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《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1456-1474
We present new major element, trace element, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope data for 18 basaltic lavas and six glasses collected in situ from the Eastern Lau Spreading Centre (ELSC) and the Valu Fa Ridge (VFR). All lava samples are aphanitic and contain rare plagioclase and clinopyroxene microlites and microphenocrysts. The rocks are sub-alkaline and range from basalt and basaltic andesite to more differentiated andesite. In terms of trace element compositions, the samples are transitional between typical normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and island arc basalt. Samples from the VFR have higher large ion lithophile element/high field strength element ratios (e.g. Ba/Nb) than the ELSC samples. VFR and ELSC Sr–Nd isotopic compositions plot between Indian MORB and Tonga arc lavas, but VFR samples have higher 87Sr/86Sr for a given 143Nd/144Nd ratio than ELSC analogues. The Pb isotopic composition of ELSC lavas is more Indian MORB-like, whereas that of VFR lavas is more Pacific MORB-like. Our new data, combined with literature data for the Central Lau Spreading Centre, indicate that the mantle beneath the ELSC and VFR spreading centres was originally of Pacific type in composition, but was displaced by Indian-type mantle as rifting propagated to the south. The mantle beneath the spreading centres also was variably affected by subduction-induced metasomatism, mainly by fluids released from the altered, subducting oceanic crust; the influence of these components is best seen in VFR lavas. To a first approximation, the effects of underflow on the composition and degree of partial melting of the mantle source of Lau spreading centre lavas inversely correlate with distance of the spreading centres from the Tonga arc. Superimposed on this general process, however, are the effects of the local geographic contrasts in the composition of subduction components. The latter have been transferred mainly by dehydration-generated fluids into the mantle beneath the Tonga supra-subduction zone.  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1951-1966

U–Pb ages of detrital zircons from the Wedington Sandstone member in northwest Arkansas provide evidence for Late Mississippian westward transcontinental sediment transport from the Appalachian foreland. The Late Mississippian Wedington Sandstone member of the Fayetteville Shale is a fine- to medium-grained quartzarenite. It separates the Fayetteville Shale into informal lower and upper intervals, and was deposited as a small constructive delta complex that prograded towards the south and southeast during the Late Mississippian. As a major influx of clastic sediments, the Wedington Sandstone member records the sediment source and dispersal in the mid-continent during the Late Mississippian. A total of 559 detrital zircon grains from six Wedington samples were recovered for U–Pb detrital zircon geochronological analysis. Results show that age distributions can be subdivided into six groups: ~350–500, ~900–1350, ~1360–1500, ~1600–1800, ~1800–2300, and > ~2500 Ma, and are characterized by a prominent peak for the age group of ~900–1350 Ma, a major peak at ~1600–1800 Ma, and a few other minor age clusters. Regional correlation and geological evidence from surrounding areas suggest that the transcontinental sediment dispersal started as early as the Late Mississippian. U–Pb detrital zircon age distribution suggests that the Wedington Sandstone member was likely derived from the Appalachian foreland with contributions from the Nemaha Ridge to the west where the Yavapai–Mazatzal sources were exposed during the Late Mississippian. Sediment was likely transported westward through or around the Illinois Basin, merged with mid-continent sediment, and then entered into its current location in northwest Arkansas. Transportation of this sediment from mixed sources continued along its course to the south, forming a delta on the Northern Arkansas Structural Platform.  相似文献   

The Vestfirdir Peninsula of northwestern Iceland mainly consists of tholeiitic lava flows, 8–14 Ma old, gently dipping to the southeast. A detailed study of strike-slip and normal faulting allowed identification of two main paleostress regimes. Two sets of normal faults were recognized. The largest set trends ENE-WSW to NNE-SSW; the minor set trends NW-SE to WNW-ESE. Concerning the major extension, the reconstruction of paleostress trajectories shows a gradual change in trend from ESE-WNW, in the northern half of the peninsula, to NNW-SSE to the south. The minor extension also shows a gradual change from NNE-SSW to ENE-WSW trends, from north to south. The nearly constant perpendicularity between the major and minor trends of extension is accounted for by permutation of stress axes within the general pattern of extension related to oceanic rifting. The progressive azimuthal change of the major extension trend, from northeast to southwest across the peninsula, is interpreted as the expression of a change in trend of the extinct Skagi-Snaefells rift, a structure that cannot be reconstructed directly through geological mapping. The average trends of extension in the southern Vestfirdir Peninsula, N150°E, suggest a N60°E trend for the ancient Snaefells rift segment. Likewise, the N100–110°E trends of extension in northern Vestfirdir suggest a N10–20°E trend for the Skagi paleo-rift., © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   
Massive sulfide precipitates found in the Southwest Indian Ridge(SWIR) 49.6°E hydrothermal field are enriched in gold.Here,the mineralogy and mineral chemistry of these massive sulfides to constrain the process of gold precipitation were studied.Sulfide samples in this field include lowertemperature Zn-rich sulfides and relative higher-temperature Fe-rich sulfides.Zn-rich sulfides are dominated by sphalerite-pyrite-chalcopyrite assemblages,with concentrations of gold ranging from 9.08 to 17.0 μg/g.Fe-rich sulfides consist mainly of pyrite-marcasite-isocubanite assemblages,with gold concentrations from 2.17 to 3.79 μg/g.The significant enrichment in gold within the lowertemperature Zn-rich sulfides and the effective separation of Zn and Fe in hydrothermal precipitates at the surface of this field are here interpreted to reflect the strong temperature dependence of gold transportation and deposition within the sulfides.In Zn-rich samples,large amounts of isolated native gold grains were identified.They were found mainly as inclusions up to 8 μm in diameter,occupying porous cavities in sphalerite or in the elevated iron content rim of sphalerite.The fineness of the gold ranged from 810 to 830.Unlike previously published results on other hydrothermal fields,these data show a low gold fineness values in SWIR 49.6°E.The FeS content of sphalerite associated with gold grains ranged from 3.2 mole % to 18.9 mole %.This was higher than in other fields,indicating that the sulfur activity is relatively low during the gold precipitation process and that sulfur activity may be one of the main factors affecting gold fineness in the SWIR 49.6°E hydrothermal field.Evidence regarding gold fineness and sulfur activity suggests that gold was quite likely transported as AuHS0 rather than as a Au(HS)-2 complex.  相似文献   
Fracture-fissure systems found at mid-ocean ridges are dominating conduits for the circulation of metallogenic fluid. Ascertaining the distribution area of active faults on both sides of mid-ocean ridges will provide a useful tool in the search for potential hydrothermal vents, thus guiding the exploration of modern seafloor sulfides. Considering the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 20°N–24°N (NMAR) and North Chile Rise (NCR) as examples, fault elements such as Fault Spacing (?S) and Fault Heave (?X) can be identified and quantitatively measured. The methods used include Fourier filtering of the multi-beam bathymetry data, in combination with measurements of the topographic slope, curvature, and slope aspect patterns. According to the Sequential Faulting Model of mid-ocean ridges, the maximal migration distance of an active fault on either side of mid-ocean ridges—that is, the distribution range of active faults—can be measured. Results show that the maximal migration distance of active faults at the NMAR is 0.76–1.01 km (the distance is larger at the center than at the ends of this segment), and at the NCR, the distribution range of active faults is 0.38–1.6 km. The migration distance of active faults on the two study areas is positively related to the axial variation of magma supply. In the NCR study area, where there is an abundant magma input, the number of faults within a certain distance is mainly affected by the variation of lithospheric thickness. Here a large range of faulting clearly corresponds to a high proportion of magmatism to seafloor spreading near mid-ocean ridges (M) value, and in the study area of the NMAR, there is insufficient magmatism, and the number of faults may be controlled by both lithospheric thickness and magma supply, leading to a less obvious positive correlation between the distribution range of active faults and M.  相似文献   
扬马延海脊位于北大西洋的北极圈附近,东格陵兰板块和挪威板块之间,冰岛东北方向。北极地区地域辽阔,油气资源丰富,但是恶劣的环境一直制约油气的勘探进展。在扬马延海脊的沉积演化过程中,扬马延海脊在第三纪前有着和东格陵兰陆架、挪威陆架相似的沉积序列,其构造演化经历了二叠纪陆内裂谷、三叠纪—侏罗纪同裂谷和微陆块漂移、白垩纪至今热沉降和被动陆缘等3个阶段。结合前人研究成果,对搜集的东格陵兰陆架、挪威陆架的油气地质资料分析,认为扬马延海脊可划分为扬马延盆地、扬马延西部构造带、扬马延中部凸起带、扬马延海槽、扬马延东部斜坡、扬马延南部复杂构造带6个构造单元,在其上发育着2套油气系统。同时扬马延海脊发育有伸展构造圈闭、地垒断块圈闭、构造圈闭和地层圈闭,这些圈闭为油气的赋存提供了良好的环境,也有利于划分有利油气勘探区带。研究结果可为进一步分析扬马延海脊构造特征等方面提供基础信息,同时对我国参与研究开发北极油气资源具有重大意义。  相似文献   
The Laccadive Ridge (L-R), trending roughly parallel to the west coast of India, is an intriguing segment of the northernmost Chagos-Laccadive Ridge (C-L-R) system. Although crustal nature and isostatic response of the southern C-L-R is well known, there are no similar studies on the L-R. In the present study, the isostatic response of the lithosphere beneath the L-R is estimated so as to characterize its crustal nature, total crustal as well as effective elastic plate thickness and mode of compensation. Twelve gravity and bathymetry profiles across the ridge were analyzed using linear transfer function and forward model techniques. The observed admittance function within the diagnostic waveband of 250 < λ > 80 km (0.025 < k > 0.080 km−1) fits well with (i) the Airy model whose average crustal thickness (Tc) and density are 17 ± 2 km and 2.7 × 103 kg m−3, respectively, and (ii) the thin plate flexure model of isostasy with an effective elastic plate thickness (Te) of 2–3 km. The estimated average crustal thickness and density are in good agreement with published seismic refraction results over the ridge. The results of the present study support an Airy model of isostasy for the L-R. The low Te value, in view of other published results in the study area, suggests stretched and loaded continental lithosphere of the L-R during the evolution of the western continental margin of India.  相似文献   
马尔库斯海脊富钴结壳的钙质超微化石生物地层学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分布于大洋盆地高地形区的富钴结壳是一种经历了上千万年生长历程的、含多种有价值金属的特殊“沉积物”.与一般沉积物一样,富钴结壳也保存了海洋环境变迁更替的信息.正确解读结壳的生长历史,不仅对认识这种有用金属矿产的成因和成矿机制有重要意义,而且对研究第三纪以来的大洋古环境乃至这一时段的全球环境变化也有不容忽视的价值.  相似文献   
Hydrothermal Fe-Mn-Si oxides and nontronite are pervasive in the Hine Hina, Vai Lili and Mariner hydrothermal fields along the central Valu Fa Ridge, Lau Basin. Morphometric and mineralogical analyses reveal that the iron-rich filaments are the most important constituents of these Fe-Mn-Si oxide deposits. Both the morphologies and chemical composition of the filaments indicate that neutrophilic Fe-oxidizing bacteria have played a key role in the formation of these deposits. A key process of the formation of these deposits is the creation of a complicated filamentous network in which a series of metabolic activities and passive sorption and nucleation processes occur. The precipitation of dissolved Si in unsaturated and saturated states leads to a “two-generation” growth model in the hydrothermal vents. The precipitation of amorphous opal occurs in a relatively narrow temperature range (41.1-42.9 °C) based on oxygen isotope analyses, indicating a fast precipitation rate of opal-A when conductive cooling of the hydrothermal fluid occurrs. Patchy nontronite in the Mariner fields is a product of the direct precipitation from hydrothermal fluids at a temperature of ∼87.9 °C, whereas the scattered nontronite at the Hine Hina field is the product of the replacement of hydrothermal Fe-Si oxides at a temperature of ∼46.2 °C.  相似文献   
本文对采自南大西洋受不同程度热液活动影响的表层沉积物样品进行了元素和矿物组成分析,并对热液沉积物的碳酸盐相、Fe-Mn氧化物相和残渣态进行了一系列顺序提取实验。选用不同浓度的盐酸羟胺(HH)和醋酸(HAc)混合溶液对样品的Fe-Mn氧化物相进行提取,通过分析不同实验条件下Fe-Mn氧化物相Ti/Nd、Ti/Pb比值和Fe-Mn氧化物相、残渣态的稀土元素(REE)标准化配分模式及Ce和Eu异常值,确定了不同类型热液沉积物样品Fe-Mn氧化物相提取的理想试剂条件均为0.5 mol/L HH和25% HAc混合溶液。研究结果表明,受热液活动影响程度越高,沉积物中Fe、Cu、Zn等元素含量越高,Ca、Sr、Ba含量呈相反趋势,Mn、Pb和REE未受到热液活动明显影响;随着受热液活动影响增强,Ca、Sr、Nd在Fe-Mn氧化物相中所占比例增加,在残渣态中降低,Mn、Co、Ni和Zn呈相反趋势,Cu在碳酸盐相所占比例增加,在残渣态中降低,Pb赋存状态不受热液活动影响,主要赋存于Fe-Mn氧化物相;REE主要赋存于残渣态,沉积物受热液活动影响越明显,残留相对REE富集能力越强,残渣态REE球粒陨石标准化配分模式表现为LREE相对富集越来越不明显的特征。本文研究为进一步了解南大西洋热液沉积物特征和热液活动对沉积物元素赋存状态影响提供了方法和地球化学数据支持。  相似文献   
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