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A detailed seismicity map of the Central Indian Ridge for the period 1912–1993 is presented, and the earthquakes pertaining to four major transforms offsetting the ridge are utilized to study the moment release pattern. The scalar moment release for the period 1912–1993, and the summed moment rate tensors for both short period (1977–1993) and long period (1912–1993) bring out a unified picture of moment release pattern. The fraction of seismic slip calculated based on depths of 100°C and 400°C limiting temperatures suggests that the Marie-Celeste transform requires a slip almost to a depth of 400°C isotherm to account for the observed moment, and the Argo transform requires depth of faulting much above the 400°C isotherm. A very small fraction of slip is accounted seismically for Vema (53%) and 12° 12′S (23%) even to depths of 100°C isotherm, suggesting a very low order of moment release along these transforms. The horizontal plate velocities and the corresponding strain rates obtained from moment tensor summation of long period data (82 years) give rise to (V y y ; V y x mm. yr−1) of 6.0 and 6.1 along Marie-Celeste, 1.3 and 0.50 along Argo, 0.06 and 0.06 along 12° 12′S, 1.6 and 0.25 along Vema transforms. The corresponding strain rates (ε y yy x × 10−15 S−1) are 12.7 and 6.8 along MarieCeleste, 6.9 and 1.4 along Argo, 0.27 and 0.14 along 12° 12′S, 7.3 and 0.58 along Vema transforms. These results suggest that the strain rates were highest and almost all predicted motion is taken up seismically along the Marie-Celeste transform. The strain rates are lower along Argo transform and the observed moment release require shallower depth of faulting in order to slip to be accounted seismically. The Vema and 12° 12′S transforms are characterized by low strain rates and less than 15 per cent of motion is accommodated seismically within the seismogenic layer. It is proposed that the deficiency of moment release along the Vema and 12° 12′S multiple transform system may be due to most of the plate motion occurring aseismically.  相似文献   
The Eastern Mediterranean Sea is a remnant of a deep Mesozoic oceanic basin, now almost totally consumed as a result of long-term plate convergence between Eurasia and Africa. The present-day surface morphology of the Eastern Mediterranean relates both to the early history of formation of the deep basins and the recent geodynamic interactions between interfering microplates. Among the most conspicuous morphologic features of the basin is an arc-shape, elongated and wide, bathymetric swell bisecting the entire basin from the Ionian to Levantine areas, known as the Mediterranean Ridge. During the last decade this tectono-sedimentary accretionary prism, which results from the Hellenic subduction, has been intensively surveyed by swath mapping, multichannel seismic profiling and deep dives. We present here, and briefly discuss, the main morphological characteristics of this feature as derived from swath bathymetric data that considerably help to better assess the lateral and north–south morphostructural variability of the Mediterranean Ridge. This study reveals that the characteristics and morphostructural variability of the Mediterranean Ridge are related to: (1) a specific incipient collision geodynamic setting south of Crete, where the African and Aegean continental margins are nearly in contact, (2) a unique regional kinematics, controlled by frontal convergence south of Crete (central Mediterranean Ridge) and oblique subduction with opposite sense of shear for the western (Ionian) and eastern (Levantine) domains of the Mediterranean Ridge, that explain the lateral variations of deformation and (3) particularities of its sedimentary cover, which includes massive salt layers within the outer Mediterranean Ridge and local salt deposits within the inner domains, that control the north–south morphostructural variability of the sedimentary wedge.  相似文献   
The Philippine Basin,surrounded by a series of oceanic trenches,is an independent deep ocean basin in the West Pacific Ocean.Its middle part is divided into three marginal sea sub-basins by the Kyushu-Palau and West Mariana Ridges,namely,the West Philippine Basin,the Shikoku and Parece Vela Basins and the Mariana Trough.This paper,through the analysis of the geomorphologic features and gravity and magnetic characteristics of the basin and identification of striped magnetic anomalies,suggests that the entire Philippine Basin developed magnetic lineation of oceanic nature,and therefore,the entire basin is of the nature of oceanic crust.The basin has developed a series of special geomorphic units with different shapes.The KPR runs through the entire Philippine Basin.From the view of geomorphologic features,the KPR is a discontinuous seamount chain (chain-shaped seamounts) and subduction beneath the Japanese Island arc at the Nankai Trough which is the natural boundary between the basin and the Japanese Island arc.At the positions of 25 N,24 N,23 N and 18 N,obvious discontinuity is shown,which belongs to natural topographic discontinuity.Therefore,the KPR is topographically discontinuous.  相似文献   
The northwestern continental margin of New Zealand offers one of the finest examples of a continent-backarc transform. This transform, part of the Vening Meinesz Fracture Zone (VMFZ), accommodated about 170 km of sea-floor spreading in the Norfolk backare basin together with eastward migration of a volcanic arc, the Three Kings Ridge, in the Mid- to Late Miocene. Before the onset of spreading, strain along the VMFZ may have been linked to a major Early Miocene obduction event — the emplacement of the Northland Allochthon. The transform is manifested by a belt up to 50 km wide of left-stepping, linear fault scarps up to 2000 m high within an approximately 100 km-wide deformed zone. A marginal ridge, the Reinga Ridge, which includes a faulted, folded and uplifted Miocene sedimentary basin, occurs within the high-standing continental side of the deformed zone, whereas a narrow strip of linear detached blocks occupies the deep backarc oceanic side. Prespreading uplift and erosion of crust in the proto-backarc region, are volcanism, and obduction of the allochthon, supplied clastic sediments to the basin on the continental side. This basin was complexly deformed as the transform evolved. The transform was initiated as a dextral strike-slip fault zone, which developed right-branching splays and left-steps along its length, uplifting and cutting the continental margin into left-hand, en echelon blocks and relays. Folds formed locally within relay blocks and at the distal ends of the splays. Only the high continental side of this zone (the Reinga Ridge) remains, the formerly adjacent crust (the Three Kings Ridge) having been displaced towards the southeast. As the Three Kings block moved and the Norfolk Basin opened, opposing rift margins of the backarc basin foundered to form terraces. The oceanic side of the transform also subsided to produce the belt of detached blocks (some laterally displaced by strike slip) and linear troughs along the main escarpment system.  相似文献   
The Geodynz-sud cruise on board the R/V l'Atalante collected bathymetric, side-scan sonar and seismic reflection data along the obliquely convergent boundary between the Australian and Pacific plates southwest of the South Island, New Zealand. The survey area extended from 44°05 S to 49°40 S, covering the transition zone between the offshore extension of the Alpine Fault and the Puysegur Trench and Puysegur Ridge. Based on variations in the nature and structure of the crust on either side of the margin, the plate boundary zone can be divided into three domains with distinctive structural and sedimentary characteristics. The northern domain involves subduction of probably thinned continental crust of the southern Challenger Plateau beneath the continental crust of Fiordland. It is characterized by thick sediments on the downgoing slab and a steep continental slope disrupted by fault scarps and canyons. The middle domain marks the transition between subduction of likely continental and oceanic crust defined by a series of en echelon ridges on the downgoing slab. This domain is characterized by a large collapse terrace on the continental slope which appears to be due to the collision of the en echelon ridges with the plate margin. The southern domain involves subduction of oceanic crust beneath continental and oceanic crust. This domain is characterized by exposed fabric of seafloor spreading on the downgoing slab, a steep inner trench wall and linear ridges and valleys on the Puysegur ridge crest. The data collected on this cruise provide insights into the nature and history of both plates, and factors influencing the distribution of strike-slip and compressive strain and the evolution of subduction processes along a highly oblique convergent margin.  相似文献   
The Northland Plateau and the Vening Meinesz “Fracture” Zone (VMFZ), separating southwest Pacific backarc basins from New Zealand Mesozoic crust, are investigated with new data. The 12–16 km thick Plateau comprises a volcanic outer plateau and an inner plateau sedimentary basin. The outer plateau has a positive magnetic anomaly like that of the Three Kings Ridge. A rift margin was found between the Three Kings Ridge and the South Fiji Basin. Beneath the inner plateau basin, is a thin body interpreted as allochthon and parautochthon, which probably includes basalt. The basin appears to have been created by Early Miocene mainly transtensive faulting, which closely followed obduction of the allochthon and was coeval with arc volcanism. VMFZ faulting was eventually concentrated along the edge of the continental shelf and upper slope. Consequently arc volcanoes in a chain dividing the inner and outer plateau are undeformed whereas volcanoes, in various stages of burial, within the basin and along the base of the upper slope are generally faulted. Deformed and flat-lying Lower Miocene volcanogenic sedimentary rocks are intimately associated with the volcanoes and the top of the allochthon; Middle Miocene to Recent units are, respectively, mildly deformed to flat-lying, calcareous and turbiditic. Many parts of the inner plateau basin were at or above sea level in the Early Miocene, apparently as isolated highs that later subsided differentially to 500–2,000 m below sea level. A mild, Middle Miocene compressive phase might correlate with events of the Reinga and Wanganella ridges to the west. Our results agree with both arc collision and arc unzipping regional kinematic models. We present a continental margin model that begins at the end of the obduction phase. Eastward rifting of the Norfolk Basin, orthogonal to the strike of the Norfolk and Three Kings ridges, caused the Northland Plateau to tear obliquely from the Reinga Ridge portion of the margin, initiating the inner plateau basin and the Cavalli core complex. Subsequent N115° extension and spreading parallel with the Cook Fracture Zone completed the southeastward translation of the Three Kings Ridge and Northland Plateau and further opened the inner plateau basin, leaving a complex dextral transform volcanic margin.  相似文献   
与快速扩张的洋中脊相比,主要由超慢速-慢速扩张洋脊组成的印度洋中脊具有独特的热液硫化物成矿模式.运用高精度矿相显微镜、XRD、电子探针和ICP-AES/MS等测试手段,对印度洋中脊的热液硫化物矿床样品开展了矿物成分、结构构造、地球化学等各方面分析.结果表明,来自中印度洋脊(CIR)艾德蒙德(Edmond)热液区的硫化物A主要由黄铁矿、白铁矿以及黄铜矿构成,其成矿期次可划分为白铁矿-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅰ)、闪锌矿-黄铜矿阶段(Ⅱ)以及后期石英阶段(Ⅲ),成矿流体温度经历了低-高-低的变化;同样来自于艾德蒙德热液区的硫化物B主要矿物成分为黄铁矿、白铁矿和硬石膏,成矿期次划分为硬石膏-白铁矿-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅰ)和胶状黄铁矿-石英(Ⅱ) 2个阶段,流体温度经历了低-高的变化;与之相比,来自西南印度洋脊(SWIR)龙旂热液区的硫化物C主要由纤铁矿、黄铜矿、黄铁矿和白铁矿组成,成矿期次划分为纤铁矿-白铁矿-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅰ)和闪锌矿-黄铜矿(Ⅱ)阶段,后期闪锌矿、黄铜矿的出现反映热液流体温度发生了升高.地球化学特征表明,印度洋中脊的热液硫化物总体为富Fe型,并相对富集Co和Ni元素,而Zn和Cu元素的含量相对较低.此外,取自艾德蒙德热液区的硫化物与EPR 21°N热液硫化物组成非常相似,而与慢速扩张脊TAG相比,Pb、Zn、Ag和Sr元素含量较高,Cu和Fe元素含量则较低.  相似文献   
用ICP-MS对TAG热液活动区表层热液沉积物中6个块状硫化物样品进行了稀土元素分析。所有样品均表现出正Eu异常(EuN/Eu*N=1.27~2.68)和LREE相对富集(LaN/YbN=15.79~47.62)的球粒陨石标准化配分模式,热液沉积物样品中稀土元素组成的变化是由于海底热液循环体系中热液流体和海水不同程度混合作用的结果,并且,海水与热液流体的混合作用是在热液沉积物形成以前发生的,与黑烟囱流体的稀土元素配分模式对比,表明热液沉积物的REE部分来自下伏的玄武岩基底,在热液沉积物的形成过程中,LREE得到了较高程度的富集,同时,海底热液沉积物的稀土元素中Eu的变化可以一定程度的反映出热液流体的演化特征。  相似文献   
许腾  艾钰洁  王国瑞 《现代地质》2013,27(2):288-293
针对周口店黄院东山梁一带青白口系和下古生界构造变形进行的详细解剖分析一直未见有文献报道。通过对东山梁构造变形现象进行反复多次的详细观察,发现东山梁中段寒武系张夏组鲕粒灰岩层位重复出现,但鲕粒未发生变形,经追索表明该层位存在逆冲断层重复和破坏;同时,东山梁南段采石场掌子面可见青白口系景儿峪组薄层大理岩和寒武系府君山组灰岩构成的小型斜歪倾伏褶皱,上覆寒武系馒毛组中发育由NNE向SSW推覆的逆冲褶断,使部分层位缺失,褶断带内岩石存在韧性变形等构造现象。这一观测成果修正了前人研究认为东山梁一带只存在大量折叠层、而断层发育欠佳的认识,也为北京西山地区区域地质演化研究提供了一定的科学佐证。  相似文献   
The Flores diving cruise was part of the MAST III-AMORES (1995-1998) program funded by the European Union. One of the major achievements of the Flores cruise was the discovery of the Rainbow hydrothermal field hosted in ultramafic rocks south of the Amar segment on the Mid-Atlantic ridge (MAR). The Rainbow hydrothermal fluids exhibit temperatures of 365 °C, pH of 2.8, high chlorinity (750 mmol/kg), and low silica (6.9 mmol/kg). The uniformity in endmember major, minor, trace element concentrations and gas contents suggests that all Rainbow fluids originate from the same deep source. Although H2S content is relatively low (1.20 mmol/kg), all vent fluids show extraordinary high H2 (16 mmol/kg), CH4 (2.5 mmol/kg) and CO (5 μmol/kg) endmember concentrations compared to fluids collected from other vent sites along the MAR. Hydrogen represents more than 40% of the total gas volume extracted from the fluids. At Rainbow, H2 production is likely associated with alteration of olivine and orthopyroxene minerals during serpentinization. Given that exposures of ultramafic rock may be common, particularly along slow-spreading ridges, the production of H2 may have important implications for microbial activity at and beneath the seafloor.  相似文献   
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