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彭亮  吴彬  沈军  唐丽华  陈建波 《内陆地震》2008,22(3):234-242
利用地震危险性概率分析方法对大(Ⅰ)型一等工程-某大型水利枢纽工程所在的场址进行地震危险性分析;该拟建工程场址所在的西昆仑地震带是新疆境内地震活动强度最高、频度最大的地震带,拟建工程坝高库大,为了进行准确的地震危险性分析研究。本研究根据区域地震活动性及地震构造研究成果,确定了地震活动性参数,按照构造类比、历史地震重演原则划分了潜在震源区;在分析了区域地震活动环境和地震构造等因素后,综合评价其对场地地震危险性的影响;根据确定的地震动衰减关系及地震带、潜在震源区的地震活动性参数,应用概率方法计算得出了场地不同概率水平的水平向基岩峰值加速度。其结果做为适合该水库的工程场地地震危险性分析结论,用于指导工程选址、设计、抗震设防。  相似文献   
A general overview of some of the problems involved in earthquake catalogue handling is given as part of the works carried out into the ESC/SC8-TERESA project related with the seismic hazard assessment in two selected test areas: Sannio-Matese in Italy and the northern Rhine region (BGN). Furthermore, the necessary input data to be used in the calculation of seismic hazard has been obtained, including earthquake source zones and their seismic hazard parameters.The importance is pointed out of detailed analysis of seismic catalogues, mainly in relation to the use of aftershock information, the historical records of the region, and the possible temporal and spatial variation of seismicity, which could have an important influence on short-term hazard assessment.  相似文献   
介绍了"水库地震监测与预测技术研究"项目在广东河源新丰江水库库区详细的实施情况,包括观测场址的勘选、台基测试、台站建设、仪器安装、数据处理等工作,总结了项目成功实施的经验。  相似文献   
Mafic to intermediate enclaves are evenly distributed throughoutthe dacitic 1991–1995 lava sequence of Unzen volcano,Japan, representing hundreds of mafic recharge events over thelife of the volcano. This study documents the morphological,textural, chemical, and petrological characteristics of theenclaves and coexisting silicic host lavas. The eruptive productsdescribed in this study appear to be general products of magmamingling, as the same textural types are seen at many othervolcanoes. Two types of magmatic enclaves, referred to as Porphyriticand Equigranular, are easily distinguished texturally. Porphyriticenclaves display a wide range in composition from basalt toandesite, are glass-rich, spherical and porphyritic, and containlarge, resorbed, plagioclase phenocrysts in a matrix of acicularcrystals and glass. Equigranular enclaves are andesitic, non-porphyritic,and consist of tabular, medium-grained microphenocrysts in amatrix glass that is in equilibrium with the host dacite magma.Porphyritic enclaves are produced when intruding basaltic magmaengulfs melt and phenocrysts of resident silicic magma at theirmutual interface. Equigranular enclaves are a product of a moreprolonged mixing and gradual crystallization at a slower coolingrate within the interior of the mafic intrusion. KEY WORDS: mafic enclaves; quenched mafic inclusions; magma mingling; Unzen volcano; Unzen Scientific Drilling Project; resorbed plagioclase  相似文献   
三峡蓄水后典型河段分形维数的变化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对三峡工程蓄水后下游河道河床表面形态的变化,采用分形维数对河床表面形态进行量化,并分析河道冲淤调整特点,对河床表面分形维数(BSD)的变化特点及物理意义进行探讨。结果表明,BSD与河床各个剖面形态之间的关系是整体与部分的关系,BSD能全面地反映床面形态的复杂程度。三峡蓄水后,宜昌-虎牙滩和宜都河段BSD明显增大,关洲河段增大幅度较小,而芦家河河段BSD值略有减小,同时,各河段BSD的变化可在一定程度上表征三峡蓄水后下游河道河床综合阻力的调整结果。可通过对各河段演变趋势的分析,来预测其BSD的变化,进而为分析其阻力和水位的变化趋势提供依据。  相似文献   
Under the assumptions of triangular cross section channel and uniform stable flow, an analytical solution of the minimum ecological in-stream flow requirement (MEIFR) is deduced. Based on the analytical solution, the uncertainty of the wetted perimeter method is analyzed by comparing the two techniques for the determination of the critical point on the relationship curve between wetted perimeter, P and discharge, Q. It is clearly shown that the results of MEIFR based on curvature technique (corresponding to the maximum curvature) and slope technique (slope being 1) are significantly different. On the P-Q curve, the slope of the critical point with the maximum curvature is 0.39 and the MEIFR varied prominently with the change of the slope threshold. This indicates that if a certain value of the slope threshold is not available for slope technique, curvature technique may be a better choice. By applying the analytical solution of MEIFR in the losing rivers of the Western Route South-to-North Water Transfer Project in China, the MEIFR value via curvature technique is 2.5%-23.7% of the multi-year average annual discharge, while that for slope technique is 11%-105.7%. General conclusions would rely on the more detailed research for all kinds of cross-sections.  相似文献   
以北方农牧交错区-科尔沁左翼后旗为例,利用卫星遥感技术获取1980~2010年土地利用/覆被信息,通过统计模型重建土地利用/覆被及景观格局变化过程,综合评价二者动态及退耕还林还草等生态恢复工程的影响。研究区土地整体处于准平衡态势,各地类双向转换较频繁;耕地与草地的变化对区域土地利用/覆被及景观格局变化起支配作用;退耕还林还草等生态恢复工程逆转了天然植被(包括草地与林地)整体减少及耕地与未利用地增加的局面,使各景观破碎化程度有所缓解,这可能有利于生态环境的改善。  相似文献   
长江三峡大宁河流域3000年来的环境演变与人类活动   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
张芸  朱诚  于世永 《地理科学》2001,21(3):267-271
长江三峡大宁河流域张家湾东周-汉代古遗址的孢粉学和沉积学等分析结果表明3000年来该区环境演变与人类活动的互动影响,连续的孢粉和粒度记录证实,该区古人类活动初期处于暖湿的气候,东周-汉代时期转变为温凉略干的温带气候,东周-汉代后,该区经历了一次规模较大的大宁河洪水泛滥期,导致汉代文化层中断。此后不久,由于人类活动剧烈,自然植被严重破坏,水土流失比较严重,山洪灾害频繁,导致汉代之后该区没有连续的文化层堆积,而由于人类活动剧烈,自然植被严重破坏,水土流失比较严重,山洪灾害频繁,导致汉代之后该区没有连续的文化层堆积,而由于短暂洪水暴发引起大面积坡面片流,导致坡积物的大量堆积,汉代之后该区频繁的兴涝灾害和山洪灾害体现了人地关系的复杂性。  相似文献   
宋长青  刘静  潘峰华 《地理研究》2022,41(12):3383-3392
在“百年未有之大变局”的时代背景下,地理学科建设需要做好“四个面向”,其中本科人才培养是重中之重。1902年京师大学堂师范馆成立至今,北京师范大学地理学已有120年的发展历程。回顾历史,在时代的驱动下,北师大地理学本科专业人才培养不断适应国家社会需求、主动求变,经历了史地一体、独立设系、强调师范性、多元化人才培养、创新型人才培养,以及拔尖人才与“四有”好老师并重的发展阶段。北京师范大学地理学作为“双一流”建设学科,以全面提升育人水平和推动学科进入世界一流行列为首要任务,通过一系列改革措施,积极探索差异化的本科专业人才培养体系和特色化的培养模式,争取适应新时代国家和社会对地理学本科人才的新需求。  相似文献   
三峡水库区兴山后坝滑坡成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过对三峡水库区兴山后坝滑坡的地质、结构及变形特征研究以及稳定性分析,阐明了该滑坡成因和影响因素。研究发现,滑坡活动主要受地形地貌、地层岩性、人类工程活动以及降雨等因素的影响。运用剩余推力法对比分析天然及暴雨条件下不同层位的滑坡稳定性系数,得出在暴雨作用下滑坡表层滑带稳定性系数最小,不同滑带的稳定性受降雨的影响也各不相同,呈表层〉浅层〉深层的规律;这主要受滑带土的粘土矿物组分的影响。  相似文献   
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