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济阳坳陷及其邻近地区早第三纪海侵问题之我见   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文针对长期争议的早第三纪时期济阳坳陷及其邻近地区是否存在海侵问题,根据沉积特征及古生物资料,以济阳坳陷为例,重点研究了下第三系沙河街组二段至一段的演化特征,提出了新的观点——海啸。指出了遍布于整个渤海湾盆地的沙二段上部冲积相是由强海啸形成,它也是造成沙一段时期发生第三纪以来最大湖淹的主要原因。认为海啸的成因很可能与星体对地球的碰撞有关,属于地质时期的偶然事件。  相似文献   
第三系泥岩桩端承载力计算机模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用三维有限元法对第三系泥岩桩端承载力进行模拟计算,并采用多元线性回归的方法求得桩端承载力与桩长、桩径、地基强度指标及变形模量之间的关系式,然后用工程实例验证了分析模型的可靠性。  相似文献   
It is shown that portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) is a powerful tool for the identification and geochemical characterization of prospective Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary sites. Field measurements in two well-known K–Pg boundary sequences, located at Agost and Caravaca, SE Spain, have been performed. A sizable enrichment around the K–Pg horizon of several elements such as K, Ti, Fe, Ni, Cr, Cu, Zn, As or Pb, together with a strong reduction in the Ca content, is found with the pXRF instrument. These observations represent a primary geochemical signature of the K–Pg boundary in distal marine sections such as those of Agost and Caravaca. Also, the intensities of the pXRF peaks correlate well with elemental composition data obtained by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) on collected samples. Hence, the pXRF field measurements are shown to provide fast and useful quantitative information about K–Pg boundary sequences.  相似文献   
The Platanar volcanic center is dominated by a calc-alkaline, basalt-andesite-dacite-rhyolite magma series with unusual LREE enrichment. Adjacent and overlapping the calc-alkaline rocks are the most alkaline basalts found along the volcanic front of Central America. These basalts are mafic, LIL- and LREE-enriched transitional to alkaline basalts. Several are found on the north flank of Platanar in the Aguas Zarcas region, where there are nine cinder cones and a few isolated flows. However, they are also found in isolated lava outcrops at least as far south as Porvenir volcano along the volcanic front. The addition of mafic alkaline magmas with high La/Yb and low Ba/La into the Platanar magma chamber or chambers may contribute to the LREE-enriched character of the Platanar basaltic andesites and andesites. At Platanar the field and geochemical evidence suggest mixing between calc-alkaline and alkaline magmas, a process that has probably occurred throughout the development of the Cordillera Central of Costa Rica. The presence of negative Ce anomalies in several of the calc-alkaline lavas also make the Platanar complex very unusual compared to the rest of the Central American volcanic front. In the center of the Platanar complex is the Chocosuela caldera, an apparent remnant of an avalanche caldera created by the collapse in the Middle Pleistocene of an ancestral stratovolcano toward the NNW in a directed blast-type eruption. Rhyolite is present as pumice lapilli in pyroclastic flow deposits outside the caldera rim. Whole lapilli analyses span the daciterhyolite range. The previous eruption of high silica tephra as pyroclastic flows, the current long dormant period and the repeated occurrence of earthquake swarms on the flanks of the Platanar complex make it a candidate for volcanic hazard mapping, detailed geological mapping and emergency planning.  相似文献   
Our review explores the role of quality conventions that have emerged since the 'quality turn' in the food sector. By examining how the 'quality turn' contributes to transforming the wine sector, it asks whether the labeling systems seek to certify the quality of productive practices (informative function) or are intended to create imaginaries of quality as a differentiated business market strategy (symbolic function). After discussing relevant literature in geography and related fields, this review uses two emblematic examples from the wine sector to argue for the need to move beyond the marketing of quality to deepen the analysis and understanding of quality. This analytic insight questions the viability and usefulness of quality conventions aimed at differentiation, territorial development, with a focus on markets with high added value, and argues for the need to open new lines of research and policy in this sphere.  相似文献   
本文基于对我国新生代环境记录的分析,揭示出在早第三纪,气候带大致呈行星风系控制下的东西走向格局。东南部地区在渐新世开始湿润化,显示了东南季风的雏形,可称为雏形季风阶段。中新世中期东南和西南部显著湿润化,标志着东南和西南季风的形成,可称为成形季风阶段。中新世末和上新世形成的“红粘土”的风尘特性是冬季风和中国北方与中亚干旱化的重要标志。第四纪以来中国环境发生的重要转变表现为季风强度的变化与气候波动周期的改变。上述重大环境事件在时代上分别与两极冰盖的起源和演化以及东亚构造运动有较好的吻合性。我们认为,这种季风一冰盖一构造的耦合关系可能是通过不同机制共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
柴达木盆地归属问题的讨论   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
柴达木盆地西部已找到17个第三系油源的油田,其主要烃源岩层位是陆相始新统下干柴沟组。也有论文提出下干柴沟组是海侵湖泊沉积,并被命名为下干柴沟海侵。最近又有论文提出该组地层不是深湖相,应属于泻湖相,是塔里木盆地西南始新世海湾泻湖相带被阿尔金断裂东错的残留泻湖部分,或塔里木盆地原型盆地的东部被错移部分,并提出重新认识柴达木盆地西部的油气勘探方向。本文针对上述观点展示了塔里木盆地西部海湾古新统-始新统的吐依洛克组、阿尔塔什组、齐姆根组、盖吉塔格组、卡拉塔尔组的沉积相和典型的海相生物化石群,它完全不同于柴达木盆地古新统-始新统的路乐河组和下干柴沟组沉积相和陆相湖泊生物化石群,两者是截然不同的。不能支持柴达木盆地西部与塔里木盆地西南海湾在老第三纪时属于同一盆地或同一沉积单元。“源控论”依然是指导柴达木盆地西部陆相沉积油气勘探的理论依据。把塔里木盆地西南已知油气田的烃源岩划归老第三系海相沉积,显然是误解,把塔里木盆地西南老第三系海相油气勘探部署推广到柴达木盆地西部陆相沉积区也是一种误导。科学的古地理观将有助于勘探工作的正确部署。  相似文献   
济阳坳陷早第三纪震积岩的发现及其意义   总被引:46,自引:3,他引:46  
济阳坳陷下第三系沙河街组三段及四段地层中发现了大量与地震活动有关的变形构造,如微断层、层内小褶皱、液化砂岩脉、振动液化卷曲变形和火焰构造等。通过牛110、利 981、车古 201和义 377等井的系统观察,发现震积岩的垂向序列自下而上依次为震裂岩和震塌岩层段、阶梯状正断层层段、振动卷曲变形层段、液化砂岩脉层段、碎块层段和均一层段,分别对应于强震期、地震衰减期和余震期。震积岩的发现不但有助于分析判断控盆边界断裂的强烈活动时期,震积岩自身也可能是一种潜在的油气储集体,因而地震事件沉积具有重要的研究意义。  相似文献   
Fifty‐three sea‐floor samples close to Antarctica collected by Douglas Mawson during the Australasian Antarctic Expedition of 1911–1914 have beeen analysed for recycled palynomorphs. The distribution of the recycled microfossils provides a broad guide to the position of hidden sedimentary sequences on the Antarctic continental margin.

The samples were dredged off the East Antarctic coast between 91°E and 146°E. In three distinct ‐areas, concentrations of recycled palynomorphs suggest the presence nearby of eroding sedimentary sequences. Near the western edge of the Shackleton Ice Shelf the recycled suite suggests Early to Late Permian, Late Jurassic to mid‐Cretaceous, and Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary sediments, with evidence for marine influence only in the Tertiary. Samples from the outer edge of the continental shelf and slope east of Cape Carr indicate Early Cretaceous and Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary sequences, and the same age span is suggested by samples from the western side of the Mertz Glacier Tongue; in this area radio echosounding has suggested that inland sedimentary basins intersect the coast.

The sedimentary sequence predicted for the Shackleton Ice Shelf area probably faced the open Indian Ocean, at least since the Mesozoic. Cretaceous sequences predicted for the other localities occur at points on the Antarctic coast where they would be expected on the basis of most reconstructions. The area east of Cape Carr has as its conjugate’ coast part of the Great Australian Bight Basin; that off the Mertz Glacier, the area west of the Otway Basin. At both these areas on the southern Australian margin thick Cretaceous rift‐valley sequences occur.  相似文献   
车镇凹陷第三纪盆地是在前第三系基岩背景上经构造运动发育起来的断陷-坳陷湖盆,经历了早第三纪裂陷沉降和晚第三纪-第四纪坳陷沉降两个阶段,从而形成具有双层次岩相组构的盆地.下层系油源层发育,断裂发育,热演化油气成藏机制的控油规律明显,上层系油源层不存在,断裂不发育,油气只有通过连通上下层系的输导体系,才能进入到上层系聚集成藏.根据油气运移聚集的特点,油气成藏模式主要有两种:一是下第三系的"自生自储"型原生油气藏,二是上第三系和第四系的"下生上储"型次生油气藏.  相似文献   
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