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The importance of the landscape surrounding a protected area for sustaining its values is frequently discussed in conservation literature. Studies on the interactions of urbanisation and nature conservation at the global scale suggest that protected nature attracts urbanisation, and that this in turn might negatively impact the area. However, studies specifically addressing such land use dynamics at city scale are largely missing. In this study we examine the change in proportion of built up area in two zones (500 m and 1000 m) surrounding 15 urban nature reserves in southern Sweden. By using comprehensive maps from the last 50 years, we compared the zones to the overall urbanisation in the cities to reveal discrepancies in land use surrounding the nature reserves. We found that the amount of built up area in the buffer zones surrounding nature reserves followed the same trend as the corresponding cities and this relation was stable over time, although the positive relationship was not significant. The establishment of nature reserves had no detectable effect on surrounding land use, however two distinguished groups of reserves were identified with either more or less built up area in buffers zones compared to cities. These differences were related to specific local drivers such as land ownership, land use history and nature reserve location. In contrast to earlier studies at global scale, our study did not show that nature reserves attract urbanisation. Instead, we stress that the great variety of contextual factors at the city scale makes quantitative analysis of this kind extremely difficult. However, a general neglect from planning and nature conservation agencies to recognise nature reserves’ dependence on the surrounding landscape configuration could be detrimental to sustain their values in the long-term. Hence we suggest that zones surrounding nature-protected areas should be planned and managed according to local land use history and current landscape conditions to enable and enhance necessary cross-boundary interactions.  相似文献   
2018年9月和12月,两次调查了广东雷州珍稀海洋生物国家级自然保护区海域海水的环境质量。结果表明,该保护区平均综合水质指数为0.38,一类海水平均达标率为93.59%,海水中铅、磷酸盐、锌的含量达标率偏低,分别为53.85%、73.1%、96.15%。12月保护区海水中的无机氮、磷酸盐、溶解氧、叶绿素a含量明显高于9月,保护区实验区和缓冲区站位的水质优于核心区站位的水质。该保护区海域综合水质定性评价结果为优。靠近康港附近站位的营养盐相对偏高,磷酸盐的平均达标率仅为73.1%,因此,需加强对康港附近海域养殖情况的监控,尽量减少养殖废水对保护区海域的排放,保持保护区海水清洁,以利于对保护区内珍稀海洋生物及其栖息地的保护。  相似文献   
近30年羌塘自然保护区气候特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用羌塘自然保护区周边6个气象站1978~2007年30年数据,利用气候统计方法,分析了温度、积温、降水的趋势变化。结果表明:该地区年平均温度、年平均最高温度、年平均最低温度都呈上升趋势,且上升幅度远远大于全球、全国平均水平;≥0℃积温、≥5℃积温呈增加趋势,初日提前,终日推迟,持续日数增加;降水的区域特征明显,自东向西呈递减趋势。年降水量呈上升趋势。  相似文献   
旅游活动对鼎湖山生物圈保护区植被的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肖光明  黄忠良 《地理研究》2010,29(6):1005-1016
以鼎湖山生物圈保护区为例,采用敏感水平、群落景观重要值、物种多样性信息指数、阴生种比例、伴人植物比例和旅游影响系数等指标,对旅游活动与植被环境的关系和景区管理水平进行了分析评价。研究表明:(1)旅游影响系数与植被环境质量评价指标之间、植被环境质量各项评价指标之间、旅游影响系数内部各因子之间均存在不同程度的相关性。敏感水平值越大,群落景观重要值、阴生种比例值越小,物种多样性信息指数、伴人植物比例、旅游影响系数值越大;旅游影响系数越大,敏感水平、物种多样性信息指数、伴人植物比例越大,群落景观重要值、阴生种比例越小;旅游影响系数与其各影响因子均呈正相关,即旅游影响系数越大,枯枝落叶层越薄、草本层盖度越小、幼苗量越小、折枝数量越多、垃圾量越大。研究结果与鼎湖山旅游发展的实践基本相符,客观上揭示了旅游活动对植被影响的规律和特点;(2)根据旅游影响系数分级标准,鼎湖山景区质量管理水平总体可定为中上水平,但个别地段存在环境隐患,有必要进一步提高管理水平。  相似文献   
极高海拔地区多为河流发源、冰川发育地,由于地形起伏强烈,且野外考察验证工作困难,传统的遥感信息提取方法很难保证该地区水体及冰川的提取精度。本文基于ASTER影像,运用面向对象的图像信息自动分析方法,对珠穆朗玛峰国家级自然保护区核心区的水体及冰川信息进行了提取研究。为保证信息提取的准确度,将数字高程模型(DEM)及其衍生数据(坡度、坡向),归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据,及有助于区分水体、冰川与其他地物的相关指数(冰雪指数NDSII)及波段运算结果(b1-b3)、(b3/b4)等,分别作为一个波段叠加到原始图像中,使之成为对目标地物光谱特征的有益补充。并对不同类型的水体及冰川进行多级、多尺度分割,以满足其对分割尺度的不同要求。分割完成后,综合考虑目标地物的光谱特征、纹理特征、空间结构特征,根据各特征指数的直方图信息,设定合适的阈值,建立了各水体及冰川类型信息提取的知识规则,并结合实地调查对信息提取的精度进行验证,改进了ASTER遥感影像自动快速提取极高海拔区水体及冰川信息的实用模型。  相似文献   
许艳  王拓夫 《台湾海峡》2011,30(2):269-274
沉积物粒度是描述沉积环境的重要指标之一,利用沉积物粒度参数可以反演沉积物堆积过程、沉积水动力特征.通过对湛江红树林国家级自然保护内海湾、河口、潮坪区的红树林表层沉积物粒度分析的研究,结果表明:河口与海湾区的红树林沉积物以泥质为主;有堤坝保护的河口区红树林沉积物颗粒细,为悬移质体含量高且连续稳定的低能环境;红树林发育差的潮坪区红树林沉积物为砂含量较大且水动力较强的高能环境.并通过推算海湾区沉积物的沉积年代,结合样品粒度分析的结果得出了该地区风暴潮发生的大致时间.  相似文献   
广东海丰湿地是中国华南亚热带滨海湿地的典型代表,也是南中国海生态系统的重要组成部分,为多种珍稀、濒危鸟类和候鸟提供重要栖息地和迁徙中转站,具有重要的保护价值。在野外湿地资源调查的基础上,阐述了海丰自然保护区湿地类型与特点、湿地动植物资源、湿地利用现状等生态特征,分析了湿地面临的主要威胁,提出湿地生态系统保护与管理的主要对策和措施。  相似文献   
As adaptation has come to the forefront in climate change discourse, research, and policy, it is crucial to consider the effects of how we interpret the concept. This paper draws attention to the need for interpretations that foster policies and institutions with the breadth and flexibility to recognize and support a wide range of locally relevant adaptation strategies. Social scientists have argued that, in practice, the standard definition of adaptation tends to prioritize economic over other values and technical over social responses, draw attention away from underlying causes of vulnerability and from the broader context in which adaptive responses take place, and exclude discussions of inequality, justice, and transformation. In this paper, we discuss an alternate understanding of adaptation, which we label “living with climate change,” that emerged from an ethnographic study of how rural residents of the U.S. Southwest understand, respond to, and plan for weather and climate in their daily lives, and we consider how it might inform efforts to develop a more comprehensive definition. The discussion brings into focus several underlying features of this lay conception of adaptation, which are crucial for understanding how adaptation actually unfolds on the ground: an ontology based on nature–society mutuality; an epistemology based on situated knowledge; practice based on performatively adjusting human activities to a dynamic biophysical and social environment; and a placed-based system of values. We suggest that these features help point the way toward a more comprehensive understanding of climate change adaptation, and one more fully informed by the understanding that we are living in the Anthropocene.  相似文献   
辽东山地老秃顶子冰缘地貌植物群落类型及基本特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于48个样地的群落调查数据,运用TWINSPAN分类方法,对辽东山地老秃顶子冰缘地貌植物群落类型进行了划分,并对群落结构、种类组成和生活型谱进行了系统研究.结果表明:老秃顶子冰缘地貌植被可划分为16个森林群系、6个灌丛群系,归并为落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林、暗针叶林、矮曲林、灌丛、灌草丛6个植被型.其中,石海地貌主要发育灌丛和灌草丛,也有针阔混交林和矮曲林分布;石河地貌主要发育针阔混交林和落叶阔叶林,也有暗针叶林分布;石流坡地貌主要发育针阔混交林、落叶阔叶林和灌丛,也有矮曲林分布.老秃顶子冰缘地貌植被由68科138属193种维管束植物组成;石海与石河间植物群落物种组成属中等不相似,而石河与石流坡间属中等相似.老秃顶子冰缘地貌植物群落中高位芽植物占38.0%,隐芽植物占36.3%,地面芽植物占21.8%,地上芽植物和一年生植物均很少,反映出辽东山地冰缘地貌区具有夏季温暖多雨、冬季寒冷漫长的气候特点.相对而言,石海、石流坡地貌中隐芽植物较多,石河地貌中高位芽植物较多,表明石海、石流坡地貌具有更为冷湿的小气候环境.  相似文献   
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