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薛步高 《云南地质》2010,29(4):373-381
会泽超大型富锗铅锌矿、澜沧老厂大—超大型银铅多金属矿床和保山金厂河航磁异常深部找矿,先后取得重大突破,推动云南新一轮新、老矿山和磁异常区深部找矿积极性。建议禄丰中兴井125#—元谋甘泉村航磁异常、巧家药山航磁异常与石屏龙潭含多金属铁帽等的深部找矿应及早提上议事日程。  相似文献   
当今世界,国与国之间海洋实力的竞争,已经从最初对海洋资源的竞争变成海洋人才竞争,而海洋教育则是海洋人才的摇篮,逐渐成为教育体系中不容忽视的重要实践。从少数人海洋教育意识的觉醒,再到如今面向普罗大众的社会海洋教育,由海洋教育衍生的知行、创新、问题思维教育模式,成为推动教育思想与教育实践嬗变的活力因素。文章梳理海洋教育思想及教育实践发展的特点,围绕发展过程中存在的优势与不足,提出海洋教育发展的新路径,使海洋教育更好地服务建设“海洋强国”等国家战略。  相似文献   
选取广德独山地区作为研究对象,利用安徽省富硒土壤分级标准,相对系统地研究独山地区农业可耕地土壤及其植物中的硒含量。研究表明:土壤中硒含量与有效硒、镉、铬、氮、钼、有机质等具有显著的正相关关系,土壤中磷、锰、pH值等含量或指标越高,硒的生物有效性越低。这些为独山地区富硒产品开发的定位提供了一定的理论依据,并对当地的富硒产品的开发提出了一系列的可行性建议。  相似文献   
大数据视角下的地矿工作发展与变革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了地矿大数据应用需要考虑地球系统和社会系统两个方面的内部规律,分析了地矿大数据的三类组成,给出了地矿大数据的四层应用架构;重点就大数据下地矿工作发展和变革提出了四项建议,包括重视数据,转变地矿工作决策模式;收集数据,夯实地矿工作决策基础;分析数据,提高地矿工作科学决策水平;开放数据,提高地矿工作服务能力和水平。  相似文献   
利用地表露头、岩心、薄片和测井资料,对鄂尔多斯盆地南部长7油层组陆相页岩层系天然裂缝的成因类型、发育特征和主控因素进行研究。按地质成因,鄂尔多斯盆地南部长7油层组页岩层系的天然裂缝可以分为构造裂缝和成岩裂缝两大类,其中构造裂缝主要包括剪切裂缝和张性裂缝;成岩裂缝主要包括层理缝、页理缝和收缩裂缝。不同岩性中的天然裂缝发育情况明显不同,致密砂岩中以构造裂缝为主,层理缝仅在粉砂岩和局部细砂岩中发育;页岩和凝灰岩中页理缝、层理缝和构造裂缝均比较发育。不同类型的天然裂缝主控因素明显不同,构造裂缝的发育主要受岩性和岩石力学层层厚控制;砂岩中层理缝的发育主要受碳质纹层、粘土矿物转化程度等因素控制;凝灰岩中层理缝的发育主要受刚性玻屑脱玻化作用的控制;页岩中页理缝的发育主要受纹层、TOC含量和黄铁矿含量的控制。  相似文献   
This article contributes to contemporary debates over the resourcefulness and entrepreneurialism of young people in the Global South by exploring the relationship between development and the migration of male youth within the football industry. Drawing on fieldwork in Accra, the paper reveals how young Ghanaians attempt to enact development as freedom through spatial mobility. Significantly, this is coupled with an awareness that their desired spatial mobility is difficult to attain, thereby inducing a sense of involuntary immobility. For some male youth, the solution to this predicament is to invest in their sporting bodily capital and become Foucauldian ‘entrepreneurs of self’ in the form of a professional footballer. Meanwhile for others, the solution to prevailing economic pressures is to embrace financial risk by becoming entrepreneurs in the form of football club owners, and attempting to profit from the movement of players. The interests of these two sets of entrepreneurs coalesce around the fact that the mobility of footballers is crucial to generating a return on their respective investments. It is argued that the construction of young Ghanaians as responsible for their future life chances, and the growing dissonance between aspirations and the ability to migrate, is a key reason why youth are trying to migrate through football. Problematically, this can foster conditions favourable for irregular migration.  相似文献   

The Ninth Conference of the Parties (COP-9) decided to adopt an accounting system based on expiring carbon credits to address the problem of non-permanent carbon storage in forests established under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). This article reviews and discusses carbon accounting methods that were under consideration before COP-9 and presents a model which calculates the minimum area that forest plantation projects should reach to be able to compensate CDM transaction costs with the revenues from carbon credits. The model compares different accounting methods under various sets of parameters on project management, transaction costs, and carbon prices. Model results show that under current carbon price and average transaction costs, projects with an area of less than 500 ha are excluded from the CDM, whatever accounting method is used. Temporary crediting appears to be the most favorable approach to account for non-permanent carbon removal in forests and also for the feasibility of smaller projects. However, lower prices for credits with finite lifetimes may prevent the establishment of CDM forestry projects. Also, plantation projects with low risk of unexpected carbon loss and sufficient capacity for insuring or buffering the risk of carbon re-emission would benefit from equivalence-adjusted average carbon storage accounting rather than from temporary crediting.  相似文献   
The EU allows those installations that are subject to emissions trading to use a limited volume of certified emissions reductions (CERs), generated through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), to cover their own GHG emissions. These CERs can be used in addition to the EU allowances (EUAs), which were primarily allocated free to installations in Phase II of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) from 2008 to 2012. For the year 2008, the CER limits, which are differentiated by EU Member State, created substantial arbitrage rents (due to the CER-EUA spread) of approximately EU€250 million. Different options for the allocation of this rent are discussed and it is found that, according to economic theory, making the right to use CERs tradable or the regulator pre-committing to buying CERs at the level of the relevant limit reduces the inefficiencies connected to the current regulation. Furthermore, auctioning these CER usage rights shifts the rents created through the CER-EUA spread to the Member State itself. The improved design and implementation of CDM limits justifies EU policy makers intervening to correct previously competition-distorting choices.  相似文献   
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project developers have long complained about the complexities of project-specific baseline setting and the vagaries of additionality determination. In response to this, the CDM Executive Board took bold steps towards the standardization of CDM methodologies, culminating in the approval of guidelines for the establishment of performance standards in November 2011. The guidelines specify a performance standard stringency level for both baseline and additionality of 80% for several priority sectors and 90% for all other sectors. However, an analysis of 14 large-scale CDM methodologies that use performance standard approaches challenges this top-down approach to the performance standard design. An appropriate performance standard stringency level strongly depends on sector and technology characteristics. A single stringency level for baseline and additionality determination is appropriate only for greenfield projects, but not for retrofit ones. Overly simple, highly aggregated performance standards are unlikely to ensure high environmental integrity, and difficult questions regarding stringency and updating frequency will eventually have to be addressed on a rather disaggregated level. A careful balance between data requirements and the practicability of performance standards is essential because the heavy data requirements of the existing performance standard methodologies have been the key barrier to their actual implementation.

Policy relevance

CDM regulators have been pushed by many stakeholders to standardize baseline setting and eliminate project-specific additionality determination. At first glance, performance standards seem to provide the perfect solution for both tasks. However, a one-size-fits-all political decision – e.g. the average of the top 20% performers as enshrined in the Marrakech Accords – is inappropriate. Substantial disaggregation of performance standards is required both technologically and geographically in order to limit over- and under-crediting and close loopholes for non-additional projects. As a lack of reliable and complete data has been and will be a key bottleneck for the development of performance standards, international support for data collection will be indispensable, but costly, and time-consuming. Empirically driven, techno-economic assessments of performance standard stringency levels must be the central task of the future work on standardized methodologies, and should not be sidelined by perceived needs of policy makers to take bold decisions under time pressures.  相似文献   
论滑坡分类   总被引:32,自引:5,他引:27  
在广泛查阅和总结国内外滑坡分类基础上 ,以滑坡监测预报与防治为目的 ,遵从滑坡活动各要素的地位与作用 ,根据分类体系的完备性需要 ,理清了已有各种滑坡分类的性质及其彼此间的关系 ,并对之进行了科学归纳、取舍和补充 ,建立了具有层次系统性的综合性滑坡分类体系。为建立滑坡监测预报地质模型体系奠定了基础 ,并有助于对滑坡活动的全面研究。  相似文献   
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