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基于土质边坡塑性极限分析条分法的可靠度计算方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从土塑性极限分析上限定理出发,以土质边坡塑性极限分析条分法为基础,在引入可靠性分析方法(JC法)后,建立了土质边坡塑性极限分析条分法可靠度极限状态方程,并推导得到了塑性极限分析条分法可靠度计算公式。这种方法实现了定值计算向不确定性计算的转变,同时可靠度指标的计算结果具有概率的意义。  相似文献   
Stiffness degradation and damping represent some of the most well-known aspects of cyclic soil behavior. While standard equivalent linear approaches reproduce these features by (separately) prescribing stiffness reduction and damping curves, in this paper a multiaxial, 3D, viscoelastic – plastic model is developed for the simultaneous simulation of both cyclic curves over a wide cyclic shear strain range.The proposed constitutive relationship is based on two parallel resisting/dissipative mechanisms, purely frictional (elastic–plastic) and viscous. The frictional mechanism is formulated as a bounding surface plasticity model with vanishing elastic domain, including pressure-sensitive failure locus and non-associative plastic flow – which are essential for effective stress analysis. At the same time, the use of the parallel viscous mechanism is shown to be especially beneficial to improve the simulation of the overall dissipative performance.In order to enable model calibration from stiffness degradation (G/Gmax) and damping curves, the constitutive equations are purposely kept as simple as possible with a low number of material parameters. Although the model performance is here explored with reference to pure shear cyclic tests, the 3D, multiaxial formulation is appropriate for general loading conditions.  相似文献   
Under seismic excitation, liquefied clean medium to dense cohesionless soils may regain a high level of shear resistance at large shear strain excursions. This pattern of response, known as a form of cyclic mobility, has been documented by a large body of laboratory sample tests and centrifuge experiments. A plasticity-based constitutive model is developed with emphasis on simulating the cyclic mobility response mechanism and associated pattern of shear strain accumulation. This constitutive model is incorporated into a two-phase (solid–fluid), fully coupled finite element code. Calibration of the constitutive model is described, based on a unique set of laboratory triaxial tests (monotonic and cyclic) and dynamic centrifuge experiments. In this experimental series, Nevada sand at a relative density of about 40% is employed. The calibration effort focused on reproducing the salient characteristics of dynamic site response as dictated by the cyclic mobility mechanism. Finally, using the calibrated model, a numerical simulation is conducted to highlight the effect of excitation frequency content on post-liquefaction ground deformations.  相似文献   
This paper includes an analysis of the influence of soil plasticity on the seismic response of micropiles. Analysis is carried out using a global three-dimensional modeling in the time domain. The soil behavior is described using the non-associated Mohr–Coulomb criterion. Both the micropiles and the superstructure are modeled as three-dimensional beam elements. Proper boundary conditions are used to ensure waves transmission through the lateral boundaries of the soil mass. Analyses are first conducted for harmonic loadings and then for real earthquake records. They show that plasticity could have a significant influence on the seismic response of the soil–micropiles–structure systems. This influence depends on the amplitude of the seismic loading and the dominant frequencies of both the input motion and the soil–piles–structure system.  相似文献   
《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(8):452-463
Fracture process is investigated using finite-difference simulations with a new constitutive model. It is shown that both geometry and fracture mechanism itself depend on the preexisting heterogeneities that are stress concentrators. In the brittle regime (low pressure, P), Mode-I fractures propagate normal to the least stress σ3 from the imposed weak zones. At high P, shear deformation bands are formed oblique to σ3. At intermediate values of P, the fracture process involves both shear banding and tensile cracking and results in the initiation and propagation of pure dilation bands. The propagating band tip undulates, reacting on the failure mechanism changes, but its global orientation is normal to σ3. The σ3-normal fractures are joints. There are thus two types of joints resulting from Mode-I cracking and dilation banding, respectively. The obtained numerical results are in good agreement with and explain the results from previous similar experimental study.  相似文献   
The assessment of grain size distribution and plasticity of loose geological material, during in situ geological investigations, is not obvious. Visual appreciation allows an approximative quantification of the coarse granulometric fractions, but not of the fine ones. Field soils determination methods suggested until now, are visual and tactile tests leading to a very rough estimate, which is only qualitative and not very reproducible. The new proposed field test (GEOLEP method) allows a quick quantification of the fine fraction of loose material. It allows the determination of the sand fraction (fine and medium grained sands) as well as the methylene blue value of the samples. The necessary equipment to perform this test is light and compact and the time needed to analyze one sample is approximately 15 min. Thus it is also possible to carry out numerous measurements in one day. The calibrations were carried out on a selection of 13 natural samples, chosen for their representativeness of the typical alpine quaternary deposits. The results obtained with GEOLEP method are relevant compared with standardized laboratory tests; the obtained correlation indexes are of 73% for the comparison with laboratory stain test results and of 89% with a laboratory method using a similar procedure than the field test. The correlation we performed with Atterberg's limits tests shows that a rough approximation of plasticity index can also be obtained (R2 = 75%). This method thus brings a new tool which should allow taking into account the lithological factor (by some quantitative and representative variables) in a reliable way for the evaluation of landslide hazards.  相似文献   
Upper bound plastic limit analyses (PLA) can provide a useful framework for estimating the load capacity of suction caisson anchors in purely cohesive soils. Since arbitrary assumptions regarding the soil stress state are not required in the PLA formulation, it may be used with greater consistency compared to other simplified approaches such as limit equilibrium methods. While PLA methods do not attempt to include all of the complexities of anchor behavior, they can provide a relatively simple framework for visualizing anchor kinematics leading to an understanding of the relative importance of various parameters on suction anchor load capacity. The most rigorous PLA formulations involve postulating a three-dimensional anchor-soil failure mechanism and deriving expressions for internal energy dissipation throughout the mechanism. This approach can involve extensive numerical integrations and a relatively complex scheme for optimizing the failure mechanism to obtain a least upper bound collapse load. Considerable simplification is possible if the problem is formulated in terms of ultimate unit resistances (lateral, axial, and their interaction) that can be exerted by the soil on the caisson. In this case, the caisson failure mechanism can be characterized in terms of one or two optimization variables. Simple expressions for the ultimate unit resistances acting on the caisson can be obtained from several sources including rigorous PLA solutions, finite element techniques, or experimental measurements. General expressions are possible by limiting consideration to common, idealized strength profiles such as uniform or constant gradient. Such simplified formulations are particularly valuable for providing an analysis tool accessible to practicing engineers. Suction caisson anchors can be subjected to a variety of load orientations including nearly vertical uplift forces imposed by the vertical tendons of tension leg platforms, horizontal loads imposed by catenary mooring systems, and inclined loads imposed by taut moorings. Recently, PLA methods have been applied to the analysis of suction caissons subjected to this range of loading conditions. This paper reviews the formulation of these analyses and summarizes the most significant findings.  相似文献   
The paper presents a physically-based constitutive model for unsaturated soils that considers the bonding effect of water menisci at inter-particle contacts. A bonding factor has been used to represent the magnitude of the equivalent bonding stress, defined as the bonding force per unit cross-sectional area. The average skeleton stress is employed to represent the effect of average fluid pressures within soil pores. Based on an empirical relationship between the bonding factor ζ and the ratio e/es (where e and es are void ratios at unsaturated and saturated states, respectively, at the same average skeleton stress), we propose an elasto-plastic constitutive model for isotropic stress states, and then extend this model to triaxial stress states within the framework of critical state soil mechanics. Because only one yield surface is needed in the proposed model, a relatively small number of parameters are required. Comparisons between experimental data and model results show that, in most cases, the proposed model can reasonably capture the important features of unsaturated soil behavior.  相似文献   
收集整理了国内学者给出的我国东南海岸带不同地区(上海、连云港、广州、深圳、浙江沿海、渤海湾)海相沉积软土的8个Cc与n统计关系式,并根据公开发表的资料增加了这些地区以及沿海其他地区(天津、温州)260个的Cc~n数据,进行了东南海岸带软土的统一分析。发现Cc~n间存在较好的线性关系,具体关系大致可以分为陡变型和缓变型2类,缓变型与国外一些学者给出的统计结果较为接近。本文还对比了两种质量的上海软黏土的试验结果,分析了土样扰动对Cc~n统计关系的影响。  相似文献   
A three-dimensional method of analysis is presented for the seismic response of structures constructed on pile foundations. An analysis is formulated in the time domain and the effects of material nonlinearity of soil on the seismic response are investigated. A subsystem model consisting of a structure subsystem and a pile-foundation subsystem is used. Seismic response of the system is found using a successive-coupling incremental solution scheme. Both subsystems are assumed to be coupled at each time step. Material nonlinearity is accounted for by incorporating an advanced plasticity-based soil model, HiSS, in the finite element formulation. Both single piles and pile groups are considered and the effects of kinematic and inertial interaction on seismic response are investigated while considering harmonic and transient excitations. It is seen that nonlinearity significantly affects seismic response of pile foundations as well as that of structures. Effects of nonlinearity on response are dependent on the frequency of excitation with nonlinearity causing an increase in response at low frequencies of excitation.  相似文献   
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