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北山位于浙江中部,地处中亚热带北缘,计有野生维管植物167科,574属,1149种。本文评价了北山植物资源的现状,提供了合理开发利用的途径,提出了今后开发利用的重点,并对植物资源的保护提出了一系列的建议。  相似文献   
煤古植物学:历史、现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
据对50年来的文献分析,简要评述了煤古植物学这一分支学科的产生背景,研究现状和未来发展趋势;并指出,煤古植物学尽管有广泛的应用前景,但由于受研究方法和研究手段的限制,它仍处于发展的初级阶段。  相似文献   
在现阶段由计划经济转向社会主义市场经济的新形势下,本文就地市地震局(办)的自身性质,提出了弱震区地震局(办)改革的总体构想和思路,并从管理理论出发就人才生命周期的特点,提出拓宽业务领域,强化科研意识,引进竞争机制,完善服务手段等对策。对目前地方地震队伍的发展提出了方向性意见和预测。  相似文献   
石盐晶体生长过程中捕获流体包裹体,利用冷冻测温法得到的均一温度信息与古水温存在良好的相关性。在部分地区,利用包裹体最大均一温度评价古气候时,温度数据与孢粉学反映的气候特征存在冲突,不同晶形的石盐沉积特征,及其晶体条纹内包裹体温度代表的地质含义需进一步探讨。笔者在分析经典测温数据的基础上,观察常温蒸发实验中漏斗晶和人字晶的形成及生长过程,分析了不同温度段均一温度与气温、水温之间的关系。结合现代气象记录数据,分析了最大均一温度评价气候时存在的局限性。研究认为:漏斗晶晶核形成与卤水表面,包裹体温度受温度和气压共同影响,漏斗晶在卤水底部绕核生长,漏斗晶外围包裹体温度对应水底温度,沉入水下后漏斗晶生长缓慢,包裹体最大温度可能代表年度最高温度,以此为指标评价气候得出的结论过于炎热;人字晶是多个漏斗晶之间的桥接部分,大部分形成于卤水蒸发将近结束之时,人字形条纹内包裹体温度受气温和地表温度共同影响,地表温度远大于气温是造成包裹体最高温度过高的主要原因。  相似文献   
横断山区植物区系的基本特点为,植物种类多,古老植物多,特有植物多,地理成分复杂,各地理成分联系复杂,植物分化强烈。  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments under controlled environmental conditions are a useful tool to investigate the influence of different environmental parameters on VOC emissions from plants individually. Before using the obtained results to interpret measurements under ambient conditions, it has to be ensured that the laboratory system is suitable for performing emission rate measurements under ambient-like conditions to derive algorithms describing the emissions of volatile organic compounds as a function of physical variables like temperature and light intensity. Here we compare results from monoterpene emission rate measurements with Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) under both ambient environmental conditions using a mobile plant enclosure chamber, and under controlled laboratory conditions in a continuously stirred tank reactor. The different analytical instruments to quantify monoterpene emissions were compared in an intercalibration experiment. Measurements of the mixing ratios of -pinene, -pinene, 3-carene, camphene, and limonene on the order of some hundred parts per trillion differed by less than 20%. The laboratory system has proven capable of providing ambient-like conditions and results of monoterpene emission rate measurements under laboratory conditions could be extrapolated to the natural environment. Monoterpene emission rate measurements with identical specimens of Scots pines conducted within small temporal differences under similar laboratory and outdoor conditions agreed well. Both laboratory and outdoor experiments clearly showed that distinct and constant values neither exist for the standard emission rates nor for the emission pattern of monoterpenes from Scots pine. Temporal variations in the standard emission rates from identical specimens and plant-to-plant variations were on the order of one magnitude.  相似文献   
阜康典型荒漠C3植物稳定碳同位素值的环境分析   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:23  
通过对阜康典型荒漠C3植物稳定碳同位素值的分析。叶片炭同位素值在-23‰和-29‰之间变化,其中主要在-27‰附近波动。这与前人报道的世界上其他地区荒漠植物碳同位素值的变化非常一致。降水可以改变叶片碳同位素值的大小,降水越多,叶片碳同位素值越负,它们的变化幅度有物种的依赖性。叶片碳同位素值也受植物生长形式或期望寿命的影响,木本植物或寿命长的植物叶片碳同位素值要高。分析表明,利用该区土壤或陆相沉积中有机质碳同位素值可以判断气候的干湿变化:土壤或陆相沉积中有机质碳同位素值越高,气候则越干燥。  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments were used to study the sensitivity of both male and female Daphnia magna to a toxic cyanobacterium, Microcystis aeruginosa. Male and female D. magna were fed with M. aeruginosa and a green alga (Scenedesmus obliquus) in different mixtures that included 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% Microcystis. Growth of both males and females declined with increasing proportion of Microcystis in the diet. Males were slightly less sensitive to Microcystis than females with EC50 for growth inhibition at 72% and 63% Microcystis in the diet, respectively. On monospecific Microcystis diet, mortality rates for males (0.16 d–1) and females (0.17 d–1) were similar. The reproductive rate of females was the most sensitive endpoint with an EC50 of 42% Microcystis in the diet, whereas population growth rates were the least sensitive (EC50 of 74% Microcystis). Microcystis in the diet severely depressed growth and reproduction in Daphnia and poses a severe threat to its survival in which only a switch in reproductive strategy might provide Daphnia a refuge to a Microcystis environment that gradually becomes uninhabitable.  相似文献   
植物化石和土壤中的有机质碳同位素指标常用来反映古气候的变化,然而碳同位素这个指标在特定地区反映气候的定量关系缺乏检验。研究剖面选择自中国的秦岭(34°14'24″N,106°55'30″E)到蒙古人民共和国北部,接近贝加尔湖地区(51°35'08″N, 100°45'49″E)的研究剖面线,选择了3种C3植物(Artemisia scoparia, Ajania achilleides 和 Artemisia frigida),在剖面线上沿南北方向上每隔4'到5'采取一个样点,共选取161个C3植物茎叶样品进行了δ13 C值测定。同时收集了剖面线附近气象站的降水、气温等资料,用插值方法得到每个采样点的气温、降水数据。分析表明:C3植物的δ13 C值分布范围为-30 ‰ ~-22 ‰ ,其平均值为-26.81 ‰ ,该平均值较全球C3植物δ13 C平均值偏正。通过对比C3植物δ13 C与年均温、年均降水量、生长季节的干燥度等随纬度的变化规律,发现C3植物δ13 C、年均降水量、生长季节的干燥度有非常一致的变化趋势,而C3植物δ13 C和年均温不具有一致性。通过一元回归分析也同样发现C3植物δ13 C与年均降水量呈线性负相关关系(y=-0.0077x-24.838,n=161,R2=0.4418,p=0.01),与生长季节的干燥度呈线性正相关关系(y=0.7328x-28.806,n=161,R2=0.3685,p=0.01),而与年均温度没有明显的相关关系(y=-0.0461x-26.756,n=161,R2=0.0232,p=0.01)。在本研究区C3植物δ13 C对年均降水量和生长季节的干燥度响应十分显著,而对温度的响应不明显。研究区具有明显的降水和温度的梯度分布特征,是验证植物碳同位素与气候关系的理想场所,而土壤中的有机质碳同位素与其地面上的植物碳同位素息息相关。研究也说明,在本研究区或其他气候植物组合相似的地区可以利用古土壤中的有机质碳同位素来定量或半定量地反映古气候的变化。  相似文献   
Volcanic lightning, perhaps the most spectacular consequence of the electrification of volcanic plumes, has been implicated in the origin of life on Earth, and may also exist in other planetary atmospheres. Recent years have seen volcanic lightning detection used as part of a portfolio of developing techniques to monitor volcanic eruptions. Remote sensing measurement techniques have been used to monitor volcanic lightning, but surface observations of the atmospheric electric Potential Gradient (PG) and the charge carried on volcanic ash also show that many volcanic plumes, whilst not sufficiently electrified to produce lightning, have detectable electrification exceeding that of their surrounding environment. Electrification has only been observed associated with ash-rich explosive plumes, but there is little evidence that the composition of the ash is critical to its occurrence. Different conceptual theories for charge generation and separation in volcanic plumes have been developed to explain the disparate observations obtained, but the ash fragmentation mechanism appears to be a key parameter. It is unclear which mechanisms or combinations of electrification mechanisms dominate in different circumstances. Electrostatic forces play an important role in modulating the dry fall-out of ash from a volcanic plume. Beyond the local electrification of plumes, the higher stratospheric particle concentrations following a large explosive eruption may affect the global atmospheric electrical circuit. It is possible that this might present another, if minor, way by which large volcanic eruptions affect global climate. The direct hazard of volcanic lightning to communities is generally low compared to other aspects of volcanic activity.  相似文献   
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