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环洞庭湖区城镇体系发展研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对环洞庭湖区城镇体系发展的历史背景以及现状特征分析,指出其发展过程存在着城市空间格局发展不平衡,产业结构重复严重等问题,在此基础上,提出了相应的对策与发展措施,确保环湖区内城镇体系的持续,快速发展,并最终实现带动区域经济发展的目的。  相似文献   
宋周莺  祝巧玲 《地理科学进展》2020,39(11):1785-1797
中巴经济走廊是“一带一路”6大经济走廊之一,而贸易畅通是“一带一路”建设的核心环节。研究中巴贸易关系演变及其影响因素、分析其贸易潜力,对推进“一带一路”建设具有重要的示范作用。论文从中巴贸易发展态势、商品结构、空间格局等方面揭示中巴贸易关系,运用随机前沿引力模型分析中巴贸易关系的主要影响因素、并探析其发展潜力,以期为推进中巴经济走廊建设提供科学支撑。研究发现:① 中巴贸易发展迅速,中对巴贸易顺差持续扩大;中国主要出口机械及电气设备等资本密集型产品,主要进口纺织原料及纺织制品等初级产品和劳动密集型产品。② 中国各省份与巴基斯坦的贸易合作存在明显的空间差异,东部沿海省份与巴贸易联系较紧密,西部各省份除新疆外与巴基斯坦贸易额均较小。③ 中国多数省份对巴贸易商品结构发生显著变动,其中,新疆、山东等进出口商品结构多元的省份的变动相对较小。④ 中国各省份的经济发展水平和市场规模对中巴贸易拉动较强;海运距离对中巴贸易规模有显著的负向影响;领土接壤为中巴组织边境贸易提供了良好条件;铁路和水运口岸的建设对中巴贸易具有积极影响。⑤ 中国各省份与巴基斯坦均有较大贸易潜力,内蒙古、云南、广西、陕西等省份的合作潜力更明显。  相似文献   
综合运用石油自给率、流动比率等方法,以“一带一路”沿线国家为研究对象,对1995—2014年各国石油资源流动类型时空演变进行研究。结果表明:1)1995—2014年石油净补给型国家数量较为稳定,无产型或低产型国家的石油贸易倾向变化相对较小;基本自给型国家数量占比最大,1995年占比1/2,其余四个年份占比稳定在1/3;净支出型国家数量显著增加,至2014年其中有5个国家保持不变,表明这些国家的石油产量具有较大的优势。2)1995年和2014年汇地国家均为39个国家,其中有34个国家一直保持汇地职能,空间分布上呈东多西少,南多北少,东西分化以西亚、中亚、东欧为界;有14个国家一直保持源地职能,其空间分布格局与汇地相应,西多东少,南多北少,主要分布于西亚、东欧及中亚;交流地数量较少,呈分散分布,且分布地不稳定。3)从数量变化来看,研究期内汇地略有增加,源地略有减少,交流地略有增加;“一带一路”源地总出口量与汇地总进口量的比呈逐年降低趋势。  相似文献   
Jing  Cheng  Tao  Hui  Jiang  Tong  Wang  Yanjun  Zhai  Jianqing  Cao  Lige  Su  Buda 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(1):68-84
The countries throughout the Belt and Road region account for more than 60% of the world's population and half of the global economy. Future changes in this area will have significant influences on the global economic growth, industrial structure and resource allocation. In this study, the proportion of the urban population to the total population and the gross domestic product were used to represent the levels of urbanization and economic development, respectively. The population, urbanization and economic levels of the Belt and Road countries for 2020–2050 were projected under the framework of the IPCC's shared socioeconomic pathways(SSPs), and the following conclusions are drawn.(1) The population, urbanization and economic levels in the Belt and Road region will likely increase under all five pathways. The population will increase by 2%–8%/10 a during 2020–2050 and reach 5.0–6.0 billion in 2050. Meanwhile, the urbanization rate will increase by 1.4%–7.5%/10 a and reach 49%–75%. The GDP will increase by 17%–34%/10 a and reach 134–243 trillion USD.(2) Large differences will appear under different scenarios. The SSP1 and SSP5 pathways demonstrate relatively high urbanization and economic levels, but the population size is comparatively smaller; SSP3 shows the opposite trend. Meanwhile, the economy develops slowly under SSP4, but it has a relatively high urbanization level, while SSP2 exhibits an intermediate trend.(3) In 2050, the population will increase relative to 2016 in most countries, and population size in the fastest growing country in Central Asia and the Middle East countries will be more than double. Urbanization will develop rapidly in South Asia, West Asia and Central Asia, and will increase by more than 150% in the fastest growing countries. The economy will grow fastest in South Asia, Southeast Asia and West Asia, and increase by more than 10 times in some counties with rapid economic development.  相似文献   
李奇  董晔  刘云刚 《热带地理》2021,41(2):290-302
基于人口普查数据、自然环境、经济产业及交通路网等公开数据,运用城镇体系金字塔、城镇规模基尼系数以及核密度分析等方法,对巴基斯坦城镇体系特征及其影响因素进行分析,发现:1)规模结构方面,城镇规模分布较集中,表现为"大城市化"与"小城市化"并重的特征,中间级别城市发展滞后,城镇人口金字塔大致呈现沙漏形态;空间结构方面,整体...  相似文献   
This article contributes to a small but growing body of multi-sited and multi-scalar research on the Belt and Road Initiative.We focus on relations at the national,regional and international scales,and present original research from China and Turkey,to show how the Istanbul-Ankara high-speed railway has served as a testing ground for China's Belt and Road Initiative(BRI).Its construction was initially funded by the European Investment Bank,but it is now part of the backbone of the Turkish Government's Middle Corridor plan which enhances west-east connectivity and integration with the Caucasus and Central Asia.We show that in contrast to multinational corporations from the OECD that seek to remain footloose,Chinese state-owned enterprises(SOEs)seek to adapt to,apprehend and ultimately shape local in-stitutions.In the case of Turkey this proved difficult given its institutional alignment with the European Union.Thus,while the railway project was completed successfully by a consortium led by a Chinese SOE,Turkey's dynamic and complex regulatory environment discourages Chinese SOEs in the infrastructure sector.We conclude that the Turkish and Chinese gov-ernments are currently pursuing complementary territorial visions yet their cooperation is project-based and pragmatic.  相似文献   
走向伟大复兴的中国地缘战略:国家周边论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随批判地缘政治学的兴起,围绕古典地缘战略理论的争论一度成为学术研究的焦点,而“一带一路”倡议的提出更是激起有关“一带一路”是否是中国当前全球地缘战略的讨论。2019年新冠疫情叠加中美大脱钩使得中国适时调整和制定符合当前整体地缘环境态势的地缘战略迫在眉睫,这关系到“两个一百年”目标和民族复兴能否实现。本文借鉴哲学中的主体间性概念重新解读了古典的地缘战略理论。在归纳总结古典地缘战略理论所具有的固有特征后,反驳了“一带一路”倡议为中国地缘战略的观点。借用古典地缘战略隐含的构建方式,在分析全球地缘环境、中美地缘关系和中国地缘环境后,提出了到21世纪中叶前中国的地缘战略——国家周边论。但是,我们应该承认,无论对中国还是对美国而言,继续围绕中国周边地区的对抗甚至全球尺度的冲突对于双方甚至全球都是不利的。中美必须走出过去历史长河中形成的强国必霸的主体间性的共识,在对话、交流的基础上,实现中美互动实践的良性循环,以此结束当今世界的种种冲突,走向和平发展,构建人类命运共同体。  相似文献   
The “Nares Strait problem” represents a debate about the existence and magnitude of left-lateral movements along the proposed Wegener Fault within this seaway. Study of Palaeogene Eurekan tectonics at its shorelines could shed light on the kinematics of this fault. Palaeogene (Late Paleocene to Early Eocene) sediments are exposed at the northeastern coast of Ellesmere Island in the Judge Daly Promontory. They are preserved as elongate SW–NE striking fault-bounded basins cutting folded Early Paleozoic strata. The structures of the Palaeogene exposures are characterized by broad open synclines cut and displaced by steeply dipping strike-slip faults. Their fold axes strike NE–SW at an acute angle to the border faults indicating left-lateral transpression. Weak deformation in the interior of the outliers contrasts with intense shearing and fracturing adjacent to border faults. The degree of deformation of the Palaeogene strata varies markedly between the northwestern and southeastern border faults with the first being more intense. Structural geometry, orientation of subordinate folds and faults, the kinematics of faults, and fault-slip data suggest a multiple stage structural evolution during the Palaeogene Eurekan deformation: (1) The fault pattern on Judge Daly Promontory is result of left-lateral strike-slip faulting starting in Mid to Late Paleocene times. The Palaeogene Judge Daly basin formed in transtensional segments by pull-apart mechanism. Transpression during progressive strike-slip shearing gave rise to open folding of the Palaeogene deposits. (2) The faults were reactivated during SE-directed thrust tectonics in Mid Eocene times (chron 21). A strike-slip component during thrusting on the reactivated faults depends on the steepness of the fault segments and on their obliquity to the regional stress axes.Strike-slip displacement was partitioned to a number of sub-parallel faults on-shore and off-shore. Hence, large-scale lateral movements in the sum of 80–100 km or more could have been accommodated by a set of faults, each with displacements in the order of 10–30 km. The Wegener Fault as discrete plate boundary in Nares Strait is replaced by a bundle of faults located mainly onshore on the Judge Daly Promontory.  相似文献   
秦岭造山带多金属矿普查项目钻探施工过程中钻遇多种复杂地层,垮塌、缩径、漏失等复杂情况频发,严重影响了施工效率。分别采用了植物胶钙处理钻井液、聚乙烯醇无固相钻井液等进行护壁工作,结合不同漏失情况分别实施了随钻堵漏、凝胶堵漏等技术措施,取得了良好的使用效果。  相似文献   
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