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Quantitative pyrolysis-gas chromatography has been performed on 96 kerogen samples isolated from 17 wells on the Norwegian Continental shelf. Petrographic and bulk geochemical measurements were also performed on the samples, and a combined data set of 117 variables for each sample was analysed using principal components analysis (PCA). This approach provides an objective and reproducible means of kerogen characterisation, which can be easily automated. In addition to objective kerogen characterisation and facile visualisation of facies and maturity related chemical trends, the method has the potential to allow objective prediction of key geochemical parameters such as maturity level from pyrogram data. 相似文献
H. J. Nijhuis 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》1997,86(2):322-331
The prediction of the hydrocarbon potential of a specific trap or of a number of specific traps (venture), referred to herein
as prospect appraisal, concerns a probabilistic exercise based on the quantification of geology in terms of structural closure,
reservoir quality, hydrocarbon charge, and the retention potential of the seal. Its objectives include: (a) prediction of
the hydrocarbon volumes that could be present in the trap from an analysis of its geologic attributes; (b) the amount of uncertainty
introduced in the volumetric prediction by the uncertainties in the subsurface geology; (c) the risk that one or more of the
essential attributes of the prospect are underdeveloped and recoverable reserves are absent. The uncertainty of the geologic
input requires a probabilistic approach, for which the Monte Carlo procedure is well suited.
Prospect appraisal forms the basis for decision-making in oil exploration and development and, therefore, should be reliable,
consistent, and auditable. This requires the use of a consistent methodology, the development of reliable models to quantify
the geologic processes involved, and the collection of comprehensive and relational databases for the many geologic variables.
As a result of data availability, uncertainty and risk tend to increase strongly from mature, producing basins to areas of
frontier exploration. This may complicate management of exploration portfolios.
Received: 1 July 1996/Accepted: 25 November 1996 相似文献
The Cumuruxatiba basin is located in the central portion of the eastern Brazilian margin surrounded by Cenozoic magmatic highs that belong to the Abrolhos Magmatic Complex. This basin was formed by rifting, in the Neocomian followed by thermal subsidence during late Cretaceous like other basins along the Eastern Brazilian margin. In the Cenozoic, the Abrolhos magmatism took place as sills and dykes intruded the sedimentary section, primarily during the Paleogene. In that time, there was a strong NS contractional deformation in the basin represented by folds related to reverse faults coeval with Abrolhos magmatism activity. The structural restorations of regional 2D seismic sections revealed that most of the contractional deformation was concentrated at the beginning of the Cenozoic with maximum peak at the Eocene (up to 33% of total shortening and rate of 6 km/Ma). The Post-Eocene period was marked by a decrease in the strain rate that continues to the present day (around 4 km/Ma to less than 1). 3D structural modelling exhibited a major, well-developed E–W to NE–SW fold belt that accommodated most of the contractional Cenozoic deformation between Royal Charlotte and Sulphur Minerva magmatic highs. Volcanic eruptions and magmatic flows from the Abrolhos complex resulted in differential overburden on edge of the basin, acting as a trigger for halokinesis and the subsequent formation of fault-related folds. In general, such structures were developed close to adjacent magmatic highs, commonly exhibiting vergence towards the centre of the basin. Some magmatic features formed coeval with Cenozoic syn-deformation sediments clearly indicate that Abrolhos magmatism activity and contractional deformation development were associated. The study of the thickness variation of the syn-deformation section in relation to fault-related folds on deformation maps and maximum strain diagrams revealed that most folds were activated and re-activated several times during the Cenozoic without a systematic kinematic pattern. This lack of systematic deformation might be related to the variation of the magmatic pulse activity of adjacent magmatic highs resulting in a complex interference pattern of Cenozoic folds. These structural interpretations of the timing of fault-related folds that are potential Cenozoic traps in the Cumuruxatiba basin play a fundamental role in petroleum systems and exploration of low-risk hydrocarbon prospects. 相似文献
黔中隆起及其周缘地区“下组合”油气地质特征 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
黔中隆起及其周缘地区包括滇黔北部坳陷、黔中隆起、滇东隆起、黔西南坳陷、黔南坳陷和武陵坳陷等六个一级构造单元。“下组合”包括震旦系、寒武系、奥陶系和志留系,具有丰富的油气资源和较好的油气成藏条件。两套区域性海相烃源岩,包括下寒武统牛蹄塘组碳质页岩和上奥陶统五峰组—下志留统龙马溪组石灰岩和碳质页岩,Ro值普遍在2%以上,主体处于高成熟晚期—过成熟早期。上震旦统陡山沱组发育地区性黑色页岩和碳质灰岩等烃源岩。主力储层包括上震旦统灯影组、中—上寒武统、下奥陶统桐梓组—红花园组及下志留统石牛栏组。区域盖层发育于下寒武统下部和下志留统下部,皆以泥质岩为主。各区块海相“下组合”纵向生储盖组合发育情况有所差异,黔中隆起区和黔南坳陷有两套组合,滇黔北部坳陷则有四套组合。以下寒武统牛蹄塘组为烃源岩、上震旦统灯影组白云岩为储层、下寒武统泥岩为盖层的生储盖组合,是黔中隆起及其周缘地区“下组合”勘探的主要目的层系。 相似文献
从岩石组合、沉积序列、接触关系及变形变质方面分析辽东隆昌地区的辽河群是一套在沉积上连续的,并且经历了相同变形变质历史的中浅变质沉积岩系。详细的构造分析表明它经历了三期构造变形,第一期为北北西向平褶皱,第二期为北北四向斜歪褶皱,第三期为北东东向宽缓直立褶皱。 相似文献
Fault and fracture patterns associated with domal structures are observed around the world both at outcrop and in the subsurface. However, the structural evolution of domes and the influence of previous fault and fracture sets are not yet fully understood. This study provides the first structural evolution analysis of Jebel Madar, a domal outcrop in the Adam Foothills of Northern Oman, and evaluates the role of multiple local tectonic events and the associated salt diapirism on fracture and fault distribution pattern development of a salt-cored domal outcrop.Analyses at Jebel Madar suggest that three local tectonic events with different stress regimes that are tentatively linked to three regional tectonic events resulted in a salt-cored, domed, reactivated fault complex: 1) initial dome-formation and NE–SW oriented mode 1 opening fractures and subsequent grabens; 2) E–W oriented dextral strike-slip faulting; and 3) reactivation and inversion of faults, and final dome formation. Salt emplacement is associated with the first and last tectonic events.This integrated study highlights the complicated evolution of fault and fracture distribution patterns at a salt-cored dome. Caution is therefore required in interpretation of similar structural patterns on top of and around salt-cored domes. 相似文献
The daily patterns and activity of Intertropical Convergence Zone(ITCZ) in the Western-Central Pacific Ocean are analyzed using NOAA interpolated Outgoing Longwave Radiation dataset during the period from 1979 to 2008, and the relationships between ITCZ patterns and Arctic Oscillation(AO) is investigated in this paper. In accordance with the central activity region the daily ITCZ can be divided into six patterns—north, south, equator, double, full and weak pattern, respectively. The statistic result shows that the north(accounting for 30.98% of the total observations), south(31.11%) and weak(24.05%) ITCZ patterns are the most active daily patterns within a 30-year period, while the other three ITCZ patterns occur infrequently. Results show that the February-April AO index has a significant positive(negative) correlation with the frequency of the north(weak) ITCZ pattern from March-May to August-October, with the strongest correlation in April-June(March-May). At the same time, the lower tropospheric atmosphere circulation(850-hPa wind field) and SST anomalies corresponding to the AO change significantly in the tropical Pacific. When AO is in the positive phase, there is an anomalous westerly from the equator to 15°N and warmer SST in the critical north ITCZ active region, while there is an anomalous easterly and insignificant change of SST from the equator to 15°S. The wind and SST anomalies share the same characteristics of the equatorial asymmetry and thus enlarge the gradient between the south and north of equator, which would help reinforce convection in the north of equator and result in more frequent occurrence of the northern type of ITCZ. 相似文献
一个"移径北翘台风"的环流及结构特征 总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4
0307号台风“伊布都”进入南海后一度西北偏西方向移动,但登陆前12h,移向突然折向西北,特别是登陆前3h移径明显北翘,直向偏北方向移动。通过分析大气环流形势、卫星云图以及雷达探测资料,发现副高轴“东落西抬”、副高减弱以及台风“9”字型螺旋结构改变均对台风的北翘有很好的指示作用。另外,副高控制下的“晴空区”有零星对流云发生,也对副高的减弱有很好的预示作用。 相似文献
The study aims at investigating the structural behavior of the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Suspension Bridge, i.e. the second Bosphorus Bridge in Turkey, under multi-point earthquake excitations, and determining the earthquake performance of the bridge based on the results obtained from this analysis. For this objective, spatially varying ground motions in triple direction were produced for each support of the bridge considering the Mw=7.4 scenario earthquakes on the main Marmara Fault. In order to simulate the ground motions, modified stochastic finite-fault technique was utilized. Taking the ground motions into account, non-linear time-history analysis was carried out, and the results obtained from the analysis were compared to those from uniform support earthquake excitation to identify the effects of multi-point earthquake excitations on the seismic performance of the bridge. From the analysis, it was determined that modal response of the towers and the deck was mostly effective on dynamic response of the entire bridge rather than other structural elements, such as cable and approach viaduct. Compared to the results obtained from simple-point earthquake excitation, noticeable axial force increase in the cable elements was obtained under multi-point earthquake excitation. The changes at the main cable and the side span cable were determined as 21% and 18%, respectively. This much increase in the cable elements led to increase in axial force at the towers and in shear force at the base section of the tower column. These changes in the structural elements were closely related to response of the deck and the towers since they had considerable contribution to response of the entire bridge. Based on the findings from the study, spatially varying ground motions has to be considered for long span suspension bridges, and the multi-support earthquake analysis should be carried out for better understanding and obtaining reliable results necessary for retrofitting and performance evaluation. 相似文献