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通过对台湾海峡西北部莆田海域沿海338个表层沉积物样品中孢粉的分析,探讨其分布规律及影响因素、孢粉源区、传播机制和沉积环境。研究区内孢粉的分布可划分为沿北西-南东方向展布的4个孢粉区,呈现出高值低值交替分布的状态。孢粉丰度变化受水深和沉积物粒度影响较大。各类孢粉分布的控制因素有所不同。松属花粉的分布受到东北季风和海湾地形的综合影响;栎属等热带亚热带花粉则以河流和沿岸流为主要传播动力;蕨类孢子普遍的高丰度可能是由于其本身易于被海流携带传播,以及人类活动的影响导致沿岸地区蕨类植物广布,从而为其提供了丰富来源,沿岸流可能也为蕨类孢子带来了新来源;以禾本科为主的草本花粉由于不易传播,主要来自于沿岸地区的草本植被。河口或环岸带发生的絮凝作用有利于孢粉的沉积。近海带由于水动力条件减弱,孢粉随着悬浮物的沉积而大量沉积下来。  相似文献   
This effort aims to determine the generation source sites in the Luzon Strait for energetic, long-crest, transbasin internal waves (IW) observed in the northern South China Sea (NSCS). The roles of islands distributed on eastern side of the strait, Kuroshio, submarine ridges, shoaling thermocline, and strait configuration played in the IW generation are examined using the cruise data analysis, satellite data interpretation, and dynamical analysis. The islands and channels on eastern side of the strait are excluded from a list of possible IW source sites owing to their unmatched horizontal dimensions to the scale of IW crest line length, and the relative low Reynolds number. The Kuroshio has a potential to be a radiator for the long-crest IW disturbances, meanwhile, the Kuroshio west (east) wing absorbs the eastward (westward) propagating IW disturbance. Namely, the Kuroshio blockades the outside west-east propagating IW disturbances. The 3-D configuration of the Luzon Strait is characterized by a sudden, more than one order widening of the cross-section areas at the outlets on both sides, providing a favorable condition for IW type initial disturbance formation. In the Luzon Strait, the thermocline is featured by a westward shoaling all the year around, providing the dynamical conditions for the amplitude growth (declination) to the westward (eastward) propagating IW type disturbance. Thus,the west slope of western submarine ridge at the western outlet of the Luzon Strait is a high possibility source sites for energetic,long-crest, transbasin Iws in the NSCS. The interpretation results of satellite SAR images during a 13 a period from 1995 to 2007 provide the convincing evidence for the conclusions.  相似文献   
气候记录显示晚新生代全球气候在上新世3~4Ma发生明显变化, 这一转变与海道变化触发的全球变冷密切相关。对于这一时期, 以往数值模拟研究较多关注热带海道(中美海道和印尼海道), 而白令海峡打开的气候效应往往被忽略。本文利用挪威地球系统模式, 模拟了白令海峡打开和热带海道关闭/收缩对中国气候的影响。白令海峡和热带海道的变化, 都可以引起全球大部分地区的气候响应; 但白令海峡打开的气候影响主要集中在中高纬地区, 对热带气候的影响并不显著; 而热带海道的变化可以引起全球大范围地区的温度降低, 导致热带太平洋表面温度升高, 使得热带太平洋东西之间的温度梯度加强, 热带太平洋厄尔尼诺-南方涛动年代际变率加强。对于上新世中国区域气候而言, 热带海道的变化比白令海峡打开的作用更加重要, 热带海道关闭/收缩可以引起我国东北和西南地区的气候响应, 而白令海峡打开对我国气候的影响几乎可以忽略。  相似文献   
台湾海峡1989年初冬海面温度场和流系的卫星遥感初析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
应用NOAA卫星AVHRR热红外遥感数据,通过计算机运算处理获得的海面温度专题图象,对台湾海峡及其邻近海域1989年初冬海面温度场及流系(黑潮、台湾暖流、浙闽沿岸流、南海暖流及台湾浅滩上升流)进行初步分析,利用卫星遥感手段佐证了过去用传统海面船测方法得出的一些结论,并获得了一些与过去有异的结果,得出1989年初冬浙闽沿岸流可达福建泉州湾和厦门港附近等结论,同时发现了该海域流系边界形成的几处波长在30~100km不等的切变波.  相似文献   
台湾海峡北部海区1998年2~3月温、盐的垂直分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据1998年2 ̄3月台湾海峡北部海区的CTD资料,进行温、盐垂直分布特征的分析,同时根据温、盐垂直分布特征进行海域温、盐特性的区划。结果表明,在研究海域的西侧,温、盐的垂直分布具有层化结构;在研究海域的东侧,温、盐垂直均匀一致,且呈高温高盐。  相似文献   
We use the radiocarbon ages of marine shells and terrestrial vegetation to reconstruct relative sea level (RSL) history in northern Southeast Alaska. RSL fell below its present level around 13,900 cal yr BP, suggesting regional deglaciation was complete by then. RSL stayed at least several meters below modern levels until the mid-Holocene, when it began a fluctuating rise that probably tracked isostatic depression and rebound caused by varying ice loads in nearby Glacier Bay. This fluctuating RSL rise likely reflects the episodic but progressive advance of ice in Glacier Bay that started around 6000 cal yr BP. After that time, RSL low stands probably signaled minor episodes of glacier retreat/thinning that triggered isostatic rebound and land uplift. Progressive, down-fjord advance of the Glacier Bay glacier during the late Holocene is consistent with the main driver of this glacial system being the dynamics of its terminus rather than climate change directly. Only after the glacier reached an exposed position protruding into Icy Strait ca. AD 1750, did its terminus succumb - a century before the climate changes that marked the end of the Little Ice Age - to the catastrophic retreat that triggered the rapid isostatic rebound and RSL fall occurring today in Icy Strait.  相似文献   
台湾海峡西岸地区受到欧亚板块、太平洋板块和菲律宾板块的共同作用,具有复杂的应力场特征,但本地区现阶段地壳应力状态研究程度较低。为深入了解本区地应力特征,本文采用水压致裂法在福建平潭和广东饶平钻孔中进行了地应力测量,并结合其他实测及震源机制解资料,讨论了台湾海峡西岸构造应力场特征。结果显示平潭和饶平钻孔地应力优势作用方位分别为N19°W和N37°W;由震源机制解资料得到的研究区应力场方向表现为从北向南由NNW方向转向EW方向的扇形分布。地应力状态的水平变化趋势,大致以沙县-南日岛断裂为界,北部为低应力区,南部为高应力区,且南部大致以九龙江下游断裂附近开始,呈现由北向南,地应力水平逐渐降低的趋势。在研究区北部、中部、南部分别选取平潭、泉州、饶平三个钻孔,利用库伦准则对断层活动性进行判断,认为海峡西岸北部地区应力水平较低,断层活动性较弱;泉州所在的海峡西岸中部地区应力已积累到较高的水平,断层失稳滑动的可能性比较大;饶平邻近区域在近期断层失稳滑动的可能性不高。  相似文献   
On the basis of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements of current and hydrographic data obtained in October 2008, a diagnostic model of ocean circulation with a modified inverse method is used to study the circulation in Luzon Strait. Satellite-based geostrophic velocity calculated from the merged absolute dynamic topography is also used and compared with the in situ data. The analyses reveal that during the period of observations there were two branches of the Kuroshio current, and the maximum velocity of the current reached 175 cm s?1 at the surface. The main stream of the Kuroshio was located at 122°10′E to 122°40′E near the southern boundary of the study region and confined to the upper 700 m, while its western branch was located at 121°00′E to 121°35′E and confined to the upper 400 m. The Kuroshio water intruded into the South China Sea through the northern boundary of the study region east of 120°45′E. At 1000 m depth, the flow was dominated by southwestward or westward flow in the area north of 20°30′N, while the flow was mostly southeastward in the area south of 20°30′N. A cyclonic eddy was identified in the region east of Luzon Strait. At 1500 m depth, cyclonic eddies were seen on both sides of Luzon Strait. The volume transport across the longitudinal section 120°45′E between about 20.00°N and 21.20°N south of Taiwan during the period of observations was about 4?×?106 m3 s?1. One Argo float was tracked as it moved across Luzon Strait, reflecting the westward flow at both the surface and 1000 m depth.

RÉSUMÉ?[Traduit par la rédaction] En partant des mesures de courant par profileur de courant à effet Dopler (ADCP) et des données hydrographiques recueillies en octobre 2008, nous étudions la circulation dans le détroit de Luçon en nous servant d'un modèle diagnostique de la circulation de l'océan combiné à une méthode inverse modifiée. Nous nous servons également de la vélocité géostrophique mesurée par satellite, calculée à partir de la topographie dynamique absolue totale, pour la comparer avec les données in situ. Les analyses révèlent que pendant la période d'observation, il y avait deux ramifications du Kuroshio et que la vélocité maximale du courant a atteint 175 cm s?1 à la surface. La principale ramification du Kuroshio était située entre 122°10′E et 122°40′E à proximité de la limite sud de la région à l'étude et elle était confinée aux 700 premiers mètres; sa ramification ouest était située entre 121°00′E et 121°35′E et elle était confinée aux 400 premiers mètres. Le Kuroshio se déversait dans la mer de Chine occidentale en traversant la limite nord de la région à l'étude à l'est de 120°45′E. À 1000 m de profondeur, le courant s'écoulait essentiellement en direction sud-ouest ou ouest dans le secteur au nord de 20°30′N, et en direction sud-est dans la région au sud de 20°30′N. Nous avons identifié un tourbillon cyclonique dans la région à l'est du détroit de Luçon. Nous avons relevé des tourbillons cycloniques à une profondeur de 1500 m de part et d'autre du détroit de Luçon. Le transport volumique dans le profil longitudinal à 120°45′E entre 20.00° N et 21.20° N environ au sud de Taïwan pendant la période d'observation a atteint environ 4?×?106 m3 s?1. Nous avons suivi une bouée Argo dérivant au gré du courant dans le détroit de Luçon, ce qui a permis d’établir qu'il s'écoulait en direction ouest à la surface et à une profondeur de 1000 m.  相似文献   
Fecundity in the New Zealand spiny lobster Jasus edwardsii (Hutton) has been investigated by a detailed examination of 14 selected females “in berry” (i.e. carrying external eggs), ranging in carapace lengths from 9.5 cm to 17.0 cm. The following data were obtained for each specimen: (a) the total weight of eggs carried, (b) the average number of eggs per 1 g sample, and (c) the total number of eggs carried.

A positive correlation was noted between the total weight of eggs carried and increase in carapace length. The total weight of eggs carried ranged from 26.9 g in a small specimen of 9.5 cm C.L., to 123.9 g in a large female of 16.0 cm C.L. No relation was found between the average number of eggs per 1 g sample and increase in carapace length. A low count of 3,541 eggs per 1 g sample was recorded, and a high count of 5,005 eggs. A direct relation was noted between the total number of eggs carried by J edwardsii and increase in carapace length. The number of eggs carried ranged from a low figure of about 124,278 in a small specimen of 9.5 cm C.L., to a high figure of about 538,242 in a large female of 17.0 cm C.L. The rate of increase in fecundity was found to be greater in smaller than in larger females of J. edwardsii  相似文献   

In September 1986, dense concentrations of freshly spawned hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae) eggs were located in eastern Cook Strait. A follow‐up exploratory trawl survey of Cook Strait and the east coast of the South Island, in August and September 1987, located concentrations of spawning hoki in canyon features in Cook Strait, off the Kaikoura coast, and off Banks Peninsula. The largest concentration, 14 km long, 4 km wide, and up to 150 m thick occurred in Cook Strait Canyon, with catch rates of hoki up to 48 t h?1. Gonad conditions of male and female hoki showed they were actively spawning. Catch rates in Cook Strait Canyon were comparable to the main fishery on the west coast of the South Island but were much lower off Kaikoura and Banks Peninsula. Hoki associated with spawning concentrations were not feeding. Bycatch species were mostly ling (Genypterus blacodes) and spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias), and both were preying on hoki. Spiny dogfish were also feeding on spawned fish eggs. The possible stock structure of hoki is discussed.  相似文献   
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