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The seismic response of the Mexico City Cathedral built of very soft soil deposits is evaluated by using motions recorded in various parts of the structure during several moderate earthquakes. This unique set of records provides significant insight into the seismic response of this and other similar historic stone masonry structures. Free‐field ground motions are carefully compared in time and frequency domains with motions recorded at building basement. The dynamic characteristics of the structure are inferred from the earthquake records by using system identification techniques. Variation of seismic response for different seismic intensities is discussed. It is shown that, due to the soil–structure interaction, due to large differences between dominant frequencies of earthquake ground motions at the site and modal frequencies of vibration of the structure, and due to a particularly high viscous damping, seismic amplifications of ground motion in this and similar historic buildings erected on soft soil deposits are much smaller than that induced in most modern constructions. Nevertheless, earthquake records and analytical results show that several components of the structure such as its central dome and the bell towers may be subjected to local vibrations that significantly amplify ground motions. Overall, results indicate that in its present state the structure has an acceptable level of seismic safety. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
通过肉眼和显微镜放大观察,总结出浙江昌化鸡血石与注胶或补破处理鸡血石在裂形、填充物形态、反光观察的表面平滑性、构造及血形圆滑连续性等方面的不同特征,可用于鉴别鸡血石的注胶与补破处理,并对鸡血石中常见冻筋和注胶裂进行了区分。  相似文献   
In this paper, a model for the analysis of footings having finite flexural rigidity resting on a granular bed on top of stone columns improved saturated soft (clayey) soil has been proposed. Soft soil has been modeled as a Kelvin–Voigt body to represent its time dependent behavior. Pasternak shear layer has been used to represent the granular layer and the stone columns have been idealized by means of nonlinear Winkler springs. Nonlinear behavior of granular fill, soft soil and stone columns has been invoked by means of hyperbolic constitutive relationships. Governing differential equations for the soil–foundation system have been obtained and finite difference method has been adopted for solving these, using the Gauss-elimination iterative scheme. Detailed parametric study for a combined footing has been carried out to study the influence of parameters, like magnitude of applied load, flexural rigidity of footing, diameter of stone column, spacing of stone column, ultimate bearing capacity of granular fill, poor foundation soil and stone column, relative stiffness of stone columns and degree of consolidation, on flexural response of the footing.  相似文献   
Book Reviewed in this article:

Geographical Aspects of Health and Disease in India. Rais Akhtarand A.T.A. Learmonth, eds.

Antarctic Treaty System: An Assessment. Proceedings of a Workshop at Beardmore South Field Camp, Antarctica.

American Electoral Mosaics. J. Clark Archerand Fred M. Shelley.

Kompas op Suidwes-Afrika/Namibie. W.S. Barnard, ed.

Jerusalem in the 19th Century: The Old City. Yehoshua Ben-Arieh.

The World as a Total System. Kenneth E. Boulding.

A Social History of Housing 1815–1985, Second Ed. John Burnett.

Human Migration. W.A.V. Clark.

Regional Population Projection Models. Andrei Rogers.

The State of Population Theory: Forward from Malthus. David Colemanand Roger Schofield, eds.

Imagining Tomorrow: History, Technology and the American Future. Joseph C. Corn, ed.

Swidden Agriculture in Indonesia: The Subsistence Strategies of the Kalimantan Kantú. Michael R. Dove.

Glacial Geologic Processes. David Drewry.

Physics of Desertification. Farouk El-Bazand M.H.A. Hassan, eds.

Housing the Homeless. Jon Ericksonand Charles Wilhelm, eds.

Settlement Patterns in Missouri: A Study of Population Origins, with a Wall Map. Russel L. Gerlach.

Desert Development: Man and Technology in Sparselands. Yehuda Gradus, ed.

Nuclear Winter. The Evidence and Risks. Owen Greene, Ian Percivaland Irene Ridge.

The Take-off of Suburbia and the Crisis of the Central City. Günter Heinritzand Elisabeth Lichtenberger, eds.

Regional Input-Output Analysis. Geoffrey J. D. Hewings.

Spatial Transportation Modeling. Christian Werner.

The Atlas of Georgia. Thomas W. Hodlerand Howard A. Schretter, eds.

Latin America. 5th ed. Preston E. Jamesand C.W. Minkel.

Applied Remote Sensing. C.P. Lo.

Localities, Class, and Gender. The Lancaster Regionalism Group.

Urban Social Movements: The City after Castells. Stuart Lowe.

Politics and Method. Doreen Masseyand Richard Meegan, eds.

Land Use. A. S. Mather.

The Kingdom of Coal. Donald L. Millerand Richard E. Sharpless.

The Presidio and Militia on the Northern Frontier of New Spain, A Documentary History, Vol. 1: 1570–1700. Thomas H. Naylorand Charles W. Polzer, S.J., comps. andeds.

Nuclear Power: Siting and Safety. Stan Openshaw.

The Central African Republic: The Continent's Hidden Heart. Thomas O'Toole.

Environmental and Dynamic Geomorphology. Márton Pécsi, ed.

Remote Sensing Principles and Interpretation. Floyd F. Sabins, Jr.

Acid Rain and Friendly Neighbors: The Policy Dispute between Canada and the United States. Jurgen Schmandtand Hilliard Roderick, eds.

Earth's Changing Surface: An Introduction to Geomorphology. M.J. Selby.

International Migration: The Female Experience. Rita J. Simonand Caroline B. Brettell, eds.

On Geography and Its History. D.R. Stoddart.

Transportation Networks: A Quantitative Approach. D. Teodorovic.

Processes in Physical Geography. R.D. Thompson, A.M. Mannion, C.W. Mitchell, M. Parry, J.R.G. Townshend.

Imaging Radar for Resources Surveys. J.W. Trevett.

Dominance and Affection: The Making of Pets. Yi-Fu Tuan.

Capturing the Horizon. The Historical Geography of Transportation since the Transportation Revolution of the Sixteenth Century. James E. Vance, Jr.

Nations at Risk: The Impact of the Computer Revolution. Edward Yourdon.  相似文献   
孟家庄子矿区瓷土(石)矿位于诸城市南10 km处。矿区主要出露地层为中生代青山群,总体呈NEE向展布,石前庄组是赋矿层位;构造形式是单斜构造和断裂,节理不发育,局部断裂对矿层有一定的破坏作用;岩浆岩为中生代白垩纪青山期粗安斑岩潜火山岩,侵入于青山群方戈庄组中,对矿层没有影响。矿石自然类型为流纹质凝灰岩、流纹质含角砾凝灰岩,工业类型为瓷土(石)矿。成矿类型为陆相(火山)沉积水解蚀变型瓷土(石)矿。  相似文献   
皖南和浙西地区寒武系下部黑色岩系地层发育差异明显,常见的岩石地层单位为黄柏岭组和荷塘组。近年来在岩石地层清理中,黄柏岭组和荷塘组的定义被不断修订。随着寒武纪年代地层划分精度的提高及科研和生产的需要,皖南和浙西地区寒武系下部黑色岩系的划分和年代地层对比需要进一步明确。着重从三叶虫盘虫类的生物地层学与岩石地层学的角度讨论了黄柏岭组和荷塘组年代地层和它们的穿时性问题,认为黄柏岭组为跨时代的岩石地层单位,下段至中段下部时代可能为筇竹寺期,中段中上部为沧浪铺早期,上段为沧浪铺中期至龙王庙期。休宁蓝田荷塘组底部的石煤层与东至庞汪村剖面黄柏岭组底部的石煤层时代可能相当。而浙西地区的荷塘组与皖南地区的荷塘组时代差异巨大,两者底部石煤层底界为不等时面,因此不能作为地层对比的标志层。两个地区下寒武统荷塘组的年代对比应具体剖面具体对待。  相似文献   
目的:旨在分析COVID-19患者胸部CT表现特点及其演变规律。方法:回顾性分析总结52例经核酸检测确诊COVID-19患者的首次与治疗后胸部CT表现特点,包括病变部位、分布、密度及伴随征象等;以及经治疗后COVID-19肺部病变CT征象的动态变化。结果:52例患者中,2例为轻型,胸部CT为阴性,其余50例患者(43例普通型及7例重型)首次胸部CT检查为阳性。45例(45/50,90.00%)患者首次CT均发现双肺多发磨玻璃密度影(GGO),其中30例(30/50,60.00%)为GGO伴部分实变,15例(15/50,30.00%)为纯磨玻璃密度影(pGGO),多见于肺野外周胸膜下区;仅5例(5/50,10.00%)首次CT表现为肺内实变,病变大多呈斑片状、多发性、多叶性。病变内增粗血管征占74.00%(37/50),空气支气管征占52.00%(26/50),病变周围“晕征”占54%(27/50),小叶间隔增厚形成的“铺路石征”占36.00%(18/50)。25例患者经2~10 d治疗后,胸部CT结果显示14例(56.00%)GGO不同程度吸收、密度变淡;11例(44.00%)密度增高转归为实变等。结论:COVID-19胸部CT具有一定特点,首次多表现为双肺外周多发斑片状GGO伴或不伴肺实变,多伴“铺路石征”、空气支气管征及增粗血管征等。治疗后肺部病变变化较快,可吸收缩小、密度变淡或出现变实、纤维化等,上述特点有助于临床早期诊断和实时评估疗效。  相似文献   
This paper interprets a stone‐banked lobe on the upper western face of Mt Rufus, at an altitude of 1380 m in western Tasmania, Australia. The morphology of the deposit resembles that of a solifluction lobe. Field observations show vertical and downslope movement of pebbles, cobbles and small boulders over a single winter season. The movement is largely related to frost pull (10–15 cm) and shallow freeze–thaw processes promoting the downslope (up to 50 cm yr–1) creep of material and the accumulation of coarse clasts at the lobe riser. The climate of Mt Rufus is strongly maritime and this is reflected in the limited duration and depth of penetration of frozen ground at this site during the 2013 winter. Despite the relatively mild climatic conditions, freeze–thaw processes are clearly the dominant geomorphic force operating at the site. These findings support observations of active stone‐banked lobes on sub‐Antarctic islands where intense freezing is absent. Both there and at Mt Rufus, movement is dominated by freeze–thaw processes operating in the upper c. 20 cm of the regolith. These are typical landforms of marginal freeze–thaw settings.  相似文献   
历代以来人们对广东肇庆端砚中的石眼十分关注,因为石眼是提高端砚的鉴赏品位和市场价值的重要因素之一。梅花坑砚石是端砚石中的一种,以梅花坑砚石的石眼作为样品,用显微激光拉曼光谱测试技术,研究和测定了石眼不同部位的矿物组成。实验结果表明,砚石和石眼中均有碳存在,只是砚石中石眼(含眼瞳、眼球、眼睑)附近的基体部位碳多以微晶石墨的物相形式存在,而在石眼的眼睑处的碳则以碳球形式存在;石眼的眼睑处颜色变黑,是由赤铁矿、石墨含量的增多以及黑色玻璃相的出现而引起的;相反,石眼眼球部位颜色变浅,是因为伊利石和石英是主成分、赤铁矿和石墨含量少以及没有绿泥石的存在而造成的。石眼的"瞳子"部位呈红褐色,是来源于金红石的颜色,不是行内长期以来认为的是由赤铁矿造成的。紫色端砚石品石眼的形成与火山作用密切相关,石眼是火山泥球在海湾或潮坪环境中沉积的粉砂质泥岩在后期浅变质作用条件下的变质残余。  相似文献   
辛鹏  王涛  吴树仁 《地球学报》2015,36(6):771-780
青海大通县韩家山滑坡是西宁盆地最危险性的滑坡之一。为分析该滑坡的形成机制,论文基于高精度的地形数据开展变形形式、平面堆积特征的调查;结合连续取芯钻探数据,重建了滑体结构;为定量获得滑动带力学性质的变化过程,进行了滑体与原岩物质成分、水理性质、应力应变性质的物理化学测试,讨论了多级滑动剪切面的形成机制。分析表明:(1)滑体内不存在软弱地层,为近似均质地层。滑体为单一的新近系红色泥岩夹石膏层,不具层理,不含大于0.25 mm碎屑颗粒。泥岩内粘土矿物含量在29.7%~46.3%之间,碳酸钙含量在9.84%~11.58%之间。岩体内含形态不一、大小不一的石膏结核;(2)泥岩粘粒含量高,水敏性与粘滞性强。泥岩干燥饱和吸水率最低为26.31%,最高为42.12%。泥岩样品环剪试验呈应变软化型,随着含水率的增大,强度急剧降低。滑体快速滑动过程中,非饱和的滑带土受粘性物质、孔隙性的影响,产生强吸力;(3)滑体以旋转变形破坏为主,斜坡受河流侧向侵蚀影响,滑床附近的岩土体渐进性破坏,出现多级滑动现象。  相似文献   
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