分算法;最后通过双基实验数据对这一算法进行验证,并与其他算法进行对比,结果显示出这种算法在收敛速度、搜索精度以及准确性等方面的优越性.  相似文献   
赣西五宝山钴矿床地质特征及成因探讨   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
傅大捷 《矿产与地质》1998,12(2):106-108
五宝山钴矿床是近年普查中发现的一个中型钴矿床,属层控热液叠加型钴矿床。钴矿化产于上三叠统安源组砂砾岩层中,受NE向逆断层控制,矿体呈似层状或透镜状产出,随褶曲变化而起伏,钴矿体品位在0.024%~1.15%范围变化,平均含钴0.4028%。矿石自然类型为砂砾岩型铅锌矿石、铅锌钴矿石和钴矿石,矿石可选性良好。钴矿物主要有辉钴矿和钴毒砂。  相似文献   
This paper examines the conflicting sentiments generated by Macau’s recent developments and how these dynamics have helped galvanize particular visions among Macau’s residents holding different possessive relationships to the city. More specifically, it explores these processes through the simultaneous construction of two incongruent landscapes: a fantasyland of gaming and leisure propelled by the liberalization of the casino industry, and a ‘historic city of culture’ exemplified by Macau’s newly acquired UNESCO World Heritage City status. Building on Debord’s conception of the dialectic of the spectacle, this paper illustrates how the growing support for heritage conservation in Macau has been propelled by a shared anxiety over the phenomenal changes brought by an expanding casino industry and concomitant erosion of Macau’s cultural identity. Through extensive interviews with local architects, conservation experts and activists, I elucidate how the designation of Macau as a World Heritage City has helped consolidate particular sets of moral claims around heritage and culture as well as introduced new commodifications of the environment that cannot be easily delinked from other spaces of the ‘spectacle city’.  相似文献   
Tracy A.  Villareal 《Marine Ecology》1990,11(2):117-132
Abstract. The oceanic diatom Rhizosolenia clevei and its cyanobactcrial symbiont Richelia intracel-luluris were isolated into laboratory culture and their biology and growth dynamics examined. Nitrogen-fixation by the symbiont could sustain the symbiosis. Growth and nitrogenase activity demonstrated light saturation kinetics, with no photoinhibition up to 315 μE m-1 s-1 for growth and 780μE m-1 s-1 for nitrogen fixation. The symbiosis is not obligate for Rhizosolenia , which is capable of growth independent of the symbiont if a nitrogen source is available. The symbiont is contained in the pcriplasmic space between the Rhizosolenia plasmalcmma and frustulc, and preliminary evidence suggests excretion of fixed nitrogen into the medium may be occurring.  相似文献   


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