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为预测未来全球的气候变化,必须了解在过去水圈、气圈与生物圈的各自作用以及它们是如何相互影响的。为此,IGBP(国际地圈-生物圈计划)组织了过去全球变化项目(PAGES)。湖相沉积物保存着与PAGES有关的不同时空尺度的丰富的地球系统历史信息,特别是湖相沉积物包含着可以说明全球气候变化的水圈与生物圈的陆源组分的反应。这种信息对了解影响气候变化的流域是如何发展的至关重要。笔者应用西伯利亚贝加尔湖与中国西北部青海湖作为两个实例,叙述了多学科研究湖相沉积物物理与化学参数,并利用这些参数测定了晚更新世湖区及其流域对过去气圈的变化以及日幅射分布的影响  相似文献   
分析了西台吉乃尔盐湖矿区地下卤水中K、Mg、B2O3、Li等4种组分的时空变化特征。结果表明,它们在矿区西北部表现出明显的高值且基本不随时间而变化,这很可能与该区域原始卤水成分有关。由于地表水对地下卤水的淡化作用,这些组分在南部或西南部表现为低值。观测时段的中后期,四种组分的变化较显著,显示出采卤活动对其变化产生了影响。B2O3的高值区主要呈N-W-SE向带状分布,这似乎与该地区的构造背景密切相关。  相似文献   
鄱阳湖自然保护区湿地植被群落与水文情势关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以鄱阳湖自然保护区为研究对象,通过构建植被群落-水文参数直方图和计算敏感性指数,分析植被群落对水文条件变化的耐受性和敏感性,研究湿地植被群落与水文情势的关系。结果表明,在鄱阳湖自然保护区内,不同的植被群落对水文情势变化的耐受性和敏感性不同,苔草群落、假俭草群落对水文条件变化敏感性较低;苔草-廖子草群落、苔草-虉草群落和虉草-苔草群落对水文条件变化的敏感性较高,喜欢相对湿润的环境;南荻群落所能承受的水文条件变化范围较窄,喜欢相对干旱的环境。  相似文献   
介绍了纳滤膜分离技术原理及其主要应用领域,结合我国盐湖卤水资源的特点与开发利用现状,提出了将纳滤膜分离技术应用于卤水资源综合利用的设想。  相似文献   
Paleoecology of Laguna Babícora, Chihuahua, Mexico was reconstructed using ostracode faunal assemblages and shell chemistry. The paleolimnological record is used to show the magnitude of paleoclimatic changes in the area from 25,000 years to the present.Faunal assemblages consist of four species of the genus Limnocythere: L. sappaensis, L. ceriotuberosa, L. bradburyi and L. platyforma, all associated with Candona caudata, Candona patzcuaro and Cypridopsis vidua. A paleosalinity index developed from these assemblages indicates that the lake's salinity fluctuated frequently from oligo- to meso-haline conditions during the last 25,000 years. This pattern and low salinity range are in good agreement with modern TDS (here used as an indicator of salinity) values recorded from 26 wells and one spring from the area (258–975 mg l–1). To estimate paleotemperature we examined the trace element content (Mg/Ca ratios) from individual valves of L. ceriotuberosa and L. platyforma, the two species most commonly recorded in Laguna Babícora.Shell Mg/Ca ratios of 204 specimens of these two species were used to estimate water temperature (Mg/Ca) by means of experimental standard coefficients. Our data show that paleowater temperature ranged from 5.6–21.3 °C (with 2 values ranging from 0.2–4.8 °C), which suggest a close correlation with atmospheric temperatures around the lake. These results are in good agreement with a modern mean winter temperature (3.5 °C) and mean summer temperature (20 °C) recorded in the area between 1970 and 1980.  相似文献   
The Palongzangbu River Basin contains the highest number of maritime province glaciers in China.There are 130 glacial lakes,64 snow avalanche sites and 28 glacial debris flow gullies distributed within the basin.Snow disasters play a controlling role in the Sichuan-Tibet Highway construction,due to the terrain's special characteristics of high altitude and large height differential.Segmentation mitigation countermeasures for the Sichuan-Tibet Highway are presented based on snow disaster severity level and damage mode of the road.In the Ranwu to Midui section,snow avalanches are regional disasters, so the line should be placed in sunny slopes.In the Midui Gully to Yupu section,the line should be placed in shady slopes and at higher elevations to reduce the risk of glacial lake outburst.In the Yupu to Guxiang section,all three snow disasters are minimal.In the Guxiang to Tongmai section,glacier debris flows are the major threat,thus the road should be placed in shady slopes.  相似文献   
洞庭湖区的泥沙淤积效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以1951-2005 年长系列实测泥沙等资料为依据, 从泥沙淤积特性与资源环境之间的关系上, 探讨了洞庭湖区的泥沙淤积效应。研究表明: 由于洞庭湖区始终处于淤积状态, 加之人类活动影响, 导致了泥沙淤积循环演进的格局, 以至于使泥沙的灾害性效应与资源性效应 均在湖区得到充分的显示。主要表现在: ① 塑造了水体滩地、泥沙滩地、湖草滩地、芦苇滩地等类型滩地, 构成了湖泊巨系统的主体; ② 孕育或诱发了泥沙淤积→洲滩扩展、围垦→调洪功能下降、鱼类资源枯竭、生物多样性减少灾害链: 泥沙淤积→洲滩扩展→洪涝、水质污染; 泥沙淤积→植被洲滩浮涨→血吸虫病、害鼠致害灾害链; 泥沙淤积→洪溃决堤→土地沙 化灾害链。这些淤积型泥沙灾害链给湖区直接或间接地造成巨大的经济损失。③ 近55 年间, 泥沙塑造土地约98.13×108hm2, 人类合理开发利用洲滩资源获得了巨大的经济效益, 就地挖沙加高防洪大堤2~3 m, 累积土石方约55×108 m3, 节省了购买大量原材料的开支。  相似文献   
群落物种组成及种群分布格局特征是揭示种群发展趋势及与环境相互关系的基础.以滇西北剑湖湿地海菜花群落为对象,采用样方法与扩散系数法对其物种组成与种群分布格局进行研究.结果表明:群落共有物种18种,分属12科、14属,包括沉水、漂浮、浮叶及湿生4类生活型;海菜花(Ottelia acuminata)、豆瓣菜(Nasturtium officinale)、马来眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus)和草茨藻(Najas graminea)呈集群分布,其余种群呈随机分布;海菜花种群个体间拥挤效应最大,种内竞争最为激烈.保育海菜花种源、开展流域和生境治理以减缓湖泊沼泽化进程,是目前剑湖海菜花群落保护的当务之急.  相似文献   
A 487‐year annually laminated (varved) sediment record from Nicolay Lake, Cornwall Island, in the Canadian High Arctic was evaluated to determine the impact that years with high sediment yields had on sediment yields in subsequent years. All of the 40 largest years showed evidence for increased sediment yield in the subsequent 10–30 years. The positive anomalies in lagging years were approximately scaled according to the size of the initiating year, although many intermediate years (25‐ to 100‐year recurrence) showed weak or variable responses. The smallest events considered (10‐ to 25‐year recurrence) showed a consistent, but low‐amplitude response. Additionally the 10‐year events revealed frequent negative sediment yield anomalies in the preceding decade. This behaviour was interpreted as a frequent sediment activation cycle initiated by the modest year, and leading to sediment yield hysteresis lasting 15–25 years. The largest years (greater than 50‐year recurrence) showed consistently above‐average sediment yields in the preceding decade, in part due to the frequent occurrence of moderate (Q10) years. It is hypothesized that temporary storage of sediment and previous initiation of erosion sites resulted in extraordinary sediment yields during intense summer rainfall events. This study demonstrates the potential use of varved lake sediment records to improve our understanding of long‐term sediment dynamics. These records present an opportunity to further develop and test sediment dynamic and routing models to gain insight into the interaction of time and space in fluvial and sediment delivery processes. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The relatively rapid recession of glaciers in the Himalayas and formation of moraine dammed glacial lakes(MDGLs) in the recent past have increased the risk of glacier lake outburst floods(GLOF) in the countries of Nepal and Bhutan and in the mountainous territory of Sikkim in India. As a product of climate change and global warming, such a risk has not only raised the level of threats to the habitation and infrastructure of the region, but has also contributed to the worsening of the balance of the unique ecosystem that exists in this domain that sustains several of the highest mountain peaks of the world. This study attempts to present an up to date mapping of the MDGLs in the central and eastern Himalayan regions using remote sensing data, with an objective to analyse their surface area variations with time from 1990 through 2015, disaggregated over six episodes. The study also includes the evaluation for susceptibility of MDGLs to GLOF with the least criteria decision analysis(LCDA). Forty two major MDGLs, each having a lake surface area greater than 0.2 km2, that were identified in the Himalayan ranges of Nepal, Bhutan, and Sikkim, have been categorized according to their surface area expansion rates in space and time. The lakes have been identified as located within the elevation range of 3800 m and6800 m above mean sea level(a msl). With a total surface area of 37.9 km2, these MDGLs as a whole were observed to have expanded by an astonishing 43.6% in area over the 25 year period of this study. A factor is introduced to numerically sort the lakes in terms of their relative yearly expansion rates, based on their interpretation of their surface area extents from satellite imageries. Verification of predicted GLOF events in the past using this factor with the limited field data as reported in literature indicates that the present analysis may be considered a sufficiently reliable and rapid technique for assessing the potential bursting susceptibility of the MDGLs. The analysis also indicates that, as of now, there are eight MDGLs in the region which appear to be in highly vulnerable states and have high chances in causing potential GLOF events anytime in the recent future.  相似文献   
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