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《China Geology》2019,2(3):261-275
The Sinian Doushantuo Formation is the oldest shale gas reservoir discovered in the world, which contains good shale gas shows as the Eyangye-1 and Zidi-1 wells in the Yichang Region of western Hubei province, China. The shales in the Doushantuo Formation feature considerable thickness (135 m), high gas content (4.83 m3/t) and high fragile mineral content (up to 75%). Due to the influences of the sedimentary environment, the shale reservoirs here have high dolomitic content (54%) and abruptly changes in vertical lithofacies. Moreover, the characteristics of the shale sweet-spot differ significantly from that in the Wufeng Formation and Longmaxi Formation in southeast Sichuan Basin. A high-resolution sequence stratigraphic correlation was performed on the shales of the Doushantuo Formation at the Eyangye-1 well, Zidi-1 well, Zidi-2 well and some outcrop profiles in Yichang area for the identification of their sedimentary microfacies characteristics. A comprehensive comparative analysis was made by incorporating the elemental geochemistry, wireline and mud logging data of the well to further identify the sweet-spot interval therein. With the analysis of Eyangye-1 well, the sweet-spot interval of the Doushantuo Formation is 3360−3408 m, of which sedimentary microfacies is deepwater reduced environment with many pyrite laminaes, and the TOC is high to 3.42%, the Ro is 3.3%, the organic and matrix pore are well developed and the aperture more than 50 nm, the porosity is 2.7%, the desorption gas content average is 2.16%, and the main mineral is dolomitic (54%) and siliceous quartz (21%). Additionally, these parameters combined with previous studies will shed light on evaluating and characterizing the layers therein, also provide referential geological data for the following exploration and development activities of this shale system.  相似文献   
The broadly N70°–90°E-trending dykes swarm at Kekem cut across the Paleoproterozoic-to-Achean terranes of West Cameroon remobilized during the Pan-African orogeny. They are picrite basalts and basalts with tholeiitic/transitional affinity, as shown by mineralogical and geochemical data, with variable major and trace element contents, MgO ranges from 7.3 to 12.4 wt.%, Cr from 190 to 411 ppm, Ni from 15 to 234 ppm. All the dykes are light REE enriched with LaN/YbN values of 5.3–8.1, suggesting a co-magmatic origin. They originated from a 2.8% partial melting of a spinel-mantle source with no or little crustal input. The geochemical features of Kekem dykes are similar to those of Paleozoic and Mesozoic dykes recorded in North and Central Africa, suggesting multiple reactivations of pre-existing fractures that resulted in the fragmentation of western Gondwana and the opening of Central and South Atlantic Oceans.  相似文献   
华北地区长城系在中国元古宙研究中占有相当重要的地位,其底界是目前划分古、中元古界的重要界线标志。长期以来,由于在靠近长城系底部缺少可定年的岩层或地质体,其底界年龄一直难以确定。近年来笔者在北京密云地区,发现了长城系常州沟组砂岩层直接覆盖在发育有古风化壳的环斑花岗岩(脉)之上。风化壳物质的组成主要为环斑花岗岩的原地风化岩石,以及向上过渡为貌似环斑花岗岩的粗碎屑岩。已获得古风化壳环斑花岗质碎屑岩的碎屑锆石U Pb年龄值为(1 682±20)Ma (SHRIMP) 和(1 708±56)Ma (LA ICP MS)等,与相邻的密云环斑花岗岩年龄相同。初步分析表明,密云环斑花岗岩及其同期岩脉在侵位之后,曾随着区域地壳抬升暴露出地表。经过一定时期的风化和部分剥蚀,在其表面形成残积物和接近原地堆积的环斑花岗质碎屑物质。从形成时间来看,这套岩石应属于“前常州沟期(组)”。它的存在和测年结果显示,长城系常州沟组的底界年龄应小于1 682 Ma,而不是以前划定的1 800 Ma。根据环斑花岗质沉积岩碎屑锆石以及已有的上覆地层相关年龄数据的分析,我们初步提出长城系底界年龄约为1 665~1 670 Ma。  相似文献   
The tectonic activities during late Archaean-earlyProterozoic is the crisis during the process of crustevolution. The tectonic kinematical mode and dynamicprocess of metamorphic complexes formed is the keyproblem in geosciences[1—7], related to many importantgeological events, such as the substitute of dynamicalsystems and the corresponding relationship betweendeep crust-mantle structure and upper regional stressfield. The predecessors have made a great deal ofstudy on this topic and achieved…  相似文献   
通过对隆昌地区早元古宙辽河群变质岩的组构分析,表明该区经历了四期变形,第一期固态流变构造分布较广,较长期而缓慢的近水平东西向a型顺层剪切导致发生第二期纵弯褶曲,形成吉祥峪—算盘峪复背斜,同时还卷入了由地幔上升沿层间滑脱面挤入的辉长岩。复背斜的西侧在第三期形成北北东向延伸的团山子正断性韧性剪切带,上盘下降,主压应力近垂直于地面,拉伸方向近120°。第四期为隆昌—水泉沟滑覆构造,使大石桥岩组大理岩覆在褶皱了的高家峪岩组之上。  相似文献   
Abstract The Proterozoic low-pressure, high-temperature (LPHT) terrane of the Reynolds Range occurs in a 130-km-long, NW-trending belt in the central part of the Arunta Block, central Australia. The Reynolds Range has been affected by two mid-Proterozoic tectonic cycles, DI and DII, associated with two metamorphic events, MI and MII. DI–MI effects are restricted to the older of two sedimentary successions, the Lander Rock beds, which are separated from the younger Reynolds Range Group by an angular unconformity. The dominant structural–metamorphic features formed during DII–MII affected both sedimentary successions and the various granites that intruded them, and reworked most DI–MI effects. The DII deformation history can be subdivided into one prograde, two peak, and one retrograde stage. Average P–T calculations in the southeastern half of the range indicate a peak-metamorphic pressure of 4.1 ± 0.3 kbar. Because the calculated values are derived from the same stratigraphic level corresponding to the base of the Reynolds Range Group, which is exposed throughout the area, it is likely that pressures were similar in the entire range. In fact, however, the peak-metamorphic temperature shows a dramatic increase from greenschist facies (c. 400° C) in the northwest to granulite facies (740 ± 60° C) in the southeast, indicating that MII was associated with anomalously high heat flows. The P–T path is anticlockwise, with isobaric cooling from the metamorphic peak indicated by corona textures. However, the evidence of a prograde increase in pressure is indirect and based on the compressional nature of the structures. Peak-metamorphic mineral assemblages and retrograde mineral assemblages in amphibolite facies shear zones show the same metamorphic zonation, suggesting they formed in response to the same thermal event. If this is true, the implication is that a thermal perturbation external to the crust was maintained for a considerable period of time (110 Ma, based on zircon dating). As it is not clear whether Proterozoic, asthenosphere-active, thermal perturbations operated for this long, the alternative interpretation must be considered, namely that the peak-metamorphic events are separate from the shear zone event associated with reheating of the area.  相似文献   
The northern Norrbotten area in northern Sweden, is an important mining district and hosts several deposits of Fe-oxide Cu-Au-type. One of the best examples of spatially, and possibly genetically, related apatite–iron and copper–gold deposits in the region is at Tjårrojåkka, 50 km WSW of Kiruna. The deposits are hosted by strongly sheared and metamorphosed intermediate volcanic rocks and dolerites and show a structural control. The Tjårrojåkka iron deposit is a typical apatite–iron ore of Kiruna-type and the Tjårrojåkka copper occurrence shows the same characteristics as most other epigenetic deposits in Norrbotten. The host rock has been affected by strong albite and K-feldspar alteration related to mineralisation, resulting in an enrichment of Na, K, and Ba. Fe and V were depleted in the altered zones and added in mineralised samples. REE were enriched in the system, with the greatest addition related to mineralisation. Y was also mobile associated with albite alteration and copper mineralisation. The Tjårrojåkka iron and copper deposits show comparable hydrothermal alteration minerals and paragenesis, which might be a product of common host rock and similarities in ore fluid composition, or overprinting by successive alteration stages. Mineralogy and mineral chemistry of the alteration minerals (apatite, scapolite, feldspars, amphiboles, and biotite) indicate a higher salinity and Ba/K ratio in the fluid related to the alterations in the apatite–iron occurrence than in the copper deposit, where the minerals are enriched in F and S. The presence of hematite, barite, and in SO4 in scapolite suggests more oxidising-rich conditions during the emplacement of the Tjårrojåkka-Cu deposit. From existing data it might be suggested that one evolving system created the two occurrences, with the copper mineralisation representing a slightly later product.  相似文献   
Analysis and synthesis of multi-disciplinary geoscience information from geological literature/maps and from digitally-processed aeromagnetic and gravity data pertinent to the Aravalli province were carried out to address some hitherto unresolved questions about the tectonostratigraphy of this Archaean–Proterozoic metallogenic province. Based on the magnetic anomalies, several tectonic domains were identified. These domains, bounded by regional-scale geophysical lineaments, have distinct crustal, lithological, metamorphic, and metallogenic characteristics and correlate broadly with lithostratigraphic belts identified by several earlier workers. New interpretations on the tectonostratigraphy and the base-metal mineralization controls in the Aravalli province are as follows. The Hindoli sequences, in the eastern parts of the province, constitute an independent Palaeo–Proterozoic tectonic domain and do not form part of the Archaean basement complex. The base-metal-bearing metasedimentary enclaves in the central parts of the province also constitute an independent Palaeo–Proterozoic tectonic domain, which is quite distinct from the surrounding (basement complex?) rocks. The base-metal-bearing metavolcano-sedimentary sequences in the western parts of the province constitute an independent Neo–Proterozoic tectonic domain. The base-metal deposits in the province are spatially associated with the regional-scale lineaments and with the mafic metavolcanic rocks deduced from the aeromagnetic data. The regional-scale lineaments, which possibly represent Proterozoic crustal-scale faults, are plausible structural controls on the base-metal mineralization in the province. The mafic metavolcanic rocks are plausible heat-source controls on the SEDEX- and/or VMS-type base-metal mineralizations and are possible metal-source controls on the VMS-type base-metal mineralization in the province.  相似文献   
Highly depleted C isotope composition of organic matters from the Onega (Fennoscandian shield) and Francevillian (Gabon) basins are differently interpreted. Kump et al. (2011) suggested the occurrence of a massive and global oxidation event during the period of 1980–2090 Ma, which follows the Great Oxidation Event (2450–2320 Ma) (Bekker et al., 2004). Inversely, Gauthier-Lafaye and Weber (2003) invoke the possible action of methanotrophic microorganisms to explain the δ13C values as low as –46‰ measured in the Franceville basin. Here we present the isotope data available in the Franceville basin in order to discuss these two interpretations. The lack of any δ13C correlation between organic matter and carbonate in the Franceville basin does not allow the consideration of a massive and global oxidation event.  相似文献   
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