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对有代表性的中国东部新生代玄武岩的Sr、Nd和Ce同位素组成进行了系统的研究,结合系统的微量元素研究结果,进一步阐明其地幔源区同位素组成的不均一性;利用Ce、Nd同位素地球化学给出的信息,探讨富集Ⅰ型(EMⅠ)地幔端元的成因。  相似文献   
江琳  支霞臣 《岩石学报》2010,26(4):1265-1276
本文报道了采自汉诺坝玄武岩区周坝和白龙硐剖面以及白布洛张20井等地29个玄武岩样品的Re、Os含量和~(187)Os/~(188)Os比值。Os含量为11×10~(-12)~314×10~(-12),Re含量为40×10~(-12)~238×10~(-12),Re和Os含量有正相关趋势。碱性玄武岩(AK)的Re、Os含量高于拉斑玄武岩(TH)和过渡玄武岩(TR),玄武岩Os含量变化与分离结晶作用有关,玄武岩的低Re含量与地面喷发的火山岩浆脱气过程中Re的挥发性丢失作用有关。玄武岩的~(187)Os/~(188)Os比值为0.14735~0.61136,AK的~(187)Os/~(188)Os比值比TH和TR低且变化小。玄武岩的~(187)Os/~(188)Os比值与Os含量有负相关性。随着Os含量降低到小于75×10~(-12),~(187)Os/~(188)Os比值迅速升高,反映了地壳混染在TH和TR成因中的贡献。在以往的研究中没有观察到类似的地壳混染作用,说明了Re-Os同位素体系在示踪壳源物质上的优势。一些Os含量较高的TH的~(187)Os/~(188)Os比值表明其地幔源区既非亏损的又非经交代富集的SCLM,可能是混入了地壳俯冲物质的"Marble cake"型地幔。总之,汉诺坝玄武岩的Re-Os同位素地球化学研究支持了以往研究的主要成果,两类玄武岩地球化学差异性和异源成因论;分离结晶和部分熔融过程在玄武岩成因中的重要作用;碱性玄武岩的成因与地幔柱的关系等。同时揭示了一些新的现象:汉诺坝玄武岩形成中存在少量的地壳混染作用;地面喷发的火山熔岩在脱气过程中Re的挥发性丢失;拉斑玄武岩的源区更有可能为"Marble cake"型地幔。  相似文献   
珠江口盆地东沙隆起珠江组层序界面的识别及划分   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在掌握珠江口盆地东沙隆起年代地层、生物地层和岩石地层信息的基础上,通过对测井/录井、地震、古生物、岩心及成岩等相关资料的研究,将珠江组划分出四个三级层序和五个层序界面,归纳出四类界面标志,即沉积标志、成岩标志、测井标志和地震标志。各种界面标志的识别方法都有其特点和局限,实际应用时应综合利用,相互印证,以使层序界面划分更具有可靠性和精确性。  相似文献   
Specific yield is an essential parameter for any groundwater management plan. Volumetric analysis in the domain of groundwater budgeting for the non-monsoon months has been undertaken for a typical watershed of the Deccan basalt province. The Torla Odha watershed covers an area of over 22 km2 on a third-order tributary of the westerly flowing Bhima River. The watershed receives a normal annual rainfall of 643 mm. The entire water demand is supplied by dug wells, which penetrate a shallow aquifer. The specific yield was estimated by comparing the monthly net volume of water removed from the aquifer, with the volume of aquifer de-saturated, based on monthly water level data. The estimated specific yield ranges from 0.0019 in May to 0.0173 in November with an average value of 0.0093. A correlation of the groundwater levels with the detailed geology suggests that the higher specific yield value (0.017) corresponds to dewatering of the weathered zone within the shallow aquifer. The specific yield of the massive basalt immediately below the weathered zone varies from 0.0089 to 0.0103. The underlying vesicular basalt, which is dissected by sheet joints, has a relatively higher specific yield (0.0121). The massive basalt, which forms the base of the shallow aquifer system, has a lower specific yield from 0.0019 to 0.0022.
Résumé Le débit spécifique est un paramètre essentiel pour tout plan de gestion des eaux souterraines. Les analyses volumétriques, dans le cadre des bilans hydriques des eaux en dehors des mois de mousson, ont été entreprises pour un bassin-versant typique de la province basaltique du Deccan. Le bassin-versant du Torla Odha couvre une superficie de 22 km2, et alimente l’affluent du troisième ordre de la rivière Bhima, qui coule vers l’Ouest. La pluviométrie annuelle atteint 643 mm. Toute la demande en eau es assurée par des puits foncés pénétrant dans l’aquifère phréatique. Le débit spécifique a été estimé en comparant le volume net mensuel d’eau captée dans l’aquifère, avec le volume de l’aquifère dé-saturé, basé sur les données des niveaux piézométriques mensuels. Le débit spécifique estimé s’étend entre 0,0019 en Mai et 0.173 en Novembre; la moyenne se situe à 0,0093. Une corrélation entre les niveaux des eaux souterraines et la géologie, suggère que les débits spécifiques les plus importants (0,017) correspondent aux zones altérées de l’aquifère phréatique. Le débit spécifique du massif basaltique, immédiatement sous la zone altérée, varie entre 0,0089 et 0,0103. Le basalte vésiculaire, situé juste en dessous et traversé par des diaclases parallèles, possède un débit spécifique sensiblement plus élevé (0,0121). Le basalte massif, qui forme la base de l’aquifère phréatique, possède un débit spécifique moins important, compris entre 0,0019 et 0,0022.

Resumen El rendimiento específico es un parámetro esencial para cualquier plan de manejo de aguas subterráneas. Se ha llevado a cabo el análisis volumétrico, en el entorno de balance de aguas subterráneas, para los meses sin monzón de una cuenca típica de la provincia de basaltos Deccan. La cuenca Rorla Odha cubre un área de 22 km2 en un tributario de tercer orden del Río Bhima que fluye al oeste. La cuenca capta una lluvia anual normal de 643 mm. La totalidad de la demanda de agua es abastecida por pozos manuales que penetran un acuífero somero. Se estimó el rendimiento específico al comparar el volumen neto mensual de agua removido del acuífero con el volumen de agua de-saturado estimado a partir de datos de niveles de agua mensuales. Los valores estimados de rendimiento específico varían de 0.0019 en mayo a 0.0173 en noviembre con un valor promedio de 0.0093. La correlación de niveles de agua subterránea con la geología de detalle sugieren que el valor más alto (0.017) de rendimiento específico corresponden con el desaguado de la zona de intemperismo dentro del acuífero somero. El rendimiento específico del basalto masivo que se encuentra inmediatamente debajo de la zona de intemperismo varía de 0.0089 a 0.0103. El basalto vesicular subyacente, el cual está disectado por fracturas laminares, tiene un rendimiento específico relativamente más alto (0.0121). El basalto masivo, que forma la base del sistema de acuífero somero, tiene un rendimiento específico más bajo el cual varía de 0.0019 a 0.0022. Palabras clave: basalto Deccan. India. Rendimiento específico. Recarga de agua subterránea. Balance hídrico.
辽东地区玄武岩的K-Ar定年结果表明,曲家屯玄武岩形成于晚白垩世,K-Ar年龄为81.58±2.46Ma;乱石山子玄武岩形成于古近纪,K-Ar年龄为58.36±1.64Ma。本区玄武岩含有丰富的橄榄石、单斜辉石和角闪石捕虏晶。乱石山子玄武岩中橄榄石捕虏晶的Mg^#值(79.5-88.5之间,平均值为84)较曲家屯玄武岩中橄榄石捕虏晶Mg^#值(77.0~79.8之间,平均值为78.4)偏高;单斜辉石捕虏晶为透辉石,其从核部到边部的Mg^#等变化趋势与橄榄石类似;斜方辉石捕虏晶为占铜辉石,其Mg^#值介于85.2-87.6之间,平均值为86.4。捕虏晶发育的环状裂隙、扭折带、矿物成分环带以及捕虏晶与主岩Mg^#值之间的不平衡均暗示它们为玄武质岩浆上升捕获的早期岩浆晶出矿物的堆晶体。玄武岩的岩石地球化学分析结果表明:(1)它们属于碱性系列,为碱性玄武岩,曲家屯玄武岩较乱石山子玄武岩贫硅、镁,富钙、铝,它们均具有原始岩浆的特征;(2)二者具有相似的稀土元素配分模式,但曲家屯玄武岩轻稀土元素总量更高,且轻重稀土元素分离程度高;(3)二者具有相似的Sr-Nd同位素组成,Isr和εNd(t)值分别介于0.7039~0.7045和+1.60~+3.69,反映了亏损的岩石圈地幔特征。  相似文献   
汪苗  鹿化煜 《第四纪研究》2019,39(5):1071-1082

我国南部雷州半岛是亚洲季风影响的核心区,区域内田洋、青桐洋和九斗洋这3个干玛珥湖沉积序列可为揭示低纬地区亚洲季风的轨道尺度变化提供关键证据。查明这些玛珥湖的形成年代、基底玄武岩的地球化学组成及其风化产物特征,为进一步获得沉积序列的年代控制、揭示沉积物替代指标的古气候意义提供了基础。本研究对3个干玛珥湖基底的玄武岩进行了K-Ar测年、地球化学成分和玛珥湖周围风化剖面粘土矿物的测试分析,得出了以下结论:1)田洋玛珥湖湖盆的形成年代为0.73~0.87 Ma,首次报道的青桐洋和九斗洋湖盆的形成时代分别为0.82 Ma和0.81~1.08 Ma,它们均属于早更新世晚期到中更新世早期的石峁岭期火山射气喷发形成的。2)田洋、青桐洋和九斗洋玛珥湖基底玄武岩均属于石英拉斑玄武岩。同一时期喷发的石英拉斑玄武岩广泛分布在玛珥湖的周围,这些玄武岩风化的产物以高岭石、三水铝石以及赤铁矿为主,在降水较为充沛的时期,物理或化学风化的产物随地表径流汇入湖盆,是玛珥湖沉积的主要来源。本研究为正在进行的低纬地区更新世轨道尺度季风降水重建提供了基础。

It has long been debated that the Dabie orogenic belt belongs to the North China or Yangtze craton. In recent years, eastern China has been suggested, based on the Pb isotopic compositions of Phanerozoic ore and Mesozoic granitoid K-feldspar (revealing the crust Pb) in combination with Meso-Cenozoic basalts (revealing the mantle Pb), being divided into the North China and Yangtze Pb isotopic provinces, where the crust and mantle of the Yangtze craton are characterized by more radiogenic Pb. In this sense, previous researchers suggested that the pro-EW-trending Dabie crogenic belt with less radiogenic Pb in the crust was part of the North China craton. In this paper, however, the Late Cretaceous basalts in the central and southern parts of the Dabie orogenic belt are characterized by some more radiogenic Pb (206Pb/204Pb=17.936−18.349,207Pb/204Pb=15.500−15.688,208Pb/204Pb=38.399−38.775) and a unique U-Th-Pb trace element system similar to those of the Yangtze craton, showing that the Mesozoic mantle is of the Yangtze type. In addition, the decoupled Pb isotopic compositions between crust and mantle were considerably derived from their rheological inhomogeneity, implying a complicated evolution of the Dabie orogenic belt. The study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49794043) and the Open Laboratory of Constitution, Interaction and Dynamics of the Crust-Mantle System, China.  相似文献   
New field, geochronological, geochemical and biostratigraphical data indicate that the central and northern parts of the Cordillera Occidental of the Andes of Ecuador comprise two terranes. The older (Pallatanga) terrane consists of an early to late (?) Cretaceous oceanic plateau suite, late Cretaceous marine turbidites derived from an unknown basaltic to andesitic volcanic source, and a tectonic mélange of probable late Cretaceous age. The younger (Macuchi) terrane consists of a volcanosedimentary island arc sequence, derived from a basaltic to andesitic source. A previously unidentified, regionally important dextral shear zone named the Chimbo-Toachi shear zone separates the two terranes. Regional evidence suggests that the Pallatanga terrane was accreted to the continental margin (the already accreted Cordillera Real) in Campanian times, producing a tectonic mélange in the suture zone. The Macuchi terrane was accreted to the Pallatanga terrane along the Chimbo-Toachi shear zone during the late Eocene, probably in a dextral shear regime. The correlation of Cretaceous rocks and accretionary events in the Cordillera Occidental of Ecuador and Colombia remains problematical, but the late Eocene event is recognised along the northern Andean margin.  相似文献   
Structural analysis of low-grade rocks highlights the allochthonous character of Mesozoic schists in southeastern Rhodope, Bulgaria. The deformation can be related to the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous thrusting and Tertiary detachment faulting. Petrologic and geochemical data show a volcanic arc origin of the greenschists and basaltic rocks. These results are interpreted as representing an island arc-accretionary complex related to the southward subduction of the Meliata–Maliac Ocean under the supra-subduction back-arc Vardar ocean/island arc system. This arc-trench system collided with the Rhodope in Late Jurassic times. To cite this article: N.G. Bonev, G.M. Stampfli, C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
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