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Discoveries of deep high-quality carbonate reservoirs challenged the general understanding on the evolution of porosity decreasing with depth. New mechanisms of pore generation and preservation in the deep realm require to be proposed. Dolostones in the Feixianguan and Dengying Formations experienced maximum depths in excess of 8000 m, but still retained high porosity. Petrographic observation and homogenization temperatures help to identify products of deep fluid-rock interactions, visual and experimental porosity were used to quantify reservoir effects, the distribution of products finally being plotted to unravel the mechanisms. Th data reveal that thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR), burial dissolution and quartz cementation are typical deep fluid-rock interactions. The SO42? of residual porewater sourced from the evaporative dolomitizing fluid was supplied for TSR in the hydrocarbon column, the TSR-inducing calcite cements were homogeneously dispersed in the hydrocarbon column. Quartz cementation was caused by the increasing acidity and Si-rich residual porewater in the oil column. Burial dissolution is forced by organic acid and limited in oil–water contact. This study suggests that seal and source rocks not only play important roles in hydrocarbon accumulation, but also have a general control on the deep fluid-rock interactions and porosity evolution in the deep burial realm.  相似文献   
Diagenesis is an essential tool to reconstruct the development of reservoir rocks. Diagenetic processes - precipitation and dissolution - have an influence on pore space. The present paper aims to study the diagenetic history of deep-marine sandstones of the Austrian Alpine Foreland Basin. To reach that goal, sediment petrology and diagenetic features of more than 110 sandstone samples from water- and gas-bearing sections from gas fields within the Oligocene-Miocene Puchkirchen Group and Hall Formation has been investigated. Special emphasis was put on samples in the vicinity of the gas-water contact (GWC). The sediment petrography of sandstones of Puchkirchen Group and Hall Formation is similar; hence their diagenesis proceeded the same way. In fact, primary mineralogy was controlled by paleo-geography with increasing transport distance and diverse detrital input.Sediment petrographically, investigated sandstones from the water-bearing horizon seemed quite comparable to the gas-bearing sediments. In general, they can be classified as feldspatic litharenites to litharenites and display porosities of up to 30% and permeabilities of up to 1300 mD. The carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of bulk carbonate cements from these sandstones range from−3.8 to +2.2 and from −7.5 to +0.2‰ [VPDB]. However, near the Gas-Water Contact (GWC) a horizon with low porosities (<3%) and permeabilities (<0.1 mD) is present. This zone is completely cemented with calcite, which has a blocky/homogenous morphology. A slight, but significant negative shift in δ18O isotopy (−2.5‰) is evident.During early diagenesis the first carbonate generations formed. First a fibrous calcite and afterwards a micritic calcite precipitated. Further siliciclastic minerals, such as quartz and feldspar (K-feldspar and minor plagioclase), exhibit corroded grains. Occasionally, clay minerals (illite; smectite, chlorite) formed as rims around detrital grains. Late diagenesis is indicated by the formation of a low permeable zone at the GWC.  相似文献   
膨胀土是一种典型的问题性土,对气候变化非常敏感,在干旱气候条件下,极易发生体积收缩变形,引发各种工 程地质问题。为了研究膨胀土的干缩变形特性,开展了一系列室内干燥试验,测定了膨胀土的收缩特征曲线,重点分析 了初始含水率和干密度对干缩变形过程的影响,并进一步探讨了水泥固化抑制膨胀土干缩变形的效果和机理。结果表 明:(1) 膨胀土的干缩变形过程存在三个典型阶段:正常收缩、残余收缩和零收缩;(2) 初始含水率越高,试样蒸发速 率越快,且干缩变形完全后试样孔隙比越小而最终收缩应变越大,干缩变形越明显;(3) 初始干密度越大,试样蒸发速 率和最终体积收缩应变越小,提高初始干密度对试样干缩变形具有一定的抑制作用;(4) 在膨胀土中掺入适量的水泥能 显著降低试样的体积收缩应变,对干缩变形具有良好的抑制效果;(5) 膨胀土的干缩变形具有明显的各向异性特征,并 且与初始状态有关。  相似文献   
针对大型堆填场基层结构工程,本着就地取材节约成本的原则,利用吹填砂作为骨料,添加粉煤灰、煤渣和水泥,采用正交试验方法,编制正交设计表,配制不同比例的混合料进行无侧限抗压强度试验。采用方差对不同龄期的混合料抗压强度进行分析,并对混合料加固机理进行研究,给出了混合料最佳质量配比,即水泥20%,粉煤灰15%,煤渣10%,此时混合料的强度最大;其水泥掺量对混合料强度起着关键作用,随着龄期的增长粉煤灰与煤渣对混合料强度影响程度逐渐增强,不过煤渣对混合料初期强度影响不及粉煤灰。  相似文献   
丁跃军 《探矿工程》2015,42(4):76-78
四川省武都水库右岸EL574 m灌浆平洞揭露出厚度2.3~9.8 m的粉细砂层,普通水泥高压灌浆无法形成可靠的防渗帷幕。采用高压旋喷、湿磨细水泥、化学灌浆的组合处理方式,取得了较好的施工效果。通过钻孔压水、大功率声波CT、单孔声波、钻孔全景数字成像等方法检测,表明达到了设计防渗要求。  相似文献   
肖晓光  秦兰芝  张武  姜雪  谢晶晶 《地质科学》2021,56(4):1062-1076
碳酸盐胶结物是西湖凹陷平湖组储层砂岩中含量最多,对储层质量影响最大的自生矿物。通过岩心观察、薄片鉴定、阴极发光、元素成分分析及碳氧同位素分析结果表明,西湖凹陷平湖组储层砂岩中碳酸盐胶结物的主要矿物类型是方解石、铁方解石、白云石和铁白云石,偶见菱铁矿。碳酸盐胶结物的碳同位素(δ13C)值分布范围较集中,为-7.80‰~1.40‰,平均值-2.11‰,氧同位素(δ18O)值整体偏负,为-19.26‰~-9.99‰,平均值-13.79‰。据胶结物碳氧同位素分析恢复古盐度Z值及测算古地温判断碳酸盐胶结物的成岩流体主要为淡水水体,存在部分海水的影响;碳主要来自湖相碳酸盐岩溶解的产物和有机质成熟过程中排放的有机酸。不同类型和时期形成的胶结物对储层影响不一,白云石和大部分方解石形成在中成岩B期堵塞喉道,对储层起破坏作用,但成岩早期靠近不整合面受到了大气淡水影响的方解石对储层影响是保持性的;而埋深较浅,形成温度低的铁白云石对储层起建设性作用。  相似文献   
闫吉曾 《探矿工程》2018,45(5):40-45
为提高红河油田水平井固井质量,满足后期分段压裂需求,对红河油田水平井固井技术进行了研究。针对红河油田水平段固井技术难点,通过室内和现场试验,优选出了GSJ水泥浆体系,基于实测地层压力与地层破裂压力,进行平衡压力固井设计确定了环空浆体结构,为提高顶替效率,优化了扶正器类型与加放位置,专业软件模拟表明套管居中度>73%,良好的井眼准备和套管漂浮措施确保了管柱的顺利下入;加长胶塞、树脂滚轮刚性旋流扶正器和关井阀等附件的使用,保证了固井质量。现场应用53口水平井,水泥浆全部返至地面,CBL测井结果表明,固井优良率达81.13%。该固井技术成功应用于红河油田水平井中,保证了固井质量,满足了后期分段压裂的需要。  相似文献   
固井质量对干热岩后期开发利用具有重要意义。针对山西大同盆地干热岩勘查井GR1井温度高、高温固井水泥浆技术体系不完善等问题,通过研究勘查区地质特征,提出了高温固井水泥浆技术体系开发思路。研究表明:干热岩高温固井水泥浆水胶比控制为0.45,优选添加剂高温降失水剂CG82L、高温缓凝剂H40L、高温稳定剂CF40L、消泡剂GX-1、硅粉及HV-PAC,形成一套适用于山西干热岩井的高温固井水泥浆技术体系。该水泥浆体系在GR1井成功应用,现场固井质量良好,研究成果为今后同类型高温固井工作提供了宝贵经验和技术支撑。  相似文献   
水泥土强度的影响因素   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:25  
水泥浆体搅拌地基加固技术是地基处理的技术方法之一,其水泥—土固结体的强度主要受地基土的含水量、水泥掺入量及地基土类别的影响。本文通过室内及工业性试验表明:土体的含水量对水泥土强度具有负作用;水泥土强度与水泥掺入比不是简单的单调上升关系;地基土的类别对水泥土强度的影响较大,淤泥及淤泥质土由于富含有机质,强度较低,粉质粘土、粘土形成的水泥土强度较高。  相似文献   
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