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In this paper, an economic model was constructed to determine the optimal wolf population and distribution across the Northern Rocky Mountains. Both ecological and economic concepts were incorporated in an implicitly spatial social welfare maximization problem. This interdisciplinary model relies on multiple data sources, including current wolf population and distribution information, opportunity cost to local landowners, and contingent valuation studies to determine willingness-to-pay for wolves. Economic models tend to externalize ecological concerns and ecological models often omit the complex human dimensions of conservation policy. Accordingly, this model can serve as a guide for integrating best practices from both fields. The model presented here is sufficiently general to apply to wolves in other ecosystems and to other highly interacting species such as beavers and bison. The Northern Rocky Mountain wolf was used as an example of how this economic model works, but this model can be applied far more broadly. 相似文献
Hydrology and ecology are two important factors affecting the rational utilization of limited water resources within the
arid inland basins of China. They depend on, are influenced by, and interact with each other. But, the functions and significance
of the hydrological ecology vary from upper through intermediate to lower reaches. Abundant rainfall and large runoff in the
upper regions favor the vegetation growth, and the bushy vegetation helps conserve water resources. The large-scale reclamation
in the intermediate regions leads to many sustainable oases, but with severely changed hydrological conditions and destroyed
ecological systems. Human activities result in the degradation of the vegetation and declination of the ecological system
at the intermediate and lower regions. It is necessary to establish study approaches to ecological hydrology in arid inland
river basins.
Received: 30 October 1997 · Accepted: 26 May 1998 相似文献
Groundwater, as a critical component of the hydrological cycle, is essential for sustainable ecosystem development. To clarify the current status of domestic and overseas research, and to identify hotspots, frontier and future trends of groundwater and ecology research, this study utilizes bibliometric methods and Cite Space software to examine relevant published articles in the Web of Science(WOS) and CNKI databases from 1978 to 2022. Specifically, this study analyzes(1) the annual number of pu... 相似文献
针对工程活动形成的高陡边坡,采用植被混凝土生态防护技术进行治理覆绿效果显著。利用植被混凝土生态防护技术,对植被混凝土基材配方及技术指标进行分析,为施工做准备,明确了施工工艺的步骤及注意事项。通过工程实例分析,突显了此技术较高的应用价值及综合效益。 相似文献
Bacillus anthracis is the pathogenic bacterium that causes anthrax, which dwells in soils as highly resilient endospores. B. anthracis spore viability in soil is dependent upon environmental conditions, but the soil properties necessary for spore survival are unclear. In this study we used a range of soil geochemical and physical parameters to predict the spatial distribution of B. anthracis in northwest Minnesota, where 64 cases of anthrax in livestock were reported from 2000 to 2013. Two modeling approaches at different spatial scales were used to identify the soil conditions most correlated to known anthrax cases using both statewide and locally collected soil data. Ecological niche models were constructed using the Maximum Entropy (Maxent) approach and included 11 soil parameters as environmental inputs and recorded anthrax cases as known presences. One ecological niche model used soil data and anthrax presences for the entire state while a second model used locally sampled soil data (n = 125) and a subset of anthrax presences, providing a test of spatial scale. In addition, simple logistic regression models using the localized soil data served as an independent measure of variable importance. Maxent model results indicate that at a statewide level, soil calcium and magnesium concentrations, soil pH, and sand content are the most important properties for predicting soil suitability for B. anthracis while at the local level, clay and sand content along with phosphorous and strontium concentrations are most important. These results also show that the spatial scale of analysis is important when considering soil parameters most important for B. anthracis spores. For example, at a broad scale, B. anthracis spores may require Ca-rich soils and an alkaline pH, but may also concentrate in microenvironments with high Sr concentrations. The study is also one of the first ecological niche models that demonstrates the major importance of soil texture for defining the ecological niche of B. anthracis. These results will help improve our understanding of the soil geochemical conditions most suitable for B. anthracis as well as more reliably identify areas where anthrax may be found to focus prevention and remediation efforts. 相似文献
Recent scholarship examining environmental governance and solid waste management (SWM) in Hawaii has demonstrated the complexities of managing refuse in a remote, ecologically sensitive archipelago. Despite decades of calls for intensive recycling, composting, incineration, and other non-landfill disposal technologies, most islands of Hawaii continue to rely on sanitary landfilling. On Maui, a minor bureaucratic scandal centered on landfill permitting triggered the formation of an ad hoc entity intended to change SWM once and for all – the Solid Waste Resources Advisory Committee (SWRAC). I mobilize scholarship on waste governance, and in particular the ‘modes of governing’ framework to interrogate the decision-making processes of the SWRAC, evaluate their outputs, and consider the reasons for their ultimately limited impact on SWM governance on Maui. Based on a close reading of SWRAC meeting minutes and documents, I identify several factors, including the lack of clear goals or targets for SWRAC activity; a flawed, consensus-oriented decision-making process; and a failure to contextualize SWM within the broader environmental and cultural terrain of Maui. Taken together, I contend that these three problem areas underline the significance of seriously incorporating and harmonizing competing conceptions of ecological identity into both the ‘modes of governing’ framework and the scholarship of environmental governance more broadly. 相似文献
黔北芙蓉江流域绥(阳)正(安)道(真)地区是以“三区四带”为核心的全国重要生态系统保护和修复重大工程总体布局中长江重点生态区的重要组成部分,是长江上游重要的生态安全屏障,对其开展生态系统服务功能评价及生态功能区划是区域生态系统全要素一体化保护和系统治理的重要基础。本研究基于水量平衡方程模型、RUSLE模型及NPP模型并与GIS结合,建立了区域生态系统服务功能评价与分区体系,在识别现有状态的基础上规划未来,使其各区域能更好的承担相应生态系统服务功能。研究结果显示:研究区生态系统服务功能重要性中等以上的面积为5 16611 km2,占区域总面积的7085%。研究区生态系统服务功能重要性整体较高,主要分布在道真县西部、北部和中部,正安县中部及绥阳县北部等区域。在指标提取与遥感解译的基础上依据生态调节功能、产品提供功能及人居保障功能对区域生态功能进行分区。针对各类生态功能区的主要生态问题,提出了生态保护方向与限制、禁止措施,并划分出6个重要生态功能区作为区域保护修复的重点区,为区域山水林田湖草沙一体化保护和系统治理等生态保护修复工程提供重点靶区与实施路径参考。 相似文献
The outcome of patents on environmental (POET) technologies on the EF in the USA has not been comprehensively explored. Therefore, to close this breach in the literature, the present study discovers how patents on ecological technologies affect ecological footprint (EF) in the USA while regulatory for GDP and EC using the Fourier-based approaches. The conclusions of the present study reveal that POET are an important predictor of EF in the USA and cause a reduction in ecological deprivation in the long run; as expected, economic growth negatively affects environmental sustainability. The outcomes suggest that it is possible to resolve conflicts between the economy and the environment by using technological innovation. The USA government must reconsider its policy focus, particularly on coal energy sourcing and industrial energy, while continuing with heavy investments in its ambitious renewable energy technology development plan. Moreover, the government should continue to promote investments in environmental technologies. 相似文献
太湖富营养化与蓝藻水华引起的饮用水危机——原因与对策 总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58
〓作者简介:[HT6SS](1963 ),男,江苏苏州人,研究员,主要从事水环境研究.[WT6HZ]E mail:[WT6BZ]qinbq@niglas.ac.cn[ZW)]