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石寒 《岩土力学》2007,28(7):1491-1494
根据主应力可分解为静水应力和偏应力,以及它们在应力莫尔圆和变形方面的相关性,推导出修正的莫尔-库仑理论的数学表达式。从理论上解决了库仑理论和莫尔理论存在的许多缺陷,特别是中间主应力对材料抗剪强度的影响。它的四参数准则的计算结果与一些混凝土的试验数据相当吻合。  相似文献   
In this paper, the definition of latitudinal density and density flattening of the level ellipsoid is given, and integral formulas of latitudinal density for pole gravity and equator gravity are derived. According to the pole gravity condition and equator gravity condition for the level ellipsoid, latitudinal density distribution function of the level ellipsoid is obtained. It is proved mathematically that latitudinal density of the earth’s equator is larger than that of the pole, the earth’s density flattening calculated preliminarily is 1/322, and hypothesis of the earth’s latitudinal normal density is further proposed, so that theoretical preparation for studying the forming cause of the earth gravity in problems such as continent drift, mantle convection, and submarine extension is made well.  相似文献   
l.Introducti0nIntheseveraldecadestilltheendofthe1970s,therewasnoanyleastd0ubtthatChinahadbeenfollOwingabalancedregi0naldevelopmentstrategy.0bligedtotlledolnesticandinternationalsituationofthattime,capitalinvestlnentxvasn1ost1yf0rcedt0beputintotheundevel0pedarea(westeconomiczone),thisstrategyprovedtobelesseffectiveandincurredahugelossofinvestmentbenefit.Althoughthewestzoneisabundantinnatllralresources(mineral,energyresourcesetc.),thelevelofregionaldevel0pmentfromeastzonet0westzoneisgradua1lydec…  相似文献   
This article demonstrates how the generalisation of topographic surfaces has been formalised by means of graph theory and how this formalised approach has been integrated into an ISO standard that is employed within nanotechnology. By applying concepts from higher-dimensional calculus and topology, it is shown that Morse functions are those mappings that are ideally suited for the formal characterisation of topographic surfaces. Based on this result, a data structure termed weighted surface network is defined that may be applied for both the characterisation and the generalisation of the topological structure of a topographic surface. Hereafter, the focus is laid on specific issues of the standard ISO 25178-2; within this standard change trees, a data structure similar to weighted surface networks, are applied to portray the topological information of topographic surfaces. Furthermore, an approach termed Wolf pruning is used to simplify the change tree, with this pruning method being equivalent to the graph-theoretic contractions by which weighted surface networks can be simplified. Finally, some practical applications of the standard ISO 25178-2 within nanotechnology are discussed.  相似文献   
Monitoring lava dome instabilities is crucial to efficiently monitor active dome building volcanoes. The Doppler radar technique provides a unique opportunity to gather information about the number of instability events occurring at the growing dome and about the dynamic processes that take place during different types of instabilities. So far, three different kinds of processes have been identified: sliding material, gravitational break-offs and explosive outbursts. In addition, Doppler radars provide rain measurements, which can be used to investigate possible correlations between rainfall and dome activity. Two radar systems have been installed at Merapi volcano in October 2001 and January 2005 to continuously monitor dome instabilities. Due to the large number of instability events that occur during times of high activity, manual processing and analysis of instability events is not practical for monitoring purposes. Therefore, an automatic classification system has been developed, which is capable of identifying different kinds of instabilities as well as rainfall. Two different kinds of classifier models have been applied: (1) neural network and (2) K-nearest-neighbour classifier model. Both classify Doppler spectra according to the underlying dynamic process, that is, rain, sliding material, gravitational break-off or explosive outburst. The classifiers are able to identify disturbances, which have no physical source, but are merely artefacts from the radar device itself. Because radar events are sequences of Doppler spectra, a rule set has been defined, which finally determines the event class. All classifiers have been trained and tested on independent data sets to estimate the classification performance. The overall classification rate is about 90 per cent. Discrimination of instabilities and non-volcanic events reaches about 98 per cent accuracy.  相似文献   
针对传统震害预测方法逐栋抽样计算建筑物抗震性能的不足,本文提出了一种基于蚁群聚类径向基(ACCRBF)网络模型的建筑物震害预测方法。依据不同地震动峰值加速度下多层砖房的实际震害资料,对模型进行训练,在模型的输入和输出之间建立映射关系,并利用这种映射关系对未知样本进行分类,实现对多层砖房的震害分析和预测。模型的输入为反映结构的震害影响因子,输出为给定的地震动峰值加速度下结构震害等级。研究表明,基于ACCRBF网络模型的多层砖房震害预测结果与震害实例基本吻合,具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   
凸包插值算法的改进与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了凸包插值算法在n维欧拉空间构造Delaunay三角网的应用,提出了其三角剖分不惟一的重大缺陷,采用了限制区域生长法解决了这一缺陷。  相似文献   
Julian C. Green 《水文研究》2005,19(6):1245-1259
Aquatic macrophytes are often the dominant factor influencing flow conditions within the channels they occupy. Existing knowledge of how stream plants affect the flow is outlined, and the different scales at which vegetation resistance operates are proposed. Resistance is shown to be a function of the size of the plants, their structural properties, location in the channel, and the local flow conditions. Current models to calculate this composite resistance effect are assessed in the light of theoretical considerations of the nature of vegetation resistance. New theory is also presented, which demonstrates the non‐linear relationship between channel resistance and the proportion of the channel occupied by vegetation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
WiFi(wirelessfidelity)辅助下附有高程信息的GPS定位可以解决城市环境下卫星数不足时的定位问题,该方法首先利用WiFi定位获得概略二维坐标,然后通过附有高程先验信息的GPS定位来求解最后的位置参数。在此基础上作了进一步的研究和探讨,将卫星数不足情况下的单GPS定位问题延伸到多系统(BDS+GPS)定位,并探讨了卫星天空几何分布和先验高程精度对最终定位结果的影响。实验结果表明:当卫星分布不均匀或过于集中时,观测方程系数矩阵趋于病态,使得定位结果误差变大,多系统(BDS+GPS)定位可以削弱卫星分布对于定位结果的影响;另外,当先验高程偏差增加时,最后的定位精度也会随之下降,但合理范围内的偏差仍然可以满足普通导航定位的需求。  相似文献   
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