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The existing United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has failed to deliver the rate of low-carbon technology transfer (TT) required to curb GHG emissions in developing countries. This failure has exposed the limitations of universalism and renewed interest in bilateral approaches to TT. Gaps are identified in the UNFCCC approach to climate change TT: missing links between international institutions and the national enabling environments that encourage private investment; a non-differentiated approach for (developing) country and technology characteristics; and a lack of clear measurements of the volume and effectiveness of TTs. Evidence from econometric literature and business experience on climate change TT is reviewed, so as to address the identified pitfalls of the UNFCCC process. Strengths and weaknesses of different methodological approaches are highlighted. International policy recommendations are offered aimed at improving the level of emission reductions achieved through TT.  相似文献   
1997-2008年对福州滨海湿地水鸟进行了调查,记录到水鸟共132种,隶属9目21科,以鸻鹬类和雁鸭类为主,居留型以冬候鸟和旅鸟为主;拥有多种珍稀濒危水鸟,属于国家重点保护野生动物(1988)有15种、IUCN名录的有16种、中国濒危动物红皮书名录有16种。水鸟主要分布在闽江河口、福清兴化湾、福清湾、文武砂、罗源湾。同时针对福州滨海湿地水鸟情况提出了相应的保护对策。  相似文献   
低频时码信号正交解调技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用正交叠加和正交采样技术,提出了更大程度上数字化的低频时码信号正交解调的设计方案。同时,分析了这种解调方法的虚假抑制和抗镜像干扰能力。分析表明所论述的解调技术易于实现数字化,且成本低廉,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   
When luminescence dating was being developed much scientific effort was invested in showing it could achieve the correct ages, but this is now not routinely carried out for established protocols. This paper focussed on known age deposits from two case studies to explore whether correct ages were achieved. Case study 1 used the Storegga tsunami deposit dated to 8.2 ka sampled both horizontally and vertically and measured with OSL, IRSL and pIRIR. All results, for both quartz and feldspars, returned the correct age for the horizontal sample. Results from the vertical sample were more problematic with issues attributed to ongoing feldspar contamination of quartz and to beta heterogeneity. To agree with the independent age control single aliquot results required combination of >400 palaeodose replicates and in the case of IRSL the use of minimum age models. Measurements of feldspars at the single grain level using pIRIR measurements showed much improvement. Case study 2 used a barchan dune on the Tibet Plateau, China known to have been in position ∼10 years. Both quartz and feldspars returned young ages close to the true age, but the feldspar ages with brighter luminescence signal were more accurate once the luminescence signal to background ratio was optimised. On the basis of this study we advise against sampling vertically. We also recommend measuring feldspars with single grain pIRIR where possible, measuring >150 palaeodose replicates per sample and choosing feldspars rather than quartz for very young samples.  相似文献   
CO2地质封存是实现碳中和背景下难减排产业可持续发展的重要支撑技术。相较一些发达国家已经成功实现封存量为每年百万吨级CO2封存项目工业化,中国的CO2地质封存项目起步较晚,以封存量为每年十万吨级CO2封存项目为主,而针对年封存量百万吨级及以上大型CO2封存项目的选址、封存和监测尚缺乏经验。在针对世界上15个年封存量百万吨级CO2地质封存项目成功案例调研基础上,按照封存场地圈闭地质类型划分了构造型圈闭(背斜型、断层型和裂缝型)和岩性型圈闭(砂岩型和碳酸盐岩型)两大类。在统计不同类型封存场地地质特征参数基础上,从“规模性、注入性、安全性和经济性”4大指标入手,提出了“大(Big)、通(Permeable)、保(Preserved)、值(Value)” BPPV选址原则,明确了年封存量百万吨级CO2地质封存场地选址原则及参数标准。我国盆地类型多样差异大,需要采取不同的CO2封存策略。针对鄂尔多斯、大庆油田等大型坳陷型盆地,由于其构造规模大、砂体分布面广、大规模背斜和岩性圈闭发育,寻找大型整装深层盐水层或者衰竭型油气藏封存场地的潜力大;针对东部渤海湾及近海断陷型盆地,由于断层发育、断层相关圈闭多、单圈闭容量较小,封存有效性受断层影响大,宜采取圈闭群综合评价与断层活动性动态评价相结合的策略;对西部叠合盆地,盆地边缘构造冲断带一般构造应力强、地层压力高、CO2注入难度大,但盆地中央古隆起斜坡可以成为有效的封存场地,因此对西部盆地需要采取分区分带分层评价策略。  相似文献   
从区域发展战略和城镇空间结构规划的基本概念和内涵入手,剖析两者的关系及主要差异,分析了山东省区域发展战略和城镇空间结构。结果表明:区域发展战略在空间上表现为政策区概念,面向封闭的均质区域,区内具有普适性,其实施是自上而下的政府主导过程,不同发展战略在空间上不具有排他性;城镇空间结构规划则表现为开放性特征,以"点、线、网络"等结构化语言为基本要素,是一种自下而上的自组织过程,更多地体现了发展的规律性,且同一尺度的不同城镇群体在空间上一般不应交叉。当前山东省城镇空间结构表述中存在过于依赖区域发展战略和重叠过多的问题,并对省域城镇空间结构进一步发育提出了建议。  相似文献   
新时期珠江三角洲城市群发展战略的思考   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
近年来,国内外经济形势发生显著变化,以传统制造业为主的珠三角城市群面临新的挑战,珠三角下一步如何发展成为必须解决的新问题。现状,将其与国内外城市群对比,提出了珠三角发展战略思路。研究结果表明:2000-2013年期间,珠三角城市群经济发展速度有所降低,区域经济发展差距逐渐缩小;人口红利面临枯竭;产业结构向高级化转变,经济全球化程度下降等;珠三角城市群发展水平和竞争力与国外世界级城市群相比差距较大;与国内长三角、京津冀城市群相比,总体发展势头下降。在此背景下,应将产业技术创新、土地节约集约利用、人口政策创新、区域合作与人文引领作为新时期珠三角城市群发展战略的主要方向。  相似文献   
Since the mechanical twinning along calcite e-planes has a critical resolved shear stress, not only principal stress axes but also differential stress can be determined from the orientations of twin lamellae. Based on the five-dimensional stress space that fulfills the principle of coordinate invariance, it is shown in this article that the inversion of twin and untwin data is comparable with fitting a spherical cap to data points on a unit sphere in the space. The principal stress orientations and stress ratio are indicated by the center of the cap, whereas differential stress is denoted by the size of the cap. Based on this geometrical interpretation, the generalized Hough transform was applied to the inversion of the data in this study. The new method is demonstrated to be robust to sampling bias, variability in the critical resolved shear stress. The determination of differential stress was difficult when the differential stress to be detected was ∼10 times larger than the critical resolved shear stress. Stresses were separated by the method from heterogeneous data successfully as long as the spherical caps corresponding to the stresses to be detected had no or a small intersection.  相似文献   
李世雄 《地球物理学报》1993,36(02):233-241
Radon变换在实际应用中必须考虑抽样取值的问题,通信理论中常用的Shannon取样定理在地球物理学等领域中并不适用,因为它要求函数是频谱有限的.本义介绍利用小波理论建立新的取样定理的方法,这一方法的优点在于可以根据具体问题的要求选取适当的基本空间V_0,从而获得较佳的抽样插值效果.  相似文献   
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