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深海沉积物分类与命名的参数指标和主成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于南海中部(118个表层沉积物样,水深82~4 420 m)、东部(106个表层沉积物样,水深700~4 508 m)海域的表层沉积物的粒度资料按小于200 m,200~2 000 m,大于2 000 m水深段对水深、平均粒径、黏土含量进行统计分析,结果表明从陆架到陆坡再到深海,平均粒径和黏土含量随水深增加呈非常有规律的变化;把大于2 000 m水深区域再细分为大于2 500 m,大于3 000 m,大于3 500 m,结果表明平均粒径和黏土含量随水深增加几乎无变化,在南海中部水深大于2 000 m海域平均粒径为3.39~3.54μm,黏土平均含量为54.91%~55.47%;在南海东部水深大于2 000 m海域平均粒径为3.25~3.37μm,黏土平均含量为53.91%~54.56%。研究表明2 000 m水深具有划分深海沉积物的指示意义。南海中部水深大于2 000 m海域黏土平均含量为55.19%,平均粒径为3.39μm;在南海东部水深大于2 000 m海域黏土平均含量为53.91%,平均粒径为3.37μm;在南海中部、东部水深大于2 000 m海域平均粒径均小于4μm,黏土平均含量均大于50%,表明深海沉积物粒度特征是平均粒径小于4μm和黏土平均含量大于50%。黏土含量是非生物组分的代表和划分深海沉积物类型的一个独立参数,钙质生物和硅质生物组分是另外两个独立参数。南海东部海域表层沉积物中55种元素总含量为47.50%,硅、铝、钛、钠、钾、磷、钙、镁、铁、锰十种主元素含量为47.03%,其他45种元素含量为0.47%,虽然沉积物来源复杂、成因不同,但沉积物化学主成分并不复杂,主要由前10种主元素和氧元素组成。沉积物主元素铝、钙、硅分别富集于黏土、钙质沉积、硅质沉积中。通过建立沉积物生源组分与碳酸钙、三氧化二铝、二氧化硅的量化关系,可把碳酸钙、生物二氧化硅作为钙质生物和硅质生物的两个替代参数。  相似文献   
Estimating overland flow erosion capacity using unit stream power   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil erosion caused by water flow is a complex problem. Both empirical and physically based approaches were used for the estimation of surface erosion rates. Their applications are mainly limited to experimental areas or laboratory studies. The maximum sediment concentration overland flow can carry is not considered in most of the existing surface erosion models. The lack of erosion capacity limitation may cause over estimations of sediment concentration. A correlation analysis is used in this study to determine significant factors that impact surface erosion capacity. The result shows that the unit stream power is the most dominant factor for overland flow erosion which is consistent with experimental data. A bounded regression formula is used to reflect the limits that sediment concentration cannot be less than zero nor greater than a maximum value. The coefficients used in the model are calibrated using published laboratory data. The computed results agree with laboratory data very well. A one dimensional overland flow diffusive wave model is used in conjunction with the developed soil erosion equation to simulate field experimental results. This study concludes that the non-linear regression method using unit stream power as the dominant factor performs well for estimating overland flow erosion capacity.  相似文献   
长期天气预报中有关预报因子的若干探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前行之有效的长期天气预报方法都是数理统计方法。本文以江淮流域夏季旱涝的长期预报为例,对有关预报因子的几个问题作了探索。挑选有实际天气学意义、各自独立、单相关系数较高的物理因子作预报因子,更有利于提高预报准确率,预报因子的时间尺度以月、季平均值最为适宜,而以三个旬滑动平均值的效果最佳,建立各种预报量的初选、精选因子库,更适用于计算机技术制作长期预报。  相似文献   
将 1 960~ 1 991年的月平均 FSU风应力资料分解为旋转部分和辐散辐合部分 ,分别用以强迫模式海洋。所用的模式为一个 2层热带太平洋区域海洋模式。结果表明 ,就季节变化而言 ,不论是用旋转分量还是散合分量强迫海洋 ,都不能产生合理的冷舌 ,哪怕将旋转或散合分量放大一倍或缩小二分之一 ,也不能使冷舌的强度和分布得到合理的改善。若采用气候平均的含有季节变化的风应力 (未对旋转和辐散分量进行分离 ) ,则可产生与实际相符的海表温度分布。在此基础上 ,分别叠加旋转和辐散分量的年际异常部分 ,通过对海洋的强迫 ,可产生海表温度异常。在年际异常旋转分量的强迫下 ,可产生较强的 SSTA振荡且具有明显的 ENSO周期 ;而在辐散辐合年际异常风应力的强迫下 ,则产生较弱的 SSTA,且振荡频率较高 ,ENSO周期不很明显。这些结果说明 ,风应力的涡旋和辐散辐合分量在海温季节变化和年际变化的形成中具有不同的作用 ,即合理的冷舌分布需要风应力旋转分量和散合分量同时作用于海洋方可产生 ,而仅有异常风应力的旋转强迫就可产生合理的 EL Nino/ La Nina现象。同时 ,风应力的辐散辐合分量在海洋平均状态的形成过程中是重要的 ,但在 EN-SO过程中就对海洋的作用而言则不如旋转分量重要。  相似文献   
Landsat 8陆地成像仪影像的缨帽变换推导   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对Landsat 8陆地成像仪影像,该文提出了一种缨帽变换系数的推算方法。利用准同步的Landsat ETM+影像缨帽变换结果为目标值,采用普鲁克算法对不同地理分布下的陆地成像仪影像样本点的主成分轴分别进行旋转,得到相应的初始变换系数;通过广义普鲁克分析对所得初始变换系数进行平均化,并以格拉姆-施密特算法保持其正交性,最终得到基于陆地成像仪大气表观反射率数据的缨帽变换系数。验证结果表明,与现有陆地成像仪变换系数相比,该文提出的缨帽变换精度相对较高,误差较小,变换后的不同地物覆盖类型具有更好的可分性。  相似文献   
Six samples were collected from a section of Peoria Loess in Eustis, North America, for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of quartz, and all except one (LV90) produced narrow dose distributions. A comparative study was conducted on this sample and on a ‘well-behaved’ sample (LV91), involving other dating methods and examination of the quartz OSL. These investigations revealed differences in the quartz OSL growth with dose, OSL response to thermal treatments and the range of components within the OSL signals. An ultra-fast component was found in LV90 that displayed a higher rate of sensitivity change than the fast component and this had a malign influence on the determination of the equivalent dose. The distinctive luminescence characteristics of LV90 imply either a change in wind dynamics and/or the source area for the silt.  相似文献   
In this study, a methodology for clustering 18 lakes in Alberta, Canada using the data of 19 water quality parameters for a period of 11 years (1988–2002) is presented. The methods consist of (i) principal component analysis (PCA) to determine the dominant water quality parameters, (ii) cluster analysis techniques to develop the characteristics of the clusters, and (iii) pattern‐match lakes to determine the appropriate cluster for each of the lakes. The PCA revealed that three principal components (PCs) were able to explain ~88% of the variability and the dominant water quality parameters were total dissolved solids, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll‐a. We obtained five clusters for the period 1994–1997 by using the dominant parameters with water quality deteriorating as the cluster number increased from 1 to 5. Upon matching cluster patterns with the entire dataset, it was observed that some of the lakes belonged to the same cluster all the time (e.g., cluster 1 for lakes Elkwater, Gregg, and Jarvis; cluster 3 for Sturgeon; cluster 4 for Moonshine; and cluster 5 for Saskatoon), while others changed with time. This methodology could be applied in other regions of the world to identify the most suitable source waters and prioritize their management. It could be helpful to analyze the natural controlling processes, pollution types, impact of seasonal changes and overall quality of source waters. This methodology could be used for monitoring water bodies in a cost effective and efficient way by sampling only less number of dominant parameters instead of using a large set of parameters.  相似文献   
基于逐步回归分析的大坝变形分析模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要介绍对逐步回归分析模型的原理和基本步骤,结合大坝工程实例进行分析。引入了库水位、时效和温度三个因子建立逐步回归模型。得出了运用逐步回归模型分析大坝变形的合理性,可以达到预测的目的。  相似文献   
本文根据CMAP(The Climate Prediction Center Merged Analysis of Precipitation)观测资料,使用相关系数和均方根误差,对CHFP2(Coupled Historical Forecast Project, phase 2 )的2个模式对东亚夏季降雨的季节预报技巧作出评价。在完美模式的理论框架下,分别使用基于信噪比的潜在相关系数和基于信息熵的潜在可预报性指标,对该区域主要针对夏季降雨的可预报性作出评价。通过最可预报分量分析(PrCA),得到季节降雨的最可预报型。将最可预报型投影到海温场,得到了降水最可预报型对应的海温分布。研究发现:相关系数所反映的预报和观测的线性相关程度总体上是低纬度海洋区域比高纬度陆地区域高,而均方根误差反映的则是在海洋区域降雨预报偏离实际值的程度较陆地区域大,预报水平与目前降雨的季节预报水平相符。潜在可预报性估计表明,潜在可预报率存在空间上的变化,从低纬度向高纬度、从海洋到内陆,呈衰减趋势。同时,信号和噪音的分析表明,信号成分占主导作用,形成了潜在可预报率的空间分布格局,暗示了海洋外强迫的重要作用;中国大陆缺少像海洋区域那样明显的外强迫,因此降水季节预报技巧相比热带海洋区域非常有限。海温投影的分析表明海洋的外强迫是东亚降雨季节预报的重要来源。尽管厄尔尼诺本身的复杂性,它对东亚夏季风的重要影响及其与东亚降雨预报之间的遥相关揭示了它们内在的联系。  相似文献   
结合机载LiDAR数据,提出了一种改进的GLAS光斑点冠层高度地形校正模型,以校正后的GLAS光斑点作为输入样本,结合MODIS遥感影像,利用支持向量回归(SVR)的方法对研究区森林冠层高度进行分生态区估测,并利用野外调查数据和机载LiDAR冠层高度结果对估测结果进行验证。结果显示:研究区的坡度等级直接影响GLAS光斑点森林冠层高度估测精度,改进的地形校正模型可以较好的减小坡度对GLAS光斑点森林冠层高度估测的影响,模型精度RMSE稳定在3.25~3.48 m;不同生态分区的SVR模型估测精度较为稳定,其RMSE=6.41~7.56 m;与算数平均高相比,样地的Lorey's高与制图结果拟合最好,不同生态分区平均估测精度为80.3%。机载LiDAR冠层高度结果的验证平均精度为79.5%,和Lorey's高验证结果呈现较好的一致性。  相似文献   
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