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彭阳  陈安泽  钱方 《地质论评》2014,60(5):1109-1112
云南石林世界地质公园阿诗玛石柱,其岩石地层是呈水平产状的中二叠统茅口组厚层块状灰岩,但其构成岩石的具体岩性却未见做过详细工作。笔者等经公园管理部门同意,自下而上分别在阿诗玛石柱背侧底部、下部、中部、上部和顶部共采集样品五块,对其岩石学特征及沉积微相作了详细研究,弄清了这一世界著名景点自下而上的岩石构成及沉积相。底部为高能浅滩相灰色厚层块状具平行层理生屑颗粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛脚部。下部为中能浅潮下灰色厚层块状虫筳生屑泥粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛腿部。中部为中能浅潮下灰色厚层块状砂屑泥粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛腰部。上部为中能浅潮下灰色厚层块状具生物扰动含砂屑生屑泥粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛胸部;顶部为高能浅滩相灰色厚层块状砂屑生屑颗粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛头部。其中含有大量生物化石碎屑:有孔虫、三叶虫、藻类、介形虫、腕足、苔藓虫、虫筳、海百合茎、双壳类,为高能浅滩相和中等能量浅潮下环境。希能为石林形成过程研究和科学普及提供参考。  相似文献   
Developing ecotourism in First World, resource-dependent areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deborah Che 《Geoforum》2006,37(2):212-226
Ecotourism, an economic diversification tool most commonly applied in the Third World as a means to protect ecosystems, preserve local cultures, and spur economic development, has recently been applied in First World resource-dependent areas. While ecotourism has traditionally focused on Third World ‘undisturbed’ protected lands, it has also been developed in their First World equivalents (i.e., old-growth forests) as well as in First World sites of past resource extraction and in places where current agricultural practices maintain cherished cultural landscapes. Forest County, Pennsylvania, a timber-dependent area, sought to diversify its economy by developing ecotourism based on its unique Allegheny hardwood forests, which are produced by timber harvesting. This ecotourism would encourage amenity-based, locally-driven economic development and maintain timber harvesting. While government and foundation supported ecotourism development efforts in areas dependent on resource extraction have incorporated some of ecotourism’s ideals, these operations have had mixed success. Such isolated areas, which have traditionally drawn visitors independently engaging in traditional outdoor recreation activities, have not been able to draw enough customers willing to pay for natural and cultural history tours. If ecotourism is to be successful, such areas may need further government support and destination branding to increase name recognition in order to counter the global orientation of the nature tour industry. For true community development, local collaborative efforts including resource and environmental interests are also required in which primary production is connected to processing and consumers through value-added and service sector activities such as tourism.  相似文献   
周兰云  尚艳丽  马传顺 《地下水》2006,28(2):53-54,57
为合理开发利用地下水资源提供科学依据,确保地下水资源可持续利用,防止由于超采地下水而诱发环境危害,对泰安市世行贷款二期项目区地下水动态变化规律、水资源的分布特征进行了分析研究,提出了地下水合理开发利用的建议.  相似文献   
吕金波 《城市地质》2007,2(3):26-30
北京房山世界地质公园是以岩溶洞穴景观和峰丛地貌景观为主题的地质公园。大石河流域发育中奥陶统马家沟组石灰岩,自上而下,依次发育鸡毛洞、银狐洞、石花洞和孔水洞,由一条地下暗河将其连为一个洞系,其水源补给点在大石河上游,排泄点为孔水洞。周口店猿人遗址属于中奥陶统马家沟组岩溶洞穴。拒马河流域发育中元古界雾速山组白云岩,岩溶洞穴包括云水洞、仙栖洞、龙仙宫和三清洞,均属唐县期夷平面时期的产物。拒马河流域地层平缓的中元古界雾速山组峰丛地貌区东从张坊起,西至大沙地,南临笔架山,北抵石人峰,流域面积395km~2,其中碳酸盐岩岩石面积占360km~2,山体上部的岩石被溶解,形成峰丛地貌景观。  相似文献   
兴文世界地质公园拥有全国及世界重要意义的"地球特大漏斗"、"中国最大的石海"和"中国最长的游览洞穴"等景观。采用SWOT分析法,对兴文石海世界地质公园的内部优势、劣势和外部机遇、挑战进行分析,提出了适宜的旅游产品营销战略,以改进其旅游产品和客源市场的开发。  相似文献   
中国南阳伏牛山世界地质公园地质灾害评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国南阳伏牛山世界地质公园位于豫西南山区。地貌类型以中、低山为主,地表多出露变质岩及侵入岩,岩体风化强烈,多赋存基岩裂隙水,地质构造发育,人类工程活动强烈,园区地质环境条件复杂。通过野外调查及评价,园区处于地质灾害高易发区,主要地质灾害有崩塌、滑坡和泥石流。针对地质公园这一特色旅游,提出地质灾害防治对策,保障当地旅游经济可持续发展。  相似文献   
基于全球闪电定位网(World Wide Lightning Location Network,WWLLN)获取的闪电定位资料对江淮闪电定位网(Jianghuai Area Sferic Array,JASA)在内陆及近海区域的闪电实时探测性能进行评估。通过对2019年第9号超强台风“利奇马”期间产生的闪电活动进行对比分析,发现JASA和WWLLN对台风闪电的径向分布、时间变化和空间变化有较好的一致性,绝大部分闪电发生在云顶亮温小于220 K区域;在台风发展阶段,内核区闪电活动较为频繁,在台风成熟和消亡阶段时,闪电主要分布外雨带,内核区的闪电活动少但集中。在探测效率方面,JASA对江淮区域实时定位到的闪电数远多于WWLLN,相对探测效率和绝对探测效率分别为69.12%和92.51%。而在海洋区域(114~130°E,20~24°N和123~130°E,24~32°N),由于受到JASA站点位置分布的限制,闪电实时定位数略少于WWLLN,其相对探测效率和绝对探测效率分别为32.67%和52.26%。研究结果表明了JASA对内陆及近海区域雷暴具备较强的捕获能力,为实时监测台风期间强对流闪电...  相似文献   
For many countries in the global south the World Bank is a key funder of development. A subset of the activities it funds have the potential to cause harm to biodiversity. Currently, however, little is known about the spatial coincidence of Bank-funded projects and important areas for biodiversity. Using a dataset of World Bank projects funded between 1995 and 2014, we examine the relationship between potentially harmful project activities and the ranges of globally threatened birds, mammals, and amphibians, Key Biodiversity Areas, protected areas, and biodiversity hotspots. We find that 5 by 5 km cells containing a project activity are more likely to contain a Key Biodiversity Area, or a biodiversity hotspot, and have on average greater richness of globally threatened species, than those without. This relationship was statistically significant even after considering human population and country-level socio-economic effects except in the case of Key Biodiversity Areas. We also found limited evidence that activities are systematically placed within countries to avoid the ranges of threatened species or Key Biodiversity Areas. By contrast, we found a negative relationship between project activities and protected areas globally and within most countries, which may be evidence that potentially harmful activities are placed to avoid protected areas. Our findings raise questions about whether the Banks environmental safeguards have adequately translated into avoidance of highly diverse areas. Given the size of the World Bank’s lending portfolio and its role in setting industry best practice our results are concerning for conservation efforts.  相似文献   
The role of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in the development and transfer of climate change technologies has been a contentious issue in negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Irreconcilable differences seem to oppose those who believe IPRs are an inherent barrier to the transfer of climate change technologies and those who argue they are an essential incentive to innovation. After providing an overview of the polarized debate on this issue, this article reviews the existing literature and empirical evidence and looks into some practical initiatives and recent developments. Finally, it seeks to identify a way forward that could help overcome the current stalemate in international deliberations by suggesting a number of parameters to structure the discussion on this complex issue.  相似文献   
"天地图·永定"是永定区统一、权威、标准的地理信息公共平台,本文利用"天地图·永定"提供的丰富的数据服务和二次开发接口,开发了永定旅游地图服务网,实现了永定旅游服务和"天地图"的融合,为游客提供便捷、丰富的旅游服务,对永定区的旅游发展起到了一定的推动作用。  相似文献   
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