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针对一类具有状态约束的非严格反馈高阶非线性系统,研究一种自适应模糊有限时间跟踪控制问题.首先,利用模糊逻辑系统逼近不确定性非线性函数,在此基础上,采用障碍Lyapunov函数,解决状态约束问题,通过障碍加幂积分方法和反步递推技术,提出了一种有限时间控制设计方法.在有限时间Lyapunov稳定意义下,严格证明闭环系统半全局实际有限时间稳定且系统的状态不超出给定的约束边界,并实现了有限时间跟踪控制目标.最后,仿真研究进一步验证了所提出控制方法的有效性.  相似文献   
利用鄂西地区长时间段宽频地震台站的三分量背景噪声记录,采用波形互相关方法得到台站对间的互相关函数,并通过聚束分析获得瑞雷波和勒夫波的慢度谱,研究鄂西地区背景噪声源的时空分布特征。结果表明,5~10 s周期范围,背景噪声来源于南太平洋且没有季节变化;10~20 s周期范围,慢度谱上显示明显的能量环,表明噪声源来源于多个方向,且表现出强烈和急剧的季节变化;20~40 s周期范围,慢度谱上也存在明显的能量环,其产生机制可能与此周期下提出的次重力波机制相似。在不同的周期范围内,噪声源分布方位有所不同,但在周期10~40 s范围噪声源在各方向均有分布。因此,利用长时间段连续噪声数据计算的互相关函数在周期10~40 s范围内满足背景噪声面波层析成像的理论前提。  相似文献   
通过对厦门市1989年、1993年、1997年TM遥感影像和2003年ETM+遥感影像的解译分析统计,用单一土地利用动态度、转移矩阵等对1989-2003年厦门市湿地动态变化进行了分析,并进行了主要驱动力分析。结果表明:1989-2003年间,由于经济发展、人口增长以及农业生产比较利益的驱动和农业内部结构调整的影响,水库水塘、养殖、滩涂等湿地类型被非湿地侵占;养殖面积从1989年的4230hm2持续增加到2003年的9768hm2,主要是通过占用非湿地、滩涂、盐田和水库水塘增加的;红树林面积大幅度减少,从1989年的84hm2持续减少到2003年的17hm2,主要是由于养殖、非湿地的侵占以及遭受破坏变为滩涂。  相似文献   
研究一维全局最优化问题的确定性求解方法。运用逐次建立目标函数的线性下界函数,将不含全局最优解的子区域删除,并基于非精确搜索结合下降算法而得出非精确搜索一维全局最优化方法,使计算量减少且使迭代收敛加快。迭代结束时该算法得到一维全局最优化问题的ε-全局最优解。该方法具有有限收敛性且不需精确的局部优化过程。文中的数值实例表明该算法的有效性。  相似文献   
由正交三角函数导出了一类最小gdop测距单点定位构型集 导出了测距单点定位构型的gdop极小值条件并由此引入了最小gdop测距单点定位构型解集的概念揭示了最小gdop测距单点定位构型的性质 旋转不变性和叠加不变性 对于任意给定的控制点数目n由正交三角函数导出了最小gdop构型的正多边形解 最后在最小gdop二维测距单点定位构型的基础上导出了三种三维最小gdop测距单点定位构型圆锥构型锥角108.48° 笛卡尔构型walker构型轨道倾角54.74° 这些构型的几何条件为讨论gnss星座设计提供了参考  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a new approach to estimate high-resolution teleseismic receiver functions using a simultaneous iterative time-domain sparse deconvolution. This technique improves the deconvolution by using reweighting strategies based on a Cauchy criterion. The resulting sparse receiver functions enhance the primary converted phases and its multiples. To test its functionality and reliability, we applied this approach to synthetic experiments and to seismic data recorded at station ABU, in Japan. Our results show Ps conversions at approximately 4.0 s after the primary P onset, which are consistent with other seismological studies in this area. We demonstrate that the sparse deconvolution is a simple, efficient technique in computing receiver functions with significantly greater resolution than conventional approaches.  相似文献   
The relationship between differences in microwave humidity sounder(MHS)–channel biases which represent measured brightness temperatures and model-simulated brightness temperatures, and cloud ice water path(IWP) as well as the influence of the cloud liquid water path(LWP) on the relationship is examined. Seven years(2011–17) of NOAA-18 MHS-derived measured brightness temperatures and IWP/LWP data generated by the NOAA Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System Microwave Surface and Precipitation Products System are used. The Community Radiative Transfer Model, version2.2.4, is used to simulate model-simulated brightness temperatures using European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis data as background fields. Scan-angle deviations of the MHS window channel biases range from-1.7 K to1.0 K. The relationships between channels 2, 4, and 5 biases and scan angle are symmetrical about the nadir. The latitudedependent deviations of MHS window channel biases are positive and range from 0–7 K. For MHS non-window channels,the latitudinal deviations between measured brightness temperatures and model-simulated brightness temperatures are larger when the detection height is higher. No systematic warm or cold deviations are found in the global spatial distribution of difference between measured brightness temperatures and model-simulated brightness temperatures over oceans after removing scan-angle and latitudinal deviations. The corrected biases of five different MHS channels decrease differently with respect to the increase in IWP. This decrease is stronger when LWP values are higher.  相似文献   
Holocene variations in annual precipitation (Pann) were reconstructed from pollen data from southern Argentinian Patagonia using a transfer function developed based on a weighted-averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) regression. The pollen–climate calibration model consisted of 112 surface soil samples and 59 pollen types from the main vegetation units, and modern precipitation values obtained from a global climate database. The performance (r2 = 0.517; RMSEP = 126 mm) of the model was comparable or slightly lower than in other comparable pollen–climate models. Fossil pollen data were obtained from a sediment core from Cerro Frias site (50°24'S, 72°42'W) located at the forest-steppe ecotone. Reconstructed Pann values of about 200 mm suggest dry conditions during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition (12,500–10,500 cal yr BP). Pann values were about 300–350 mm from 10,500 to 8000 cal yr BP and increased to 400–500 mm between 8000 and 1000 cal yr BP. An abrupt decrease in Pann at about 1000 cal yr BP was associated with a Nothofagus decline. The reconstructed Pann suggests a weakening and southward shift of the westerlies during the early Holocene and intensification, with no major latitudinal shifts, during the mid-Holocene at high latitudes in southern Patagonia.  相似文献   
NWC通信台在电离层中激发电磁响应的时变特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用DEMETER卫星VLF频段电场和磁场频谱数据对DEMETER卫星运行期间2005年至2009年澳大利亚甚低频(Very Low Frequency)通信台NWC发射的通信信号造成的电离层电磁响应的日变化、季节变化及年变化特征进行了统计分析,统计结果表明电磁响应日变化显著,夜间电场强度明显增强可达40 dB,磁场变化略小也可为15 dB左右,而季节变化不显著,年变化主要受太阳活动的影响,太阳活动越强,电磁响应越小.为解释数据分析结果,对地-电离层电磁波传播过程采用传递矩阵方法进行了模拟计算,模拟结果与数据分析的结果一致.我们认为这种随时间变化的特点可能由250 km以下电离层电子密度分布特征导致,因此研究 250 km以下的电离层电子密度变化可能对寻找地震电离层电磁异常有重要意义.  相似文献   
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