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本文介绍处于弱磁场中的磁性砂岩人工样品,在三种应变作用下磁化率各向异性特征的研究结果.结果表明,磁化率椭球与应变椭球之间,显示了密切的相关性.文中并对上述情况下,磁化率各向异性特征及剩磁特征,从机理上进行了分析.  相似文献   
本文通过对坦比地区上古生界中正断层位移的研究,提出本区海西—印支期正断层的三种主要位移模式:锥形、梯形和锯齿形,以及两种复合类型:锥-梯形,梯-锥形。此外,笔者还对造成断裂位移模式复杂化的两种主要因素——岩性变化与剖面效应进行了探讨。  相似文献   
蒋维强 《华南地震》1991,11(4):35-38
本文取1962至1990年12月广东省新丰江地震的余震序列资料,从应变释放的角度定量地分析新丰江的余震活动特点以及与华南地区中强地震活动的关系,并与理论分析结果对比。发现新丰江地震的余震应变释放过程具有4次明显的应变异常增加,而且,从新丰江地震以来,华南地区发生的所有5.0以上中强地震都与新丰江余震应变释放的明显异常增加相“联系”,新丰江余震震群的出现是华南地区构造应力场增强的背景下余震区应力加强的效应,可以起到监视华南地区5.0级以上中强地震的“应力窗口”作用。从1986年以来,新丰江地区的余震活动有所加强,其应变释放明显增加,表明华南地区的构造应力场在加强,其地震活动可能达到较高的水平。  相似文献   
地倾斜固体潮所反映的地震之前应变积累异常信息   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
各不同地点地倾斜固体潮分潮振幅变化能反映出局部地区在应力场附加应力作用下所产生的介质应变变化和应变积累.本文通过对泰安台、马陵山台以及余山台地倾斜NS分量资料的调和分析,分别发现M2分潮振幅值与1983年菏泽地震(5.9级)及1984年南黄海地震(6.2级)有关的震前应变积累异常变化情况.  相似文献   
本文利用计算应变负荷潮的积分Green函数方法,计算了全球Schwiderski海潮模型M2分波在中国大陆产生的应变负荷潮.根据负荷潮的分布特点,中国大陆大致可以分成以东经100°为界的东、西两个区域.在东区,负荷潮主要受太平洋海潮的控制;在西部内陆地区,除太平洋海潮外,它们还明显地受印度洋海潮的影响.根据本文计算结果绘制的M2分波应变负荷潮在中国大陆的地理分布图,为如何正确考虑M2分波负荷潮对应变固体潮观测结果的影响提供了重要的参考资料.  相似文献   
The diffused and localized instabilities in sand under drained biaxial loading have been analyzed here following a plane strain bifurcation framework, where the rate independent material is defined using a generalized 3D non-associative constitutive model. This study is focused on how various instability modes emerge with respect to initial density, confining pressure, and the applied boundary conditions. Results from large deformation framework have been compared with those from small deformation approximation and the later is noticed to fail in capturing the emergence of diffused modes and predicts delayed onset of localization. The theoretical predictions compares well with existing experimental observations.  相似文献   
We present microstructural analyses demonstrating how the geometrical distribution and interconnectivity of mica influences quartz crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) development in naturally deformed rocks. We use a polymineralic (Qtz + Pl + Kfs + Bt + Ms ± Grt ± Tur) mylonite from the Zanskar Shear Zone, a section of the South Tibetan Detachment (NW Himalaya), to demonstrate how quartz CPO intensity decreases from quartz-dominated domains to micaceous domains, independently of whether or not quartz grains are pinned by mica grains. We then use a bimineralic (Qtz + Ms) mylonite from the Main Central Thrust (NW Himalaya) to show how increasing mica grain connectivity is concomitant with a systematic weakening of quartz CPO. Our results draw distinctions between CPO weakening due to: (i) second phase drag, leading to ineffective recovery in quartz; and (ii) increased transmission and localisation of strain between interconnected mica grains. In the latter case, well-connected micaceous layers take up most of the strain, weakening the rock and preventing straining of the stronger quartz matrix. Our findings suggest that rock weakening in quartz-rich crustal rocks is influenced not only by the presence of mica-rich layers but also the degree of mica grain connectivity, which allows for more effective strain localization through the entire rock mass.  相似文献   
Gravity installed anchors (GIAs) are released from a height of 30–150 m above the seabed, achieving velocities up to 19–35 m/s at the seabed, and embed to depths of 1.0–2.4 times the anchor length. Challenges associated with GIAs include the prediction of anchor initial embedment depth, which determines the holding capacity of the anchor. Based on the coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian approach, a numerical framework is proposed in this paper to predict the embedment depth of GIAs, considering the effects of soil strain rate, soil strain-softening and hydrodynamic drag (modeled using a concentrated force), with the anchor-soil friction described appropriately. GIAs are influenced by the hydrodynamic drag before penetrating into the soil completely, hence the anchor accelerates less than the previous investigations in shallow penetration, even decelerates directly at the terminal impact velocity. The hydrodynamic drag has more influence on OMNI-Max anchors (with an error of ∼4.5%) than torpedo anchors, and the effect becomes more significant with increasing impact velocity. An extensive parametric study is carried out by varying the impact velocity, strain rate and strain-softening parameters, frictional coefficient, and soil undrained shear strength. It is concluded that the dominant factor affecting the penetration is the soil undrained shear strength, then are the impact velocity, strain rate dependency and frictional coefficient, and the minimal is the strain-softening of soil. In addition, although the strain rate dependency is partly compensated by the softening, the anchor embedment depth accounting for the effects of strain rate and strain-softening is lower than that for ideal Tresca soil. Strain rate dependency dominates the combined effects of strain rate and strain-softening in the dynamic installation of GIAs, on which should pay more attention, especially for the calibration of the related parameters and the measured solutions. In the end, the theoretical model based on the bearing resistance method is extended by accounting for the hydrodynamic drag effect.  相似文献   
The deep-water fold and thrust belt of the southern Niger Delta has prominent thrusts and folds oriented perpendicular to the regional slope that formed as a result of the thin-skinned gravitational collapse of the delta above overpressured shale. The thrust-related folds have grown in the last 12.8 Ma and many of the thrusts are still actively growing and influencing the pathways of modern seabed channels. We use 3D seismic reflection data to constrain and analyse the spatial and temporal variation in shortening of four thrusts and folds having seabed relief in a study area of 2600 km2 size in 2200–3800 m water depth. Using these shortening measurements, we have quantified the variation in strain rates through time for both fault-propagation and detachment folds in the area, and we relate this to submarine channel response. The total amount of shortening on the individual structures investigated ranges from 1 to 4 km, giving a time-averaged maximum shortening rate of between 90 ± 10 and 350 ± 50 m/Myr (0.1 and 0.4 mm/yr). Fold shortening varies both spatially and temporally: The maximum interval shortening rate occurred between 9.5 Ma and 3.7 Ma, and has reduced significantly in the last 3.7 Ma. We suggest that the reduction in the Pliocene-Recent fold shortening rate is a response to the slow-down in extension observed in the up-dip extensional domain of the Niger Delta gravitational system in the same time interval. In the area dominated by the fault-propagation folds, the channels are able to cross the structures, but the detachment fold is a more significant barrier and has caused a channel to divert for 25 km parallel to the fold axis. The two sets of structures have positive bathymetric expressions, with an associated present day uphill slope of between 1.5° and 2°. However, the shorter uphill slopes of the fault-propagation folds and increased sediment blanketing allow channels to cross these structures. Channels that develop coevally with structural growth and that cross structures, do so in positions of recent strain minima and at interval strain rates that are generally less than −0.02 Ma−1 (−1 × 10−16 s−1). However, the broad detachment fold has caused channel diversion at an even lower strain rate of c. −0.002 Ma−1 (−7 × 10−17 s−1).  相似文献   
渤海海冰对直桩柱的作用力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
于1990年1月在锦州湾采样,主要测试了在不同的冰温和不同的应变速率下渤海海冰的挤压强度,并且研究了海冰挤压强度与冰温及应变速率的关系。对半径R=2,3,4,5cm圆柱压头的海冰挤压强度R_(CM)进行了试验,由此求得了海冰的局部挤压系数和接触系数。分析了冰块宽度B与桩柱宽度b之比与挤压系数的关系。在—10℃冰温下,对半圆形,压头端部尖角20等于180°,120°,90°,60°五种压头进行了试验,从而求得桩柱的形状系数,建立起大冰原对桩柱挤压作用的最大冰压力公式。  相似文献   
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