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The literature suggests that owing to profound difficulties with high school geography curricula, teachers play a vital role in stimulating student interest and in providing a platform for continuation in the study of geography at university. Yet, with little empirical evidence offered in support, it is unclear why students select geography at university and if their high school experience informs their decision. Through a survey of students enrolled in an introductory geography course at an Ontario university, this research questions the relationship between students' high school experience and their enrollment in the course and ponders the implications for the health of the discipline.  相似文献   
主要发达国家地质信息服务的政策体系及其特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息服务政策是信息服务顺利实施的保障。美、加、澳和英国等主要发达国家的地质调查机构制定并执行了一系列的信息服务政策。这些政策规定了服务的对象、内容、定价、合作伙伴关系、信息发布、客户关系、服务质量等方面的行为准则,涵盖了实施信息服务涉及的所有主要行为,已经形成了比较完整的体系。从以下几个方面阐述了上述主要发达国家信息服务政策体系的特点:信息自由法、版权对地质信息服务的影响,比较完善的定价政策、价格体系和重视用政策、标准规范信息服务。  相似文献   
目的:运用数据挖掘技术分析许芝银教授辨治阴虚火旺型甲状腺功能亢进症的临床用药规律。方法:收集整理2018年1月1日至2020年6月30日江苏省中医院许教授门诊诊治的阴虚火旺型甲状腺功能亢进症患者病案资料,构建临床用药数据库,运用数据挖掘方法,对其临证用药规律进行总结分析。结果:共收集到许教授治疗阴虚火旺型甲状腺功能亢进症的有效验方642首,涉及药物133味,累计用药频数9180次。获得高频药物(使用频次≥120次)24味,使用频次排前6位的药物依次是赤芍、牡丹皮、白芍、甘草、丹参、麦冬;药物药性以温、寒、平为主,药味以甘、苦、辛为多,归经多属肝、肺、脾经,药物分类以补虚药、清热药为主。高频药物系统聚类聚为6类,药物二项关联分析显示核心药对6对,三项关联度最强的核心药物组合4组。结论:许教授临证围绕阴虚火旺型甲状腺功能亢进症的病因病机,从消瘿散结、清热泻火、养阴益气入手,提出瘿肿宜消散、纳亢宜清泻、多汗宜固表、目突宜明目、手颤宜息风、心悸宜宁神六法,同时兼顾扶正祛邪,攻补兼施,用药平和,疗效肯定。  相似文献   
能源合理利用与CO2减排的国际经验及其对我国的启示   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
减少温室气体排放,以减缓和控制气候变化,是《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》的主要目标。美英法德日等主要发达国家,在工业化道路上,已走过数百年的历程,积累了包括能源节约和CO2减排在内的先进技术和丰富经验。为了减少CO2排放,实现可持续发展,必须借鉴国外在能源利用、结构调整和节能方面的经验。可供我国借鉴的国外经验主要有:(1)制订和实施能源合理利用与减少CO2排放的发展战略;(2)建立和健全法律;(3)调整能源结构;(4)运用经济激励的政策和手段。  相似文献   
海岸公园环境管理作为重要的生态经济发展问题,在制定有效政策时,相关信息至关重要,尤其是与娱乐或游憩相关的环境属性经济价值评价。本文以大连沿海公园为研究区域,选取海滩类型、垃圾情况、水质清澈度、拥挤程度四个环境要素,采用三种离散选择模型对游客的环境改善支付意愿(Willingness to pay,WTP)进行了估算。研究发现水质改善和减少垃圾的经济价值最高,分别为40.69元和70.55元,另外,游客对于拥挤程度的改善意愿不明显(–0.12元)。此外,本研究针对公园属性组合对受访者偏好及异质性进行了分析,结果表明,在给定的属性因素中,不同游客个体特征下的WTP存在显著的异质性,女性游客较男性对水质改善有着更高的WTP,游客收入水平与支付意愿也有明显的正相关性,从事游泳和划船活动的游客对水质的WTP较高(59.83元)。这些发现为沿海公园管理者制定有价值的政策提供了有用的信息。  相似文献   
Creating opportunities for students to actively apply hazards theory to real-life situations is often a challenge in hazards geography courses. This article presents a project, the Jocko Lakes Fire Project, that implemented learning strategies to encourage students to be active in wildfire hazards research. Wildfire hazards stand out as an increasing threat to communities in forested areas given current and projected rates of urbanization, the growing concentration of wealth in hazard-prone areas, the increasing costs of forest wildfire reduction, and climate change. Components of the project involved students in problem definition and the articulation of a research plan; identifying and collecting relevant data; and analyzing and documenting the wildfire hazard event. The student-based evaluation of the project and its outcomes highlights the ways in which this approach can increase understanding of local hazard scenarios, familiarity with relevant theory, geographical knowledge, and skills in research.  相似文献   

海宁硖石地震台位于浙江海宁市硖石街道西山公园人防山洞内,该台在建设过程中,不但面临岩石体质量差的问题,洞室地面下挖至2 m以上深度,岩石依旧呈现多气孔且破碎的状态;还面临洞室湿度高的问题(>95% Rh)。最终在不可能采用岩石墩建台的情况下,通过浇筑大面积混凝土仪器墩,并对洞室环境进行改造,降低洞室湿度,做到保温、恒湿,改善观测环境。至今,该台已有十多年的运行时间,从目前情况看,台站观测数据平稳连续,固体潮清晰,达到了台站改造的预期效果。本文通过总结海宁硖石地震台在改造过程中取得的经验,为在一些不具备建造岩石墩的人防、民用山洞内,建设地形变观测台提供借鉴。

Ashwan Reddy 《Urban geography》2013,34(7):1099-1112
Residential overcrowding has remained a persistent, low-level phenomenon in the United States over the past 30 years, and has been linked to negative personal health outcomes. A household is typically considered overcrowded if it has more than one person per room (PPR). The PPR measure, however, ignores variations in room size and does not accurately measure residential living space. To remedy this issue, we introduce volume per capita (VPC), a new measure that combines census, land use and building data to quantify the amount of residential space per person in cubic footage. We find that VPC correlates with three distinct measures of PPR (r2 = 0.05–0.26), but has no relationship to population density. This suggests that PPR and VPC capture different aspects of living conditions, and that VPC provides a more direct measure residential space. In addition, because VPC can be calculated at the fine-grained spatial resolution of census blocks, it is an ideal measure by which to quantify residential space and understand overcrowding within metropolitan areas.  相似文献   
X射线荧光光谱法在耐火材料成分分析中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
李国会  徐国令  李晓莉 《岩矿测试》2003,22(3):217-220224
采用熔融法制样,用X射线荧光光谱法对耐火材料中的Na2O、MgO、Al2O3、SiO2、K2O、CaO、TiO2、Cr2O3、MnO、Fe2O3、ZrO2、HfO2组分进行测定,使用康普顿散射线作内标和经验系数法校正基体效应,经标准物质检验与标准值吻合,大部分组分的RSD<5%(n=10)。  相似文献   
借鉴"情景规划和体验设计"方法,提出我国体验(式)旅游开发的思路。指出体验(式)旅游开发要认真研究游客的消费取向,注重旅游情景规划,营造体验氛围、编织动人心魄的故事、精心导演活动、合理安排游览线路和时间;在充分了解游客心理特点和角色特征基础上打造体验服务,设计体验性纪念品,让游客获得难忘体验。  相似文献   
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