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On the basis of the previous regional geological survey, based on the macroscopic and microscopic structural survey, combined with the comprehensive analysis of the regional magmatic activity and dating data, the authors in this paper revealed that there is another metamorphic core complex structure in Lizifang area of Southern Liaoning, namely Lizifang metamorphic core complex. A typical three-layer structure and five parts exist in the core complex, which are the footwall composed of Neo-archean metamorphic plutonic rocks and mesozoic granite intrusive rocks, the detachment fault zone composed of different levels of tectonic rocks, and the upper plate composed of Precambrian sedimentary cap and Cretaceous extensional basin. Lizifang metamorphic core complex formed in the Early Cretaceous Epoch, and the upper plate moved from NWW to SEE relaive to the footwall, which was similar with Jinzhou metamorphic core complex and Wanfu metamorphic core complex in geometry, kinematics polarity and formation time, indicating the same dynamic background. The determination of the metamorphic core complex may provide a basis for the late Mesozoic lithospheric thinning process and the mechanical and rheological properties of the lithosphere in the east of North China Craton. At the same time, the metamorphic core complex is closely related to the mineralization of gold deposits. So the detachment fault zone of Lizifang metamorphic core complex can serve as the key work area for further gold exploration, which may possess large mineralization potential.  相似文献   
针对供配电系统容易发生的安全隐患,优化设计配电系统结构、采用一体化运维监控平台和采用高质量、高可靠性的设备,消除单点故障瓶颈,确保在停电、设备故障、维修维护等各种情况下提供不中断或快速恢复供电,避免停电对业务正常运行造成影响,确保机房供电安全。  相似文献   
Non-linear response of the soil is investigated by comparing the spectral ratios (uphole/downhole) using weak and strong motions. Data from seven vertical arrays in Japan are analysed in this study. The frequency-dependent transfer function of soil is calculated as a ratio of the spectrum at uphole to the spectrum at downhole, considering the horizontal component of shear wave. In spectral ratio analysis auto- and cross-spectra are employed. The reduction in the predominant frequency of the transfer function with increases in excitation level reflects the non-linear response of the soil. Results of analysis demonstrate a significant non-linear ground response at six sites with surface PGA exceeding 90 gal. However, the results of one site show the linear response up to 130 gal surface PGA. Furthermore, the in situ strain-dependent soil behaviour is examined through the shear modulus – shear strain relationship. When compared, the actual and laboratory results of the shear strain – shear modulus relationship are in agreement. Additionally, a good consistency between the tendency of reduction in shear modulus ratio with shear strain increases, and reduction of predominant frequency with ground motion increases, confirms the significance of non-linearity in site effects study.  相似文献   
多因子和多尺度合成中国夏季降水预测模型及预报试验   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
根据青藏高原60个站平均的月积雪深度、热带太平洋Nino 3区月海温和中国160个站月降水量等资料,用小波变换和相关分析,分析了1958~1998年秋冬季青藏高原异常雪盖与El Nino-南方涛动(ENSO)的关系、多时间尺度变化的特征及其与中国夏季降水的相关型式.并取青藏高原积雪和Nino 3区海温的年际变化、年代际变化和线性趋势三种不同时间尺度的小波分量作为预报因子,对我国夏季降水距平作线性回归,建立了相应的预测模型.最后,利用1999~2002年的独立资料进行了预报试验,并在2003年和2004年应用于实际预报.研究表明,青藏高原雪盖与ENSO这两个物理因子彼此具有一定的独立性.它们都是多时间尺度现象,并与中国夏季降水有较好的关系.在不同时间尺度上不仅有不同的相关型式,而且相对贡献也有变化.回归预测模型的拟合情况和预报试验表明,综合考虑前期秋冬季青藏高原雪盖和ENSO这两个物理因子的年际变化、年代际变化和线性趋势作为预报因子建立的预测我国夏季降水距平分布的模型,有一定的预报能力.  相似文献   
Continuous subglacial measurements of turbidity and electrical conductivity — two indicators of basal water quality — can be used to help characterize subglacial drainage systems. These indicators of water quality yield information that complements that provided by water pressure measurements. Quantitative attributes of subglacial drainage systems, such as water velocity and subglacial residence time, as well as qualitative behaviour — for example, spatial and temporal variations in system morphology — can be deduced using water quality measurements. Interpretation is complicated by the many potential influences on turbidity and electrical conductivity, but when these complications are appreciated a richer interpretation results. To demonstrate the utility of basal water quality measurements, observations from Trapridge Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada were examined. The data reveal complex behaviour of the drainage system, but constraints imposed by basal water quality measurements help to clarify the nature of the subglacial flow system. The measurement and interpretation methods described and demonstrated are applicable to other glaciers. As such, they should prove useful for characterizing different subglacial drainage configurations and behaviours, thereby improving our general understanding of the hydrology and dynamics of wet-based glaciers.  相似文献   
郑文俊  邵永新  田山  董晓阳 《地震》2006,26(4):29-36
开展了水氡前兆异常参数提取方法的研究, 并以其提取的结果为输入, 对1985~2002年华北水氡异常参数分布做了全时空扫描, 继而将全部图像与华北地区构造活动性评估的数字化图像进行了叠加, 实现了水氡异常动态扫描与区域构造活动性背景的结合。 在此基础上, 1985年以来华北地区5级以上地震前的水氡短期图像演化情况做了全面分析, 提取出判别异常区的指标以及地震短期异常演化特征, 并提出了华北地区强震前水氡短期前兆的判别标志。  相似文献   
2004年印尼8.7级强震前昌黎台的远场电性异常特征探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了在2004年12月26日印尼8.7级地震前河北昌黎台记录到的自然电位及电场异常, 结果显示昌黎台自电位、 电场正常时段观测到的半日、 半月潮汐波周期变化在震前1个多月发生畸变, 周期消失, 变化幅度相应减小, 震后快速恢复, 且潮汐波记录比震前正常时段更加清晰。 该台地电阻率的观测结果显示起始下降变化比较平缓, 震前一周左右, 变化加剧, 出现多次阶变。 究其原因, 在强震发生前断层的蠕滑作用导致孔隙压力变化, 产生一种可以在岩石中传播的应变波, 由于台站下方岩土层对小应变信号具有很好的放大作用, 所以记录到了这种小幅度的应变波, 也就是远场的静态应变效应。 随着地震临近, 应力作用加强, 远程应变波引起台站下方水位、 水化学性质以及岩石孔隙度、 渗透率等的改变, 导致电阻率、 电场大幅度的阶变, 这反映了远场应变波的动态效应。 当然就异常幅度而言, 应变波的效应还嫌弱一些, 因此昌黎台异常变化可能还叠加了震源区激发的电磁波。  相似文献   
GIS支持下的澜沧江流域云南段土壤侵蚀空间分析   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:18  
利用ArcView3.2和ARC/INF08.1软件,通过图层叠加、统计分析和缓冲区分析等,提取西南纵向岭谷区澜沧江流域云南段的不同类型和强度的土壤侵蚀与地形坡度、土地利用/土地覆盖现状、土壤类型和分布、大雨日数以及河流、道路两侧的缓冲区等的相应数据,计算出土壤侵蚀综合度。结果表明,研究区不同坡度等级中,15°25°坡度上的土壤侵蚀最强,其次为8°15°坡地和4°8°坡地;>25°坡地上则较小;不同用地类型的土壤侵蚀程度不同,总体上,旱耕坡地的土壤侵蚀较草地严重,而草地又较林地严重;在各种土壤类型中,黄壤和石灰土的土壤侵蚀最为突出,其次为红壤、黄棕壤和南方水稻土等;河流两侧和道路两侧的土壤侵蚀都较整个流域要严重,而河流两侧又略重于道路两侧;当多年平均大雨日数小于20日时,土壤侵蚀程度基本上随大雨日数的增加而增加;当大雨日数大于20日时,土壤侵蚀程度反而较小,原因在于前期大雨冲刷侵蚀,带走了地表的疏松物质。研究结果可为有针对性地防治水土流失、减少河流泥沙和水库淤积提供依据。  相似文献   
基于NMR的库区滑坡三维稳定性数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
传统的勘探、测试手段, 难以获取可靠的滑坡岩土体水文参数, 直接影响滑坡研究的建模、评价工作.应用核磁共振找水方法并结合其他方法建立滑坡三维地质模型, 并提出基于NMR技术的库区滑坡稳定性研究思路.以赵树岭滑坡进行测试, 获取了岩土体的水文地质参数数据, 确定出该滑坡具有两层地下水, 上部潜水含水层, 下部微承压含水层; 具有两层滑面.该技术的分析结果与钻孔数据吻合较好, 可为建立符合实际的滑坡模型提供可靠依据.利用自编渗流-应力耦合有限元程序和ANSYS进行了145 m、175 m及175m降至145 m滑坡的稳定性模拟.结果表明: 145 m及175 m水位, 该滑坡整体处于稳定状态, 前缘随水位抬升局部破坏范围扩大; 175 m降到145 m时, 坡整体稳定性接近极限状态.且滑坡后缘局部位置出现小规模变形破坏的可能.   相似文献   
原油粘度变化对水驱油开发动态影响的数学模拟方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究注水开发油田原油粘度升高对开发效果的影响, 通过对实际油藏原油粘度统计, 回归出了原油粘度增长模型.在三维三相黑油渗流模型的基础上, 建立了一个原油粘度随含水和压力变化的油藏渗流数学模型, 并采用有限差分方法建立了相应的数值模型, 采用超松弛法对该模型进行了求解, 用Fortran90语言开发了一个新的数值模拟器.应用该模拟器模拟了不同的原油粘度变化规律对水驱效果的影响, 并与常规模拟器的结果进行了对比.结果表明: 初始水油粘度比为1∶10、含水达到98%时, 粘度增长指数由0增加到0.02, 对应的原油采出程度由44.80%降低到34.29%.目前商业软件中忽略了原油粘度随含水升高而增加的因素, 使得预测的采收率明显偏高.   相似文献   
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