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Abstract In central Scania, a channel eroded in Silurian strata is filled with Upper Triassic sediments in its western part while its eastern part is filled with Quaternary sediments only. The channel must therefore have been formed before or during the Upper Triassic. It may have been formed as early as the Early Permian after regional erosion and peneplanation. The channel is cut off across the Eslöv Trough, a prolongation of the Fyledal Fault zone, and downfaulted 50–75 m west of the trough. More notably, its western part is displaced c. 4 km to the SSE along a fault which appear to be a prolongation of the Fyledal Fault zone. 相似文献
水土腐蚀性评价标准与混凝土结构耐久性设计的防护标准是相互作用,相互影响的。本文通过2个地下水实例,比较了桩基础和地下室底板在不同规范体系下水土腐蚀性评价标准和防护标准的差异。腐蚀环境越严重,混凝土结构耐久性设计差异越大,因此,有必要统一水土腐蚀性评价标准和混凝土结构耐久性设计的防护标准。针对SO42-和CL-腐蚀性评价差异较大的情况,本文给出了干湿交替作用及其强度的定义,提出了一种统一水土腐蚀性评价指标及其分级的建议方案。干湿交替作用是指在固体表面能够形成液相水与气相水交替转换或持续转换的一种现象,干湿交替作用强度定义为固体表面液态水的相对蒸发速率和固体表层饱和度的乘积。 相似文献
通过分析输入模型的参数对输出结果的影响,可以确定影响烃源岩成熟度史模拟的敏感性参数。本文应用Easy%Ro化学动力学模型,以普光5井为例,对川东北地区各期构造运动剥蚀厚度、古地表温度和古地温梯度进行了相关的敏感性分析。分析结果表明:研究区下寒武统、下志留统、下二叠统和上二叠统烃源岩现今成熟度状态完全受控于燕山运动晚幕—喜马拉雅山运动时期(晚白垩世以来)剥蚀厚度、早白垩世末古地表温度和古地温梯度,与其它地质参数无关; 海西期古地温梯度和古地表温度对下寒武统烃源岩成熟度史模拟影响最大; 此外,研究区印支运动早幕和燕山运动晚幕—喜马拉雅山运动时期的剥蚀厚度对下寒武统烃源岩成熟度史模拟也有较大影响; 下志留统烃源岩成熟度史模拟主要受早二叠世末和晚三叠世末川东北地区古地温梯度的影响; 各期构造运动剥蚀厚度、古地表温度和古地温梯度的不确定性对下二叠统和上二叠统烃源岩成熟度史模拟结果影响不大,除了晚三叠世末的古地温梯度10%的不确定性对下二叠统烃源岩进入生油晚期(Ro=1.3%)的时间影响达到16.4 Ma,燕山运动晚幕—喜马拉雅山运动时期剥蚀厚度50%的不确定性对上二叠统烃源岩进入干气阶段(Ro=2.0%)的时间影响达到16.7 Ma之外,其它地质参数的不确定性对下二叠统和上二叠统烃源岩成熟度史模拟结果影响都不超过15 Ma。 相似文献
文章利用卫星遥感解译、潮汐数值模拟、GIS空间拓扑分析等技术手段,对水边线进行水位订正,推算出2019年度江苏沿海的遥感海岸线,对江苏省海岸侵蚀现状进行了遥感监测与评估。研究结果表明:2019年江苏省共有侵蚀岸线长58.55 km,占全省大陆海岸线的7.39%。废黄河三角洲侵蚀型海岸的侵蚀岸段平均年侵蚀后退 59.24 m,主要表现为盐养围堤的冲刷水毁;辐射沙洲北翼淤长型海岸的侵蚀岸段年平均侵蚀后退152.28 m,表现为潮间带上部坡度变缓,海岸线持续内移。全省海岸带侵蚀总面积为 7.244 8 hm2,强侵蚀岸段主要分布在南八滩闸北侧,新洋河口两侧以及斗龙港南侧区域。文章同时结合江苏海域动态监管工作经验,提出了5点海岸侵蚀灾害防治对策:①加强天-空-地一体化多手段联合监测,精确监控海岸侵蚀灾害发生范围与程度,了解海岸侵蚀强度与等级;②联合多平台海洋观测,深入开展致灾因素分析,了解海岸侵蚀灾害的发展与变化趋势,逐步完善灾害预警机制;③根据不同的海岸类型与海岸侵蚀特征,有效开展多策略的海岸防护整治,减少海岸侵蚀灾害损失;④加快海岸带保护修复,明确海岸带开发活动的适宜空间与适宜程度,优化海岸带空间布局;⑤强化海岸责任管理,明确监管职责。 相似文献
The Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB) is one of the most petroliferous basins on the northern margin of the South China Sea. Knowledge of the thermal history of the PRMB is significant for understanding its tectonic evolution and for unraveling its poorly studied source-rock maturation history. Our investigations in this study are based on apatite fission-track (AFT) thermochronology analysis of 12 cutting samples from 4 boreholes. Both AFT ages and length data suggested that the PRMB has experienced quite complicated thermal evolution. Thermal history modeling results unraveled four successive events of heating separated by three stages of cooling since the early Middle Eocene. The cooling events occurred approximately in the Late Eocene, early Oligocene, and the Late Miocene, possibly attributed to the Zhuqiong II Event, Nanhai Event, and Dongsha Event, respectively. The erosion amount during the first cooling stage is roughly estimated to be about 455–712 m, with an erosion rate of 0.08–0.12 mm/a. The second erosion-driven cooling is stronger than the first one, with an erosion amount of about 747–814 m and an erosion rate between about 0.13–0.21 mm/a. The erosion amount calculated related to the third cooling event varies from 800 m to 3419 m, which is speculative due to the possible influence of the magmatic activity. 相似文献
Biogeotextiles can be used to facilitate the formation of vegetation cover and to reduce soil erosion.Studies have demonstrated that only biogeotextile or vegetation cover can greatly reduce soil erosion.However, information about the effects of the combination of biogeotextile and vegetation cover on soil erosion is still limited, despite that the combination is the commonly practical form for bare road slope protection. Experimental plots, consisting of a relatively loose surface layer and a c... 相似文献
Soil erosion is a significant threat in the Rif region in northern Morocco. Hence, accurate cartography of the phenomenon, magnitude, and extent of erosion in the area needs a simple, rapid, and economical method such as magnetic susceptibility (MS). The current study aims to: (i) determine the factors influencing the variation of soil MS, (ii) exploit MS to estimate soil loss using two approaches in different homogenous units characterized by the same climatic conditions with different edaphic characteristics (land use, slope, and lithology), and (iii) highlight the potential for using MS as a cheap and rapid tracer of a long term erosion and deposition processes. Mass-specific magnetic susceptibility at low (χlf) and high (χhf) frequencies were measured for 182 soil samples collected in the study area. A tillage homogenization (T-H) model and a simple proportional model (SPM) were applied on an undisturbed soil profile to predict the eroded soil depths for given cores. The results confirm that χlf is influenced by land use, slope, and soil type. Pedogenesis is the main factor affecting soil MS enhancement, indicated by homogenous magnetic mineralogy with a dominance of super-paramagnetic (SP) and stable single domain (SSD) magnetic grains. The study results show that higher soil losses have occurred in almost all the soil samples when applying the T-H model compared to application of the SPM. The SPM underestimates erosion due to its ignorance of the MS of the plow layers after erosion. The current study implies the high efficacy of magnetic susceptibility as the quick, easily measurable, simple, and cost-effective approach that can be used as an alternative technique for evaluating soil redistribution. 相似文献
Effect of cover management factor in quantification of soil loss: case study of Sungai Akah subwatershed,Baram River basin Sarawak,Malaysia 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The present study evaluates the effectiveness and suitability of cover management factors (C factor) generated through different techniques like land use/land cover-based arbitrary value (CLULC), Normalised Different Vegetation Index-based methods CNDVI1 and CNDVI2 and Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index 2-based method (CMSAVI2). The C factors generated using these four methods were tested in the calculation and assessment of annual average soil loss from an upland forested subwatershed in the Baram river basin using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). The four cover management factor maps generated by this analysis show some variation among the results. The LULC method uses a single arbitrary value for each LULC type mapped in the subwatershed. The other three methods show a range of C values within each mapped LULC type. The effects of these variations were tested in the RUSLE by keeping the factors such as rainfall erosivity (R), soil erodibility (K), slope-length and steepness (LS) constant. The maximum annual average soil loss is 1191 t. ha?1. y?1 based on the CLULC. Soil losses estimated with other three methods are very different compared to those estimated with the CLULC method. The highest calculated soil loss values were 1832, 1674 and 1608 t. ha?1. y?1 in the study area based, respectively, on CNDVI1, CNDVI2 and CMSAVI2 C factors. These maximum values represent the worst pixel scenario values of soil loss in the region. The statistical analysis performed indicates different relationship between the parameters and suggests the acceptance of the methodology based on CNDVI2 for the study area, instead of a single value method such as CLULC. Among the other two methods, the CMSAVI2 was found to be more consistent than the CNDVI1 method, but both methods lead to over-prediction of annual soil loss rate and therefore need to be reconsidered before applied in the RUSLE. 相似文献
Monitoring of frontal dune erosion and accretion on the Sefton coast in northwest England over the past 50 years has revealed significant spatial and temporal variations. Previous work has shown that the spatial variations primarily reflect longshore differences in beach and nearshore morphology, energy regime and sediment budget, but the causes of temporal variations have not previously been studied in detail. This paper presents the results of work carried out to test the hypothesis that a major cause of temporal variation is changes in the frequency and magnitude of storms, surges and resulting high tides. Dune toe erosion/accretion records dating from 1958 have been compared with tide gauge records at Liverpool and Heysham. Relatively high dune erosion rates at Formby Point 1958–1968 were associated with a relatively large number of storm tides. Slower erosion at Formby, and relatively rapid accretion in areas to the north and south, occurred during the 1970's and 1980's when there were relatively few major storm tides. After 1990 rates of dune erosion at Formby increased again, and dunes to the north and south experienced slower accretion. During this period high storm tides have been more frequent, and the annual number of hours with water levels above the critical level for dune erosion has increased significantly. An increase in the rate of mean sea-level rise at both Liverpool and Heysham is evident since 1990, but we conclude that this factor is of less importance than the occurrence of extreme high tides and wave action associated with storms. The incidence of extreme high tides shows an identifiable relationship with the lunar nodal tidal cycle, but the evidence indicates that meteorological forcing has also had a significant effect. Storms and surges in the eastern Irish Sea are associated with Atlantic depressions whose direction and rate of movement have a strong influence on wind speeds, wave energy and the height of surge tides. However, preliminary analysis has indicated only a modest relationship between dune erosion/accretion rates and the North Atlantic Oscillation index. 相似文献