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The expression of different ethnic identities in the landscape is a product of the creation, destruction and preservation of the built environment. This may illustrate the changing processes over the evolution of a landscape. In the case of Braşov, Romania, it is possible to see in the urban landscape a reflection of the changing nature of the relationship between the ethnic German and Romanian populations, and the German and Romanian governments. This paper will demonstrate the persistence of ethnic German culture in the built environment and social organisation of Braşov in spite of the exodus of the ethnic German population. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
《Climate Policy》2013,13(1):87-102
Alternative mechanisms for EU ETS (European Union Emissions Trading Scheme) quota allocations within the Romanian economy were evaluated using a general equilibrium model within a dynamic intertemporal framework. Several distribution rules were simulated based on: the historical emissions, the least-cost approach, and the auctioning scheme with and without a preliminary selection of eligible sectors. We found that the resulting marginal abatement cost in ETS-eligible sectors is only €5.75/tCO2 for reducing pollution by 20.7%. Such a low cost is explained by low energy prices and by substitution possibilities with low carbon content resources (nuclear and hydroelectricity). Including all sectors in the trade creates a more flexible market than in the ETS, since more reduction options are available. The ETS has high feasibility for monitoring. All eligible sectors (except refineries and metallurgy) present the lowest abatement costs in the economy. Auctioning introduces a strong carbon price signal, which reduces emission intensity but creates distortions in terms of trade and worsens the country's energy dependency. Environmental policy has modest macroeconomic results and tends to correct the resources allocation. The strong double dividend obtained under certain circumstances indicates Romania's potential for improving its energy efficiency and carbon intensity.  相似文献   
Wilfried Heller 《GeoJournal》2000,50(2-3):151-155
There is no standard model of transformation for post- socialist countries and each country encounters specific problems rooted in the geographical characteristics of the areas concerned. The human resources are of the greatest importance because it really matters how people (especially the decision-makers) perceive system change and continually reformulate their expectations and strategies; so investigations into the views of people caught up in the transformation can provide a deeper understanding of the background to structural change. Working the national, regional level and local levels in Romania, experts were asked to consider the advantages and disadvantages arising out of the transformation, the most important problems and constraints for future rural development and the policies needed. The paper examines the responses on demographic and social issues. It emerges the most detailed responses were supplied by local-level representatives while respondents at the regional level steered a middle course between the need to address local problems and the prime importance of stimulating the Romanian economy so as to generate resources for welfare programmes (with the latter issue the overriding concern of interviewees at national level). There was general agreement on the importance of foreign investment and European integration for economic development, with local actors taking only small steps in line with the existing opportunities. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
This paper presents the textural, mineralogical and chemical study of veinlets cross-cutting peridotite xenoliths from the lithospheric mantle and brought to the surface by alkaline basalts (Persani Mountains, Romania). The veinlets utilized pre-existing zones of weakness in the host rocks or display a random distribution, lining grain boundaries or cross-cutting any mineral, and always forming an interconnected network. They are filled with carbonate patches included in a silicate matrix. Both products are holocrystalline. Carbonate products have alkali-poor calciocarbonatitic to sövitic compositions, while the silicate matrix composition ranges from monzodioritic to monzonitic and alkali feldspar syenitic, depending on the host-sample, i.e., within a rather alkaline silica-saturated series. The mineral phases present in the silicate matrix (F-apatite, armalcolite, chromite, diopside–enstatite series, plagioclase–sanidine series) are usually present in the carbonate zones, where forsterite is also found. Some minerals cross-cut the interface between both types of zones. Only the matrix is different, feldspathic (oligoclase to sanidine) in the former and pure calcite in the latter. Thus, mineralogical and textural relationships between both products are consistent with an origin with equilibrium liquid immiscibility. Mantle minerals cross-cut by veinlets are sometimes resorbed at grain boundaries, and at the contact of the most alkaline silicate and carbonate melts, subhedral diopside/augite formed at the expense of mantle enstatite or olivine. In terms of mineral chemistry, the compositional variations recorded by vein minerals vary along a continuous trend. They generally superpose to those observed from lherzolites to harzburgites, and exhibit the same range of composition as that observed between rims and cores of mantle minerals cross-cut by veinlets. In detail, the Ca-rich pyroxenes of veinlets are Al-poor and Mg-rich; cpx in the carbonate zones are slightly more Ca-rich than those in the silicate matrix; spinels are relatively Al- and Mg-poor but rather Cr- and Fe-rich. Existence of only one titanium oxide (armalcolite) and various pairs of pyroxenes suggest crystallization temperatures in the range 1100–1200°C and pressures between 10–15 kb. Feldspar compositions in silicate materials, which vary continuously from labradorite to sanidine, are consistent with hypersolvus and dry crystallization conditions. All of these results provide evidence that immiscibility occurred at mantle depth as the liquid was forcibly injected during hydraulic fracturing of the mantle. The compositions of conjugate melts suggest a very large miscibility gap, as expected at high pressure in a dry environment from the experiments of Kjarsgaard and Hamilton [Kjarsgaard, B.A., Hamilton, D.L., 1988. Liquid immiscibility and the origin of alkali-poor carbonatites. Mineral. Mag. 52, 43–55; Kjarsgaard, B.A., Hamilton, D.L., 1989. The genesis of carbonatites by immiscibility. In: Bell, K. (Ed.), Carbonatites: Genesis and Evolution. Unwyn Hyman, London, pp. 388–404.]. The parental melt was carbonate, silica-undersaturated and rich in F, Cl and CO2. Both immiscible melts were water-undersaturated. The cooling rate until total crystallization in veinlets was very slow, limited and necessarily occurred at mantle depth. Wall rock reactions leading to the formation of Ca-rich pyroxene at the expense of mantle enstatite or olivine occurred only at the contact with somewhat alkali-rich carbonatitic or silicate melts. Calcite, always anhedral, is the last mineral to crystallize. It is a differentiation product formed by magmatic crystallization or wall rock reaction. In some cases, given the rarity of any other minerals, it may be the product of the crystallization of a pure sövite immiscible melt.  相似文献   
The Rosia Poieni deposit is the largest porphyry copper deposit in the Apuseni Mountains, Romania. Hydrothermal alteration and mineralization are related to the Middle Miocene emplacement of a subvolcanic body, the Fundoaia microdiorite. Zonation of the alteration associated with the porphyry copper deposit is recognized from the deep and central part of the porphyritic intrusion towards shallower and outer portions. Four alteration types have been distinguished: potassic, phyllic, advanced argillic, and propylitic. Potassic alteration affects mainly the Fundoaia subvolcanic body. The andesitic host rocks are altered only in the immediate contact zone with the Fundoaia intrusion. Mg-biotite and K-feldspar are the main alteration minerals of the potassic assemblage, accompanied by ubiquitous quartz; chlorite, and anhydrite are also present. Magnetite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and minor bornite, are associated with this alteration. Phyllic alteration has overprinted the margin of the potassic zone, and formed peripheral to it. It is characterized by the replacement of almost all early minerals by abundant quartz, phengite, illite, variable amounts of illite-smectite mixed-layer minerals, minor smectite, and kaolinite. Pyrite is abundant and represents the main sulfide in this alteration zone. Advanced argillic alteration affects the upper part of the volcanic structure. The mineral assemblage comprises alunite, kaolinite, dickite, pyrophyllite, diaspore, aluminium-phosphate-sulphate minerals (woodhouseite-svanbergite series), zunyite, minamyite, pyrite, and enargite (luzonite). Alunite forms well-developed crystals. Veins with enargite (luzonite) and pyrite in a gangue of quartz, pyrophyllite and diaspore, are present within and around the subvolcanic intrusion. This alteration type is partially controlled by fractures. A zonal distribution of alteration minerals is observed from the centre of fractures outwards with: (1) vuggy quartz; (2) quartz + alunite; (3) quartz + kaolinite ± alunite and, in the deeper part of the argillic zone, quartz + pyrophyllite + diaspore; (4) illite + illite-smectite mixed-layer minerals ± kaolinite ± alunite, and e) chlorite + albite + epidote. Propylitic alteration is present distal to all other alteration types and consists of chlorite, epidote, albite, and carbonates. Mineral parageneses, mineral stability fields, and alteration mineral geothermometers indicate that the different alteration assemblages are the result of changes in both fluid composition and temperature of the system. The alteration minerals reflect cooling of the hydrothermal system from >400 °C (biotite), to 300–200 °C (chlorite and illite in veinlets) and to lower temperatures of kaolinite, illite-smectite mixed layers, and smectite crystallization. Hydrothermal alteration started with an extensive potassic zone in the central part of the system that passed laterally to the propylitic zone. It was followed by phyllic overprint of the early-altered rocks. Nearly barren advanced argillic alteration subsequently superimposed the upper levels of the porphyry copper alteration zones. The close spatial association between porphyry mineralization and advanced argillic alteration suggests that they are genetically part of the same magmatic-hydrothermal system that includes a porphyry intrusion at depth and an epithermal environment of the advanced argillic type near the surface.Editorial handling: B. Lehmann  相似文献   
 Two karst areas within Permian and Triassic carbonate rocks of the Codru Moma Mountains in the northwestern part of Romania yield thermal waters. Major karst springs occur where groundwater flow is intercepted by hydraulic barriers, which also results in the movement of water from deeper levels. At Moneasa, thermal groundwater rises along faults and fractures associated with a thrust, and at Vascau Town, water rises along faults marginal to the Beius Basin. Geochemistry suggests that the thermal component of the Moneasa groundwaters is derived from dolomites and that at least a proportion of the Vascau thermal waters originates from deeply buried Permian sandstones. Received, August 1999 / Revised, March 2000 / Accepted, March 2000  相似文献   
A preliminary assessment of social risk in Romania   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Social risk is seen as endemic in the postmodern world of 'glocalisation', especially in cities competing for a place in the global economy while simultaneously seeking to contain tensions between a kaleidoscopic mix of urban interests and life styles. Transition economies in Eastern Europe are very much at risk, especially in southeastern Europe where a general decline in living standards heightens tension as large cities are threatened with heavy unemployment. Several indicators of social risk are examined at the county level in Romania, but it is evident that while there are some close correlations between unemployment on the one hand and labour unrest, divorce and criminality on the other this is not always the case. Some counties have remained stable despite high unemployment while others manifest high social risk with below-average unemployment. Further research is needed to assess risk on a regional basis more accurately, but it is clear that the electorate will continue to vent its anger on incumbent governments when necessary restructuring does not immediately attract new investment and job creation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Book Reviewed in this article: Unfairly Structured Cities . Blair Badcock Religion and Rural Revolt . Janos M. Bak and Gerhard Benecke The Industrial Geography of Canada . Anthony Blackbourn and Robert G. Putnam The Cuban-American Experience, Culture, Images, and Perspectives. Thomas D. Boswell and James R. Curtis Quaternary Paleoclimatology . R. S. Bradley Development and Crisis in Brazil, 1930–1983 . Luiz Bresser Pereiras Centres of Origin in Biogeography . John C. Briggs Analytical Urban Geography . Martin Cadwallader Geomorphology . Richard J. Chorley , Stanley A. Schumm, and David E. Sugden South Africa: The Impact of Past Geographies . A. J. Christopher The Geography of Underdevelopment. A Critical Survey . D. K. Forbes Health Care in Developing Countries . Wilbert M. Gesler Place to Grow Old: The Meaning of Environment in Old Age . Stephen M. Golant The Emerging Marine Economy of the Pacific . Chennat Gopalakrishnan An Introduction to Agricultural Geography . David B. Grigg The Soviet Union: A Geographical Study . G. Melvyn Howe Geographical Aspects of Health: Essays in Honour of Andrew Learmonth . N. D. Mc Glashan and J. R. Blunden Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation . Tom L. Mc Knight Mountain Experience. The Psychology and Sociology of Adventure. Richard G. Mitchell Jr . Systematic and Regional Biogeography. Stanley A. Morain The Economic Transformation of American Cities. T. J. Noyelle and T. M. Stanback , Jr . Normal Accidents: Living With High-Risk Technologies. Charles Perrow Vanishing Farmland: A Legal Solution for the States. Sarah E. Redfield Applied Methods of Regional Analysis: The Spatial Dimensions of Development Policy. Dennis A. Rondinelli Urbanization in Romania. A Geography of Social and Economic Change Since Independence. Per Ronnas Statistical Techniques in Geographical Analysis. Gareth Shaw and Dennis Wheeler The Granite Garden: Urban Nature and Human Design. Anne Whiston Spirn Political Geography: Recent Advances and Future Directions. Peter Taylor and John House Geographia y Medio Ambiente. Manuel Valenzuela -Rubío Nãgara and Commandery: Origins of the Southeast Asian Urban Traditions. Paul Wheatley The Common Fisheries Policy of the European Community. Mark Wise Geography and Gender. Women and Geography Study Group of the IBG Technological Hazards. D. J. Zeigler , J. H. Johnson , S. D. Brunn  相似文献   
An assemblage of calpionellids and calcispheres identified in five lithostratigraphic units allows the identification of eight biozones in the upper Oxfordian-Hauterivian interval. Since the biozonation according to calpionellids has already been accurately defined by Pop (1974, 1989) for the Marila Limestones and Crivina Marls, the novelty of our approach resides mainly in the extension of this biozonation to the over- and underlying lithostratigraphic units using calcispheres. The possibility of micropalaeontologically delimiting the Valea Aninei Limestones is extremely significant, since the age of these limestones has been estimated so far only by their geometrical setting in the lithostratigraphic sequence of formations in the area.  相似文献   
A most distinctive feature of the settlement pattern of the Brasov area is the extreme dispersal of mixed farming encountered in the western extreme of the county to the north and south of Zarnesti: the Bran and Poiana Marului areas. Here a system of peasant subsistence farming developed in a political borderland between the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires. Despite feudal pressures, the peasantry took all available opportunities to extend their independence including elaborate transhumance systems. And after seeing transfrontier commerce as a source of plunder, in the tradition of Balkan highway robbery within relatively unregulated spaces, the peasantry has profited through employment in factories, particularly during the communist period. However, the current recession in manufacturing is throwing the rural population back on limited land resources. Although farming assumes an important subsistence role which contributes to stability, the long-term survival of these communities will depend on new sources of income. Rural tourism has considerable potential and a promising start has been made in Bran. There are, however, constraints on the further development of the business and great attention will have to be given to the conservation of the environment in both the Bucegi Mountains and the Piatra Craiului where national park status is proposed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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