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Summary. Multiparameter inversions of multimode dispersion data are performed for two large regions: the Pacific Ocean and North America. Anisotropy is taken into account by considering transversely isotropic structures with a vertical axis of symmetry. Two fundamental questions are studied in detail: (1) how to make the inverted models consistent when using different sets of parameters, (2) what is the significance of transversely isotropic inversion for the actual Earth's structure? It is proved that full consistency of the inverted models can be achieved by properly taking into account some a priori informations on the model and it is shown that the use of transversely isotropic models with vertical axis of symmetry does not cause severe limitations when interpreting the data. The models we have obtained are discussed in the light of these investigations. Considering an olivine-rich upper mantle, we make a tentative interpretation of these models in terms of preferred orientation of the a -axis of the crystals in one fixed horizontal direction.  相似文献   
南城自动站土壤水分资料的统计学订正分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2006—2009年南城站5—10cm、10—20cm、20—30cm、30—40cm和40—50cm等5个土层各90组样本的HYA-SF型土壤水分自动观测数据与同期人工观测数据进行了偏差与相关性分析,采用线性方程建立拟合模式,对自动土壤水分观测数据进行订正,并以相对误差±5%、±10%为指标对订正前后的数据合格情况进行了统计。结果表明,各土层自动土壤水分观测数据与人工观测数据虽然存在较大偏差,但二者具有一致的变化趋势,相关性好;分别利用5个土层同期对比观测数据建立的一元线性回归模型;拟合订正后的自动站各层数据偏差不同程度减小,数据合格率明显上升。  相似文献   
渤、黄海北部海冰年代时空变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文取上世纪后50年至2003年度冬季渤海地区气温作为与渤海冬季冰情有关的气候指标。分析得出,渤海地区冬季气温随着年代呈上升趋势,特别是80年代中期至本世纪初尤为明显。受其影响,渤海冬季的冰情时空分布状况发生了较大变化。其特点是:初冰日较多年平均值推后、终冰日较多年平均值提前,冰期较多年平均值偏短,冰厚较多年平均值偏薄,结冰范围(沿岸固定冰宽度和浮冰外缘线)较多年平均值偏小,甚至有些海区已多年未曾见到海冰了。  相似文献   
The performance of two models,Jam and Baig,based on the modified version of Gaussian distribution function in estimating the daily total of global solar radiation and its distribution through the hours of the day from sunrise to sunset al any clear day is evaluated with our own measured data in the period from June 1992 to May 1993 in Qena Egypt The results show a high relative deviation of calculated values from measured ones,especially for Jain model,in the most hours of the day,except for those near to local noon.This misfit behavior is quite obvious in the early morning and late afternoon A new approach has been proposed in this paper to estimate the daily and hourly global solar radiation This model performs with very high accuracy on the recorded data in our region.The validity of this approach was verified with new measurements in some clear days in June and August 1994.The resultant very low relative deviation of the calculated values of global solar radiation from the measured ones confirms the  相似文献   
走向21世纪的实用地震学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
实用地震学包括地震勘探、深部地震测深、工程地基与质量勘查以及浅部地质灾害预测等,在国民经济各方面起着重要作用,特别是在我国油气资源勘探与开发中起着并将继续起着不可替代的作用.在即将迈向21世纪的今天,我们探讨一下实用地震学未来发展的道路是很必要的.实用地震学在21世纪仍将在地学研究和国家建设中发挥它应有的作用,而且对它的要求也将越来越高,因而它在理论和应用方面都有诸多疑难问题要研究.本文就其发展现状、未来的理论研究和新技术的应用问题做些探讨.  相似文献   
利用河南省均匀分布的50个台站自建站至1997年近50年的定时降水资料,分析了河南省日小雨、日中雨、日大雨降水过程出现次数和最长连续无降水日数,结果显示,河南省日小雨、日中雨降水过程一年四季均可出现,日大而过程主要出现在3~11月份,冬季仅在豫南一些台站出现,各级降水过程出现次数季节性变化明显,冬季出现最少,夏季出现最多,其地理分布随测站纬度、拔海高度、地形地貌不同有较大差异;最长连续无降水日数也有明显的季节性变化特点,其最大值多出现在冬季,春秋次之,夏季最小,地理位置差异也较明显。  相似文献   
张杰  张强  李俊 《气象学报》2010,68(2):207-216
采用MODIS资料和美国发展的MODIS大气温、湿度廓线统计反演算法,估算大气温度、湿度廓线作为初始场,应用101层快速透过率模式(PFAAST)估算了大气透过率,并采用Newton非线性迭代算法反演中国西北荒漠戈壁地区大气温度廓线。结果表明:该方法对边界层高度及以上部分的大气温度反演得比较好,误差基本都在2 K范围内,边界层范围内的温度反演误差较大,反演误差与气溶胶光学厚度增量和地表温度估算误差呈显著正相关关系,与大气水汽混合比的关系较差。文中从敏感性试验和理论分析角度阐述了地表温度和气溶胶光学厚度估算误差对大气温度反演误差的影响,发现不同光谱波段的地表温度权重均随地表温度的增加有不同程度增加,地表温度反演误差增加将增加地表温度权重,提高地表温度估算误差有助于提高地表温度权重的精度;荒漠戈壁地区大气边界层中气溶胶浓度较高,光学厚度较大,使边界层大气透过率降低,进而降低卫星红外遥感波段的地表温度权重和空气温度权重。由于该模式没有很好地考虑边界层中沙尘气溶胶的影响,使卫星反演的大气透过率偏高,以至于高估地表温度权重和大气温度权重,使得反演的表面温度和空气温度偏低。该研究结合太阳光度计获得的光学厚度资料,采用统计方法对气溶胶效应引起的大气透过率误差和表面温度估算误差进行校正,并对物理算法进行本地化改进,实现了边界层温度廓线的反演。  相似文献   
Stable inversions for complete moment tensors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The seismic moment tensors for certain types of sources, such as volcanic earthquakes and nuclear explosions are expected to contain an isotropic component. Some earlier efforts to calculate the isotropic component of these sources are flawed due to an error in the method of Jost & Herrmann. We corrected the method after Herrmann & Hutchensen and found great improvement in the recovery of non-double-couple moment tensors that include an isotropic component. Tests with synthetic data demonstrate the stability of the corrected linear inversion method, and we recalculate the moment tensor solutions reported in Dreger et al. for Long Valley caldera events and Dreger & Woods for Nevada Test Site nuclear explosions. We confirm the findings of Dreger et al. that the Long Valley volcanic sources contain large statistically significant isotropic components. The nuclear explosions have strikingly anomalous source mechanisms, which contain very large isotropic components, making it evident that these events are not tectonic in origin. This indicates that moment tensor inversions could be an important tool for nuclear monitoring.  相似文献   
One of the major application areas of factor analysis, multivariate calibration and quantitation, is coveredin this review. The algorithms, methodologies and applications covered include principal componentregression, target transformation factor analysis, singular value decomposition and rank annihilationfactor analysis. Many important areas of research having relevance to multivariate calibration andquantitation problems are also covered in this review, including background correction, measurementerror, rank determination, cross-validation, figures of merit, detection of invalid samples, experimentaldesign, sample selection, statistical inference and wavelength selection.  相似文献   
Summary. P -wave relative teleseismic residuals were measured for a network of seismological stations along a 300 km profile across the Adamawa Plateau and the Central African Shear Zone of central Cameroon, to determine the variation in crust and upper mantle velocity associated with these structures. A plot of the mean relative residuals for the stations shows a long wavelength (> 300 km) variation of amplitude 0.45 s. the slowest arrivals are located over and just to the north, of the faulted northern margin of the Adamawa Plateau. the residuals do not correlate with topography, surface geology or the previously determined crustal structure, in any simple way.
The Aki inversion technique has been used to invert the relative residuals into a 3-D model of velocity perturbations from a mean earth model. the results show the region is divided roughly into three blocks by two subvertical boundaries, striking ENE and traversing both the crust and upper mantle down to depths greater than 190km. the central block, which is 2 per cent slower than the adjacent blocks, roughly corresponds to the Central African Shear Zone. the Adamawa Plateau, as an individual uplifted area, is explained by the interaction of a regional anomalous upper mantle associated with the West African Rift System, and the Central African Shear Zone, which provided a conduit for heat flow to the surface.  相似文献   
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