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Biological soil crusts (BSCs) have impacts on soil detachment process through surface covering, and binding and bonding (B&B) mechanisms, which might vary with successional stages of BSCs. This study was conducted to quantify the effects of surface covering, binding and bonding of BSCs on soil detachment capacity by overland flow in a 4 m long hydraulic flume with fixed bed. Two dominant BSC types, developed well in the Loess Plateau (the early successional cyanobacteria and the later successional moss), were tested using natural undisturbed soil samples collected from the abandoned farmlands. Two treatments of undisturbed crusts and one treatment of removing the above‐ground tissue of BSCs were designed for each BSC type. For comparison, bare loess soil was used as the baseline. The collected soil samples were subjected to flow scouring under six different shear stresses, ranging from 6.7 to 21.2 Pa. The results showed that soil detachment capacity (Dc) and rill erodibility (Kr) decrease with BSC succession, and the presence of BSCs obviously increased the critical shear stress, especially for the later successional moss crust. For the early successional cyanobacteria crust, Dc was reduced by 69.2% compared to the bare loess soil, where 37.7% and 31.5% are attributed to the surface covering and B&B, respectively. For the later successional moss crust, Dc decreased by 89.8% compared to the bare loess soil, where 68.9% and 20.9% contributed to the surface covering and B&B, respectively. These results are helpful in understanding the influencing mechanism of BSCs on soil erosion and in developing the process‐based erosion models for grassland and forestland. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用概率地震危险性分析(CPSHA)方法,对山东某场地进行地震危险性分析,通过对该场地划分潜在震源区,确定地震活动性参数及地震动衰减关系,计算分析地震危险性概率,基本确定对该场地地震动峰值加速度起主要贡献的几个潜在震源区及贡献值,并确定该场地50年超越概率10%的水平向基岩地震动加速度峰值。结果发现,CPSHA方法以具体的构造尺度和更加细致的构造标志来划分潜在震源区,使潜在震源区规模缩减,从而更能反映地震活动在空间分布上的不均匀性。  相似文献   
The impacts of forest conversion on runoff generation in the tropics have received much interest, but scientific progress is still hampered by challenging fieldwork conditions and limited knowledge about runoff mechanisms. Here, we assessed the runoff generation, flow paths and water source dynamics of a pristine rainforest catchment in Costa Rica using end member mixing analysis (EMMA) and a Bayesian mixing model (MixSIAR). Geochemical tracer data collected over a 4-week field campaign were combined with tritium data used to assess potential deeper groundwater flow pathways to the perennial stream. The streamflow composition was best captured using three end-members, namely throughfall, shallow (5–15 cm) and deeper (15–50 cm) soil water. We estimated the end-member contributions to the main stream and two tributaries using the two mixing approaches and found good agreement between results obtained from EMMA and MixSIAR. The system was overwhelmingly dominated by near-surface sources, with little evidence for deeper and older groundwater as tritium-derived baseflow mean transit time was between 2.0 and 4.4 years. The shallow soil flow pathway dominated streamflow contributions in the main stream (median 39% and 49% based on EMMA and MixSIAR, respectively), followed by the deeper soil (32% and 31%) and throughfall (25% and 19%). The two tributaries had even greater shallow soil water contributions relative to the main stream (83% and 74% for tributary A and 42% and 63% for tributary B). Tributary B had no detectable deep soil water contribution, reflecting the morphology of the hillslope (steeper slopes, shallower soils and lower vegetation density compared to hillslope A). Despite the short sampling campaign and associated uncertainties, this study allowed to thoroughly assess runoff generation mechanisms in a humid tropical catchment. Our results also provide a first comparison of two increasingly used mixing models and suggest that EMMA and MixSIAR yield comparable estimates of water source partitioning in this tropical, volcanic rainforest environment.  相似文献   
重庆市总悬浮颗粒物来源及分布特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用重庆市污染源和浓度的监测资料,分析并阐明了大气悬浮颗粒物(TSP)的来源、各类尘源的贡献率及悬浮颗粒物的物理特征,得到了总悬浮颗粒物的空间分布特征和日变化规律,为发展城市大气污染模式和控制治理大气污染提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
The Food and Agriculture Organizations' (FAO) Penman–Monteith reference evapotranspiration (ET0) is a crucial index in the research of water and energy balance. Temporal and spatial variations in ET0 from 1981–2017 were investigated in the Hengduan Mountains, China. The results showed a change point around the year 2000 in ET0 series. ET0 decreased and increased significantly by +3.200 mm/year (p < 0.01) from 1981–2000 and by +4.109 mm/year (p < 0.01) from 2001–2017, respectively. The contribution analysis shows that the positive significant contribution of air temperature (TA) was offset by negative effects of decreases in downward shortwave radiation (Rs) and wind speed (WS) and an increase in actual vapour pressure (ea), causing the decrease in ET0 from 1981 to 2000. WS was the largest contributing factor for the decrease in ET0 from 1981 to 2000 during spring, winter and annually, while Rs and ea were the largest negative contributors in summer and autumn, respectively. An increase in TA was responsible for the increase in ET0 in all seasons except winter and the annual scale in 2001–2017. The sensitivity analysis shows that ET0 was most sensitive to TA, and WS was the least sensitive variable. The trends of ET0 increased with elevation; we denote this as the elevation-dependence of ET0 changes. The elevation-dependence was also noted for the trends of WS and ea, with higher elevations showing larger changes in WS and lower changes in ea. Besides, the sensitivities of TA, Rs and ea decreased with elevation, while that of WS increased slightly with elevation. A comprehensive investigation into the trends of climatic drivers and their sensitivities revealed complex trends of the contributions of climatic variables on ET0 with elevation, with no uniform trend existed in seasons. The results will contribute to our understanding of the response of ET0 to climate change in a mountainous area, and provide a guideline for the water resources management under climate change.  相似文献   
人为和生物排放量对春季东亚地面臭氧的协同贡献   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
屈玉  安俊岭  周慧 《大气科学》2009,33(4):670-680
臭氧O3的生成是多因子影响的复杂非线性过程, 一个因子在其他因子起作用时的贡献可以分为纯贡献与协同贡献。本文采用因子分离方法和改进后的区域空气质量模式 (RAQM) 计算了人为氮氧化物 (NOx=NO+NO2)、人为可挥发性有机化合物(AVOCs)以及生物可挥发性有机化合物(BVOCs)对春季东亚地区地面臭氧浓度的协同贡献及总贡献(=纯贡献+协同贡献)。结果表明, AVOCs、BVOCs与NOx对O3生成量的贡献依赖于AVOCs、BVOCs排放量的相对大小。AVOCs或BVOCs排放量显著偏高的地区, 其总贡献主要来源于其与NOx的协同贡献。从区域角度 (1°×1°) 来看, BVOCs对东亚春季地面O3浓度的贡献较小, BVOCs排放量明显偏高的个别地区除外。BVOCs总贡献有很强的日变化特征, BVOCs总贡献有可能小于其协同贡献。个例研究的成果应用于O3调控对策的制定和实施很可能达不到预期的效果。我国北方 (30°N以北) 应控制人为源; 我国南方BVOCs排放量显著偏高的地区, 生物源和人为源的贡献都必须考虑。  相似文献   
采用NCEP FNL的客观分析资料、中国自动站与CMORPH的逐小时降水融合资料,对2015年8月2324日发生在上海的一次强降水天气过程进行了天气学分析,并通过位涡反演方法对1515号台风"天鹅"在本次降水过程的具体作用进行了定量诊断分析,以探讨本次暴雨过程的发生机制.得出以下主要结论:1)位涡反演方法能够较为准确地...  相似文献   
任伟  任燕  李兰兰 《山东气象》2019,39(1):116-122
利用NCEP再分析资料,结合HYSPLIT轨迹模式对 2018年6月25日发生在济南遥墙国际机场的一次大暴雨过程的水汽条件及输送过程进行分析。结果表明:此次大暴雨的水汽输送通道主要有3支,一支是源自对流层中层的西北气流输送,另一支是西太平洋上副热带高压边缘东南气流输送,第三支是南海上空向北的气流输送,三支通道中,西太平洋通道和南海通道对暴雨的水汽贡献最大,分别为46%和42%,来自西北通道的水汽输送相对较少,它对暴雨的水汽贡献仅为12%;进一步的分析表明,在850 hPa以下的对流层底部,来自西太平洋通道的水汽输送占据主导地位,而在700 hPa以上的对流层中层,则是来自南海通道的水汽输送占据主导地位。  相似文献   
花丛  张恒德  张碧辉 《气象》2016,42(3):314-321
本文结合地面常规观测资料和空气质量数据,利用聚类分析方法对2013—2014年冬半年北京地区的气象传输轨迹特征进行了统计分析,并通过潜在源区贡献法(PSCF)分析了污染物的潜在源区。结果表明:影响北京的气团主要来自西南、偏东和西北三条路径,其中西南和偏东路径中重污染天气的出现概率分别为56.58%和43.80%,为典型的污染物传输路径。潜在源区分析发现,高PSCF值主要对应西南和偏东轨迹气团所影响的山东西部、河北中南部及天津等地,其形成与下垫面排放及气团移动速度有关。在此基础上,结合PM_(2.5)排放源强度构建传输气象指数,经检验发现与PM_(2.5)浓度的生消变化有较好的一致性,且有约6 h的预报提前量。将传输指数与天气分析相结合,有助于加深对重污染天气成因的理解,并在预报评估中发挥参考作用。  相似文献   
城市化对石家庄站近地面风速趋势的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1972—2012年石家庄城市站和4个乡村站地面风速资料,采用城乡对比方法,对石家庄城市站地面风速序列中的城市化影响进行分析,结果表明,石家庄站年和季节平均地面风速和平均10 min最大风速的长期下降趋势,主要是由城市化因素引起。具体结论如下:(1)石家庄站年和四季平均风速、平均10 min最大风速和大风日数均呈极显著的减少趋势,年平均减少速率分别为-0.15 (m/s)/10a、-1.05 (m/s)/10a和-2.90 d/10a;乡村站年平均风速呈微弱下降趋势,年平均10 min最大风速减少较为明显,年大风日数减少趋势非常显著,减少速率分别为-0.02 (m/s)/10a、-0.21 (m/s)/10a和-2.19 d/10a。(2)石家庄站年平均风速下降趋势中的城市化影响为-0.13 (m/s)/10a,城市化影响非常显著,城市化贡献率达到86.0%。该站春、夏、秋、冬季平均风速变化的城市化影响分别为-0.16 (m/s)/10a、-0.10 (m/s)/10a、-0.13 (m/s)/10a和-0.15 (m/s)/10a,城市化贡献率分别为82.8%、87.6%、88.6%和85.4%。(3)石家庄站年平均10 min最大风速变化趋势中的城市化影响为-0.84 (m/s)/10a,城市化贡献率为79.7%;春、夏、秋、冬季平均10 min最大风速变化趋势中的城市化影响分别为-0.94 (m/s)/10a、-0.80 (m/s)/10a、-0.60 (m/s)/10a和-1.01 (m/s)/10a,城市化贡献率分别达到90.4%、78.6%、64.9%和79.1%。(4)城市化对石家庄站年大风日数减少的影响不显著,但冬季大风日数减少仍明显与城市化过程有关。  相似文献   
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