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The variability and origin of the Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) were studied in the Belgian coastal and adjacent areas including offshore waters and the Scheldt estuary, through the parameters: absorption at 375 nm, aCDOM(375), and the slope of the absorption curve, S. aCDOM(375) varied between 0.20 and 1.31 m−1 and between 0.97 and 4.30 m−1 in the marine area and Scheldt estuary, respectively. S fluctuated between 0.0101 and 0.0203 nm−1 in the marine area and between 0.0167 and 0.0191 nm−1 in the Scheldt estuary. The comparative analysis of aCDOM(375) and S variations evidenced different origins of CDOM in the BCZ. The Scheldt estuarine waters showed decreasing aCDOM(375) values with increasing salinity but constant S value of ∼0.018 nm−1 suggesting a dominant terrestrial origin of CDOM. On the contrary, samples collected in the marine domain showed a narrow range of aCDOM(375) but highly variable S suggesting the additional presence of autochthonous sources of CDOM. This source was evidenced based on the sorting of the marine offshore data according to the stage of the phytoplankton bloom when they were collected. A clear distinction was made between CDOM released during the growth stage characterized by high S (∼0.017 nm−1) and low aCDOM(375) and the decay phase characterized by low S (∼0.013 nm−1) and high aCDOM(375). This observation was supported by CDOM measurements performed on pure phytoplankton cultures which showed increased CDOM release along the wax and wane of the bloom but decreasing S. We concluded that the high variability of the CDOM signature in offshore waters is explained by the local biological production and processing of CDOM.  相似文献   
阿尔金山前侏罗系出露大套厚层的暗色泥页岩,生烃潜力优越,具备陆相页岩气形成条件,是有利的勘探接替区。通过野外地质调查、样品采集和测试分析,研究下—中侏罗统泥页岩的沉积展布、有机地球化学特征及储集性能,并探讨了该区页岩气的勘探潜力。研究表明: 富有机质泥页岩主要处于滨浅湖—半深湖相、沼泽相沉积环境中,其在平面上呈NE向展布,单层厚度和累计厚度均较大; 泥页岩的有机质类型主要为Ⅱ1、Ⅱ2型干酪根; TOC含量为0.55%~10%,平均为2.28%; 镜质体反射率(Ro)为1.0%~1.6%,平均为1.269%,处于成熟—高成熟阶段,为页岩气藏形成提供良好的生烃条件; 其矿物特征表现为脆性矿物含量高,大于51%,有利于后期的水力压裂改造和页岩气开采; 通过扫描电镜观察,泥页岩储层发育微孔隙及微裂缝,为页岩气提供了良好的储集空间和运移通道。初步预测,后期改造相对较弱的月牙山地区为页岩气勘探的有利目标区。  相似文献   
研究目的】中国南方岩溶地区干旱缺水等问题异常突出,岩溶地下水赋存和分布的复杂,开发利用率低,基于多年调查研究工作为基础,系统总结南方岩溶区地下水资源特征,研讨水资源保障对策。【研究方法】基于南方岩溶区地下水资源特点、地下水系统类型、地下水系统空间结构的叠置性和时空分布不均性分析,提出南方岩溶区水资源保障对策。【研究结果】南方岩溶区可从以下三方面充分发挥地下水资源安全保障作用,一是掌握地下水赋存分布规律,发挥分散供水和应急供水作用;二是加强调蓄工程建设,解决水资源时空分布不均问题;三是建立与生态重建和经济发展相结合的地下水资源可持续利用模式。【结论】南方岩溶区地下水赋存条件复杂,具有表层带岩溶水系统、岩溶地下河与管道流系统、岩溶大泉系统以及分散排泄地下水系统多种类型,规模大小不一,开发利用形式多样;在垂向上具有叠置性,水空分布严重不均;开发利用潜力较大。在地球科学系统论的指导下,查明岩溶水资源赋存分布规律,科学评价地下水资源量,因地制宜制定水资源开发利用和保护方案,为脱贫攻坚、生态文明建设和乡村振兴提供技术支撑。创新点:以系统水文地质环境地质综合调查和地下水开发利用示范工作为基础,系统总结南方岩溶区地下水资源特点;针对岩溶区水资源安全保障问题,分析其主要原因,提出了水资源保障对策。  相似文献   
Book Reviewed in this article: Marine Resources of Kuwait: Their Role in the Development of Non-oil Resources . Fatimah H. Y. al -Abdul -Razzak Recollections of a Revolution: Geography as Spatial Science . Mark Billinge , Derek Gregory and Ron Martin Entre l'Eden et l'Utopie . Luc Bureau Developments in Political Geography . M. A. Busteed The Elements of Graphing Data . William S. Cleveland Rural Resource Management . Paul J. Cloke and Chris C. Park Third World Atlas . Ben Crow and Alan Thomas Exploitation, Conservation, Preservation: A Geographic Perspective on Natural Resource Use . Susan L. Cutter , Hilary Lambert Renwick, and William H. Renwick . Wine Regions of the Southern Hemisphere . Harm Jan de Blij Regional Development: Problems and Policies in Eastern and Western Europe . George Demko The Geographer at Work . Peter R. Gould Change in the Amazon Basin . John Hemming Geography Since the Second World War . R. J. Johnston and P. Claval Urbanization in China: Town and Countryside in a Developing Economy 1949–2000 A.D. , R. J. R. Kirkby Transport and Communications for Pacific Microstates: Issues in Organisation and Management . Christopher C. Kissling Fluvial Forms and Processes . David Knighton The Urban Millennium . Josef W. Konvitz Technological Transition in Cartography . Mark Stephen Monmonier Field Guide to Soils and the Environment: Applications of Soil Surveys . Gerald W. Olson Northern Australia: The Arenas of Life and Ecosystems on Half a Continent . Don Parkes A Killing Rain: The Global Threat of Acid Rain . Thomas Pawlick From the Family Farm to Agribusiness: The Irrigation Crusade in California and the West, 1850–1931 . Donald J. Pisani Hybrid Maize Diffusion in Kenya . Franz -Michael Rundquist Warning and Response to the Mount St. Helens Eruption . Thomas F. Saarinen and James L. Sell Coastal Geomorphology in Australia . B. G. Thom Tropical Rain Forests of the Far East , 2nd ed . T. C. Whitmore The Dark Side of the Earth . Robert Muir Wood Categorical Data Analysis for Geographers and Environmental Scientists , Neil Wrigley  相似文献   
南黄海是下扬子板块主体,经过多年的油气勘探,从浅层陆相至深层海相地层仍未取得油气突破,总体勘探和认识程度都较低。根据南黄海地震和钻井资料,充分结合下扬子陆区成果认识,将南黄海二叠系龙潭组、大隆组和三叠系青龙组划分为6大沉积体系:河流沉积体系、三角洲沉积体系、潮坪沉积体系、开阔台地沉积体系、局限台地沉积体系、陆棚沉积体系,并分析了各沉积体系特征。根据二叠系龙潭组、大隆组和三叠系青龙组地震反射特征,可将其划分为4大地震相类型,分析了各地震相的沉积意义。钻井沉积相和地震相相结合,分析了沉积体系的分布特征,龙潭组、大隆组和青龙组沉积体系具有水体西北深、东南浅的分布特征。龙潭组至青龙组沉积时期,经历了两次大规模海侵和两次大规模海退,形成了海平面的上升-下降的旋回式变化,岩性组合上构成了潮坪砂泥岩-潮坪煤层-潮坪砂泥岩-陆棚页岩-开阔台地碳酸盐岩-局限台地碳酸盐岩的沉积演化序列。  相似文献   
西藏高原南部雅鲁藏布江缝合带地区地壳电性结构研究   总被引:13,自引:14,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
为了探测西藏高原南部雅鲁藏布江缝合带地区地壳浅部和深部构造沿东西和南北方向的变化特征,在雅鲁藏布江缝合带地区布设了三条南北向剖面(错那—墨竹工卡、亚东—雪古拉、吉隆—措勤),采用超宽频带大地电磁测深方法进行了地壳、上地幔电性结构探测研究,发现该区主要电性结构特征为:1. 雅鲁藏布江缝合带附近表层发育大规模的高阻体,岩体延伸最深达30km以上,是冈底斯花岗岩体的反映. 2. 雅鲁藏布江缝合带的南部有小规模的良导体,在其下方和北侧发育有大规模良导体. 3. 沿剖面从南往北壳内普遍发育良导体,各良导体主体间是不连续的,规模逐渐增大,总体北倾,在缝合带附近产状较陡. 4. 在雅鲁藏布江缝合带附近良导体由西往东规模逐渐增大,导电性逐渐变好,相对雅鲁藏布江在剖面上的位置逐渐南移. 这些重要的电性特征可能是印度板块向北俯冲所形成的,深部大规模的良导体特征沿东西向的差异可能是板块碰撞引起物质沿东西向运移作用的结果.  相似文献   
普里兹湾及其邻近海域是中国南大洋调查研究的传统优势海域与重点区域。围绕夏季表层水、冬季水、陆架水、绕极深层水、南极底层水、普里兹湾底层水、冰架水等研究海区主要水团的特征和分布,总结了前人在南极普里兹湾及其邻近海域基于调查资料开展的水团研究中所取得的成果。研究表明,前人在对陆架水的示性指标界定上,将陆架水是否区分为高盐陆架水和低盐陆架水存在较大争议,在高盐陆架水和普里兹湾底层水的定义上存在重叠;目前尚没有证据表明绕极深层水向南可以伸展到普里兹湾的陆架区域,也没有发现在普里兹湾附近海域生成南极底层水的直接证据。  相似文献   
晚更新世以来南天山阿克苏地区地壳缩短率   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
汪新  John Suppe 《地质科学》2001,36(2):195-202
作者研究南天山中段阿克苏—库车山前带活动断层,发现断层切过托木尔峰山麓第四纪冰碛物和阶地,形成2条断层崖。通过测量阶地和冰碛物的变形量,推断阶地和冰碛物的沉积年代,估算南天山中段阿克苏地区晚更新世以来的地壳缩短率可能为1.85mm/a。这个缩短率与库尔勒地区(2mm/a)和柯坪地区(1.8mm/a)的地壳缩短率一致,但是小于南天山西段喀什地区(10±2mm/a)和天山东段玛纳斯地区(6±3mm/a)的地壳缩短率,表明天山不同地段的地壳缩短率存在明显差异。  相似文献   
The Sivamalai alkaline complex lies at the southern margin of the Cauvery Shear System that separates the Archaean and Proterozoic domains of the Southern Granulite Terrain in India. U–Pb TIMS dating of zircon from a pegmatitic syenite sample in the complex yields a concordant age of 590.2 ± 1.3 (2σ) Ma which is interpreted to date the intrusion of the alkaline rocks. A lower concordia intercept at 168 ± 210 Ma defined by two grains with high common lead may indicate post-magmatic disturbances due to recrystallisation which is also evident in the CL images of the zircons. EPMA dating of monazite from a post-kinematic pegmatite which intrudes the crystalline basement hosting the alkaline rocks yields an age of 478 ± 29 (2σ) Ma and provides a lower bracket for the main phase of tectonism in this part of the Southern Granulite Terrain. The Pan-African high-grade metamorphism and ductile deformation has thus most likely affected the alkaline rocks. This is supported by the presence of a metamorphic foliation and extensive recrystallisation textures seen in the rocks. The major and trace element concentrations measured on selected samples reveals the presence of both enriched and depleted rock types. The enriched group includes ferrosyenite and nepheline syenite while the depleted group has only nepheline syenites. The trace element depletion of some nepheline syenites is interpreted to be a result of fractional crystallization involving the removal of accessory phases like zircon, titanite, apatite and allanite.  相似文献   
南大洋海-气CO_2通量研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
孙恒  高众勇 《极地研究》2009,21(1):60-68
南大洋是全球最重要的CO2汇区之一。准确估算南大洋及其各海区的海-气CO2通量,是全球碳循环研究的重要内容,其对预测和评估未来南大洋在全球变暖日益加剧的背景下发挥的作用有重要意义。但由于南大洋广阔的海域,恶劣的气候条件、自身复杂的水文物理及地球化学过程等原因,目前对南大洋的CO2通量的评估不一而足,存在较大差异和不确定性。本文讨论了南大洋海-气CO2通量的估算方法和各个海域海-气CO2通量研究的最新进展,并分析了南大洋海-气CO2通量的控制及影响因素。目前对南大洋的年吸收量估计为大约在0.1-0.6PgCyr-1,同时,所有的研究都表明,其存在极大的年度变化性。并且,由于各个海区受到生物、物理和水文等各方面的影响,表层海水CO2分压(pCO2)表现出极大的时空变异性。  相似文献   
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