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二维圆柱坐标下FDTD法对多频电磁波测井的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
在介质围绕Z轴旋转对称的情况下,三维直角坐标下的麦克斯韦方程可变成两组分别对应TM波和TE波的二维柱坐标下的偏微分方程.采用线圈作为电磁波测井的发射器和接收器的时候,可采用TE波对应的方程,这时相当于磁极子的情况.而采用电偶极子作为发射和接收器的时候,则对应TM波的方程.采用时间和空间均为二阶精确的有限差分方法,将偏微分方程进行差分化.这样,空间的电磁场可由时间域有限差分法(FDTD)来求解.  相似文献   
An accurate time integration method for simplified overland flow models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An accurate time integration method for the diffusion-wave and kinematic-wave approximated models for the overland flow is proposed. The discretization of the first- and second-order spatial derivatives in the basic equation is obtained by using the second-order Lax–Wendroff and the three-point centred finite difference schemes, respectively. For the solution in time, the system of ordinary differential equations, obtained by the linearization of the celerity and of the hydraulic diffusivity by Taylor series expansions, is integrated analytically. The stability and the numerical dissipation and dispersion are investigated by the Fourier analysis. A proper Courant number, and the corresponding time step for the numerical simulations can be established. In addition, the proposed diffusion-wave and kinematic-wave models are straightforwardly extended to the two-dimensional flow. Test cases for both one- and two-dimensional problems, compare the solutions of the diffusion-wave and kinematic-wave models with analytical solutions, with experimental results and with numerical solutions obtained by the Saint–Venant equations. These simulations show that the proposed numerical–analytical models accurately predict the overland flow for several situations, in particular for unsteady rainfall rate and for spatial variations of the surface roughness.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONFresh water lakes are one of the planet’s mosti mportant freshwater resources.They support life invarious forms,develop tourism and provide uniquerecreational opportunities.It is also a good source ofthe provision of drinking-water for local communi-ties.Studies on trace elements in rivers,lakes,andsedi ments(Zhou et al.,2004;Gray et al.,2000;Grosheva et al.,2000;Klavins et al.,2000;Aucoinet al.,1999;Bortoli et al.,1998;Elbaz-Poulichet etal.,1996;Johansson et al.,1995;F r…  相似文献   
根据台州市地理市情普查生产实践,基于普查成果内容,设计满足区域经济社会发展需求的统计分析评价主题及指标体系;以城市救灾避灾场所资源配置为案例,结合相关数据,利用叠加分析、可达性分析等模型深度挖掘国情信息,统计分析救灾避灾场所的步行可达性与服务范围,对社会民生工程救灾避灾场所的资源配置提出优化的建议。  相似文献   
白洋淀浮游植物群落及其与环境因子的典范对应分析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
沈会涛  刘存歧 《湖泊科学》2008,20(6):773-779
在对湖泊生态系统健康评价研究的基础上,提出用营养状态-综合指数法(TSI-CI)对西湖进行生态系统健康评价.首先选用Chl.a、SD、TP和TN四个指标用相关加权指数法进行营养状态评价,再选择物化和生物指标无量纲化处理后计算综合指数进行综合评价.结果表明:西湖生态系统健康状况与营养状态水平的变化趋势是一致的,1—3月健康状况相对较好,7-9月相对较差.该结果客观反映了西湖的实际情况,为西湖水质管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Finding the right balance between timber production and the management of forest-dependent wildlife species, present a difficult challenge for forest resource managers and policy makers in Okinawa, Japan. A possible explanation of this can be found in the unique nature of the forest management area which is populated with various kinds of rare and endangered species. This issue has been brought to light as a result of the nomination of northern Okinawa Island in 2018 as a candidate for World Natural Heritage site. The nomination has raised public awareness to the possibility of conflicting management objectives between timber extraction and the conservation of habitat for forest-dependent wildlife species. Managing exclusively for one objective over the other may fail to meet the demand for both forest products and wildlife habitat, ultimately jeopardizing the stability of human and wildlife communities. It is therefore important to achieve a better balance between the objective of timber production and conservation of wildlife habitat. Despite the significance of this subject area, current ongoing discussions on how to effectively manage for forest resources, often lack scientific basis to make sound judgement or evaluate tradeoffs between conflicting objectives. Quantifying the effect of these forest management activities on wildlife habitat provides useful and important information needed to make forest management and policy decisions. In this study we develop a spatial timber harvest scheduling model that incorporates habitat suitability index (HSI) models for the Okinawa Rail (Gallirallus okinawae), an endangered avian species found on Okinawa, Japan. To illustrate how the proposed coupling model assembles spatial information, which ultimately aids the study of forest management effects on wildlife habitat, we apply these models to a forest area in Okinawa and conduct a simple simulation analysis.  相似文献   
赵小艳  孙楠  苏有锦 《中国地震》2015,31(2):209-217
分析了1965~2014年发生在云南地区的共计223次M≥5.0地震,发现其中有前震的地震74次,占33.2%;云南不同构造区前震的比例差异较大,前震较多的地区是澜沧-耿马地块和腾冲-保山地块;前震与主震的震级差、时间间隔、空间距离优势分布分别为0.5~2.9、10天内和20km内,可以利用这些特点在识别出前震后进而对后续主震做出预测。  相似文献   
为消除吊舱式航磁梯度测量中梯度仪转向差的影响,评价航磁梯度系统的测量精度,笔者尝试了计算重复线内符合精度的方法.通过推导,给出了重复线内符合精度新的计算公式,该公式和地面重力、磁法测量中重复观测、仪器多台一致性总精度计算及航空重力、磁法测量中利用测线与切割线交叉点计算总精度的公式具有形式上的统一.利用改进的水平调整方法显著的消除了航磁梯度测量中的转向差,并客观评价了梯度系统的测量精度.  相似文献   
三峡库区特大滑坡灾害防治工程评价方法初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张勇  石胜伟  宋军 《地质通报》2013,32(12):2015-2020
以三峡库区特大滑坡灾害为研究对象,汇总、分析了库区72处特大滑坡灾害的防治工程措施,总结了三峡库区特大滑坡灾害防治技术的特点。通过对三峡库区特大滑坡灾害防治工程的基本类型与防灾特点的分析,建立了特大滑坡灾害防治措施的评价指标体系,并依照评价指标和标准对滑坡灾害防治工程效果进行分级。  相似文献   


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