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从国库集中收付改革的内容、要求,地质勘查单位的现状出发,探讨了国库集中收付改革与深化地质勘查单位改革之间存在的问题,指出国库集中收付制度虽然能够使事业单位的财政收支得到有效监管,但因地质勘查单位具有事业与企业的双重职能,现行的国库集中收付制度不利于地勘单位的深化改革。为有效解决这一矛盾.提出了在国库单一账户体系外,建立地质勘查单位改革性基本账户的建议。  相似文献   
鸡西盆地被平麻断裂分割成南、北两个条带,多数研究者将南带1煤之下的海相层叠伏于北带海相层或底砾岩之下,称为“城子河组下段”或“石河北组”。利用事件地层学的原理,分析盆地内城子河组早期盆地裂陷、海侵、火山喷发、聚煤等重大事件在地层精细对比方面的意义,甄别出了盆地中重大事件的地层记录.以等时层为基础建立对比框架。通过大量钻井资料追溯对比,认为盆地中坳陷部位的渴湖海湾沉积是南北两带的沉积过渡类型,根据微体古生物研究,南北两带海相层中的沟鞭藻类化石面貌基本一致,南北带的海相层应是同一层位,初步实现了盆地内南、北两个条带城子河组的精细对比,为恢复盆地古地理环境奠定了可靠的基础。  相似文献   
焦作-郑州天然气输气管道是较重要建设项目,输气管道起自焦作市博爱县磨头镇,南止郑州市惠济区古荥镇,该输气管道沿线地质环境条件复杂程度为简单-中等。地质灾害类型主要为崩塌、地裂缝、地面不均匀沉陷,黄土湿陷和沙土液化等地质灾害。工程建设有引发和加剧崩塌灾害的可能性,有遭受地质灾害的危险性。工程建设过程中应针对不同的灾害类型采取适当的预防或治理措施。  相似文献   
本文扼要阐述公路勘测定界测绘与其土地报批图件资料制作过程,借用现有商业软件南方"CASS成图系统"和办公系统软件微软"Microsoft Office Excel",成图、制表及图件资料涉及内容,提出应注意问题及建议。  相似文献   
成矿理论与勘探实践证明,东部一些老矿由于勘探深度、范围的限制以及认识上的局限,在矿区深部、周边仍有一些矿未能发现和查明,其中相当一部分仍具有找矿潜力;而寻找西部新的煤炭资源是国家“稳定东部发展西部”战略需要。针对中国东西部不同的地质条件和勘探目标,其地震勘探野外施工方法及资料处理原则有所差异;而资料解释在东部以查明地层赋存形态、煤层赋存范围、构造发育特征为主,西部则以寻找煤系地层波阻抗差异明显、连续性好的反射波组为解释重点。地震勘探技术在中国东西部的二个典型地震时间剖面佐证了其在深部找矿的应用效果。  相似文献   
Patterns of crystallographic preferred orientation are referred to as texture. The specific subject of texture analysis is the experimental determination and interpretation of the statistical distribution of orientations of crystals within a specimen of polycrystalline material, which could be metals or rocks. The objective is to relate an observed pattern of preferred orientation to its generating processes and vice versa. In geosciences, texture of minerals in rocks is used to infer constraints on their tectono-metamorphic history. Since most physical properties of crystals, such as elastic moduli, the coefficients of thermal expansion, or chemical resistance to etching depends on crystal symmetry and orientation, the presence of texture imparts directional properties to the polycrystalline material. A major issue of mathematical texture analysis is the resolution of the inverse problem to determine a reasonable orientation density function on SO(3) from measured pole intensities on , which relates to the inverse of the totally geodesic Radon transform. This communication introduces a wavelet approach into mathematical texture analysis. Wavelets on the two-dimensional sphere and on the rotational group SO(3) are discussed, and an algorithms for a wavelet decomposition on both domains following the ideas of Ta-Hsin Li is given. The relationship of these wavelets on both domains with respect to the totally geodesic Radon transform is investigated. In particular, it is shown that the Radon transform of these wavelets on SO(3) are again wavelets on . A novel algorithm for the inversion of experimental pole intensities to an orientation density function based on this relationship is developed.  相似文献   
Predictably, in a country such as Britain, with its preponderance of consolidated, sedimentary, mainly fissure-flow aquifers, there is a very large number of springs, many of which are, or have been, used for public supply. Migratory springs are a feature of the British (Ur. Cretaceous) Chalk, the most important British aquifer. The Chalk's low specific yield and high capillary moisture retention together give rise to very considerable fluctuations (more than 33 m in some areas) of the unconfined water table. Along the gentle dip slopes of the Chalk (North and South Downs of southern and southeastern England) springs may migrate laterally for several miles, giving rise to seasonal streams locally known as bournes or lavants. However, springs such as at Duncton, West Sussex, at the base of the much steeper scarp slopes of the Chalk, form point sources, the flows from which tend to be relatively steady; such springs commonly supply and are the original reason for the existence of many of the small towns and villages which nestle along the bases of the chalk scarps of Sussex and Kent.Where the Chalk forms coastal cliffs, a number of springs break out at the base of the cliff between high and low tide levels; there are major chalk coastal springs, for instance, at St. Margaret's Bay (Kent) and at Arish Mells, east of Lulworth Cove, Dorset. Such springs are not used for direct supply (their salinity is usually too high) but are indicators of the presence of local reserves of groundwater for possible future development.  相似文献   
The plane-wave reflection and transmission coefficients at a plane interface between two anisotropic media constitute the elements of the elastic scattering matrix. For a 1-D anisotropic medium the eigenvector decomposition of the system matrix of the transformed elasto-dynamic equations is used to derive a general expression for the scattering matrix. Depending on the normalization of the eigenvectors, the expressions give scattering coefficients for amplitudes or for vertical energy flux.Computing the vertical slownesses and the corresponding polarizations, the eigenvector matrix and its inverse can be found. We give a simple formula for the inverse, regardless of the normalization of the eigenvectors. When the eigenvectors are normalized with respect to amplitudes of displacement (or velocity), the calculation of the scattering matrix for amplitudes is simplified.When the relative changes in all parameters are small, a weak-contrast approximation of the scattering matrix, based on the exactly determined polarization vectors in an average medium, is obtained. The same approximation is also derived directly from the transformed elasto-dynamic equations for a smooth vertically inhomogeneous medium, proving the consistency of the approximation.For monoclinic media, with the mirror symmetry plane parallel to the interface, the approximative scattering matrix is given in terms of analytic expressions for the non-normalized eigenvectors and vertical slownesses. For transversely isotropic media with a vertical axis of symmetry (VTI) and isotropic media, explicit solutions for the weak-contrast approximations of the scattering matrices have been obtained. The scattering matrix for amplitudes for isotropic media is well known. The scattering matrix for vertical energy flux may have applications in AVO analysis and inversion due to the reciprocity of the reflection coefficients for converted waves.Numerical examples for monoclinic and VTI media provide good agreement between the approximative and the exact reflection matrices. It is, however, expected that the approximations cannot be used when the symmetry properties of the two media are very different. This is because the approximation relies on a small relative contrast between the eigenvectors in the two media.Presented at the Workshop Meeting on Seismic Waves in Laterally Inhomogeneous Media, Castle of Trest, Czech Republic, May 22–27, 1995.  相似文献   
Two widely-used techniques to estimate the volume of remaining oil and gas resources are discovery process modeling and geologic assessment. Both were used in a recent national assessment of oil and gas resources of the United States. Parallel estimates were obtained for 27 provinces. Geological-based estimates can typically see into areas not available to discovery process models (that is areas with little or no exploration history) and thus, on average, yield higher estimates. However, a linear relation does exist between the mean estimates obtained from these two methods. In addition, other variables were found in a multiple regression model that explained much of the difference. Thus, it is possible to perform discovery process modeling and adjust the estimates to yield results that might be expected from geological-based assessments.  相似文献   
The scope of the present paper is to provide analytic solutions to the problem of the attitude evolution of a symmetric gyrostat about a fixed point in a central Newtonian force field when the potential function isV (2).We assume that the center of mass and the gyrostatic moment are on the axis of symmetry and that the initial conditions are the following: (t 0)=0, (t 0)=0, (t 0)=(t 0)=0, 1(t 0)=0, 2(t 0)=0 and 3(t 0)= 3 0 .The problem is integrated when the third component of the total angular momentum is different from zero (B 1 0). There now appear equilibrium solutions that did not exist in the caseB 1=0, which can be determined in function of the value ofl 3 r (the third component of the gyrostatic momentum).The possible types of solutions (elliptic, trigonometric, stationary) depend upon the nature of the roots of the functiong(u). The solutions for Euler angles are given in terms of functions of the timet. If we cancel the third component of the gyrostatic momentum (l 3 r =0), the obtained solutions are valid for rigid bodies.  相似文献   
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