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Government agencies striving to make geospatial information systems interoperable and cost‐effective often appear to function as a self‐regulating network shaped only by internal trust and reciprocity. However, recent public management research suggests that external steering of a network, exercised by authoritative bodies through hierarchical means, may invigorate cross‐agency coordination. The two case studies of federal geospatial coordination in Canada and the USA confirm this emerging theory of network–hierarchy dynamics. In these countries, the central budget agency (CBA) is influencing resource flows and accountabilities within a federal geospatial network of government agencies, which in turn affects how these agencies deliver ‘joined up’ services. The CBA relies upon three types of tools: the shaping of network governing structures, promotion of uptake of new management information systems, and the use of evaluation (scrutiny) to solidify accountabilities of the network. Since these tools cast a shadow of hierarchy upon the network, they may be viewed as counter to the voluntary ethos of networks. However, the case studies suggest that the CBA's actions appear to confer legitimacy to the network—resulting in a seeming contradiction—greater central control, more vigorous, distributed geospatial coordination.  相似文献   
The Commission on Spatial Data Standards of the International Cartographic Association is working to define formal models and technical characteristics of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). To date, this work has been restricted to the Enterprise and Information Viewpoints from the ISO Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing standard. The Commission has developed models for these two viewpoints. These models describe how the different parts of an SDI fit together in the viewpoints in question. These models should be seen as a contribution towards the overall model of the SDI and its technical characteristics. During the model development process, the roles of the different Actors in an SDI in the Enterprise and Information Viewpoints have also been identified in Use Case diagrams of an SDI. All the models have been developed using the Unified Modeling Language.  相似文献   
基于SPEI和SDI指数的云南红河流域气象水文干旱演变分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文基于红河流域43个气象站1961-2012年逐月降水、气温数据以及干支流2个水文站1956-2013年逐月流量数据,采用标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)和径流干旱指数(SDI)分析流域气象水文干旱的演变特征,并探讨水文干旱对气象干旱的响应。结果表明:①1961-2012年期间,流域总体上表现出干旱化的趋势,季节变化上春季有变湿的趋势,而夏、秋、冬三季有变干的趋势,但趋势并不显著。干旱频率季节空间分布差异较大,春旱和冬旱发生频率较高。从干旱范围来看,春旱范围呈缩小的趋势,夏旱、秋旱和冬旱范围表现出不同程度的增大趋势;②1956-2013年期间,流域水文干旱表现出加剧的趋势,其中1958-1963、1975-1982、1987-1993、2003-2006和2009-2013年为水文干旱多发期,近10年来频率明显增加;③流域水文干旱滞后于气象干旱1~8个月,气象和水文干旱事件的干旱历时、严重程度和强度之间具有紧密的相关性,流域气象干旱是水文干旱的主要驱动力。  相似文献   
The original purpose of addresses was to enable the correct and unambiguous delivery of postal mail. The advent of computers and more specifically geographic information systems (GIS) opened up a whole new range of possibilities for the use of addresses, such as routing and vehicle navigation, spatial demographic analysis, geo‐marketing, and service placement and delivery. Such functionality requires a database which can store and access spatial data effectively. In this paper we present address databases and justify the need for national address databases. We describe models used for national address databases, and present our evaluation framework for an address database at a national level within the context of a spatial data infrastructure (SDI). The models of data harvesting, federated databases and data grids are analyzed and evaluated according to our novel framework, and we show that the data grid model has some unique features that make it attractive for a national address database in an environment where centralized control and/or coordination is difficult or undesirable.  相似文献   
武汉市地理空间信息共享服务平台的建设与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
武汉市地理空间信息共享服务平台建设是"数字武汉空间数据基础设施"建设的核心内容.该平台按照"数字城市"的理念和框架,集成了武汉市多源、多尺度、多时态的空间数据,实现了跨部门、跨平台的空间信息共享共用,为政府部门和相关行业提供在线的地理信息网络服务,在武汉市经济社会发展和和谐社会建设中得到了广泛应用.  相似文献   
荒漠绿洲PRED系统特征与可持续发展定量研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
荒漠绿洲PRED系统是一个相当脆弱的系统,自然灾害频繁、水分失衡导致的生态风险大。在分析其特征的基础上,建立了衡量可持续发展的指标体系并运用层次分析法得出了这些因子对绿洲PRED系统可持续发展的权值,影响最大的前三位因子是:人均水资源量、绿洲化面积、人口素质、其权值分别为0.124、0.077、0.062。计算了河西走廊20个县(市、区)的SDI,排在最前面的依次是:萧北蒙古族自治县、嘉峪关市和玉门市、金川区,其SDI分别为0.437、0.406、0.405,排在最后面的依次是:古浪县、民勤县、天祝藏族自治县,其SDI分别为0.150、0.213、0.217。分析了这种格局产生的原因并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   
The continuous development of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) provides a favourable context for environmental management and planning. However, it appears that the actual contribution of SDIs should also depend on the correlation between users’ expectations and the services delivered to them. Several studies have addressed some organizational, methodological and technological aspects of the development of SDIs. However, only a few studies have, to the best of our knowledge, studied SDI use at large. This article introduces a methodological approach oriented towards the study of the relationship between SDIs and the users interacting with them as part of their professional practices. Our study is applied to coastal zone management and planning in France. This approach combines structural and data flow modelling. The former is based on Social Network Analysis (SNA) and the latter on Data Flow Diagrams (DFD). This modelling approach has been applied to an online questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The results identify the SDIs, geographical data flows and institutional levels implied in French coastal zone management and planning.  相似文献   
综合数字区域模型在区域可持续发展的任何模型实现中都是不可或缺的,而空间数据基础设施为综合数字区域模型提供了一个可靠的基础。其可以很方便地在地图信息或者直接在地理信息系统(GIS)内形成。这种GIS系统具有开发良好的模型函数,能够集成专家系统,也能被设计全尺度多媒体产品。GIS允许集成不同的信息资源、模型、可视化和分析、各种假设的详尽细节和为诸如自然-社会-经济等的复杂系统提供可选开发方案。一个综合辅助信息系统的结构包括紧密相关的社会-政治、经济(或生产)、自然资源和环境模块。它提供了对于不同区域范围社会生态系统的全面描述,显示了自然和人类资源的重要性。人们在这个研究领域将会谈及自然和社会管理。根据它们的变化层次体系(从全局范围到局部范围)可以描述所有专题,并且考虑在不同尺度上描述的现象的专业特征。超媒体系统原理可以通过链接集成主题来实现。这种系统的日益复杂性使得系统的智能化成为必要,专家系统和神经元网络可以从很复杂并且非常模糊的问题中得出可行的解决方案。现代GIS配有很多设备,对用户来说,这使得用基础地图和互联网获取必要的数据来编制专题图成为可能。数学建模的专业方法具有特殊的重要性,特别是那些旨在追求在区域变换到可持续发展模型时设想的详尽细节的方法。最高级的AIS能作为全尺度的决策支持系统使用。莫斯科国立大学试图实现上述思想,开发了俄罗斯可持续发展信息系统框架,特以俄罗斯南部地区为一案例。该示例一方面作为更大区域即国家的一部分进行描述,另一方面作为一个或多或少、基于资源发展的单元进行描述。也能对区域发展战略和改革措施提出建议。我们已经对所有俄罗斯地区进行了分类,并且指出了不同组(工业、农业等)的最典型代表。将精心设计几个系统的区域分支来描述整个国家的不同地域类型。计算机辅助信息系统提供用户以各种各样传统地图集的计算机的模拟,为决策者对未来的设计和区域发展变量评估等创造了条件。我们正在开发一个大范围有机废弃产品处理的测试GIS系统。其主要目标是为在废弃物储存和掩埋场所的生物降解进行方法研究。其应用包括:存放生活和工业废品的场所的使用和改进(包括工业和农业的场所和废品产生的地方);污水处理设备的建设和重建等。  相似文献   
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