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The content of 19 metals(chromium,cobalt,nickel,strontium,arsenic,magnesium,barium,cesium,gallium,rubidium,uranium,vanadium,zinc,lead,copper,cadmium,iron,manganese,and aluminum) in sediment in three ephemeral streams(Nahal Sansana,Nahal Revivim and Nahal Pura) with reservoirs in the Negev Desert is studied herein.The study was done in September 2016.The samples were collected from the surface layer of sediment(up to 10 cm) in the reservoirs and in the channels upstream and downstream of the reservoirs.Silt,which on average,accounted for 72% dominated in the sediment.In the spatial distribution of the particle size,sand and gravel fractions were deposited in the reservoirs.Aluminum,iron,and magnesium accounted for 99% of all analyzed metals.The Principal Component Analysis(PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis(HCA) showed that sediment in the Negev Desert channel upstream of the reservoirs had similar concentrations of metals.Similarities were also found between the analyzed reservoirs.The bottom sediment in reservoirs had higher concentrations of metals than sediment upstream and downstream of the reservoirs.The comparison of concentrations in upstream and downstream locations did not show any unambiguous trends because metal concentrations downstream from the reservoirs were not always lower than upstream of the reservoirs.The analysis of the sediment enrichment factor(EF) showed the highest value in the reservoirs and the lowest downstream of the reservoirs.The concentrations of most analyzed metals did not indicate the possibility of potential ecological risk(SQG).  相似文献   
ASSESSMENTOFECONOMICDEVELOPMENTFORTHREEGORGESRESERVIORAREA①ChenGuojie(陈国阶)ChengduInstituteofMountainHazards&Environment,theCh...  相似文献   
三峡库区农业生态经济系统的预警分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从系统与环境相统一的角度,研究了农业生态经济系统的模型、特征、预警分析的意义和内容;以三峡库区为例,从系统序化的观点,确定了这个系统的社会、经济、环境功能和状态的主要指标的警戒线;并与这些指标的现状、过去与未来趋势值进行对比;分别对现状预警、趋势预警和突变预警进行了评价;最后作了简易的对策探讨.  相似文献   
EXTREMERESERVOIRSEDIMENTATIONINAUSTRALIA:AREVIEWHubertCHANSON1ABSTRACTInthepaper,theauthorreviewstheproblemofreservoirsiltati...  相似文献   
利用面向对象程序设计技术,在中文窗口平台下,设计开发了功能齐全、界面友好、操作灵活、信息丰富,具有很强实用性的白山、丰满水库群实时洪水联合调度系统,可迅速完成从实时遥测降雨信息的采集到两库产、汇流预报和洪水联合调度方案的制定、评价、选择的全过程,简要介绍了系统开发策略及系统设计中的一些主要关键技术及其实现过程,对开发其它水库及水库群防洪调度系统具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
为阐明三峡库区岸生植物中华蚊母树(Distylium chinense)幼苗对水淹的耐淹机理,通过设置对照组(CK)、半淹组(PF)、全淹组(CF)3个水淹处理,模拟库区消落带秋、冬季淹水情况,研究中华蚊母树幼苗在不同水淹时间和深度下的生长及生理生化特性.结果表明,淹水显著影响中华蚊母树幼苗的生物量,水淹150 d后,PF组植株和CF组植株根、茎、叶生物量均呈显著降低趋势,同时受水淹影响,植株根冠比也显著降低;中华蚊母树幼苗在水淹前90 d 2组水淹处理植株叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量均与CK组植株差异不显著,水淹120 d后,中华蚊母树幼苗叶片MDA含量显著增加,且随着水淹深度的增加而逐渐升高;可溶性蛋白在各水淹处理中的变化有所差异,水淹前60 d,淹水并没有影响CF组植株可溶性蛋白含量,但从水淹90 d开始,CF组植株可溶性蛋白含量有所上升,而PF组植株可溶性蛋白含量在整个淹水期间均与CK组植株差异不显著;2组水淹处理植株脯氨酸在水淹前期均显著上升,但自水淹90 d后逐渐下降至CK组水平;与MDA对水淹的响应一致,水淹前期PF组和CF组植株抗氧化酶活性(超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶)均没有出现明显影响,但水淹后期2组水淹处理植株抗氧化酶活性均显著升高;可溶性糖含量在不同水淹处理下有所差异,PF组植株叶片可溶性糖含量在整个淹水期间均与CK组植株差异不显著;而CF组植株叶片可溶性糖含量随着水淹时间的延长逐渐降低.研究证明,中华蚊母树幼苗生长及生理特性对秋、冬季水淹环境具有一定的调节能力,是中华蚊母树幼苗能够在库区消落带存活生长的一个重要原因.  相似文献   
由于大桥水库地震台网各子台台基和地下结构的特殊性, 造成震级计算上的较大偏差。为此, 利用该台网各子台同一型号地震仪的垂直向速度量记录, 测量了震级为05 ~54 的462 次地震的振动持续时间, 制作了该台网的持续时间震级公式和便查表。在方法上, 不同于通常的按一次或二次曲线的拟合, 而采取计算机自动分段按折线拟合的方法, 以阻尼最小二乘法完成其计算。先进行分台拟合, 比较异同之后, 合并数据再拟合, 最后给出了适宜于鲁坝、瓦吉木两台和大石头、凉风岗、瓦坡支和彝海子4 个台使用的两套平均持续时间公式和便查表, 以供大桥水库地震台网测震分析使用。  相似文献   
In applications such as oil and gas production, deep geothermal energy production, underground storage, and mining, it is common practice to implement local seismic networks to monitor and to mitigate induced seismicity. For this purpose, it is crucial to determine the capability of the network to detect a seismic event of predefined magnitude in the target area. The determination of the magnitude of completeness of a network is particularly required to properly interpret seismic monitoring results. We propose a method to compute the detection probability for existing local seismic networks, which (i) strictly follows the applied detection sequence; (ii) estimates the detection capability where seismicity has not yet occurred; and (iii) delivers the results in terms of probabilities. The procedure includes a calibration of a local magnitude scale using regional earthquakes recorded by the network and located outside the monitored area. It involves pre‐processing of the seismograms recorded at each station as performed during the triggering sequence, which is assumed based on amplitude thresholds. Then, the calibrated magnitude–distance–amplitude relations are extrapolated at short distances and combined to reproduce the network detection sequence. This generates a probability to detect a seismic event of a given magnitude at a specified location. This observation‐based approach is an alternative to a fully theoretical detection capability modelling and includes field conditions. Seismic wave attenuation by geometrical spreading and intrinsic attenuation, site effect, and instrumental responses are partly accounted for by the calibration. We apply this procedure on the seismic network deployed in the Bruchsal geothermal field (Germany). Although the system was in good working order, no induced seismicity was identified in the area between June 2010, when monitoring started, and November 2012. The recording of distant seismicity during this time period, however, allowed the application of the proposed procedure. According to the applied network detection parameters, the results indicate that the absence of seismicity can be interpreted as a 95% probability that no seismic event with ML ≥ 0.7 occurred below the network at 2.4‐km depth, i.e., in the geothermal reservoir.  相似文献   
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