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分析了普通番茄(Lycopersicumesculentum)在NaCl胁迫下酯酶(EST)和过氧化物酶(PRX)同工酶的变化,考察了盐胁迫对10个同工酶位点21个等位基因在特定组织中表达的影响。发现许多EST和PRX等位基因在盐胁迫下表达,产生盐诱导同工酶;另有些等位基因的表达受盐抑制,它们在盐胁迫下的表达活性显著减弱或消失。实验表明,EST和PRX同工酶表达的变化与番茄对盐胁迫的遗传适应性有密切关系。 相似文献
In this paper,we introduced parameterizations of the salinity effects(on heat capacity,thermal conductivity,freezing point and saturated vapor pressure) in a lake scheme integrated in the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with the Community Land Model(WRF-CLM). This was done to improve temperature simulation over and in a saline lake and to test the contributions of salinity effects on various water properties via sensitivity experiments. The modified lake scheme consists of the lake module in the CLM model,which is the land component of the WRF-CLM model. The Great Salt Lake(GSL) in the USA was selected as the study area. The simulation was performed from September 3,2001 to September 30,2002. Our results show that the modif ied WRF-CLM model that includes the lake scheme considering salinity effects can reasonably simulate temperature over and in the GSL. This model had much greater accuracy than neglecting salinity effects,particularly in a very cold event when that effect alters the freezing point. The salinity effect on saturated vapor pressure can reduce latent heat flux over the lake and make it slightly warmer. The salinity effect on heat capacity can also make lake temperature prone to changes. However,the salinity effect on thermal conductivity was found insignificant in our simulations. 相似文献
The seismic expression of a salt-filled channel which cuts across the Mid North Sea High in Quadrant 37 is described, with features interpreted as being produced by salt-edge dissolution forming both eastern and western margins of the channel. The apparent half-graben nature of the channel is shown to be only superficial, and due to complex faulting associated with, but not defining, its western margin. The shallower faulting here is a Mesozoic to early Tertiary growth fault related to local dissolution of Zechstein salt. The dissolution effect appears in turn to have been localized by the presence of a deeper fault that was already downthrown to the east in Zechstein times, when it seems to have limited the eastward progradation of Zechstein shelf carbonates and anhydrites, and had probably ceased to move significantly before the onset of the Late Cimmerian erosional phase. The origin of this arcuate fault is tentatively ascribed to subsidence around a granite batholith. Zechstein salt originally spread some distance to the east and west of the channel; it was dissolved from the edges inwards, mainly before the Late Cretaceous, giving rise to a thicker Mesozoic sequence on parts of the flanks of the channel than in the middle. Besides providing an interesting structural case history, the features described have implications regarding Zechstein sedimentation, reservoir potential, the tectonic history of the North Sea, and the nature of the Mid North Sea High itself. 相似文献
Iron-rich concretions are frequently found around plant roots in Tagus estuary (Portugal) where radial delivery of O2 takes place. Salt marsh sediments exhibit cracks that are an additional feature to introduce O2 and other solutes in the upper sediments. Metal concentrations in salt marsh sediments are clearly above the background levels reflecting the anthropogenic sources from a large city with 2.5 million inhabitants, and several industrial centres. In order to evaluate how both oxidised structures influences the redistribution of redox sensitive elements in salt marsh sediments, concretions were collected from roots of Halimione portucaloides below the oxygenated zone. These tubular cylindrical structures were analysed for Fe, Al, Mn, As, and P along 1-cm radial transect in a millimetre scale from the inner part to the adjacent anoxic sediment. In addition, oxidised cracks were analysed for the same spatial resolution, from the sediment–water interface to anoxic layers (2-cm transept). The parallelism between Fe, As, and P concentrations at this microscale is the most noticeable aspect. Iron and As presented very high concentrations in the 4-mm concretions (3.4 mmol g−1 and 3.1 μmol g−1, respectively) and decreased sharply to the host sediment. Oxygen released from roots oxidise the solid sulphides, and the reduced Fe and As are transported towards the root by both diffusion and pore water flow associated with the root water uptake. Subsequently, Fe(III) precipitates and As is retained by sorption and/or coprecipitation. These elements are also enriched in the first 2-mm of oxidised cracks, but in lower concentrations (50% and 30%, respectively). Manganese concentrations in concretions were low (11.8 μmol g−1), indicating that Fe dominates the sediment chemistry. Phosphorus and iron concentrations in the ascorbate fraction were higher in the oxidising surfaces of concretions (10.7 μmol g−1 and 1.6 mmol g−1, respectively) and of cracks (5.1 μmol g−1 and 0.47 mmol g−1). The parallelism of Fe and As distributions includes not only their similar redox chemistries, but also that to phosphate, including control by coprecipitation of the host iron phases. The mechanisms involved in the mobilisation of As and P are however different, whereas As comes from the oxidation of iron sulphides; dissolved P derives from reduction of ferri-hydroxide phases. 相似文献
Halokinesis causes a dynamic structural evolution with the development of faults and fractures, which can act as either preferential fluid pathways or barriers. Reconstructing reactive fluid flow in salt dome settings remains a challenge. This contribution presents for the first time a spatial distribution map of diagenetic phases in a salt dome in northern Oman. Our study establishes a clear link between structural evolution and fluid flow leading to the formation of diagenetic products (barite and calcite) in the salt dome roof strata. Extensive formation of diagenetic products occurs along NNE-SSW to NE-SW faults and fractures, which initiated during the Santonian (Late Cretaceous) and were reactivated in the Miocene, but not along the E-W fault, which was generated during Early Paleocene time. We propose that the diagenetic products formed by mixing of a warm (100 °C) saline (17 wt% NaCl eq.) 87Sr enriched (87Sr/86Sr: 0.71023) fluid with colder (35 °C) meteoric fluid during Miocene to Pleistocene. The stable sulphur and strontium isotope composition and fluid inclusion data indicate that a saline fluid, with sulphate source derived from the Ara Group evaporite and Haima Supergroup layers, is the source for barite formation at about 100 °C, predominantly at fault conjunctions and minor faults away from the main graben structure in the dome. In the Miocene, the saline fluid probably ascended along a halokinesis-related fault due to fluid overpressure (due to the rising salt and impermeable layers in the overlying stratigraphic sequence), and triggered the formation of barite due to mixing with barium-rich fluids, accompanied by a drop in temperature. Subsequently, evolving salt doming with associated fault activity and erosion of the Jebel allows progressively more input of colder meteoric fluids, which mix with the saline warmer fluid, as derived from stable isotope data measured in the progressively younger barite-associated calcite, fault zone calcite and macro-columnar calcite. The reconstructed mixing model indicates a 50/50 to 90/10 meteoric/saline fluid mixing ratio for the formation of fault zone calcite, and a 10 times higher concentration of carbon in the saline fluid end member compared to the meteoric fluid end member. The presented mixing model of salt-derived fluids with meteoric fluids is suggested to be a general model applicable to structural diagenetic evolution of salt domes world wide. 相似文献
江陵凹陷位于湖北省江汉盆地西南部,其赋存有高温高压深层富钾卤水,该卤水资源在开发过程中遇到的主要问题是采卤过程中的结盐堵井。不考虑压力等其它因素,只探讨单一因素温度对氯化钠溶解度的影响,资料分析显示在50~150℃之间时,温度与溶解度线性关系较好;探索了岗钾1井井内析盐规律,发现在井深为1 600~2 400 m时析盐量最大。根据此规律,建议采用注入淡水法,使井内卤水得到稀释,以达到防止结盐的目的;建议稀释到对氯化钠溶液浓度略小于28.3%,注水井深2 400 m。 相似文献
The 30 to 155 m thick Early Permian (Artinskian) Warchha Sandstone of the Salt Range, Pakistan is a conglomerate, sandstone and claystone succession within which seven lithofacies types (Gt, St, Sp, Sr, Sh, Fl and Fm) occur in a predictable order as repeated fining-upward cycles. Common sedimentary structures in the conglomerates and sandstones include planar and trough cross-bedding, planar lamination, soft sediment-deformed bedding, compound cosets of strata with low-angle inclined bounding surfaces and lags of imbricated pebbles. Structures in the finer-grained facies include desiccation cracks, raindrop imprints, caliche nodules and bioturbation. Groups of associated facies are arranged into nine distinct architectural elements (channels, gravel bars, sandy bedforms, downstream and laterally accreting barforms, sand sheets, crevasse splays, levees, floodplain units and shallow lakes), which is consistent with a fluvial origin for the succession. The types of architectural elements present and their relationship to each other demonstrate that the Warchha Sandstone preserves a record of a meandering river system that drained the northern margin of Gondwanaland. The dominance of fine-grained (floodplain) facies over gravel-grade (channel-base) facies and the widespread occurrence of large-scale lateral accretion elements supports the interpretation of a high-sinuosity, meandering fluvial system in which channel bodies accumulated via the lateral accretion of point bars but in which the active channels covered only a small part of a broad floodplain at any time instant. Although the regional and temporal distribution of these deposits is complex, in broad terms the lower part is dominated by stacked, multistorey channel bodies, whereas single-storey channel elements isolated in abundant fine-grained floodplain deposits dominate the middle and upper parts of the formation. 相似文献
对东风盐场9个站位卤水中由藻类植物产生的可溶性糖浓度的变化规律及其与海盐产量和质量之间的关系进行了研究。结果表明,各站位可溶性糖含量的变化范围为0.7-124.3mg/L,以6月份最高,2月份最低;卤水中可溶性糖在111mg/L-215mg/L范围内,结晶盐的产量随卤水中可溶性糖含量的增加而提高,但同时降低了NaCl的含量,并增加了可溶性杂质及水分的含量,从而降低了盐质。初始可溶性糖浓度为111mg/L、137mg/L、160mg/L、193mg/L和215mg/L的25.4°Be’的卤水,在日照下实验12天,其对应结晶盐的NaCl含量分别为91.66%、90.63%、90.48%、90.23%和88.46%,可溶性杂质的含量分别为3.05%、3.32%、3.33%和4.54%。 相似文献
Alla BRYANSKAYA Alexey ROZANOV Tatyana MALUP Taisiya ALESHINA Elena LAZAREVA Oxana TARAN Tatyana GORYACHKOVSKAYA Vladimir IVANISENKO Sergey PELTEK 《《地质学报》英文版》2014,88(Z1):61-62
正Salt Lake is one of the lakes in the system,consisting of a huge amount of salt and bitter-salty lakes in Novosibirsk Oblast and Altai Krai.These lakes are unique and highly unstable systems where the parameters of geochemical 相似文献